Zhou Jiang’s game was in the third and final game of the fourth field.

   If you estimate the time of the game, it should be around 1 pm.

   Because there was a competition, Zhou Jiang didn't go anywhere, and they went to the audience with Zhou Nan to watch.

   did not suddenly decide to go to the auditorium, so Zhou Jiang also has a place.

  Buying tickets internally, the backstage is still so hard, so Zhou Jiang and the others are in a good position, right in the front row. Because of the large number of people, they are not in the same row. After all, in the same row, many people will be far apart, so they are divided into one, two, three, and three rows to sit down.

   Now that the game is up, it is really exciting. For those who entered this 16-in-8 game, there were only ten masters on the "ranking list", and the other six were eliminated.

   Of course, this statistic is based on the fact that Zhou Jiang is not the oldest, and Ye Gaoyi is still at the bottom of the "ranking list."

After all, the original intention of the "ranking list" was to rank the top players before the league competition started. Now that the league conventions have started, it doesn't make sense to rank again. Even if Zhou Jiang is ranked the oldest one, no one opposes it. Jiang ranked as the oldest one in the "ranking list", and it hasn't been long since his current position. People generally record according to the previous ranking.

After all, the ranking was done in two years. From the final decision of the ranking to the present, it has not changed at least for more than half a year. Even if there is, it is a small change, such as fifth to fourth, fourth to fifth, etc. So the "ranking list" is almost finalized in people's memory, and it doesn't make much sense to add Zhou Jiang now.

   After all, after the league game is over, it will be a new row.

   Now those masters on the "ranking list" that have been eliminated, some met the same "ranking list" and then were eliminated, and some were killed by dark horses.

  Of course, there are not many dark horses. The dark horse that really defeated the people on the "ranking list" to enter the top 16 is a woman named Su Wanwan, who is also the only female trainer in the top 16.

   Except for the one eliminated by Su Wanwan, everyone else was eliminated by the "owner".

In Zhou Jiang’s words, although he has that strength, he did not enter the top 16 by eliminating people on the “ranking list”. In addition, he is considered the oldest one on the “ranking list”, so strictly speaking he cannot be called For the dark horse.

   However, it doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang that a dark horse is not a dark horse. After all, no one came to him to endorse him, and as far as his current popularity is concerned, the popularity of such a title is not much, and one is less.

In the two games in the morning, it can be said that there is very little possibility of accidents, because Zhou Jiang's No. 4 venue is very lucky. If Zhou Jiang is counted, there will be a total of six people in the game. People on the list!

   There were six people in total, so they were divided into two-thirds... Zhou Jiang almost felt shady.

In a six-person competition on the fourth field, Zhou Jiang played against a lucky guy who had not reached the top 16 on the "ranking list". The other two lucky guys met the people on the "ranking list". Five and fifteenth.

Although it is said that you can break into the top sixteen, even if you are not on the "ranking list", your strength is not weak, but since you have not been ranked on the "ranking list", then the strength is naturally somewhat similar to the people on the "ranking list" The difference, even the fifteenth place, the one behind, is much stronger than the people who are not on the "ranking list."

As I said before, the "ranking list" is a symbol of honor and strength, and the establishment of the "ranking list" has been maintained for a long time. In that long time, those businesses and the like will invest in them Establish cooperation and endorsement.

  For example, businesses or companies provide resources to trainers, and trainers help them endorse products or become famous, and even advertise in league competitions, wear advertising clothes and other advertising fees. These things will be paid separately.

With a lot of resources piled up, the gap in strength will naturally be widened and widened, so even the last trainer on the "ranking list" is better than those who have not been on the "ranking list". In theory It's much stronger.

   As for why it is theoretically... it is naturally because there are still some people who hide their strength, just like Zhou Jiang and Su Wanwan.

   Zhou Jiang did not deliberately hide his strength, but he did not deliberately expose it, and Su Wanwan may be the same. After all, she is the only female player to enter the top sixteen. Before Zhou Jiang went to find her information, but on the Internet, there is not much news about her.

   Just like him before, there is very little useful news. Basically, what circulates now is her performance during the league competition on "Battle Island".

   After all, the person is pretty, and the elves are not weak. If you show your strength on this occasion, the news about her will naturally not continue to be pitiful.

   Of course, even then, her popularity will not exceed Zhou Jiang. After all, she is respected by her strength. What if she is beautiful? Zhou Jiang's strength is awesome!

   And Menas is not beautiful? Isn't the wedding dress Sanaido pretty?

   There were no surprises in the two games in the morning. Both of them on the "ranking list" won, and they did not shame the majority of netizens who participated in the voting.

Although there were no surprises in the game, the four players were still very exciting. When the game ended at noon and left for dinner, both of Zhou Jiang's palms were red. This is because he followed the atmosphere and applauded. It was shot at the time!

   Today, Zhou Jiang and the others did not plan to eat at the snack street that was too far away, but went straight to the cafeteria.

   The cafeteria created by this alliance is still very good. What kind of chefs should be invited, and there should be a lot of chefs, because this dish is not a big pot dish.

   The cafeteria is still very lively, it can be said to be crowded.

   Although it is a canteen, there are many people who eat it. After all, the food here is good and the price is relatively affordable. Although it is still a bit expensive, it is cheaper than those outside.

   Zhou Jiang is still a contestant, so eating the canteen is free, which can save a lot of money, although he does not lack this money.

After eating properly, Zhou Jiang and his party walked towards the battlefield. When they were halfway along the way, Zhou Jiang suddenly remembered something and asked Zhou Wenbin: "Father, if you want me to advertise your company. ?"

   Zhou Jiang hadn't even thought of the endorsement before, but he remembered it only when someone read the endorsement advertisement during their game this morning.

  The trainers who were fighting with him before were all wearing advertising uniforms, and they didn't shout advertisements. Because the distance was a little far away, Zhou Jiang didn't pay much attention to it. Now that he has noticed, he can't put it aside.

   Although no one came to him to endorse and send money, but this endorsement can not be empty, anyway, empty is also empty, then just give the endorsement of the company at home, after all, the fertilizer does not flow to outsiders.

   Although Zhou Jiang still doesn’t know what his company does...

   But as long as it's not making condoms or adult toys, he doesn't mind what it does.

   "Huh?" Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Zhou Nan and others stopped and looked over.

   "Endorsement?" Zhou Wenbin raised his eyebrows.

   Zhou Jiang nodded: "Well, endorsements, anyway, I didn't take any endorsements, so I can just give my family an endorsement."

"Ah, A Jiang has the skills, I think it's OK!" Zhou Nan's father Zhou Tianyi nodded approvingly, then patted Zhou Nan's head and said: "Look at the other A Jiang, he has already spoken for the family. Earn money, your kid is still spending your father's money!"

   Zhou Nan touched his head, gave him a white tooth, and said nothing.

   He wanted to say that he earned the travel expenses, but he felt helpless when he thought of the moonstone.

   This moonstone was indeed bought with family money, he has nothing to say.

   "Well, you can figure this out." Zhou Wenbin nodded and let Zhou Jiang make his own decision.

   He was just surprised before. He didn't expect Zhou Jiang to mention this, but he didn't care about the endorsement.

  Since Zhou Jiang wants to endorse, let’s do it.

   Zhou Jiang nodded and asked: "Have you ever advertised before? The ad service is too late now. If there are any advertisements, I will read them to you according to the previous advertisements?"

Zhou Jiang, his predecessor, must have known what company Zhou Wenbin and the others started, but his memory is now blurred, and he has no idea what they do. He is not easy to ask them now. After all, it is impossible for him to say yes. forget?

   What a joke... I don’t know what company I started at home, it’s really a drama.

So Zhou Jiang changed the way and asked them directly about the advertisement ~www.ltnovel.com~. If he has advertised before, then he can just read the advertisement according to the advertisement. If not, it doesn’t matter. I can’t think of it personally. I would say it for the sake of brainstorming. Tell Xu Feng and others what the company does. Doesn’t he know?

   "I haven't used the advertising words before, but the advertising words..." Zhou Wenbin frowned slightly and looked at Zhou Tianyi.

   Zhou Tianyi shrugged helplessly, "Don't look at me, I'm not good at this thing either."

   "Advertising? Why don't you think about it together?" Zhou Jiang's mother Lin Jiyun said.

   "Well, it's a way." Zhou Wenbin nodded.

   Zhou Jiang squinted his eyes and smiled, and said jokingly: "Ah, what? The ad is what everyone thinks, and I have spoken for you. Dad, won't you invite us to have a meal afterwards?"

   "Yes, yes! Please treat, treat!" Zhou Nan also immediately booed.

   At this time, Zhou Nan is first-rate when it comes to pitfalls.

   "Haha, okay, treat as soon as you treat, and celebrate to A Jiang by the way!" Zhou Tianyi laughed and waved his hand and agreed to the two "requests."

   Zhou Wenbin also smiled and said, "It's okay to treat guests, but you need to think about the advertising language. If the advertising language is not good, I don't recognize it!"

   "Hey, don't worry, uncle! We'll leave the ad slogan to us!" Zhou Nan grabbed Xu Feng's shoulder and said, "Right, glasses? The ad slogan depends on you!"

   "..." Xu Feng helped Fu's glasses that had slipped because Zhou Nan suddenly pulled him over, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


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