Many people are incapable, so they don't dare to be ambitious. If given the opportunity, they will definitely show their fangs and climb up desperately, absolutely not wanting to go back to the past and yield to the ordinary.

Zhou Jiang has the opportunity and ability, and he has climbed up now, but can he accept that the golden finger disappears, and the enhanced and modified elves also disappear, turning into the gap of an ordinary trainer?

The answer is yes.

Because he himself doesn't think there is anything bad about being ordinary.

I have seen a lot and experienced a lot, but the ordinary is still commendable to him.

The worst situation now is just getting back to normal, so why doesn't he dare to enjoy the pleasure of crushing?

It's nothing more than becoming ordinary.

The worst case is that, and it is acceptable to him, so he can naturally enjoy it as he pleases.

If you are interested, it will be hard to tell the outcome for a short time. The trainer has to use his brain to fight hard. If you are not interested, just crush it!

Now he just doesn't have much interest in the league games, and wants to finish the game early.

He felt that instead of playing here, he might as well train the elves and recite English words.

Maybe he thinks that the only advantage of this game is that he can get points, and the rest...haha.

No matter how surprised Chen Ziang was, he couldn't wait for the game. After the referee reminded him, he came back to his senses, put the poke ball in his hand back to his waist, and took out a new poke from his belt. ball.

Chen Ziang released his trump card, the fire-breathing dragon!

Facing Zhou Jiang’s Big Needle Bee, he didn’t dare to be careless. If he came up with a low-strength bee at the beginning, if he was strung several times by Big Needle Bee and his momentum was gone, it would be bad. So he just started using spray. The fire dragon came to challenge, although it might still not be able to beat the needle bee, but if you want to come, you still have to have a bigger chance.

On the podium, in addition to understanding the speakers, there are also two guests. I heard they are quite famous. They were also trainers in the past. They also won some places in the league competitions. I don’t know why they were inappropriate, so I went to the relevant ones. The industry breaks through.

Regarding the intelligence of Zhou Jiang and Chen Ziang, the two guests and the commentary are quite clear. At least they know about the big needle bee. At this time, they saw the two sides start the game and took out the trump card, although It was a little strange, but they also started their work, explaining the situation on the field, etc., mobilizing the enthusiasm of the audience.

"The Zhou Jiang player is very strong. Everyone may only know that his Shanaido is one-to-one, but not many people know that his Big Needle Bee is also very strong, right?" Guest Wang Huan said.

"Yes, Chen Ziang's hesitation before is probably understood. I think he hesitated when he released the elves, and finally came out of the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon is his ace elves, with good strength and the level of a quasi-king. , And he..."

The two guests and the commentator talked a lot of things on it. It was very lively, at least it was more lively than when there was only one commentator.

After all, there are too many people, so they can throw questions and ask each other, have a chat, and even make a noise when they encounter different opinions.

On the field, two elves flying in mid-air have already fought together.

Zhou Jiang didn't let the Big Needle Bee use a sword dance or other ascension state, but directly let it rush over and fight the fire-breathing dragon in close hands.

If you shave with the first hand, basically no elves can escape the elves of the needle bee, unless it is a super-powered elves. If you use teleportation, the needle bee is not easy to chase. For other elves, even ghosts The invisibility of the line can't confuse the big needle bee.

The invisibility of the ghost system only eliminates its body shape, it just makes it invisible to people, instead of disappearing in this world directly, even if the body shape is eliminated, they all stay near the place, and the big needle bee rushes over twice. Can knock them out.

After the big needle bee was close, the fire-breathing dragon could hardly get off, and wanted to fly away, but when the speed was not better than the big needle bee, it could not run away at all, and it was stuck by the big needle bee, and it saw After being unable to run away, they could only use the long-range fire-breathing and the close combat claws and tails to fight back.

It's just that the strength and speed of the big needle bee are so amazing, every time a fist and a gun strike, the fire-breathing dragon's arms will tremble.

It really hurts...

Regardless of the small body of the Big Needle Bee, the spear was so heavy that it hit it down. The fire-breathing dragon almost failed to fly several times and was about to be smashed into the pool.

"Fire-breathing dragon, flame vortex!" Chen Ziang shouted.

When the fire-breathing dragon heard it, it immediately opened its mouth after catching another blow of the big needle bee, protruding a ball of flame, and turning around.

That's right, the target of Flame Vortex is not the Big Needle Bee, but itself!

In the case of Big Needle Bee, the speed of Big Needle Bee is so fast that the skills cannot catch up, but anyway, this is a range of skills, and it is persistent, so it can directly act on itself. After surrounding the flame, Could the big needle bee risk being burned to come in and attack?

And as long as the Big Needle Bee stops and does not continue to pester the fire-breathing dragon's crazy attacks, then it can take the opportunity to stay away or directly fight back!

It's just that he still doesn't know how strong they are as the elves of the heavenly king level, when the origin can be mobilized at will!

"Big Needle Bee, come on!" Zhou Jiang also shouted when the other side was about to fight back.

Big Needle Bee nodded, and after wrapping a layer of origin on its body surface, it broke into the flames and attacked the fire-breathing dragon!

Chen Ziang was shocked, he didn't expect Zhou Jiang to fight like this?

At the risk of being burned, he forcibly broke into the sea of ​​flames and confronted the fire-breathing dragon.

Although fire-breathing dragons are quasi-king-level elves, they can already use their origins, but the use of their origins is not effective at all times, so he has no idea that the origins can be used for defense!

After all, when the spirit is not effective, it is definitely impossible to count on it to defend. Isn’t this just taking your own life to gamble? If you win a gambling, you won’t lose, if you lose a gambling, you’ll be gone. Who will do it? When the quasi heavenly king, it was used to attack.

In the offensive, the original blood is used to make money, and it is not lost if it is not used. In such a comparison, everyone knows who to choose.

Although Chen Ziang is considered a great individual, after all, he has nothing to do with his contacts. He knows very little about the king of heaven, so he is not very clear about this. He knows that he knows that he can defend the original source, but because he doesn't need it, he I can't reach it, so I don't remember it subconsciously.

If you talk to him directly, he will definitely realize that there is still this thing, but if you don't say it, then he will never remember it.

But even though he couldn't remember it, the guests who were sitting still knew it, and they ordered it all at once. Before, there was a suspicion that the Big Needle Bee is an elf of the Uranus level, but now that it looks like this, it is completely solid.

And Chen Ziang was also "reminded" by the guests, and he also understood that there is still this, but he understood it a bit late. The fire-breathing dragon was attacked after being rushed into the flame by a large needle bee and was directly maimed.

The fire-breathing dragon was able to withstand the attack of the big needle bee. It was just that the big needle bee did not take it seriously and deliberately sent the spear to its hand to let it catch the fight, otherwise, how could it attack by slashing? The power of the gun lies in the thorn!

Moreover, even if a slashing attack is used with its strength and a strange power skill, even if it is not full force, the fire-breathing dragon's arm cannot stand it. The arm of the fire-breathing dragon that is hit with strength without using the skill itself becomes numb. I am afraid that if I go down, the hand bones of the fire-breathing dragon will break.

Zhou Jiang let the Big Needle Bee use its origin directly, so it will naturally not keep its hands too much. Of course, it will not be full. After all, it is not killing the fire-breathing dragon, but the attack will cause a lot of damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

When the big needle bee rushed into the flames, it was indeed a successful sneak attack on the fire-breathing dragon. There was a big gap in its own strength. With the sneak attack, the fire-breathing dragon was directly overturned.

In addition, Zhou Jiang’s elves will hunt down when they are cheap. After the fire-breathing dragon was sneak attacked, they were chased by the big needle bee and shot three times. The gunshot hit the flesh, and the fire-breathing dragon suddenly appeared on its belly. A blood hole.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon naturally loses its strength to fly, and falls towards the bottom. So weak, if it falls in the water, it may not be drowned, so the big needle bee deliberately controls the direction. , Smashed it with a needle and pushed it onto a rock pillar in the water field where the elves could stand.

The fire-breathing dragon is worthy of being a fire and its strength has reached the quasi-king. Even if it is wounded like this, it still has not lost its fighting ability after eating Big Needle Bee Five Needles. But looking at the flames that jumped slightly high on its tail, everyone understood that it was almost there.

The fierce fire has been shot out, how much stamina is there? And if he was seriously injured, the counterattack won't be sharp anymore. How can I fight this...

Although it was chasing and fighting, there was a degree. Like now, the fire-breathing dragon got up with difficulty amid Chen Ziang's cries, but the needle bee did not attack at this time.

After all, it is a regular game, and sometimes you have to keep one hand to show your kindness and generosity.

If you encounter the Rockets in the wild and engage in random chaos, then you don't need to think about it so much. Even the trainer can fight, let alone put the opponent on the horse and let the opponent recover.

Fire elves, what is powerful is their will, like the will of fire!

Even with this serious injury, the fire-breathing dragon climbed up and opened its mouth to reveal a thick jet flame.

Perhaps it was anger or luck. This jet flame contained the blessing of its origin. It was extremely powerful and extremely fast, and the Big Needle Bee couldn't escape for a while.

Of course, this is the case when it is useless to shave, but this is already very strong.

The speed of the big needle bee under normal conditions is also very amazing. This attack of the fire-breathing dragon actually made it too late to run. It is really powerful. It is about to be cold after changing to a normal spirit.

But it is a pity that it was Zhou Jiang's big needle bee.

The two long spears after strengthening are invulnerable to weapons and fire. The big needle bee lifted its strength and slammed toward the center of the oncoming flame. The flame was immediately scattered and struck off to both sides of the big needle bee, but the big needle bee was not satisfied with this, shaking The wings are directed towards the fire-breathing dragon!

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