"Solve it?"

"Yeah." Zhou Jia nodded, Zhou Jiang didn't say much, and continued to watch the group battle between Big Needle Bee and Monarch Snake.

Today is the fourth day of coming to the "other world". Before, they counted Li Weibin as 13 people. Now they are grouped, leaving him with Zhou Jia and Joey Lian.

On the first day of the "different world", they successfully reached the forest above the cliff where the newcomers were trained. The elves inside were indeed very weak, whether it was Zhou Jiang or Chen Ziang.

When they arrived at the destination on the first day, it was already evening. They just camped in the forest. During the period, they encountered three waves of elves from the "different world", and there were only a few elves in each wave. It's all thirty and up.

Although there are a lot of these elves, but if they have a lot of people, if there are too many people, there will be no fewer elves, plus their strength, so they can easily kill the elves.

On the second and third days afterwards, Zhou Jiang and the others followed Li Weibin and walked forward in the woods, only aimlessly.

Along the way, they killed wave after wave of elves, and even almost got buried in the sea of ​​elves once. In the end, it was Shanaiduo who used his mind to support Zhou Jiang and the thirteen people to fly to the sky before they escaped.

As for the elves on the ground...

They are naturally fearless, their level is basically in the quasi-tianwang, and there are some high-level elites, fighting against the elves of the elementary and general levels is simply abusive.

If they are under siege, only the weak trainer is very dangerous, and after Shanaido pulls them to the sky, their elves can kill the enemy without any scruples.

After two days of killing like this, Zhou Jiang and the others "divided up".

There are a total of twelve people, three people in a group, divided into four groups, and they are not far away to hunt the elves, while Li Weibin hangs behind them, and if they encounter danger, he will support them.

Although the elves of the "different world" are bloodthirsty, they often appear on a large scale, such as more than 30 groups, and few are alone.

When Zhou Jiang and all of them formed a group, it was nothing to face these elves, but after they were divided into three groups, there was some pressure.

After all, there are more than 30 elves that kill all the year round, even if their strength is low, but even if it is a pig, if there are more than 30, it will take a lot of effort to kill, and during this period, their dying counterattack is still It will cause harm to their elves, and they don’t just fight a wave, they go to hunt the elves after a wave, rest for a while...

With such a high-intensity battle, coupled with hunting that has never been touched before, their elves are very tired.

In this way, danger and pressure are naturally present, and this requires the care and caution of the three trainers.

Although they are here for "training", if they want to fight against the "other world" elves of the large forces on the front line, how can they do without any danger during the "training".

It’s just a little dangerous here. As long as you’re careful, there won’t be any major problems, and if you go to the front line, you will have to make the elves desperate.

If they can't resist even this little pressure, then it is not suitable for the battlefield on the front line, otherwise it does not matter if it is dead on its own, it may also hurt its companions and cause the defense line to be torn.

Zhou Jiang’s Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo can be seen to be very powerful with their ass. Although Li Weibin did not go to Zhou Jiang’s material too much, he could still feel it. Zhou Jiang’s two The elves are very strong and might be able to beat his elves.

It just made him a little puzzled as to why their usual auras didn't show up, and only when they were fighting would they show a dangerous aura.

But it didn't matter, as long as Zhou Jiang's strength was the strongest among the twelve.

If Zhou Jiang is the strongest among the twelve, then the weakest are undoubtedly Zhou Jia and Joey Rou.

One was Zhou Jiang's younger sister, and the other was taken care of by the Joey family, so Li Weibin directly gave them to Zhou Jiang and let them go with Zhou Jiang.

Regarding the team with Zhou Jia, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia have no opinion.

Zhou Jiang must protect Zhou Jia. Even if he doesn't like her very much, she is his sister after all. If something happens to him, let alone other, the two parents in the family will definitely be sad to death.

He felt that the two parents were still good, so he didn't want to make them sad.

And even if he didn't say this, he would not allow his sister to hang up in front of him, even if it was a nominal sister to him.

As for Zhou Jia's words, she was even more okay, because it was her master, Shui's gentle arrangement.

Zhou Jia was very obedient to Shui Gentle's orders and would hardly defy her. At least Zhou Jiang had never seen her defy.

I won't say what Joey Lian said. I was told by the elders Joey that he must be with Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang's team of three, all the output work was given to Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bees, Zhou Jia and Joey were basically behind them.

Zhou Jia's own elves are not high in level, and he dared not let them go forward for fear of being killed, so she put a ranged skill around the three of them. Fortunately, Zhou Jia’s elves are basically water and ice systems, so Fighting from a distance is enough.

Joey Lian's strength is still good, and the elf level has reached the elite intermediate level or above. If you are careful, plus Zhou Jiang's Shanaiduo and Zhou Jia's Hudi, it will basically be no problem to rush up.

And Joey Lin still has three wet nurses, one lucky egg and two happy eggs. As long as they are not too dying, there is basically no danger.

After all, the three nurses still have enough milk, especially the two happy eggs among them. They are all very high-level. They have reached the strength of the quasi-king. They also learned to heal the fluctuating group of milk, as long as they control the milk to the enemy. On the head, then with the help of the super power elves, the front row can wave freely!

The strength of the two happy eggs is very strong, not to say its level, but its combat effectiveness.

The milkman can also plant seed bombs at the same time, and the amount of milk is well controlled. There is no excess milk overflowing, and no milk reaches the enemy. The energy control is very powerful.

Zhou Jiang felt that this was not from Joey's family or from her dead parents. Anyway, it was impossible for her to cultivate it herself.

After all, she was only twenty-five years old. How could it be possible that there were still two elves of the quasi-kingdom level, and they weren’t the elves with ranks and no combat effectiveness.

Even if she is a member of the Joey family, she has a lot of resources.

"It's solved, let's go on. There is still an hour before the assembly." Zhou Jiang checked the time on the multifunctional tactical watch. It is now three and fifty, and their assembly time is five o'clock.

"Yeah." Zhou Jia and Joey Lian said very little, and they responded and said they had no objection.

Although Joey Lin’s voice is hoarse and a little unpleasant, but the simple "um" is still not very audible. At best, it is not as pleasant as other Miss Joey. And this "um" and shaking his head are Joey. Lotus's most common way of expressing opinions.

But she rarely speaks does not mean that she does not speak, especially after being divided into small teams.

With fewer people, the difficulty will increase, and everyone must communicate from time to time.

Fortunately, the third person in the three-person team is Zhou Jia, Zhou Jiang's sister, who is her own. Although she thinks the relationship between the two is a bit strange, she doesn't think much about it.

And since it was her own, Joey Lin did not deliberately conceal it, did not speak or make a sound, so Zhou Jia now knew her general condition.

Although Zhou Jia was a little surprised at this, she didn't show any emotions, and just associated with her normally as before.

Zhou Jiang pressed a button on the multifunctional tactical watch in his hand, and a small light blue light curtain rose instantly.

Above the light curtain is a square grid with five small dots flashing blue on it. If you zoom in on the light curtain, you can see that the four small dots are superimposed on multiple dots.

There is no doubt that this light curtain is a small map, but it is only used to see the distance between teammates.

Although here, the elves on the cliff are not very strong, but you are not afraid of ten thousand and just in case, what if a very powerful elves suddenly pop up? What if you are besieged by hundreds of elves?

Therefore, although the crowd dispersed, they did not disperse too much. The four trio teams scattered towards the front with Li Weibin who fell behind as the center, basically maintaining a consistent distance.

After realizing that he hadn't gone too far, Zhou Jiang signaled Zhou Jia and the others to follow and they could leave.

The three moved closer, Zhou Jiang walked in front, Zhou Jia and Joey Rou walked on either side of him, but they were slightly different. The big needle bee flew slowly beside Zhou Jiang, keeping the same speed as Zhou Jiang and the others. Hu Di and the flame chicken stayed on either side of Zhou Jia and Joey Rou respectively, including the big needle bee, three The elves wrapped the three people in a triangle shape.

As a result, the few people just walked not far, and Hudi, who was walking beside Zhou Jia, issued a warning low drink.

In addition to protecting Zhou Jia's side, Hu Di also served as the investigator in the team. When he found the elf, he would remind the three of them. So after hearing Hu Di’s warning, the three immediately stopped and moved closer. The needle bee and the flame chicken also put on a fighting posture, waiting for the outbreak of the battle at any time.


There was a commotion in the bushes ahead.


A fiery monkey poked his head out of the grass.

It is still different from the outside world, with mysterious black lines on his body, and his eyes are red, as if foreshadowing unknown.

After the Hot Monkey came out, he was stunned when he saw Zhou Jiang and the others, but when it did not move, there was no other sound in front of it, that is, it was the only enemy.

"Big Needle Bee, you go!"

Although there is only one enemy, since it has been seen, it must die!

After all, these elves are like cowhide plasters, they can't be shaken off, and after discovering them, they will rush up like chicken blood.

Unless they are stopped by elves, otherwise they will directly rush up and violently beat them. This is still a melee type of elves, and the remotely output elves directly rushed over with a skill from a far place.

There is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties, at least Zhou Jiang thinks so.

The big needle bee rushed up, and the fiery monkey saw the big needle bee rushing up, and greeted it without fear.


The spear of the big needle bee collided with the fist of the fiery monkey. The uncountable fiery monkey flew back at a faster speed than before, and the palm of his right hand was directly exploded by the big needle bee. The whole bones were also exploded.

It can be said that even if this hot monkey survives, it will be scrapped in the future, because in the wild, its arm is scrapped and completely scrapped, and even if it has medical conditions, it will not be sent to Miss Joey the first time. The arm may not be protected.

The fiery monkey flying backwards plunged into the bushes, then broke a tree before stopping.


As long as the elves of the "other world" don't faint or die, as long as they are injured, they will be more vicious.

The pain made the fiery monkey angry, and the fiery monkey let out a roar like a beast, and his eyes were red.

Although the arm was scrapped, it did not hinder its speed at all, and it even exploded...

The Hot Monkey rushed over again, his right hand was scrapped, his left hand squeezed a fist, flames rose from his fist, and he smashed towards the Big Needle Bee.

Although the elves of the "other world" are stronger than the elves of the same stage, they are also stupid.

None of them seem to be very sane, especially after injuries.


With a loud noise, the air wave surged around.

The fiery monkey was smashed to the ground by a strange force of the big needle bee.

Although its body was deformed, it was still dead.

The Big Needle Bee didn't bother to ink with it, and pointed the gun directly at its forehead...

"Thank you~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang said to the big needle bee flying back, and then signaled Zhou Jia and the others to continue.

Three or two days have given them the feeling of accustomed to killing elves, and now the three of them have no feeling for the death of these elves, just like trampling on an ant.

It is not clear whether Zhou Jia and the two girls felt that way, Zhou Jiang, but he felt that way.

His adaptability is very fast, in fact, he did not reject it on the first day.

At five o'clock, everyone gathered in a small clearing in the forest.

Arrange powerful insect repellent and snake powder around, and then there are some traps and the like.

If they were in Zhoujiang’s original world, as long as the expelling powder was placed in the forest, the elves would not get close, but this world is different. Even if you set up the snake powder, the elves like Abo Snake and Abo will still have Maybe get in.

So in addition to arranging the powder, it is necessary to place alarm traps, bury stakes around, and emit infrared rays. Once a wizard enters, it will alarm. Although it is not too high-end, it is all obtained from the alliance.

"How is it, how many Alesi have you found?" Chen Ziang, Dai Qianyi and Chen Fan came over and asked while biting the bread.

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia were in a three-person group, and Chen Ziang was in a three-person group.

Entering the "other world", they can not only fight against these weird elves and then increase their strength, they can also harvest some rare items such as herbs, fruits, and minerals that are unique to the "other world".

Areci is one of the herbs, a special product of another world, and the main material for making medicine. Basically, the medicines developed by other world materials, in the materials they need, you can find Arecii's shadow, it is one of the most basic medicinal materials.

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