I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 738: Drag, gamble, trap? accident!

  What are you betting on?

  The bet was that Chu He didn't know Bibi Niao's bottom line, so he didn't dare to drag it!

   Judging from the calmness currently shown by Zhou Jiang and Bibi Niao, Chu He will definitely have a guilty conscience, and it is very likely that he will not choose to continue.

After all, he counts Roselando as two elves. If he loses the bet, then he will be the last elves. Unless it is a beast, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback. After all, Zhou Jiang still has five As for an elf, even if there is no Xanadu, five of them can't kill one of them? Drag can drag to death!

And Chu He now has only one Elf that hasn’t appeared before, and only this slightly injured Rose Raduo. If it is dragged down, it will be extremely unfavorable to him. After all, the Elf Most of them are from Zhou Jiang's side. If you fight for physical strength, wouldn't it be more than enough for Zhou Jiang's two elves to trade for one?

   Even if Chu He knew that Bibi Niao couldn't fight Roselando with physical strength, he didn't dare to drag.

   Zhou Jiang Bibi is gone and there are other elves, what about him? Roseland was gone but the last elf was gone.

   So he would definitely want to give it a try and break the existing situation.

   There are two possibilities to break the current stalemate.

   One possibility is that Bibi Niao made a mistake, and rose too close to Rose Redo, causing Rose Redo to come here. As long as Bibi Niao is hit by Rose Leidor's skill, Bibi Niao's physical strength is bound to be greatly reduced. Even as long as Rose Leidor has a firm chance, it is not impossible to kill Bibi Niao directly.

   The other way is that Roselando made a mistake.

   If Rose Reduo made a mistake, it would be Bibi Niao's opportunity. He rushed forward and used Yan Fan, Steel Wing and other skills to attack a wave, and he could definitely reduce the opponent's great physical strength. Then Chu He's defeat would be doomed.

   is only on the premise that if Roselando's mistake is a real mistake, not a deliberate mistake, set a trap to get Bibi a bait.

The bitterness of Rose Raduo is the reason for the distance. Bibi bird hangs far behind. After training, it has excellent eyesight. It always keeps the distance between Rose Raduo and Rose Raduo. Long-range attacks are also difficult to hit Bibi Bird.

  Bibi Bird is at this distance, as long as it flies up into the sky, Rose Raduo won't be able to move, even the magic leaf can hardly catch it.

   But if you put it in the distance, it's different again.

   As long as it is caught by Rose Redo, Bibi Niao will not want to fly back easily, and it will lose if it doesn't pull the hair on it!

   As for why Bibi Niao would attack if Roselando made a mistake, of course it was to save energy!

   I really don’t need physical strength for Bibi to use the violent wind...

If Zhou Jiang is determined to fight against his physical strength and fight attrition, he must fight for at least 15 minutes to the end, and use the violent wind continuously. This is really not a small burden on the bird, plus it Be careful...

To control the distance, painstaking and laborious, the more you fight to the back, the higher the probability that Bibi Niao will make a mistake, and once you make a mistake, Rose Raduo will definitely not miss the opportunity.

   Therefore, once Rose Reduo made a mistake and revealed a flaw, then the possibility that Zhou Jiang would choose to attack was still very high.

   Although it is not 100% certain, the probability is not low.

   Zhou Jiang is just "thinking in another place". He thought that Chu He would think of these things, so he gambled.

But he is not a brainless bet, because he still has four elves, especially Shanaido, who has more options, and it’s not easy to lose. In the worst case, it’s just a bet. , This is a loss for Zhou Jiang.

   But in Chu He's words, only the last elf is left. If Zhou Jiang wins the bet, then victory will come sooner.


On the field, when the two elves continued to stick together, two minutes had passed. Although two minutes seemed relatively short, for the elves, the audience, the narrator, and even Zhou Jiang, these two minutes All are extremely long.

The two elves still kept their rhythm, chasing and fleeing, while chasing while launching a fierce wind, mixed with a few transparent air slashes; while fleeing, they continued to turn back a few energy **** or seed machine guns, fighting The flying stones and Bibi Bird’s air cut, and sometimes even beat Bibi Bird back.

  Since the two elves are not close, it is actually difficult for the two elves to hit each other with their attacks.

Like Bibi Bird, its air cuts basically fall on the field, because when the air cuts over there, Roselando ran away... Only a few of them were predicted and flew towards it. go with.

   Roselleto is also the same, the distance is far away, after its skill flies, it **** its wings and flies away earlier than the bird, where it can still be hit.

  Elf battle, in the eyes of the audience, there are only two elves fighting against each other. That is what they like, because whether it is hand-to-hand combat or skill matching, they can make big moves, and they like to watch this.

   The chasing and fleeing game was very boring for them. The boos were not enough, but the cheering shouts were all gone.

   Even though it was Chu River's elves who had escaped, the people who cheered Zhou Jiang on were silent.

   The audience "quit", then the commentator can only go up and wait!

   What can he do... He can only explain the current form, the state of the two elves and other things one by one, and tell the audience, don’t look boring now, in fact, there is a lot of knowledge and a wonderful battle...

   But no matter what the narrator said, but the audience was not interested in it and didn't buy it at all. Unless you let the two elves on the field fight each other, it will be useless for you to break the sky. This is what they think at this time.


   There has been a change on the field, the audience see this...

I also became slightly nervous, and the adrenal hormones began to secrete and increase.

   It turns out that it was Roselando who had an accident!

Roselando has been jumping on the stone, jumping from this stone to that stone. As a result, the stone it jumped over this time was actually "inferior". As soon as it jumped over, it just stepped on the stone. Broken!

   The stone was broken, and Roselando rolled directly to the ground, caught off guard.

   "Bibi Niao, Yan Fan!" Seeing this, Zhou Jiang also seized the opportunity and directly asked Bibi Niao to attack.

   Yanfan's two-stage damage, plus the flight system restrained twice the damage, if Roselando eats the Yanfan, the battle will almost be over.

  Bibi bird stopped the violent wind, her wings were slightly closed, her whole body was wrapped in white light, and then she flew towards Roselando quickly.

   Looking at the calm Chu River opposite, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

   Regardless of whether it is a trap or not, this time Rose Raduo is dead, and Arceus will not be able to come, I said!

   If Rose Redo sets a trap, it is nothing more than waiting for Bibi Bird to get closer and then attack. It is estimated that it and Chu River believe that it can escape Bibi Bird's attack and give Bibi Bird a fatal blow.

   They believe in Rose Reduo, and Zhou Jiang also believes in Bibi Niao!

The training for so long is not in vain, and Bibi Niao also has three dodge miraculous skills: paper painting, seeing cutting, and seeing and hearing domineering. No matter whether Roselando uses material attack or special attack, Bibi Niao can resolve it, even if it is. Can it be done? There is still protection!

   There are only two results.

   Either Rose Raduo was hit by Bibi Niao’s swallows, or Rose Raduo escaped the attack but couldn’t hit Bibi Niao either, other than that...


   Zhou Jiang, who was triumphant, looked at Roselando, who had been taken back, instantly stunned.

  What kind of operation?

When Bibi Niao flew to Rose Reddor, Rose Reddor had already been taken back, and the opponents were gone. Bibi Niao did not need to continue to maintain the Swallow Return state. With a flap of his wings, he exited the Swallow Return state. , Flapping his wings and looking at Chu He in the air, his eyes were a little confused.

   Zhou Jiang's brows were slightly furrowed, and the look in Chu He's eyes was a little different.

   He was thinking, did Chu He guess what he thought of?

   This reminded him of an animation he had watched when he was a child. Two people who could "read minds" were playing rock, paper, scissors.

  Think alone, I'll publish

   Another person thought, I'll take out the scissors.

  Think about that person again, I know you know that I produce cloth, so you can produce scissors, so I produce rocks!

   Another person thinks again, I know you know that I know you want to make cloth, and then I will make scissors, so you have to make rocks, so I want to make cloth!


   The final result is that the two keep mating dolls, and see who can't stand it first.

   and it’s almost the same now.


#   Maybe Chu He just guessed that he would have thought that Chu He would deliberately reveal the flaws~www.ltnovel.com~ So he deliberately let Rose Reddo reveal the flaws to try?

Because Chu He doesn’t know what Bibiniao has. Now Bibiniao is so wretched, how can he see it, and he doesn’t know what Bibiniao has. Bibiniao is in his heart that everything is possible Especially outstanding.

  Like the vine snake and the fire dinosaur, they are very prominent in special attacks. This is a very intuitive performance. After all, how powerful the skill is, it is obvious.

   And Bibiiao’s specialties have not been shown. Although special attacks have been eliminated, there are still many possibilities left, such as physical attack, physical strength, defense, etc., these are all Bibiiao may be very prominent.

Although it is also possible that Bibi Bird is the most mediocre, either inexplicably strong in some places like the fire dinosaurs, or the most common Bibi Bird, but Chu He only has two elves, and he can't afford to lose, for insurance For the sake of it, he must consider any possibility, and he must consider the worst case.

   And what can he test out by letting Roselle expose his flaws?

   Zhou Jiang went on to try "thinking in another place", if he changed it to thinking...

   If Bibi Niao continues to be hung from a distance, that means that Bibi Niao is likely to stand out. The advantages are physical strength and endurance, so you want to fight attrition with all your strength?

   If Bibi Niao rushed directly to attack, then Bibi Niao is probably good at physical attack, speed or defense, and Bibi Niao must be very confident that he will not be trapped or ambush!

   In other words, in this wave of operations, Chu He's purpose was not to attack Bibi Niao, but to test Bibi Niao's depth?


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