I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 777: End of experience, return

After ten o'clock, Zhou Jiang's trio returned to the camp last night.

In the morning they will explore nearby, and in the afternoon, they will move to other places, and then strangle the elves of the "other world" nearby.

After all, although there are a lot of elves in these "other worlds", they are not endless, and there are a lot of them as soon as they appear, so they will move their positions soon, because before long, nearby elves will be affected. They are done!

They have a week to do training here. Except for the first day and the last day, they can stay here for a total of five days.

Although the elves of the elves in the "other world" live in groups, they don't seem to be too large in number. Zhou Jiang and the others encountered only more than forty elves, which still included some juveniles.

Every group has some territory. Although it is often not fixed, it is not too chaotic.

Like the elves that Zhou Jiang and the others cleaned up, although the owner of their territory is gone, if the elves from other territories want to come and occupy it, it will take at least a week. Zhou Jiang and the others can't wait, so they simply I didn't wait any longer, and went directly to other areas.

"How about it, is there any gain in the morning?" Zhou Jiang asked Chen Ziang and the three with a smile.

Chen Fan sighed helplessly: "Don't mention it, I found three Arecis in the morning and they have fallen home."

Zhou Jiang squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, take your time, at most it will be a little interest."

"Cut~" Chen Ziang gave him a gesture of contempt.

Zhou Jiang said: "Don't worry, you haven't found much, and the other two groups are estimated to be similar. The big head must be yours."

"Indeed." Dai Qianyi nodded, and then stopped talking after speaking.

After a brief meal, everyone cleaned up the garbage, and then walked to the side.

If you continue to move forward, you can only encounter weak elves. Now this place is almost the same. Although there are no elves around, they can meet the elves again as long as they walk towards the edge laterally.

After all, the places they cleaned up are only a small part of this forest. For this forest, this kind of place can be seen everywhere!

Going all the way, killing all the way, twelve people walked together, and the elves they encountered were completely a situation of more monks and less meat. After the previous killings, their sympathy for the elves has long since disappeared, and These are all experienced babies in their eyes, and they are all vying to get on. The small team elves that occasionally meet, they can't even score.

At two o'clock, everyone walked a long distance, at least the elves slowly started to encounter more, so Li Weibin stayed in place to set up the camp, while Zhou Jiang and others continued to go out and sweep the surroundings.

The enthusiasm of the people is very high. One is to wait for the elves to be killed separately after separation, and the other is to continue to look for Alessi. After all, if they are together, the Alessi found will be given to Li Weibin first, and then divided. They only came in for seven days, and they were still on their way for two days. At the end, there were very few that could be allocated.

It is still worthwhile to separate into small teams and spread out.

In the afternoon, time was spent in killing and rushing.

Zhou Jiang and the three of them encountered four waves of more than thirty elves, and they all fought hard, and then they were wiped out by the big needle bee.

In addition to these, they only found some Areci and other medicinal materials, but Areci was in the majority.

As for Zhou Jiang's "bad premonition" in the morning?

It turned out that there was no ass, and he was really nervous.

Five o'clock was the agreed time to return to the assembly. After dinner, Zhou Jiang and others gathered together to chat. Most of them were talking about what kind of amazing elves had been encountered by their team in one day, and what kind of medicinal materials they had encountered. Fruits and the like.

Chen Ziang and his team had little harvest day by day, but other teams had some good gains and found a lot of fruit.

Fruits are much rarer than medicinal materials. Of course, not all of them are rare. There are still many medicinal materials that are rare, but not many, most of which are common medicinal materials like Areci.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that the day after tomorrow I will be able to gather the medicinal materials and rare fruits that are equivalent to rare gold.

Everyone still spent the next two days like this.

Clean the surrounding area, leave the camp and drive on the road, then stationed, then clean the surrounding area, and so on.

Apart from looking forward to what medicinal materials or fruits will be found every day, Zhou Jiang feels bored all the time.

Until the last day...

On the last day, when Zhou Jiang and the others returned to the border, they encountered a small group attacked by elves on the way.

There were eleven people in the team, one of them was a middle-aged man, and the other ten were all 13 or 14-year-old teenage girls.

They all came here to experience, and the middle-aged man was their bodyguard and guardian.

Of course, although the eleven people are being besieged, they are not in much danger. After all, the group of elves besieging them is only high-level elites, and the six elves of that man are mid-level and high-level heavenly kings. exist!

There are only more than forty elves. Among the six elves of the middle-aged man, one stays beside them to protect the trainer. The other five elves and the ten young and young elves cooperate with the "other world." The elves confronted each other, and both sides fought back and forth. It seemed that they were evenly matched?

Zhou Jiang guessed that this is probably a test for the teenagers. If the middle-aged man really wants to solve the elves, the five elves above the middle rank of the heavenly kings can solve the battle in five minutes. If the source is used If it is, it may be faster!

"Aren't we going to help?" One person looked at Li Weibin and asked.

"No, just watch it." Li Weibin shook his head, still watching the battle ahead.

Zhou Jiang and others suddenly appeared, and the eleven people who were besieged by the elves opposite them naturally saw them, but they didn't say anything and watched the elves fighting in front.

Just as Zhou Jiang thought, there was no quick solution to these elves. This was indeed a test for those teenagers.

Anyway, Zhou Jiang's task today was just to go back to the border. It was very easy, so they didn't rush on their way. They just stood there and watched the battle ahead, and then from time to time killed the elves who rushed towards them after spotting them.

Fortunately, there are not many elves rushing towards them, otherwise the elves will be killed by them.

After all, these elves are not high in strength, not to mention Li Weibin, Zhou Jiang's big needle bee can kill a rushing elves with one shot.

As long as there are not too many elves, it can basically do two or three shots.

After almost twenty minutes, the battle was finally over.

Seeing that the elves of the "other world" were exhausted, the middle-aged uncle changed his strategy and asked the young girls to kill them directly.

The two sides fought for almost nineteen minutes, but it only took one minute to completely resolve them...

After solving the elves, the middle-aged uncle and the others took back the elves and walked over with ten young girls, and Li Weibin also walked towards them, Zhou Jiang and others behind him quickly followed.

"Even you came to bring the newcomer?" Li Weibin asked after walking in.

Obviously, the two are acquaintances, and they are not familiar.

"Well, it happened again yesterday." The middle-aged uncle took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, then took out one and lit it.

"Together again?!" Li Weibin frowned, obviously getting serious.

"Yeah." The middle-aged uncle breathed out a plume of smoke, expressionless.

Li Weibin and the two team leaders were talking to each other. Although Zhou Jiang and others were listening to what they were saying, they looked at the young girl who was opposite.

After all, depending on their age, if you follow the normal rules, they cannot own the elves. To legally own the elves, they must be at least 18 years old and have an elves cultivation certificate, otherwise they are illegally holding elves. If caught, there will be a fine, and if the circumstances are serious, the wizard will even be confiscated.

As a result, now, they actually saw ten teenage girls who were obviously underage. Not only were they holding elves, their level was not low. What's more, they actually had people from the alliance escorting them to experience...

But despite this, everyone didn't say anything, just looked at them with curious eyes.

"Okay, let's go, go back." Li Weibin's words made Zhou Jiang regain his senses.

The middle-aged uncle opposite also greeted a young girl behind him, and he wanted to move on.

The two sides said goodbye and then passed by.

The middle-aged uncle took ten teenagers and girls to move on, while Zhou Jiang and others walked slowly towards the border.

Fortunately, the multifunctional tactical watch has a "map" marked with friendly locations so that they will not get lost.

On the way, everyone remained silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

Zhou Jiang didn't know what others thought. Anyway, he was thinking about the conversation between Li Weibin and the middle-aged uncle.

If he expected it well, something went wrong in the "other world".

The middle-aged uncle is obviously very strong, but he actually came to bring new people!

As for Li Weibin, he was also strong, and as a result, he had to take Zhou Jiang and others.

If Li Weibin is a special case, as long as you take Zhou Jiang and others for a week, then the middle-aged uncle is really just a newcomer.

Zhou Jiang and the others want to take it not because they are not strong enough, but because they have never experienced it, so they need to take it, but now a week later, they can go to the front line to fight, and Li Weibin can do it himself.

This is also the reason Zhou Jiang had no doubt before, because he would not take them for a long time.

The middle-aged uncle is different. He brought boys and girls. Obviously, it was not enough to bring a wave. Moreover, he said before that "it happened again yesterday." Zhou Jiang estimated that this was for him to bring new people. the reason.

And this so-called "together again" should be related to the newcomer, and if Zhou Jiang boldly guessed, it is very likely that the newcomer died or was even destroyed by the group? And it was attacked by powerful elves.

Otherwise, there would be no way to send masters like middle-aged uncles to be bodyguards.

It is estimated that the middle-aged uncle's task is to protect the newcomer and at the same time to find out if there is anything unusual.

Thinking of the possibility that he had inferred, Zhou Jiang's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Maybe the bad feeling before is not an illusion?

Is it really possible that the "elves siege" incident occurred?

Zhou Jiang didn't know the truth. After all, even if he asked Li Weibin, he wouldn't say much.

Although Zhou Jiang is related, Li Weibin is worthwhile, and Zhou Jiang has no position. Many things cannot be known, even if they are related, otherwise, what is the use of keeping secret.

When they returned to the base, it was already evening, and this was the last part of the journey because they let the elves fly back with them, otherwise it would be dark when they arrived at the base.

It is worth mentioning that they were taken by the elves to fly in the sky, and they were almost swept away by the base's air defense machine guns. Fortunately, Li Weibin contacted the base, otherwise they were afraid that they were going to take a gun.

When they came to the base, they did not pass the time-space gate back to the rear base of the border at the first time. Instead, they handed the elves to Miss Joey in the Elf Center and began to "divide the spoils" in the Elf Center Hall.

Li Weibin took out the medicinal materials and tree fruits they discovered together from the space backpack, and then distributed them to everyone according to the market price.

After the division was over, it was time for Chen Ziang and other nine people to divide the rare gold.

Regrettably, during this week ~www.ltnovel.com~ they did not collect all the medicinal materials or tree fruits with the market value, but the rare gold was still distributed to them. Resource allocation, insufficient accounting.

Material transactions are all done under the "supervision" of Li Weibin. After all, they are all Xiaobai, and the ghost knows what the market price of these things is.

After the transaction was completed, Chen Ziang and others ran to the "Alchemy Institute" with Li Weibin with rare gold. They were specialized in making medicines. They were established by the alliance. All you need to do is provide materials and pay a small fee. It is very conscience.

The others left, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia were still "dividing the spoils". After all, the rare gold gave them a lot of materials. The market price of these materials was also mentioned by Li Weibin before, so they don’t need to ask. Others can be divided directly.

After dividing the materials, Chen Ziang and others have also returned.

Zhou Jiang didn't bother to go to the "alchemy house". He and Chen Ziang went through the space door to the rear base. After eating, everyone went back to the dormitory.

The week's experience is over, and whether to leave or stay afterwards, they have to think carefully tonight. If you leave, just leave, but you can’t reveal the news to others, or just wait to check the water meter. If they stay, they will reply to Li Weibin when they assemble tomorrow. After that, they may wait for official arrangements.

Going and staying seem to be random, but Zhou Jiang feels that no one on their side will choose to go back. The three of his group will not say anything, they must be staying. The other nine people have not suffered a major blow. , Such as the crisis that almost died or the elf almost died, I would definitely not choose to leave.

After all, the rare materials in the "other world" are really tempting!

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