???? Looking at the steaming meal, Zhou Jiang sighed slightly.

????Don't say, although this storage ring is expensive, but oh, it is really practical, awesome!

???? What you carry will never deteriorate, no matter how long you take it out after you put it in. It used to be warm or cold, and cold or cold, and the space was large. It was really a mobile life hall!

???? With this thing, filled with water and food, when it was killed, trapped in a desolate and remote place where no bird **** can rely on it to live for a long time.

???? No more feelings, Zhou Jiang broke off his chopsticks and feasted on it.

After eating two yellow braised beef rice in a row, touching his bulging belly, Zhou Jiang licked his lips unexpectedly, and took a glass of water from the water dispenser to drink.

???? He was full and full, and then it was the elves' turn.

???? They naturally have to eat too.

???? The fire dinosaur was naturally awake at this time, but it was covered in scratches, but it did not care about the wounds on its whole body, and its eyes were piercing and staring at the monarch snake who was eating on the side.

The gaze of the fire dinosaur, the monarch snake, naturally felt it, but it just raised its head and looked at it and then stopped paying attention. The grass type and the fire type are inherently wrong. If it is the water type, it can still chat with each other, even if it is the fire type, dislike it!

???? Zhou Jiang looked at the fire dinosaur and heaved a sigh of relief.

???? To be honest, he was really a little afraid of the fire dinosaurs and was sad, and he was autistic.

???? When the time comes, I will ask him to do enlightenment and comfort. He is the least able to do this. If any of his elves is autistic, then he will have a headache.

???? Sprayed the fire dinosaur with some wound medicine produced by the system, and then signaled it to eat.

???? See the monarch Snake Gui, the meal is still to be eaten... and after they finish eating, he will take them to the wizard center.

???? After all, the fire dinosaur has lost the ability to fight, so don't have any hidden injuries. His elves have basically never been hung up, so he has no experience, and can only say that he will send them to Miss Joey as much as possible.

???? The elves were eating, but he continued with the previous thing and consulted with Mr. Hua.

???? Sitting on the chair, took out his mobile phone, found the existing Hua Lao phone, and dialed it.

???? Waited quietly for thirty seconds, to no avail, no one answered the call...

???? Called twice again, still no one answered, Zhou Jiang had to give up. It is estimated that Mr. Hua was also eating, didn't see the phone, he could only wait until he saw it and dialed back again.

???? Elder Hua is not here, who to call...

???? Zhang Kai?

???? After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang shook his head and gave up.

???? Zhang Kai is still looking for Zhang Kui. Zhang Kunna doesn't know where he is going, and there is still no news. At this time, Zhang Kai is not in trouble.

???? But the only one he is more familiar with is the three of them...

One, Hualao, Zhang Kui, Zhang Kai, As a result, the three of them couldn't get in touch, and they were really cowboys.

???? There is no way, no one can be found, then things can only be slowed down.

???? Looking at the elves who were still eating, Zhou Jiang looked back at the phone. If you study, let's put it aside. Since the phone is in your hand, I'm sorry if you don't play it.

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang subconsciously opened the post, and looking at the "long-lost" login page, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised...

After entering, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised that he actually saw a post discussing him on the homepage?

????Ok? ? ?

???? Read the title, [Don't you think Zhou Jiang's strength to participate in the league competition is too much? ] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture].

???? "..."

???? Looking at the title, Zhou Jiang was silent for a while, and sighed for a long time.

???? He doesn't dare to click in to see other people's comments...

???? Although this may just be a casual complaint by others, and in their eyes it is only a trivial matter, but for Zhou Jiang, it is extremely heavy.

???? It is strange, sometimes he can completely ignore other people's ideas, sometimes he is very concerned, and often passively cater to others.

???? Taking a deep breath, shaking his head, Zhou Jiang finally chose to click in.

???? With his temperament, if he clicks in, no matter what they say, if he is sad, he will only be sad for a while, but if he doesn't click in, then he will probably remember for a lifetime...

???? After clicking in, what you see is the pictures posted by the host, a few screenshots of news, and a few screenshots of the live broadcast.

????The news was the subway incident, and as for the live broadcast, it was the scene of the battle that he just finished, and Shanaido drew the frog flower like a vegetable.

???? Seeing this picture, Zhou Jiang subconsciously glanced at the time... well, it was posted not long ago. He didn't pay attention to it before clicking in. He thought it was posted a day or two ago. Looking at the comments, they are all over 400. This is due to the fact that the hot search will delete some comments.

???? Zhou Jiang flipped down to see what other netizens said.

???? Although he already had a general guess, he still couldn't help but want to take a look.

???? More than 400 comments, it is naturally impossible for Zhou Jiang not to read all of them. After all, he did not read it without thinking. Looking at them, he said that he had to think and think about it himself.

???? After about eight minutes, Zhou Jiang came to the fifth floor...

???? It's a bit too long.

???? And Zhou Jiang could know that after watching for eight minutes, this was because the elves called him after eating.

???? With a sigh, Zhou Jiang turned off the phone, took back Shanaido and them, and was about to go out.

???? This guy can't...

It was put out in the room, so he was going to feed it outside, and waited for it to eat before going to the wizard center.

???? Under the dormitory, Zhou Jiang directly released the iron armored tyrannosaurus. Anyway, there was no one at this time. Everyone was watching the game. Except for the competition venue and the food court, other places felt a little desolate. , Depressed.

???? Although the buildings are all new and tidy, but there is no popular place, no matter how new, it will not feel good, and it will only make people feel panic and depressed.

???? Ironclad Tyrannosaurus eats quickly, there is no need to chew and swallow like other elves, just pour the energy cube into the mouth and it's done.

???? Although due to the energy problem of the energy cube, it can't eat much at one time, but in general, it eats faster than other elves.

After it finished eating, Zhou Jiang threw the food bowl into the plastic bag and then put it in the bag, took it back and walked towards the wizard center.

???? The Elf Center is on the edge of the battlefield. Zhou Jiang will inevitably encounter a lot of people when he passes by, and the closer to that side, the more people he will encounter. They all finished looking for food and went back to the battlefield to watch the game.

???? There was no disturbance all the way, Zhou Jiang came to the wizard center.

???? At this time there are still many people in the elves of China and the West. There are many people sitting in the lobby, chatting and chatting, watching TV watching TV, and playing mobile phones.

???? Zhou Jiang just walked to the front desk, waiting for Miss Joey to register the treatment for other trainers.

???? After "dismissing" a trainer, Miss Joey turned her head to look at Zhou Jiang, before she had time to speak, after seeing Zhou Jiang's face, she was pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Zhou Jiang! Come here. Yes, some of the things you want have been delivered. Do you want to take it now?"

???? "Huh?" Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and then he came to realize that it turned out that the elves who asked the Joey family before have arrived!

???? "Take it now, trouble you." Zhou Jiang said politely.

???? "It's nothing, please come with me." After that, she paused and asked Zhou Jiang to wait for a while. She went to talk to other Miss Joey and asked them to help her stand at the front desk.

???? Asking Miss Joey to treat the fire dinosaur, Zhou Jiang thought for a while, it was not too late to wait for the elf, so he didn't say anything.

???? Zhou Jiang followed Miss Joey and walked towards the interior of the room without attracting too much attention from anyone in the hall.

???? Inside the Elf Center, there is an Elf Ward, which is for some seriously injured Elves to cultivate. It doesn’t mean anything inside. Elves are seriously injured. Although they are rare here, you can see them outside "Battle Island". If there are more, they will not be surprised or curious anymore.

???? Miss Joey brought Zhou Jiang to the living room, not the previous one.

???? The living room is to entertain guests, and the living room is where they rest for the off-duty Miss Joey.


"You go to the living room and have a rest. Let you come in this time. In addition to giving you the elves, our elders have one more thing to ask you." Standing outside the living room door, Miss Joey looked at Zhou Jiang and said .

???? "Huh?" Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

???? Have something to ask me? Could it be that the automatic energy cube maker was destroyed by them?

???? It should not be possible... This thing is so awesome, even if they want to disassemble and study, they should be very careful to prepare, it shouldn't be broken...

???? But apart from these accidents, Zhou Jiang couldn’t think of Joey’s elders asking him anything~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, Joey’s elders asked him, not Joey’s. These are two concepts. .

???? The thing that can make Elder Joey come on, it will certainly not be a simple thing, Zhou Jiang began to become solemn.

???? But he didn't ask either, after all, Miss Joey would definitely talk to him later.

???? Miss Joey opened the door and signaled Zhou Jiang to go in and wait.

???? Zhou Jiang entered the room, Miss Joey closed the door and went to get the elf for Zhou Jiang.

???? After scanning the room, Zhou Jiang unexpectedly discovered that there was still someone inside!

???? Looking at her hair, Zhou Jiang can see that she is also Miss Joey.

???? At this time she was sitting on the sofa, and because she was carrying him, he could only see her exposed head. Miss Joey didn't turn around, she was still doing her things. Seeing her head down slightly, maybe she was looking at her phone?

???? Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly, ignored her, scanned around again, and found that there were no more seats except the sofa over there...

???? This makes him feel a little embarrassed. In this case, he can only sit there?

???? It's really embarrassing... but someone is here.

???? Zhou Jiang helplessly, pretending to be a light cough, and then whispered in a voice that the other party could hear: "Excuse me..."

???? After finishing talking, Zhou Jiang walked over there.

???? Sit in, even if you are embarrassed, it is only embarrassing for a while, but if you wait for Miss Joey to come in with the Poke Ball and find that he is still standing there, it will be really embarrassing.

???? Zhou Jiang has already spoken, but the other party still has no response, then Zhou Jiang doesn't care about it, and walks straight over there.

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