I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 731: Awkward Super King

The camera called the Milipu sister who was on the surface. Although the Milipu sister was in a coma at this time, her whole body was innocent except that her hair was messed up like killing Matt. Of course, this This is because sister Milipu floated up her back.

You know, the hard vortex water blade hits its belly from the front, like a drill bit on its belly, and then pushes and flies far away and then bursts out the water spout, this hard vortex water blade with full force, it I ate a shot from the front, some are good?

   But at this time it is impossible to turn it over to see how it is doing, so quickly take it back and go for treatment!

  , Chu He, who had been waiting anxiously, immediately used the poke ball to retrieve it when Milip Sister first came up, and the standby "errand runner" immediately ran up to receive the poke ball and rushed outside.

   The referee who had no sense of existence also came out to show off his sense of existence, stood up and announced the result of the game, and asked Zhou Jiang if he wanted to change the spirit.

  Although it is said that a major event has just happened, it has nothing to do with his referee. If he hesitates because of the matter and does not make a decision, then a major event related to him will happen.

   Change the spirit?

   Zhou Jiang shook his head and motioned to himself not to change.

   Looking directly at Chu River, Zhou Jiang's lips moved, but in the end he said nothing.

   He has three things that are difficult to speak to others, thanks and apologies and requests.

   Zhou Jiang thought it was not his fault either, so even though it was Chu He's spirit that was injured, he felt that it was not him that was wrong, so he didn't need to apologize.

   At this time, as the referee announced the result of the battle, the audience became lively again, but no matter how lively it was, it would not return to what it was before.

Now the audience is talking quietly, but when there are too many people, it becomes noisy. Since this kind of noise is formed by the gathering of many very light sounds, Zhou Jiang in the distance cannot hear them clearly. What is it.

   But Zhou Jiang didn't need to know, it was nothing more than the killing of Milip Sister with Menus. He didn't care whether it was beneficial or harmful to him.

  With the strength, he is no longer as mediocre and ineffective as his previous life, he can already ignore many things.

   Other people's public opinion and verbal criticism of him are one of them.

   Although it looks like an accident, the game will continue anyway. This is the same for both Zhou Jiang and Chu He.

  Chu He took a deep breath, pressed his hand, and quietly shook the iron fence in front of him, forcing himself to calm down.

   This is not the first time that Chu He has encountered this kind of thing. In the past, he had also had elves seriously injured in battles. At that time, he encountered this situation for the first time, and he was panicked to death, but after the elves were sent to the elves center, they were also treated by Miss Joey and returned to normal. Although the time took a little longer, the money was also spent. Quite a lot, but at least the elves are okay.

   This is also the reason why he could calmly take back the elves in the first time.

  Because he knows that the biggest possibility for Milip Sister is to be seriously injured, and death is basically impossible, and all he can do is to hand it over to the staff for treatment.

   He has done everything he can do, but the competition is still going on. The only thing he can do right now is to compete seriously and win the championship, so that the efforts and bloodshed of Milip Sister are not in vain!

   Although Milipu did not seem to cause any harm to Menus...

   The game continued, and Chu He threw a poke ball fiercely.

  Although Chu River's morale is not destroyed, it is a pity that he has no other useful elves to use in this kind of water field.

  His third elf is a fighting elf, super king...

  Super Power King...Although it is very tall, about 2.5 meters high, but unfortunately, the depth of the "pool" of this kind of water venue is about three meters...

Although the waterspout of Menus swept away a lot of water before, the waterspout did not run far with the water, and basically disappeared in the venue. In other words, the water basically returned. Inside the venue.

   Even if it is a lot less, but in general, the pool is still only 2.78 meters, which is still higher than the super king.

   At this time, Zhou Jiang’s previous move to destroy the platform was evident.

   This super king does not have the depth of the swimming pool, that is to say, this super king fell into the water and his feet could not step on the ground...

   Fighting elves, if their feet don't touch the ground, then their strength will be lost. After all, only with their feet down can they go all out to punch.

   But it’s okay that Super Power doesn’t touch the ground right now, at least it can swim, and it can float on the water without drowning. If it can’t swim, it doesn’t need Menus to do it, and it will be eliminated by itself.

   Regarding the situation that the Super King has no place to stand and can only float in the water, the narrator immediately clicked it as a joke, trying to divert the audience's attention.

   The enthusiasm of the audience is linked to their performance. If it is screwed up, he will be finished. So he can only bite the bullet and change the subject, like telling jokes, but with little effect.

   At this time, no matter what the auditorium and the commentator were, the two on the field ignored them and began the command battle.

   Zhou Jiang was going to end early, and he was too lazy to be onlookers in such an embarrassing occasion, while Chu He wanted to win, at least he had to beat Minas miserably, which was regarded as revenge for Sister Milip.

   It’s just that although both of them wanted to end early, there was a problem with the elves.

   Menas is okay, and the problematic is naturally the Super King.

   can't exert his strength, and move is not easy to move. Although Menus no longer uses the hard vortex water blade, the two skills of Water Breaking and Dragon Wave are in continuous use.

   But Super Power King has nothing to do with this.

   The speed of these two skills is fast, plus it doesn’t swim fast, so it almost becomes a target...

   And more importantly, this over-swimming was attacked by Menus, and he pushed it back directly!

   It took a long time for this, and the Super King hardly made any progress. I have to say, it was really uncomfortable.

However, Chu He didn’t say anything about this. It naturally knew that Super Power King would be the result of the battle in this situation, but there is no way it could not be. If there are water or flying elves, where will he send Power King out. ...

   This super king can be said to be a gift, it is a redemption.

   It’s just not Zhou Jiang’s Menus, but the venue!

   After the Super King lost his fighting ability, he has already lost three elves. According to the rules, he can change the venue.

   But although the Super King is a destined victim, it can cause damage to Minas if it can cause damage.

   Originally, he wanted to fight melee, but now it seems that he can't even do it close up. The opposite side hits the Super King's face suddenly. Super King didn't even get close to Menas, maybe even farther away.

   There is no way. He doesn't want to kill the illusion of Menas with the only thing left. Anyway, the worst result is that the Super King hangs up and changes the venue. He is mentally prepared.

   But being mentally prepared doesn't mean that he will give up and let Super Power Wang be beaten for nothing.

   Close combat doesn't work, don't you still have ranged skills?

   Don't think that Super King is a fighting spirit, but he still has a ranged skill. Moreover, this skill is ineffective with his attributes. If you ask people who don't know much about Super Power King, they basically don't know that it still has this skill.

  What skill?

   Salt water!

   Salt water is a water attribute skill, the special effect is similar to that of a water gun, but it also has a special effect, which is to double the power when attacking an opponent whose stamina drops below half!

   Of course, this is the skill effect in the game. The effect in reality is that attacking the injured area of ​​the wizard will increase the damage.

   It’s not difficult to understand. The wounds of the elves, broken skins, abrasions, etc. are all very basic, but what happens when salt water touches these wounds?

it goes without saying.

   This is the very representative difference between games and reality.

   It's just a pity. The Super King is a fighting spirit after all. Although it can attack remotely like salt water, in general, who would let it spend time practicing this trick?

   The special attack of ~www.ltnovel.com~ in the race value is compared with the "120" attack. At first glance, it is clear that it completely abandoned the special attack.

  I have this time to practice salt water, so I might as well exercise more.

   So now, the salt water sent by Super Power King is simply... horrible!

   It doesn't matter how powerful the attack is, but it doesn't work well.

   Can shoot crookedly without the interference of Menus. If Menus’s attack arrives and interferes with it, then it wants to attack Menus?

   And he couldn't even hit the attack. This was quite shameful in the league competition. After realizing this, Chu He hurriedly called the Super King to stop, let it fight desperately, and dive over!

   Well, Super Power King's life is trying hard, but the fight is not possible.

   This Super Power King is already good at swimming, but what about diving?

I want to go wild in front of Menus, who is a water elf. It is still too tender. If Menus loses to the super king in swimming in the water field, then Minas don’t get mixed up. Can't afford to lose this elf...

No surprise, the Super King never touched Menus in the end. At the end, he sprayed a few mouthfuls of salt water when he was about to be killed by Menus underwater. The water system skills were used underwater, and the power itself would be greatly increased. The ground is weakened, not to mention that the Super King's own special attacks are not good, and the state is still not good at that time.

  In this way, Menus actually completed a one-to-three feat...

   You know, this is a league game!

   In the league competition where the 64-finals entered the 32-finals, there was still a one-to-three battle. Not to mention that there is no one to come, at least it is unprecedented.



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