I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 722: Take you to a place

Woke up early the next day, and went to the stadium after dinner to wait for the rematch, but when the time came, the opponent actually abstained!


Not to mention other points, after defeating the elf, I didn't get any points. Last time, there was no result and I didn't get it. This time the opponent has not opened the fight and directly conceded, so I didn't get it. It was a blood loss.

And what's worse is that after getting up so early in the morning, nothing happened to him in the end?

It's so fucking.

In the end, Zhou Jiang could only sit in the audience with Lu Ran and watch the game.

I don’t know if these audiences believe in the alliance too much, or if they have a big heart. It was obvious that there was an accident the day before yesterday. Although no one had an accident, it would be scary enough by then...

As a result, today they are as if nothing happened before, and they continue to come here to watch the game. Cheers that should be cheered, and those that should be shouted, don't anyone worry? Also drunk.

Are you really afraid of trouble again?

If there is another accident, no one will be injured or killed.

Looking at the crowded auditorium, which is no different from before, Zhou Jiang can only say that the hearts of people in this parallel world are really big.

One hundred and twenty-eight to enter the sixty-four round, originally took a little more than a day, but because of playing a few games before, so today can finish the rest in one day.

However, Zhou Jiang is not too concerned about this. After all, this championship can be said to be his default. After the subway accident in the eighth district, Zhou Jiang’s current popularity is incredibly high, even the oldest one in the original "ranking list." Jin Yujie was "forced" to step down and gave Zhou Jiang the position of the first one.

When netizens put Zhou Jiang in and the others waited to squeeze in, there was no objection on the Internet. Even the squeezed Jin Yujie and other people and the squeezed Han Ye Gaoyi did not dare to say anything. .

Especially Ye Gaoyi, who had been on a hot search because of Yan Zhoujiang before, and now it has been on the hot search for two days and has not yet come down. Even so, he dare not stand up and say anything.

Even if he wanted to say anything, as long as he thought about the strength of Mega Xanadu, he would shut his mouth consciously.

If there is a slight gap, you can still chase, dare to be jealous, and dare to utter nonsense, but if the strength is bad to a certain point, it is really not even dare to say more.


At that point, he didn't even dare to chase after him.

Do you dare to say you want to catch up with the working king?

If you dare to say that, besides simply talking and knowing the heights of idiots, how many people can there be in the world?

Not to mention anything else, just the scene of Shanaido's "easy" suppression of the train can scare these people to death.

At noon, during the meal, Zhou Jiang finally saw Shui Qing and Xirona, but at this time, the two of them looked...a little haggard?

Moreover, Zhou Jiang also saw a faint dark circle on their faces. If you don't pay attention, you really can't see it. After all, they have light makeup on their faces.

Everyone got together again, chatting while eating. After eating, they didn’t rush to leave the cafeteria. They sat there chatting, talking about what happened to the Abilee Pavilion when they went to the eighth district. Subway accident.

Until twelve o'clock, the crowd stopped after Shui's soft phone rang.

The phone was soft and didn't answer, but he told everyone that he was going to work, and got up with Sirona.

Shui, who stood up and was about to leave, took a gentle meal, looked at Zhou Jiang who was sitting inside and asked: "By the way, Zhou Jiang, do you have anything to do this afternoon and tomorrow?"

Silona, ​​who was also about to leave, heard the gentle voice of Shui, stopped her steps, looked at Shui Gentle with surprise, opened her mouth, but said nothing, and finally turned her eyes to Zhou Jiang.

The others who were about to get up also sat down again, casting their eyes on the water softly.

Zhou Jiang looked at Shui softly and said hesitantly, "Uh... it's okay to be okay."

Shui softly nodded his head and smiled: "Take you to a place. I could only go there after you finished participating in the league conference, but now it's the same for me to take you there earlier. How about it. Are you interested in seeing it?"

"..." Zhou Jiang was silent for two seconds, then nodded, and said, "Will you go now?"

"Well, it's all right now and tomorrow."

"Then go now." Zhou Jiang didn't hesitate, since sooner or later, it's the same whether it's going to go early or late, so it's better to go and see now.

He had a hunch that he would see something amazing where Shui said softly.

And it is possible to understand what he had guessed before, the real reason for the broken protective cover.

The elves that were suspected of being the nightmare gods encountered in the forest near L city, and the mysterious elves that were suspected of being the nightmare gods in the Gulf of Aden. The black elves with mysterious patterns on their bodies attacked the village on the edge of N city and the battlefield on the "Battle Island". The protective shield was inexplicably broken, the subway leading to the eighth district was inexplicably attacked by a mysterious elf, and Shanaido also had a dislike for that elf. It is obvious that the Rockets have been increasingly active recently...

In just half a year or so, so many important things happened. Think about it carefully. According to the routines in the novel, isn't it like a precursor to something big?

When they got up, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan said a word, and then followed Shui Qing and Xirona towards the outside.

"Don't you ask where you are going?" She left the canteen and walked on the wide street. Sylona, ​​who was in front slowed down, came to Zhou River and asked.

Zhou Jiang glanced at her strangely and said, "There is nothing to ask, as long as you get there, you will know."

To tell the truth, Zhou Jiang still feels a little weird facing Sirona.

After all, she was almost exactly the same as Girona in the anime he had in mind. Not only her appearance, but her clothes and elves were almost the same.

Every time he sees her, he thinks of multiple worlds, other traversers and so on.

Obviously this should be a parallel world, and this world has nothing to do with animation or comic games except for the elves accidents. As a result, Sirona suddenly appeared, which was really abrupt.

"is it."

For Zhou Jiang's answer, Sirona looked at him a few more times, but said nothing.

Soon, following the water gently, he walked to a car parked in the shade of a tree.

Watching Shui Gentle take out the key to drive the door, Zhou Jiang was just a little surprised. He hadn't seen a car here for a long time, and there was no taxi. He didn't expect to take a ride here.

It's just that this car is an ordinary car, which disappointed Zhou Jiang's little expectations. He originally thought that there are robots here, cars or something, there will always be high-tech maglev cars, right? The result is still this kind of ordinary car, at best it does not consume fuel or electricity, but this is not to say that in this world, there are also cars that used electricity in his previous life, so it is not rare.

But although the car is not worthy of praise, the driver is not easy!

The working king is a driver, tusk, if he doesn't have any gold fingers, it's awesome that he can play for a year!

It's a pity that this bragging capital is not rare for him now, after all, he has become the bragging capital of others.

There is no need to wait until the alliance conference is over. He is already famous now, and he saved the chariot and discovered the Mega Evolution of Shanaido. He can be said to be "in the annals of history".

Now go to the Internet to search for the introduction of the wizard Mega Evolution, and you can still see Zhou Jiang's name behind Shanaiduo's Mega Evolution.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of a small bungalow.

"Here?" Zhou Jiang asked subconsciously while looking out the window.

Before in the car, he was distracted all the way, and didn't pay attention to how long the car had been driving or where it was.

"Yeah, here." Shui nodded softly. After unfastening the seat belt, she got out of the car with Xirona who was sitting in front of her, and Zhou Jiang also opened the door and walked down.

It seemed to be a group of villas. In addition to the one in front of him, Zhou Jiang also saw several other villas that were similar in appearance not far away.

Zhou Jiang was a little strange. What did he bring him here? This is completely different from what he thought...

It's more like...a home with gentle water?

There is no time for Zhou Jiang to be confused.

"Come in." Shui gently locked the car and said, then he took out the key from his bag and walked towards the villa, Zhou Jiang quickly followed.

Anyway, the result will be known in the end, and now it's useless to guess.

Stepping on the marble stairs and walking into the villa, the decoration inside this villa is nothing special, similar to the decoration of the villa his father Zhou Wenbin bought in the country.

After entering, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to look around, so he followed the two walking in front firmly.

Unexpectedly, he didn't stop in the living room of the villa, continued to walk inside, and then walked to a...warehouse?

I don't know what button the water softly pressed. A large opening was exposed on the ground in the corner of the warehouse where some chairs, mops and other sundries were piled, and then a ladder leading to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows slightly, good fellow, even came out of the basement.

Zhou Jiang became slightly excited, and his heartbeat speeded up.

This obviously looks like there is a big secret!

Shui looked at Zhou Jiang softly and said seriously: "Everything you see inside can't be said, even Lu Ran and others can't do it. Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Zhou Jiang replied without hesitation.

To say that he has any advantages, then keeping secrets is one of them. His mouth is very strict. Any little secret that others did not want to circulate, but told him, ultimately never circulated from him.

Shui nodded softly, and the expression on his face became soft again. He smiled: "Then let's go in, but before going in, I hope you can prepare for it. This may have a certain impact on you."

Xirona's face was also half-squinted at this time, with an expression about to see interesting things, as if Zhou Jiang would be embarrassed later, which made Zhou Jiang a little nervous.

Is there something scary in it?


Without explaining anything to Zhou Jiang, the two took the lead and walked down. Although Zhou Jiang was a little vacant, after touching Shanaido's pokeball, he quickly followed them down.

The stairs leading to the underground are spiral-shaped. This ladder looks a bit old, not like a new one. There are also many cracks and broken cracks, ravines, and a few kerosene lamps on the rock wall on the side. Zhou Jiang’s impression of the entire passage is simple and time-consuming.

It is completely invisible that the buildings on the "Battle Island" created by artificial reclamation.

Although it is a basement, it has wires and electric lights connected to it, and the table with kerosene lamps next to it is no longer needed. Incandescent lamps are much brighter than candles.

The whole passage is bright, and there is no need to worry about stepping on it.

After going around four or five times, I finally walked down the stairs~www.ltnovel.com~ to the ground.

However, after reaching the ground, there is no open place all around. There is only a passage in front that can only accommodate four or five people walking side by side. The whole passage is also open and bright, with lights hanging every six or seven meters above the head.

The passage is not straight, at least from their side, the front is a rock wall.

Or is there any mechanism there that will open when you click the rock wall?

Following Shui Qingrou and the others, Zhou Jiang thought wildly, only to find out after walking past that there was no mechanism, it was really just that the passage was not a straight line...

After turning a corner, you can see in the distance, and you can tell at a glance that it is a modern-made metal gate.

Obviously, there is the destination of their trip.

Thinking of Shui Qingrou's words before, Zhou Jiang's heart couldn't help but lifted up. The closer he got there, the more nervous he was.

Although from the bottom of his heart he warned himself that there was nothing to be afraid of, but he couldn't help being nervous...

Just as he was afraid of ghosts and darkness in the previous life, even if he has powerful elves such as Shanaido now, his fear of these will not disappear, but it will slow down.

When I approached, I came to the door, and I could see that the door was not as he had guessed.

Zhou Jiang was looking at the gate, but did not see the gentle movements of the water.

She touched somewhere on the rock wall by the gate, and then a rock opened from it, revealing the camera inside.

Still Shui spoke softly and reported a long string of numbers. Zhou Jiang couldn't remember the numbers at all, so Zhou Jiang turned his attention.

It's just that it was too late when he looked over. The small hole where the camera was hidden was closed again, and Zhou Jiang didn't even see where the hole was.

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