I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 715: burn one's boats?

These supporting trainers have joined the teams one after another. As for whether the group they chose is really suitable for them, there is no way to confirm. After all, time is too late. If you don’t talk about these supports, they will be there even when they are open. "Old people", many of them don't even know the name of the trainer standing next to them...

Only had time to establish their own position, and then recruit people.

For example, each group needs to be directed by someone, like a frozen group that sprays water and adds ice to the train wheels. After someone first established the team's positioning, they shouted out loud and declared to others that "this group has been established", and then went to bring in "like-minded" people.

Although it looks chaotic, isn't it impossible. If you have time, who wouldn't choose to sit down and discuss it?

However, although a "team" has been formed, there is only one trainer, and their elves have six, so it is inevitable that there will be elves that are not suitable for "this circle", so everyone can only release the elves, and then let the elves fit Their team, let the elves listen to one of the team over there that is pleasing to the eye, or the command of the small captain elected by their "circle".

At this time Zhou Jiang and the others are like this.

Zhou Jiang's elves were basically released, but only one Shanaido stayed with him, and the other elves were given to Lu Ran and others to command.

Big Needle Bee went to the waiting group, waited for the rope in front to pull the train, slowed down and then went to the front top, Menas went to the ice group, Ghost Stone and a few Sure Weng formed a stepping group...

It is because he decided to keep Shanaido by his side. If he can't stop him, then he will let Shanaido Mega evolve!

At present, Mega Evolution has been exposed, and there is no big problem with it. The only trouble is that it seems that the Mega Evolution of Xanadu has not been confirmed yet?

Elle Duo's has already been confirmed. For Shane Duo, it is estimated that the corresponding Mega Evolution Stone has not been found.

But this is just a small trouble, he is fearless now!

However, the only problem is that Zhou Jiang is not sure whether Shanaido Mega can stop the train after the evolution.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't succeed, he has tried his best.

He who can be on the elves is on.

Like Xanadu, her "advanced modification" was never changed once. In order to be more stable, he directly spent 6,000 points in exchange for six advanced modifications for her, adding a total of "120" special attacks!

Six thousand...This is half of his family property, and half of it evaporated in an instant. He almost didn't feel distressed.

This is more than that, he also changed a wizard to carry props, "Bending the soup spoon."

And the lucky egg that she had carried from the beginning to the present was finally laid down, replaced with a bending spoon for boosting special attacks.

It can be said that Zhou Jiang really paid his blood for this incident.

Even if he tried so hard, at least he would have a clear conscience.


The familiar voice came from a distance, making everyone still preparing for a moment. They weren't fully prepared yet, they didn't expect the car to come!

"Come! Get in place quickly! All units pay attention and get ready to do it!" a foreigner in the top "rope group" shouted.

"Quickly let go of the vines! I fixed the positions of the elves on both sides! Our group has the heaviest task, so you can't be careless!"

"Damn it! Why come here so soon, we are not ready yet!"

"Hurry up, all the elves that haven't been released are released!"

"Hurry up!"


Suddenly, the station was in chaos, leaving John behind, Desi who led the support team behind, and reporter Aaron who came here to prepare for a vacation. The three were stunned.

Especially John, he can be said to be confused by the whole person at this time.

Just like them, can they really stop an out of control train?

John almost didn't despair, he seemed to see himself in prison in prison in a daze.

But fortunately, the situation is not too bad. The chaos is basically the reinforcement trainers who came from behind, and under the "iron and blood suppression" of some "team leaders", the chaos gradually calmed down again. .

But everyone didn't care about this anymore, because the car had already arrived!

The silver-white body of the whole body looks quite beautiful, but the front of the car that has been deflated in the front and the many black marks in the front show that it is not in good condition at this time.

"The car is coming, it's fastened! Come on!"

More than 30 meters in the front, here is the "rope group", which is also the most critical level now.

Once this is not done, the following projects cannot be done, so the most elves gather here.

More than twenty vine whips released by the elves above the elite level, and then the elves on both sides grabbed both ends, pulling desperately.

In order to prevent the elves pulling the rope on both sides from being dragged towards the train, the ground where they were standing at this time, the ground covered with white marble slabs has disappeared, replaced by two big pits!

The elves are standing inside, with their feet on the surface of the pot, ready to resist the impact of the coming automatic car.

Nearly a hundred elves on each side held the vines firmly in their hands, and waited.


The high-speed train was heavily loaded with a net made of more than forty vines, and the front of the train that had been deflated into it was cut horizontally from it!

The strong power caused the elves on both sides to slam into the rock wall. The elves standing in the front had to step on the rock wall with their feet, causing the whole body to fall backward, while resisting the movement brought by the moving car in front. Pressure, while resisting the pressure from the elf behind.

Fortunately, this situation was expected before, so the elves in the front row chose the strongest elves among the crowd.

Basically, they are all quasi-kings, or they are elite high-end, but even so, the high-speed train still did not stop, but its speed was weakened by a large part.

After all, if only relying on brute force, even champion-level elves would not be the opponent of this high-speed EMU, right?

Moreover, the car has been driven for a certain distance. How inertia is it?

The high-speed train will not stop with such a pull, but the length of the vines is limited. The vines that keep sliding away from the hands gradually take away some of the skin in the palms of the elves. However, even so, they did not let go, but rather The grip became tighter.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"


The sound of refueling came one after another from the train.

The passengers who were fixed on their seats and holding pillars were unable to lie down on the windows and look outside as usual, but this did not prevent them from shouting to cheer.

Although they were afraid to die, their hope was the elves outside.

Anyway, if you say "Come on", you must shout regardless of whether it is useful or not. If it is useless, you will not lose anything. If it is useful, you can save your life!

The shouts inside the carriage did not affect everyone outside, and the situation is really not very optimistic.

"Quickly, quickly! Kabi beast stuffed up, and the other elves follow too!!"

"Quick, the water elves squirt water! The ice elves also give me freezing light!"

"Mental power! Increase output! Come on!"


Everyone in each group shouted at the elves in front of them with their throats, hoping to give them a little strength, and shouting loudly can also effectively reduce the inner panic.

Really facing this behemoth, everyone's hearts are actually a little vacant.

I didn't notice it when I was on the subway. I really confronted it and discovered that this guy is really a steel monster!

The next few groups also started offensive.

Especially the main force in the front top group.

After the two kabi beasts came out, they directly occupied the entire tunnel. If they were crossed, all three lines could be occupied!

But they don't need to be horizontal, their function is to withstand the train in front, and horizontal is naturally useless.

However, Kirby was big and couldn't fit two of them, so one of them was strong in front of him, and the other was squeezing on the side.

Behind the Kabimon in the front are other huge elves, like the big steel snake, and the iron armored tyrannosaurus, they are also exerting force, pushing forward.

In addition, more than a dozen super power elves also began to show their power, the entire front of the car was dyed dark purple, which greatly slowed the speed of the train.

The water spray freezing unit also successfully froze the train wheels and rails together, but because they could not form a large amount of ice at one time, they were torn apart by a strong force when they were frozen, which was almost useless and worse. The thing is that after ice is spread on the rails, the friction is reduced, and the speed of the train under inertia is even faster!

After discovering this situation, the team leader of the icing group immediately asked the elves to switch their attack methods from a more scattered attack to a concentrated attack.

More than 20 elves will have some water gun tricks before, and now they are all put into the freezing group, more than 20 full-strength freezing rays, combined are still very powerful, although the ice is still unable to freeze Prison, was torn apart all at once, but the speed of the car dropped significantly after such a stretch.

And the Kabymon who blocked it in front, they also did meritorious service.

Kabimon stood on the rails. After using it hard for a few times, his body was stubborn and his feet slashed forward on the rails, like a hot knife slicing butter. The rails were lifted up and hit the side. .

After losing the rails, the train has a high chance of overturning, but fortunately, there is no curve here, and there are elves controlling it, so not only did it not overturn, but also because of the lost rails, the wheels and the uneven ground friction , Causing the speed to drop again.

After this set of combined punches, the train's speed was obviously slowed by more than half. Then, just keep the speed and let the training area inside destroy the power system.

The situation is very good, everything is progressing very smoothly, which also let Zhou Jiang breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as everything is okay, then he doesn't need to evolve Xanadu Mega.

In his expectation, it is not the best time to let Shanaido Mega evolve.

If it's a big needle bee, he will evolve as soon as it evolves. After all, its Mega evolution has been discovered, and the big needle bee is still a relatively common genie, he can Mega and will not cause much trouble.

Shanaido is different, this is a Mega type that has not yet been discovered.

I'm afraid it will be famous again.

It's okay to be famous, but he feels that the limelight has become a bit more recent recently, and he needs to slow down.

If another one or two weeks pass, then Shane Duo Mega will have no psychological pressure.

After all, Mega Evolution discovered it too late.

It has only been more than a week since the discovery...

"Is the people inside? The elves can't hold on anymore!" The captain of the "rope rope" group with the heaviest task looked at the train that hadn't stopped and couldn't help shouting.

I really can't hold it anymore, the vines are not long enough, don't say how long, if you continue like this, less than ten seconds, they will definitely collapse!

If they collapse here, it's over. The greatest resistance is gone, and the speed of the train will increase again. Although there are still Kabymon, a bunch of elves and other groups of elves working in front, but the most important thing is missing. In their group, it is basically pills.

Except for the one on the front, if there is an accident in the other groups, it’s okay. Just start again~www.ltnovel.com~ and the "rope" group and the one on the front are the most important. Yes, everything is fatal.

Once one of them collapses, there is basically no cure. The result can only be seen in the sky, especially now that the rails are all destroyed. If this runaway train cannot stop here, it will definitely not be able to drive. Next stop...

But at this time, if you want to say that the most desperate, I am afraid that it is John who is on the side.

John is also careless.

In order to stimulate everyone, he didn't tell the crowd that there were still a few people waiting below, and gave them some tips. And everyone here is not familiar with it, especially when John, the "official person" did not say, everyone will automatically fill in that this is the last level.

As a result, everyone has to stop the car at all costs, and even use the method of breaking the track and then allowing the train to contact the ground to increase friction and slow down.

The result is good, the speed is greatly reduced, but the car can not reach the next stop, which means that this is really the last stop...

John was standing on the side and now really wanted to cry without tears.

It was too late when he found out that the railroad tracks were damaged. What could he say when everyone started doing it? Let them stop? Not to mention whether they will stop, but if they ask the reason, he can't answer...

If he tells the truth about the matter, he shouldn't even think about getting out of this subway station today.

And now that the railroad tracks have been destroyed, he said it was too late, so he could only cry and pray silently to God his old man from the side.

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