I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 736: Bad fire dinosaur

???? Well, Zhou Jiang lied.

???? Pre-emptive strikes and late strikes, these two, Zhou Jiang actually prefers the first mover.


???? Because Zhou Jiang is a person who likes speed.

???? Fast and elegant.

???? Fast, just do it!

???? is the fire dinosaur, because it is still in the second form, it can't catch up with Roselando in speed, and its physical attack can't match it, so he can play with special attacks, so he chose to play late.

????Because if he starts first, he can't take the opposite side...

????Like the previous flame jet, Rose Reduo dodges with a light leap, unless the fire dinosaur keeps shooting away, otherwise it will be difficult to hit the opposite side, but it's the elf of Zhoujiang. The physical strength is basically not good.

???? As for the wide range of skills...It's a pity that the fire dinosaur doesn't even know the flame vortex. Zhou Jiang seems to have forgotten it, so he didn't give it any skills...

???? Zhou Jiang did not take the initiative to attack, but the opposite side would not be idle. Seeing that he was not attacking, he took the initiative to attack.

???? "Rosleduo, magic leaf!" Chu He shouted.

????Rosleduo's 125 special attack racial value, Zhou Jiang still dare not look down upon.

???? Although the damage is only half of the fire system, it doesn't look at the level difference between the two sides.

????Rosleduo is level 59, and the fire dinosaur is only level 41, which is a big difference, which is nearly two levels. In addition, the fire dinosaur has not yet evolved. If you count it, it is two and a half. If the level is higher, even if the damage is halved, there will be enough fire dinosaurs to drink a pot.

???? The leaves wrapped in the purple mind force flew quickly towards the fire dinosaur.

???? Fortunately, there are only more than ten leaves. If the elves of the super power system use them, it may be thirty or forty. With more than a dozen pieces, the fire dinosaur can still deal with it easily.

???? Jet flames!

???? Also, apart from jetting flames, Fire Dinosaurs have nothing to do with remote output...

???? The flame and the leaf meet in the middle. If it is the flame jet of the ordinary fire elves, then the magic leaf is indeed somewhat difficult. After all, it is not a simple leaf, mainly relying on the thought power wrapped around the periphery. Although the fire dinosaur is such a skill, it is very proficient!

????In addition, the special attack has been modified and enhanced, and the damage is very high. After the magic leaf meets the jet flame, it immediately becomes cold...

???? Roselando is not a super-power elf after all. Although he knows magic leaves, he can't control it like his own Xanaduo, so it uses the simplest straight attack, straight Go to the fire dinosaur.

???? And this not very strong magic leaf is not enough to look at when facing the flames of the fire dinosaur.

???? Now that the flames are sprayed to kill the magic leaf, it naturally follows...

The attacker continued, and flew straight towards Roselando.

???? "Rose Redto, get away!"

???? Chu He frowned slightly, he was surprised that Zhou Jiang's fire dinosaurs were so powerful, and they killed Roselle's magic leaf with a single shot of flames.

????Although the magic leaf in the alliance formula only has 60 points of damage, while the flame spray has 90 points, the difference between the two elves is really very big...

???? The fire dinosaur did not evolve into the fire-breathing dragon, so its level would not be as high as that, that’s for sure, the level is lower than Roselleto, plus it’s not the final form, logically speaking, for Bo , It must be no better than Roselleto, but now it can easily kill the magic leaf by spraying flames...

???? Although there is a bonus for a sunny day, it should not be so strong. Sure enough, is the rumor true? There is an adventure...

????The distance between the two elves is not close, moderate, and it is not difficult to dodge at Roselando's speed.

???? But this time, Roselle did not go over to the side as before. He leaned forward, kicked his feet hard, and then his whole body jumped forward.

???? Of course, it naturally did not fly toward the jet flame, after all, it was not sent to death...

???? Rose Reduo uses the rock as his foot, constantly avoiding the flame of the fire dinosaur, and then rushes toward the fire dinosaur!

???? Close combat?

???? Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised.

???? Although the racial value of Roselando's physical attack is not low, it is still far behind the special attack.

???? Its special attack is as high as 125, but the material attack is only 70. It does not need to use special long-range attacks, and switch to close combat?

???? But I have to say, although Zhou Jiang felt that the opponent would choose close combat a bit strange, but the opponent did a good job.

????Although the fire dinosaur looks weaker than the opponent, after enhancement, the special attack is actually higher than Rosley. In the case of confrontation, the two elves can only fight for physical strength, and it is Rosley. Duo suffers.

???? But close combat is different, the fire dinosaur Zhou Jiang has not strengthened its physical attack.

????Although I have considered letting it move and attack melee, after all, Mega evolves, X-spray is the most handsome. Although X-spray has the same physical attack and special attack racial value, the characteristic of X-spray is hard claws and contact. The damage of such moves increased by 30%!

???? It can be seen that the fire dinosaurs are better off attack. However, considering the characteristics of Y spray and special attack race value, Zhou Jiang still chose to let it use special attack.

???? After all, the special attack current, then X spray is not unusable, the special attack race value of 130 is still a strong batch, but Y spray?

????The characteristics of the sunshine plus the special attack racial value of 159, it can't be more awesome!

???? That is not as handsome as X spray, but he is not just...

The Y spray has been appointed, and the system is in hand. You can get the Mega stones of X spray and Y spray, just change it according to the situation.

???? You can play, when you have more than enough, you can call X spray, when you can't beat a strong thug, you can change to Y spray, the appearance and strength are grasped, is this not good?

???? Children make choices, as adults...

???? "Fire dinosaur, retreat, spray flame!" Zhou Jiang shouted.

???? Close combat, think about it or forget it, this is completely crushed! The speed and physical attack of the fire dinosaurs are far less than Roselando, so let's hit the medium and long-range consumption.

???? Even though the fire dinosaur was arrogant, he would obey the order given by Zhou Jiang. He squinted his eyes at the galloping Rose Reduo, and then retreated decisively, and continued on the way back. Jet flames toward Roselando.

???? Of course, it’s impossible for Rose Redo to be hit in such a simple way. Its speed is very fast. It flashes from the left to the right and flashes through the jet flames of the fire dinosaurs, and then moves towards faster. Rushed towards it.

???? "Tsk!" Zhou Jiang smacked his tongue a little uncomfortably, thinking to himself, why not try it close?

???? After all, if you are close, it does not mean that special attacks cannot be used. On the contrary, due to the close distance, those energy attacks are more difficult to dodge. If the aim is accurate, the fire dinosaur’s jet flame should not hit. difficult.

???? It’s just that Zhou Jiang hesitated. After all, the fire dinosaurs had never practiced close combat. They all breathed fire while standing far away. Even the close combat skills such as steel tail and alloy claws were practiced during training The following is rarely used in actual combat.

???? The mage is afraid of the soldiers getting close, because the mage is not good at close combat. After being close to the body, they are often taken away by a set of skills.

????Although Rose Raduo is also a very powerful wizard, Zhou Jiang doesn’t know if the opponent has worked hard in melee combat. After all, many people will play this way. It is obvious that the team is particularly strong, but waiting for you. Going up, when I was about to harvest, I discovered that the opposite was actually a melee mage!

???? My family knows his own business, that's what the fire dinosaur's melee ability is. He dare not use it to bet. After all, it is either a tie or a failure. There is no possibility of winning.

???? If you want to bet, at least you have to be a bit clever...

???? If you are entangled, the flame is too late to emit, and the fire dinosaur can't fight melee, isn't it cool?

???? Sure enough, I still can't put it close!

???? Zhou Jiang looked at the two elves chasing and fleeing on the field, and felt a little headache.

????Although the fire dinosaur is now suppressing the opponent with jet flames, making Roselando unable to get close, but this is not the way to go...

???? If this continues, the stamina of the fire dinosaur will be consumed rapidly, and it will be less than the opponent's stamina, so how can we play?

???? Not beaten to death by the other side, exhausted? #......

???? "Tsk!" Zhou Jiang frowned, his right index finger kept clicking on the guardrail, it was really impossible to think of a way for a while...

???? Could the fire dinosaur be cold?

???? "Fire dinosaur, go up, alloy claw!"

???? Too few skills, plus the speed is not as fast as the opposite, Zhou Jiang really doesn't know what to do. If he can't think of a way, he can only try his luck and take a gamble.

???? Continue to escape, sooner or later, you will be overtaken, and the loss of physical strength is greater than Roselando, then it is more difficult to fight behind, it is better to do a wave now.

????After all, the sunny day is still there, and the fighting spirit of the fire dinosaur has not been wiped out. It is not impossible to really fight. Just seize the opportunity and give it a jet of flame.

???? Maybe consider changing injuries? After all, they are resistant, so they won’t be a fire dinosaur if they lose money.

???? "Be careful of your opponent's status fans!" Zhou Jiang added reminded as he watched the fire dinosaurs greeted with high spirits.

???? If you get the status powder, it will be over, whether it is paralysis powder, sleep powder or poison powder, it will be cool when you get it.

???? In the close state, this thing is difficult to hide to death, let it out without leaving a trace and then play close combat with you, it will make you not know when you are hit, it is really insidious.

???? That is, his monarch snake can't learn the skills of the three fans, otherwise he will definitely let it develop these three skills. The real world thing is really disgusting.

???? Whether it is a regular game or a black gun, it is easy to use.

???? The fire dinosaur was reminded by Zhou Jiang, so he would naturally pay attention. Zhou Jiang was relieved at this point, so he went to look through Roselando’s skill list again to see what else it might have played with. Yin man's means.

???? Zhou Jiang is still looking through the list, thinking, the fire dinosaur and Roselando on the field have already met.

???? The two paws of the fire dinosaur glowed with a silver-white metallic luster, and slapped them fiercely towards the rushing Roseraduo, who knew that Roseraduo was not stopping at all, even speeding up!

???? I saw it speed up and rushed directly into the arms of the fire dinosaur. Not to mention the attack of the fire dinosaur, it showed its "fangs" directly.

????The fire dinosaur attack did not hit. Although there is no stiffness in fighting games or the like, there will still be a time for it. Roselando is already close to the fire dinosaur at this time, and the attack that hits the fire dinosaur It's for dinner!

???? "Fire Jet!" At this time, Zhou Jiang couldn't continue to look at the skill list distracted, and quickly directed the fire dinosaur attack.

???? "Rosleduo, very poisonous!"

???? Gan!

???? Hearing the order from Chu He, Zhou Jiang felt a pain in his brain.

???? This level difference plus the low resistance of the fire dinosaur, it is 100% poisoned if it is hit, and the distance between the two elves is so close, it is almost zero-distance contact, and can't avoid it...


Even if the dinosaur shoots flames and hits the opponent, it will not kill the opponent. At that time, the fire dinosaur is poisoned, and Rose Redo eats a powerful jet of flames.

???? Even if Roselle is seriously injured, it still has photosynthesis!

???? Under a clear sunny day, the loss of physical strength was made up in two strokes, but the fire dinosaur was still in a poisoned state. After all, it did not have the skills to remove the negative state.

????Because Roselando is "Ninja Run" sticking to the past, so the two red and blue flowers are generally placed behind her hands.

???? And after rushing into the arms of the fire dinosaur, he smashed the fire dinosaur out for a short distance through inertia, and then saw its waist suddenly exert force, and the right hand behind it slammed out!

???? The front part of the red flower on the right hand is slightly shining with purple light.

???? At this time, the fire dinosaur's jet flames have also condensed, and they sprayed fiercely into their arms.

???? Zhou Jiang heard Chu He's voice, and he naturally heard it too.

???? Change injury?

???? Just the violent temper of the fire elves, who are afraid of whom? Even he is eager to change his injuries, because after his physical strength is reduced, he can increase his output after he activates the "Furious Fire" feature~www.ltnovel.com~ As a fire elf, he likes to be tough and violent. what? Gou? Gou is impossible, it is impossible in this life!

???? With the anger of the fire dinosaur, the scarlet flames rushed straight, but...

???? "Fuck! Fire dinosaur be careful behind!" Rose watched as he was short, avoiding the fire dinosaur's jet flame, and then relied on the flame to block the view of the fire dinosaur. Lei Duo, Zhou Jiangxin raised it.

???? What's this...

???? Originally he thought that even if the fire dinosaur was poisoned, but as long as Roseland was hit by the jet of flame, it would not be impossible for the fire dinosaur to kill a wave, as long as it was not given photosynthesis and super absorption skills. That's it, the result...

???? The jet flame did not hit Roselleto, the poison was going to be eaten by the fire dinosaurs, and it was a bit too weak. If the poison was eaten this time, it was really over and it was completely cool. ...

???? The fire dinosaur's jet flame did not hit it, it also felt it itself, plus Zhou Jiang's reminder, immediately felt that it was going to suffer.

???? Sure enough, it was a mess.

???? Roselando, who had already circled behind the fire dinosaur, pierced forward with the purple-lighted right hand, and the fire dinosaur was directly stabbed out.

???? What's worse is that the place where it was stabbed has already begun to turn purple, and it will be in a poisoned state soon.

???? "Hey..." Zhou Jiang sighed, took out the wizard ball, and prepared to take the fire dinosaur back.

???? The fire dinosaur can't fight anymore.

???? The fire dinosaurs were poisoned, but Rose Raduo was unscathed,...

How to fight...

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