Compared to Zhao Feng, Shui Qingrou was relieved.

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia are fine, so she can rest assured.

She has been worried about the safety of Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia, one is her disciple, the other is her disciple's brother, and she is also a trainer whom she likes and agrees with.

And more importantly, she brought both of them in. If something went wrong, she would really have no face to face Zhou Jiang's parents.

Although Zhou Jiang is strong, what's the use of being strong alone, let alone Zhou Jiang, even if she is surrounded by dozens or hundreds of elves, she still hangs.

Although Zhou Jiang has teammates, this "different world" elven riot is not on the scale of dozens or hundreds!

This is a massive riot of nearly two million elves!

Although more than half of the elves' strengths range from "normal" (21-30) to "elite elementary" (31-40), the number is still scary.

Although she has been worried, but due to her duties, she can't bring in personal feelings. For example, she can only find them by herself or send someone to find them.

Seeing them all right now, I feel relieved immediately.

Standing behind Zhao Feng, one of the two former serving kings was tall and thin. The gentle man wearing glasses and looking like a teacher touched his chin and said, "Hey, this Zhou Jiang is the week you said before. River?"

Zhao Feng nodded and said, "Yes, it's him."

"Very capable." The other person also nodded, approvingly.

"Sneer~" With a sneer, Lu Hua shook his head and smiled, the gentle man, who is the former king of service.


Zhao Feng was silent. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that for the moment, Zhou Jiang's help had been difficult to create any powerful opportunities for the Alliance.

Zhou Jiang and the others were desperately able to kill more than two hundred "different world" elves, but facing the total number of more than two million, there are now more than one million elves left in the "different world", two hundred More than that is just a fraction of a fraction.

Not to mention that the total number is more than 1 million. Even if it is the two or three million elves surrounding the front line, Zhou Jiang and the others can attract them at once, and then kill more than two hundred. How long does it take?

The answer is three or four hours.

Regardless of the other things, how long will it take them?

The answer is that it takes at least one hundred and fifty hours!

This is still a round-the-clock battle without sleep or rest, without rest, but also to ensure that the group of "other world" elves will foolishly be attracted to Zhou Jiang and others.

Not to mention that I have to do this at least fifty times, it is the second time, that is, now, it is very difficult for Big Needle Bee to fool those elves.

Zhao Feng asked, "But do you want to build the signal tower? Although they can't help much now, they are all good seedlings. At least lead them back?"

"Take it up, let Hu Di and the others guard, or they will be bombed in less than three minutes." Shui said softly, then returned to where he stood before, and continued to stare at the sand table on the table.

The other two had no objection, so Zhao Feng nodded and walked out of the command post, ready to start work.

Although only ten signal towers were bombed, and they have all been confiscated now, for Zhou Jiang and the others, if it was wasted, it was wasted.

I just hope that the signal can reach there. If it's just a signal tower, Zhao Feng feels very hanging...

Well, don't think about it. What signal flare will be released before the construction starts, but if there is no flare, then use a cannon instead, just hit the higher point, just to catch the bats flying in the sky.

Well, but the shells need to be changed.



The Big Needle Bee was in anxiety.

At this time, there were hundreds of elves behind it. If you roughly count them, there are more than 300, more than yesterday.

That's right, Big Needle Bee succeeded!

Originally there were only more than ten chasing it, although this is far from meeting the requirements, but this big needle bee can't stand strong enough!

Since the amount attracted at one time is not enough, then quote it several times!

mission failed?


Relying on superb insight, speed and dodge ability, the Big Needle Bee is frantically testing on the edge of death again and again, chasing dozens of elves behind it, and it still does not withdraw, repeatedly provoking the large forces of "other world" elves, They must be chased out.

After dying again and again, the Big Needle Bee succeeded, and it successfully pulled more than 300 elves!

The elves of the "other world" that follow the big needle bee are completely provoked by the big needle bee. They themselves are irrational. After being completely provoked, they will not give up unless the big needle bee is killed.

At a distance of several kilometers, even if it is not flying at full speed, it is impossible to slow down, after all, there are elves behind.

After about ten minutes, the Big Needle Bee brought a group of elves back to the side of the cliff, and the Big Needle Bees were also spotted by the big bees waiting there.

Flying elves also have long-range attacks, and they are not the kind of skills that envelop allies in a large area.

Air cut!

The six bizarre eagles used air slashes together, each of which was able to emit seven or eight nearly transparent gears and dart-shaped sharp blades. In total, there were more than forty.

What is shown in the air is a dense cluster of pieces.

The air cut around the big needle bee, some collided with the skills issued by the elves of the "different world" chasing behind, some escaped by luck and flew towards the elves.

Of course, even if they get lucky, they can’t get close to their bodies. After all, they can chase the big needle bee here. Basically, they are disgusted by the big needle bee’s missile needles. Like this kind of attack, they can no longer Eat again.

Especially when they are "popular and powerful".

Not to mention all the elves, only a small part of the skills can offset those air slashes that have been avoided by chance.

However, Bidao themselves do not expect these skills to hit them, let alone kill them.

The reason why they release skills is to help Big Needle Bee block some flying skills, and the other reason is to attract hatred.

The big needle bee pulled the group of elves here, and the most important task was completed. After that, the seven elves of them were needed to attract hatred together, and then separated as yesterday, and each led a team of elves to escape.


At this moment, there was a number of loud noises suddenly over the plain surrounded by the army of elves from the "other world", which was louder than any previous sound.

Flew back to Bi Diao and the others, the panting Big Needle Bee glanced in the distance.

It knew that Bibi Bird's mission had been completed if nothing else, and it was done beautifully.

This movement is the signal, and the people inside receive the signal of "belief".

The completion of Bibi Niao was very beautiful, and their main event was about to begin. Big Needle Bee took a deep breath and silently fixed his eyes.

Although this is not a test, it just can't be lost, it can't be lost to Bibi Niao!

It's not that it looks down on Bibiniao, but this is its persistence and final stubbornness as the big brother in Zhou Jiang's team!

Zhou Jiang is here.

Since they were not in a hurry, everyone did not rush as they did yesterday, but ran forward at a certain rhythm.


There was a roar from a distance.

Unlike the already familiar roar, this time the roar is louder and the sound is very sharp.

Panting Zhou Jiang and the others stopped and looked back into the distance, but unfortunately, there were trees and rocks behind them, and they couldn't see anything.


Zhou Jiang motioned to Xanadu to take him up to see.

The only superpower elves who stayed outside to protect a few people, he let Shanaido take him to the sky, and there are Hudi, so other people don't need to worry too much.

And not to mention that there are basically no elves nearby, even if there are, Luo Hao and others will not be embarrassed by them.

After all, unlike Zhou Jiang and others, they are veterans, and they don't even know that they have been in the "other world" for several years.

Although the "different world" on the "Daily Battle Island" was only opened for a long time, China is not the only entrance to this "different world". Other places can also enter the "different world", but the location after entering is different.

"it is good!"

In midair, Zhou Jiang, surrounded by purple light, nodded as he watched the movement in the distance in the midair.

Although everyone had guessed that it was a "signal" at the time below, the guessing and confirmation are different.

"Okay, go down."

Zhou Jiang nodded at Shanaiduo.

Not only did he see the "signal" in the distance, he also saw the group of elves from the "other world" that was drawn back by the big needle bee.

Although he could not see clearly, he could still see the darkness.

The "actors" are already in place, and now they just wait for their staff to return.

Falling back to the ground, scanning the people who looked at him, Zhou Jiang nodded and said: "It's a signal, but the big needle bee has also attracted those elves. We are going to speed up."

Everyone nodded with a solemn expression.

But they don't have to rush too much, after all, there is only one-third of the way left.

Seven minutes later, everyone rushed back to the previous battlefield, and Bibi Niao was already waiting there.

Zhou Jiang took back Bibi Niao, and after saying "Thank you", he immediately took out the signal flare.

To be honest, if Luo Hao and others asked Zhou Jiang why they brought so many flare bombs, Zhou Jiang would really not be able to answer, but fortunately, they didn't have such extra curiosity.

Or maybe they were curious, but didn't ask?

But this is not the point, the point is that they should be hidden!

I just don’t know if they have divided the group of elves in such a short period of time. Don’t string them together...

Zhou Jiang's guess was correct. At this time, although the Big Needle Bees had seized the time to separate and retreat, they hadn't completely separated yet. At this time, they were still four teams, and the distance completely separated required two separate operations.

However, luck is better. The first Bi Diao to come over is separated, so it can go directly, Zhou Jiang and the others don't need to wait too much.

As usual, it only takes about five or six minutes for Zhou Jiang and the others to "work".

However, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't wait for Bi Diao, but a group of guests arrived.

‘Someone is here, seven people, behind! ’

Hearing the sound from Shanaido, Zhou Jiang was startled, then stood up and looked behind him.

"what happened?"

Seeing Zhou Jiang got up, Dai Qianyi and others looked at him with some doubts and asked.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, and then said, "Someone is here."

"There's someone else coming?"

"Finally someone is here!"

Two completely different voices sounded in the team, and they represented completely different meanings, but everyone didn't care about it.

Zhou Jiang said to them: "You stay here first. If you come over and see it, it will be troublesome. I will take Shanaido to see it."

Although Zhou Jiang and the others were just divided into one-seventh of the group of elves in the "other world" is not a problem, but today they are probably going to spend the whole day fighting with them.

So if you can sneak attack and save a little energy, try to save a little.

Dai Qianyi nodded, and replied, "Go and come back quickly."

Although the humans who met in the "different world" are all allies, but the human heart is separated by the belly, Dai Qianyi and the others are old fried dough sticks who have traveled for a long time, this is still known.

But outside they are veterans, and inside the "other world", they are novices.

Because they are veterans and experienced, they should be careful when they know what they are not familiar with. Because they are novices, they will be very careful here and dare not trust strangers.

Although they cooperated with Luo Hao and others, Zhou Jiang and others had also taken precautions against them when they met before. They were relieved that Shane Duo and Hu Di were outside.

The distance that Shanaiduo's Nianli Exploratory Net previously explored was about 100 meters, so after Zhou Jiang walked for more than ten seconds, the group of people walking toward this side discovered the movement of Zhou Jiang.

The few people who walked did not have the elves with pure super powers. The elves placed outside to protect everyone was a giant pincer praying mantis, so although they found the movement of Zhou Jiang, they did not know whether it was a human or a "other world." Elves.

Because it was a special period, all of them stopped and looked at Zhou Jiang's side like an enemy.


Zhou Jiang pulled aside the bushes and walked After looking at the giant pincer mantis, he looked at the seven people who were relieved.

All seven are men, tall, short, fat and thin.

"Hello, this is Zhou Jiang."

"Hello, hello, my name is Chen Hao." A somewhat chubby, seemingly silly person walked over and said as he walked: "Hey brother, did you set the flare before? Just you Alone? No other teammates? And what happened to the frontline base? It's better..."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Jiang interrupted him quickly, and continued to talk like that.

Bi Diao is coming soon, there is no time to explain to them, and he is too lazy to talk, and after taking it back, let others talk to him.

Zhou Jiang pretended to be mysterious, and whispered in a tone that he could hear: "It's not time to talk, come with me, move faster and keep your voice softer."

Seeing Zhou Jiang doing this, several people were shocked, and after looking at each other, they trot to follow Zhou Jiang's pace, but they weren't talking. They walked and looked around carefully, for fear that something would suddenly jump out.

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