"Heh...hehe." Zhou Jiang smiled awkwardly, detached from his hands calmly, and moved a little away from him.

This is not the first time he is holding his shoulders, Zhou Jiang is really afraid that he is gay...

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but get goose bumps, and the look in Chen Kun's eyes became strange.

"Cough!" Zhou Jiang's "disgusting" appearance made Luo Mingfei almost squirt out the tea in his mouth. Although he held it back, he was choked by the tea.

However, the two of them didn't care about him at this time. Zhou Jiang's attention was all on Chen Kun, and Chen Kun also saw Zhou Jiang's "small movements" and expressions. While embarrassed, he also quickly explained.

"Well, whether to stay here or not, I can't decide alone, I will go to discuss with my companions!"

Zhou Jiang didn't listen to Chen Kun's explanation, he got up and walked out quickly. Chen Kun sitting behind didn't stop him. Looking at his back, he shouted: "Call me when the discussion is over. Welcome anytime!"


The door was closed gently, and the office, which looked like a living room, fell silent again.

Chen Kun retracted his gaze and adjusted his slightly messy collar. The rich expression on his face gradually disappeared.

Luo Mingfei threw the toilet paper on his hand into the trash can and glanced at something completely different from before. The serious Chen Kun raised his teacup, took a sip, and said, "What else have you not told me?"

"Oh?" Chen Kun raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Mingfei.

"Let's say it's so obvious, isn't it just what you want me to know? Why do you want to hide and tuck, do you have to ask?" Luo Mingfei smiled while looking at the small tea leaves spinning in the cup in his hand.

Chen Kun smiled slightly, "Sure enough, you still understand me."

"Heh~" Luo Mingfei smiled contemptuously, "I know what you want to do as soon as you raise your tail, and want to hide it from me?"

"Oh~" Chen Kun leaned on the chair, moved to find a comfortable position, and squinted at Luo Mingfei. "If it's so powerful, you might as well guess it yourself?"

Luo Mingfei took a sip of tea, then put the tea cup on the saucer on the table in front, and squinted at Chen Kun.

There was silence in the room for a while, and finally Luo Mingfei took the lead to break the silence.

I saw him smile suddenly, after a few laughs, he closed his eyes and shook his head and said, "Speaking of eight years old..."


Chen Kun's originally squinted eyes widened suddenly, looking at Luo Mingfei with a smug look, Chen Kun sat up abruptly, put his hands on the table, and shouted: "Luo Da Pao, you..."

"G City~"




"Little Red~"


Chen Kun weakly sat back on the sofa, leaning on the soft backrest, and said weakly, "You have won."

Looking at Chen Kun who had compromised, Luo Mingfei smiled triumphantly: "I know you will make the right choice."

"Asshole!" Hearing Luo Mingfei's words, Chen Kun became angry again, and said angrily: "Luo Dapao, you shit, didn't you say that you are not allowed to mention this again!"

"Huh? Is there any? When, who said? Why didn't I know?"

"Fuck! You are so special, you have taken so many benefits from Lao Tzu and now you pretend to be stunned!"

"Good? What good, don't talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander~" Luo Mingfei said with a smile.

"Fuck! Be cruel, don't let the handle fall into my hands!" Chen Kun glared at him, got up and walked outside.

"Hey, you haven't told me the truth yet!"

"Joy, check it yourself!"


The door was closed again, but this time it was not as light as Zhou Jiang's. Although the door was innocent, the weak could only be ravaged by the strong.

After Chen Kun went out, Luo Mingfei was the only one left in the office.

Rubbing his ears, Luo Mingfei touched his nose and whispered: "Are you angry?"

He smiled and shook his head, Luo Mingfei didn't think about it anymore, instead thinking about what Chen Kun said before.


Frowning slightly, Luo Mingfei muttered to himself, "Why is it related to the Joey family again, or is it just with one of them, Miss Joey?"

Do not understand, Luo Mingfei took out his mobile phone and was just about to make a call, but after thinking about it, he shook his head, got up and walked outside.


"Huh? Back."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, "You haven't got your turn yet?"

"No, it's your sister Zhou Jia's turn. Now she is playing on the 16th field." Zhou Nan shook his head, "We estimate it will take a while."

Zhou Jiang nodded and said nothing.

"How about you, what about you? What did you get called for?"

"What else can I do? Ask me to do the task. That task is very dangerous, I don't bother to do it."

Zhou Nan nodded, Tian Zhengjie also nodded and said, "Well, you don't need to be too risky, just be steady. With your current strength, if there are no surprises after waiting for three to five years, I am afraid that you can compete for the alliance. The king of heaven."

"Tsk tusk, heavenly king..."

Zhou Nan looked envy, but did not question Tian Zhengjie's words.

Zhou Jiang's strength, they can be said to know the best, after all, Zhou Jiang didn't hide it from them.

Zhou Jiang smiled and did not refute.

Three to five years?

To be honest, if there is nothing wrong with Cheat and no trouble, give him another year and let him go to the forest to exercise. It will be no problem to beat the working king.

Of course, the premise is that the strength of those working heavenly kings is the same as he thought.

What he is most uncertain about now is the difference between the king of heaven and the champion.

Elites at high levels need to master and use the "origin" to enter the quasi-king and then to the king. What about the champion?

"That's right." Zhou Jiang suddenly said: "I met an um...Is it an acquaintance? He has a hotel here and asked if we want to spend a few days here, we can stay in his hotel. What do you guys think?"

Originally Zhou Jiang didn't plan to say anything, but think about it, he doesn't matter, but what if Zhou Nan and the others want to play here for a few days?

They originally planned to leave at night, because there are not many hotels here that can be booked, and there are only three or two rooms in a hotel, and most of them are single rooms.

Can't book a room, so many of them can't sleep outside, and I don't know if they can set up tents in the park, so they didn't consider staying overnight here.

If there are hotels that have not yet opened for them to live in, maybe they will want to play here?

Zhou Jiang didn't care about him. Although Chen Kun felt that they were "have bad intentions", they probably wanted him to go to that island to help them drive away the elves who were suspected of being a nightmare god.

He wouldn't go anyway, no matter what conditions the other party offered, he would not go to death.

He doesn't want to die. They must have sent people up more than once. After being provoked so many times, the elves who are suspected of being a nightmare **** will definitely be offended. If he is unlucky, the nightmare **** will explode when he passes by. , So don't cry to death...

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Zhou Nan and Tian Zhengjie both looked over.


"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded.

"Ask Lu Ran and the others." Tian Zhengjie said.

Zhou Nan also nodded, "Ask them, let them decide."

"All right." Zhou Jiang shrugged, then took out his phone, posted the question to the group, and @ them.

Zhou Jiang didn't look at his cell phone. One was nothing to look at. The other was that the previous battle seemed to have come to a "climax." The trainers who were watching all cheered and shouted.

Regarding their discussions in the group, Zhou Jiang just needs to check the results later, and he doesn't care too much about the process of discussion.

The result is nothing more than staying and going back. Either way, he can do it, so there is no reason to wonder whether they choose to stay or go.

The previous battle is different. The elves are fighting, how can they be better than watching them chat? Not to mention that it is suspected of hitting a wonderful place.

Well, I forgot to mention, Zhou Nan and Tian Zhengjie were not standing on the side of the electronic display at this time, but standing far away where the game could be seen.

Zhou Jiang put down his phone and cast his gaze on the battlefield. Both Field 1 and Field 2 were fighting, but he could tell at a glance which of the two fields was his target.

Field One, the nearest field to them, was a battle between a Dharma baboon and a Blizzard King.

The Blizzard King of the grass and ice system fought with the Dharma baboon of the fire system, and the results can be imagined.

The grass element is restrained by the fire element, and the ice element is restrained by the fire element. What's embarrassing is that the fire element is resistant to both the ice element and the grass element. The damage of the ice element and the grass element and the fire element are both reduced by half. Said that Dharma baboon is eight times restrained to Blizzard King!

This is due to the fact that the skills sent out are only of a single attribute. If you calculate it according to the attribute alone, this girl will be sixteen times restrained. Unless the level is much different, the Dharma baboon will not lose even if it hits with the ass. .

There is nothing good about the No. 1 venue. It's just a crushing situation. People who will spend money here to compete, even if there is a difference in strength, they will not be worse.

So Blizzard King had no power to fight back at all, being crushed and beaten by the Dharma baboon, the battle was about to end.

Looking at the second field again, there is a battle between a Heracross and a knight snail.

The two elves are insect elves, both of the close combat type. Although the secondary attribute steel attribute of the knight snail is restrained by the combat secondary attribute of Heracross, the highlight is the attribute of the two elves!

The knight snail is the main insect with a secondary steel attribute, and Heracross is the main insect with a secondary combat attribute.

The relationship between the insect system and the insect system is not restrained.

Insect fighting and steel are both halved, and the secondary attributes of the two elves are considered meritorious.

but! Heracross's fighting system doubles the steel attributes of the knight snail, and the fighting system fights insects, which is restrained again!

In other words, after all the calculations, Heracross's fighting skills hit the knight snail, which is single-time damage.

And what about the steel properties of the Knight Snail? It has no restraint relationship between the insect fighting system and the fighting system.

At the end of the day, the two dual-attribute elves used their main attribute's insect skill to fight each other with only half the damage...

Although the insect element is the main attribute, it only has half the damage, which is definitely not good! The waste of physical strength is less harmful. So the two elves began to fight hand-to-hand.

Heracross uses the fighting system's tile splitting and close combat skills, while the knight snail uses the steel system's iron head power and slender horns to attack.

The two elves were about the same strength, and they played back and forth. It was so lively, everyone watching, especially those foreigners who were passionate about it.

"Blizzard has lost the ability to fight..." The referee's voice rang, but everyone just glanced at the game and continued to look at the game on the second field, but the broadcast that sounded afterwards calmed the audience even though it was on the broadcast. After that, the deafening shouts sounded again.


Perceiving the vibration from the mobile phone in his hand, Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised. Did he discuss it so soon?

Clicking into the group and looking at the chat records, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

"The voting process...no wonder it's so fast."

Since I told them in advance that they discussed with a few people in the audience, neither Zhou Jiang nor Zhou Nan participated in the voting. The three of them and Zhou Jia who is not here are default abstentions.

After Zhou Jiang’s four people were excluded, a total of 13 of them voted. Four of them chose to go back, seven abstained, and two votes to continue here...

With seven abstentions, they really deserved it.

Although I was a little puzzled about the result of this poll, since the result came out, that's it. They took the subway back to District 3 at night.

Zhou Jiang saw Zhou Nan standing next to them and they were still watching the game, so he stab Zhou Nan's arm with his elbow. After he looked over, he handed the phone over to indicate that he could see the result.

Zhou Nan shrugged after reading it, and handed the phone back to Zhou Jiang. Without saying anything, he turned to watch the game.

Although he didn't express anything on his face, Zhou Jiang still saw that he actually wanted to stay here.

But there is no way. Voting is voting. If you want to win, the difference is three votes. Even if Zhou Nan and him "broke the agreement" to cast the remaining votes, it is still one.

Although it is said that if they "broke the contract", even if they only have two tickets, those who choose to "go back" will agree to stay~www.ltnovel.com~, but in this case, the team atmosphere will "different", reluctantly There is no point in staying.

Although everyone’s "desires" are different, because of the strict and fair voting, by insisting on the voting selection of the voting institutions until now, even those who have lost the vote will have no complaints.

If they stay forcibly, not only will the few people who voted "go back" feel uncomfortable, but if there will be things in the future, it will not be easy to vote.

After all, it was "precedent set."

Zhou Jiang sighed slightly, shook his head, and threw these mixed thoughts out of his mind.

He found Chen Kun’s phone number. There are not many people in the communication in his mobile phone. They are all acquaintances. The unfamiliar note "Mr. Chen" is just him, but he did not call him now. After all, it is too noisy. I can’t hear you clearly on the phone.

As for him to go out now?

Oh, there is a wonderful game to watch, why go out and call, what if the game is over after you come back? It's okay to go out and fight after waiting, and it's not in a hurry anyway.

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