When Zhou Jiang raised his head and was about to remind Bibi Niao to pay attention to the vine whip, he realized that Bibi Niao had already broken through the blockade and attack of the vine whip on the opposite side, and was flying towards the wonderful frog flower, and Bibi Niao seemed to see What's wrong, not very close to the vine whip, deliberately put a long distance.

Zhou Jiang laughed dumbly. He himself was also worried. Bibi Niao is now driving to see and hear color, and he has seen the operation of hardening plants with sleep powder on the opposite side. Now Bibi Niao only needs to see the strange thing on the vine whip on the opposite side. Be aware, not careless.

   This is also the experience of the "destruction" of hardened plants, plus Bibi is a bird of sight, otherwise this trick is really not easy to hide, the thief is particularly overcast.

If Bibi Bird has never experienced hardened plants with sleeping powder before, then it is very likely that it will ignore the small things carried on the vine whip this time. After all, it has only seen vine whips and has not seen vine whips with private goods. .

   Haven't experienced this kind of show operation, the elves with simple thinking, it is difficult to pay attention to these things.

  Also, it is Zhou Jiang’s elves. They will see and smell domineering, otherwise the other elves will not be able to see the things on the vine whip, let alone guess whether there are private goods on it.

   It can be said that this is Zhou Jiang's luck and Chu He's bad luck.

   If it wasn't for the good luck before, and the downwind blows the sleeping powder on the hardened plants, then Bibi Niao has already died. If it hadn't been for the attack of the hardened plants with the goods, Bibi Niao would not pay attention to the current vine whip.

   In short, a good hand, due to various reasons, was beaten by Chu He.

   The only effect of this trick now is that Bibi Niao does not dare to approach the wonderful frog flower easily.

   Apart from that, Bibi Niao has no other worries.

   Miao Frog Flower’s rattan whip is indeed carrying private goods, and the sleeping powder is also attached to it.

   Seeing that Bibi Niao was not hit, Chu He hurriedly shouted: "Wonderful Frog Flower, use Feiye Knife!"

   Flying Leaf Knife is the second signature skill of Miao Frog Flower.

   Miao Frog Flower’s blocking method is usually a vine whip, and if it’s attacking, it would use a flying blade.

   Skill is just like its name, sharp like a knife.

The    Miao Frog Flower is large, and the Feiye Kuaidao is also oversized.

   It’s just that the number of Feiye Knives has been reduced, but the quality has skyrocketed as the number is reduced!

   is like the five flying leaf knives issued by the Miao Frog Flower, once it hits Bibi Bird, even if Bibi Bird has twice the resistance, it will not be able to bear it, it is really scratching.

With the sound of breaking through the air, the leaves flew towards Bibi Niao quickly. Bibi Niao's wings were slanted here, and the other side was crooked for a while, and the Frog Flower’s flying blade flashed across the full forehead between the swings. .

   After avoiding Feiye Kuaidao, Bibi Niao finally came to Miao Frog Flower!

   Yan return!

   There is nothing to hesitate, Bibi Niao rushed straight up!

The frog flower continues to release the cane whips. It can finely control four cane whips at a time. Although the four cane whips that were released before have not been recovered, it is only necessary to give up the control of them and wait for them to be recovered. Now the important thing is already Bibi Bird that flew in front of you!

   As long as you catch Bibi Bird, the energy consumed by the release of so many vine whips is nothing at all.

It’s a pity that it’s really awesome to see and hear, and Miao Frog Flower and Chu He don’t know that Bibi Niao has cheating, so it’s no surprise that Bibi Niao escaped the super close range vine released by Miao Frog Flower. Whip, then slammed into it fiercely!

   "Bana!" Although Bibi Niao didn't add much physical attack attributes, it had double restraint. This damage should not be underestimated. Miao Frog Hua suddenly frowned and screamed in pain.

   "Wonderful Frog Flower, hold on, use sleep powder!" Chu He shouted.


   Zhou Jiang shook his head pitifully for the other side.

   He roughly guessed the opposite idea.

I used a rattan whip instead of a sleep powder. I was afraid that the airflow caused by the rapid flight of Bibi Bird would blow away the powder, resulting in poor effect. Then Bibi Bird continued to rush to attack without being affected. After all, the rattan whip is the best of the frog flower. , So they are a little confident about this, but they don't know that Bibi Bird is insightful. If they used sleep powder before, Bibi Bird might really get caught.

   In fact, as long as you have the heart, you can notice that Zhou Jiang's elves are basically difficult to hit, and the dodge rate is very high. After all, he has changed those skills that seem to be seen and heard for several elves who have played a lot.

   But evasive words are too common, and Zhou Jiang is a little low-key, so so far, he has often been playing against him recently, and Tian Zhengjie, who was a training partner, was just a little confused.

But they only think that Zhou Jiang has some methods for dodge training of elves, and they have no idea that they have special skills. After all, Zhou Jiang’s elves are not one or two particularly awesome to dodge, and they are the first to become famous. Tian Zhengjie almost knew the evasion ability.

   But Big Needle Bee can't learn and understand, so he only attributed this to Zhou Jiang's training.

   On the field, Bibi Niao was in the second stage of the Yan return, turned around at a super fast speed, and then rushed towards the Miao Frog Flower faster than before.

   Yan returns to this skill, and it is powerful in its speed, and the second stage is faster than the first stage, so Zhou Jiang likes to use this trick.

   Miao Frog Flower still has the strength. With such a large body, it has been beaten countless times. Although it hurts to be beaten by Bibi Niao, the forbearance is over. Anyway, it can bear it.

After enduring it, it was its turn to attack. Following the trainer’s words, the huge flower on the back of the Miao frog flower spewed out a lot of dust in an instant. The blue and white dust flickered in the sun. It was very beautiful. Jiang's favorite type.

   But liking belongs to liking. When his enemies use this trick, all he has is endless resentment.

   He hates the vine snake and can’t learn this trick...

   The only grass elves can't learn this trick, it's really painful.

   Seeing that Bibi Bird was about to crash into the sleeping powder, Zhou Jiang shouted: "Bibi Bird, shoot flames!"

   Don’t use it at this time, when will you wait?

   The current distance is close enough, and the timing is good, the frog flower is completely unable to defend it, and it can directly burn the sleeping powder when it is used by spraying flames. It can kill two birds with one stone. It is simply not too suitable!

After   Bibi Bird sprayed the flames, it was exactly what he thought, Chu He and Miao Frog Flower were shocked, and because of the sudden effect, even the nearby referees, commentators and audience were shocked.

  Bibi bird jets flames? !

   What are you kidding me!

  Even though they thought so, they were silent when they saw that Bibi Niao really sprayed flames from his mouth.

   The last thing that awakened everyone was the scream of Miao Frog Flower.

   Although the Miao Frog Flower was surprised to forget to move for a while, the pain can not be forgotten.

   The fire type is a natural anti-grass type. Even if the jet flame used by Bibi Bird is not very strong, the pain is deeper than the previous Yan Fan hit it.

   The audience who came back to their senses began to discuss incredulously, and the commentary also played desperately without leaving room.

   With so many viewers, there are always some who like gossip and gossip.

Bibi Bird who can breathe fire, although this thing has already become an "April Fool's Day joke" and "the least forbidden urban legend", it has been thrown into the garbage dump of the Internet, but there are still many people who know it. After all, although people talk about it quickly, the real time has not passed too long.

   Even if no one talks about it on the Internet, people who have known it will not forget it.

   Now when I look at Zhou Jiang’s Bibi Niao, isn’t it right?

   It is Bibi Bird who can shoot flames, not Arrow Eagle!

At first, one or two people thought of this, and then after they spoke it out, many people around them also remembered it, so it didn’t take long for the whole audience to know it. This matter.

  Although the audience knows it, since the discussion will not be too loud, it will never be shouted like when shouting for cheer, so Chu He on the court still doesn't know.

   But for him, it doesn’t matter whether he knows it or not, because what he needs to pay attention to now is that he has hit the jet flame and once again hit the wonderful frog flower of the second stage of Yan Fan!

   was hit by two stages of Yan return and a blow to spray the flames. Although Miao Frog Flower is strong, it can't withstand this round of double blows...

   And what’s worse is ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, the successful Bibiniao has no intention to stop. After Yan's return is over, it will use flame jet attacks again!

"Wonderful Frog, another crazy plant!" Although Bibi Bird’s jet flame is not very strong, but no matter how it hurts "90" points of the flame skill, it is difficult to withstand the general skills of the Wonderful Frog. It's just hardening plants.

   will not be burned by the flame, can block the flame, and can attack Bibi Bird, killing two birds with one stone.

However, even though Bibi Bird is focused on attacking, it still can dodge the magical frog flower's big tricks. Dodge is about to become its instinct. Although it can't dodge the attack that it hasn't seen, as long as it can see it, move towards it. A flying attack will subconsciously dodge.

  Bibi Niao escaped the hardened plants of the frog flower, but its jet flame also hit the thorn sticks that emerged from the ground.

I don’t know what the thorns and vines of this hardened plant are made of. It is useless to spray flames on it. Although it is also related to the lack of strong flames of Bibi bird, but no matter how you say it, this hardened plant is worthy of grass. The big move of the department.

   "Bibi Bird, go around and continue to spray flames!" Zhou Jiang shouted directly when he saw this.

   Hardening plants is a grass-based big move, and for the elves, although the big move represents high damage, it also represents danger.

Because every time you use these ults, the elves will become frozen and unable to move for a short time, and as long as the opponent is not hit or killed by the ult, the elves that are in the frozen state are likely to be beaten by the opponent. Die, kill!


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