I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 798: Chaotic war, start!

On the hillside at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Jiang and others stood on the slope, watching the madness in the distance.

At this time they were less than 300 meters away from the elves. Although there were many trees and bushes blocking them, as long as the elves standing in the back row turned their heads, they would surely be able to see Zhou Jiang and others.

After all, for the convenience of observation, they stood in this relatively open place.

But fortunately, the attention of these "other world" elves was all attracted by the "Gourd Mouth" base opposite, and there was no time to turn around and look at Zhou Jiang and the others.

As long as Zhou Jiang and others don't die and send elves to **** them, it will be difficult for them to find them.

Naturally, Zhou Jiang and others would not die. Even if they wanted to act, they would do it on the side of the "Hulukou" base, and then they dared to do it after seeing the personnel withdrawn from the front line.

However, it is more likely that they will take advantage of the fighting on both sides, waiting for chaos, quietly find the weak area of ​​the "other world" elves, and then break through at the fastest speed.

Standing on the **** and waiting for nearly an hour, everyone who was waiting was almost impatient. Finally, they waited for the "special attack team" that had pierced the black wave!

Although Zhou Jiang and the others can only roughly see the elves in the outer layer of the encirclement of the "other world" elves, this does not mean that they cannot see the "special attack team".

The attacks of the elves in the "other world" are basically long-range attacks, that is, the beams of skills such as flame jets and 100,000 volts fly randomly.

Originally, these skill beams were all flying in one direction toward the "Gourd Mouth" base. As a result, after the chaos, their skills flew on the head of the "owner" for the first time, and then fell.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to attack their own people for no reason, so if this happens, there is only one possibility, that is, the enemy they attacked before has penetrated into them.

And there are only people from the "Gourd Kou" base in that direction, that is to say, this is the person from the "Gourd Kou" base who rushed out!

You should not be able to see them on the "Hulukou" base, and Zhou Jiang did not think that the people in the base would rush out to meet them because of the few of them. Although there were 34 people on their side, a lot of people. But at this time, if there are not hundreds of people, then all are considered small!

But now that they have rushed out, there is only one possibility, that is, the troops that have returned from the front have been killed!


Without any hesitation, everyone rushed out.

"Release them and let them look for weak defenses."

Zhou Jiang shouted, and at the same time he threw his Bibi Bird's Elf Ball.

Other people with eagles also threw the pokeball, and in an instant, more than a dozen eagles appeared on their heads.

The eagles knew about their mission when they were released. After all, even though they were in the pokeball, they could hear Zhou Jiang’s voice, so after they came out, they immediately scattered. Each flew in different directions.

At a distance of several hundred meters, Zhou Jiang and others can touch it and get closer while it is now chaotic.

If they didn't find any particularly weak defenses, then they would meet the people in the base, otherwise their people and elves would not be enough for this group of "other world" elves to stuff their teeth.

However, even though they don't meet with the people in the base or the people who have withdrawn from the front line, it doesn't mean that Zhou Jiang and others are watching not fighting.

If there are fewer elves in these "different worlds", then Zhou Jiang and others will not matter. Now those elves are densely surrounded here, who dares not take action?

Now Zhou Jiang and the others have the opportunity to rush back to the "Hulukou" base. That is the result of the combined efforts of the people who withdrew from the frontline base and the people who rushed out of the "Hulukou" base.

But even so, they are not without the risk of being killed by the surrounding "different world".

If they are killed, who will attract the attention of those "other world" elves for Zhou Jiang and them?

Only by letting them live, Zhou Jiang and others will have a greater chance of living. Those who are still cowering at this time, just want to let others do their best to solve everything, then everyone will stop living.

Thirty-four people such as Zhou Jiang gathered close together. Except for the main elves who were protecting them, all the other elves were sent out by them, and then formed a team to advance together.

Zhou Jiang even released the Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic from the Battle of the Dead.

Of course, the elves that were newly knocked out from the Joey family were not released by him. After all, they are too weak. Not only will they not help much when released, they may also affect other elves.

After all, they are all in their infancy. Once they are scratched by the attacks of the elves of the "other world", they will be slightly wounded or close to serious wounds. If a large number of skills fly over, they will not even have the chance to be seriously injured. .

In the face of such a companion, the kind elves will take the initiative to help if they are not specifically explained by the master.

In this way, the output they cause is not much, on the contrary, it will reduce the output ability of the companion, and may even cause a few elves that would not otherwise be injured to be injured by helping it block damage.

If there are few elves and the damage is low, it will be enough to fight for a while, but if you send out a juvenile elves that are not combat powerful in order to greet that little damage, then you will lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot.

After Zhou Jiang and others rushed out and took the initiative to attack, the "other world" elves also divided their forces and surrounded them, and even directly surrounded Zhou Jiang and others, but this was initially surrounded, Zhou Jiang They can run if they want to go, so everyone has nothing to worry about.

After that, we will see their performance. If they find a weak defense, they will retreat quickly, and then head towards that side. If they can't find it, they will join up with the people who rushed out of the "Hulukou" base.

Of course, if Zhou Jiang and others rushed in for a certain distance, and if they didn’t come back, they could only follow the people who came out from the "Gourd Kou" base. It won't work.

Zhou Jiang and the others were surrounded by their own elves, and beams of various skills were constantly flying towards them. All of them were dazzled and almost lost their sense of direction.

There is really no end to this sea of ​​elves. Zhou Jiang and the others rushed for a while, and even the elves began to make sacrifices. As a result, they still did not see the people rushing out from the "Gourd Kou" base.

If it weren’t for the elves in the "different world" facing them and besieging them, and the elves in the "different world" facing them with their backs, everyone would be worried. It's not that they made a mistake.

But even so, the faces of the trainers who died of the elves were not good-looking, and their faces were heavy.

However, everyone did not comfort them too much. After all, they were all prepared mentally before setting off. Deaths and injuries occurred. This was an inevitable result.

It's not about setting up an ambush on the front line.

Even if they set up an ambush, they have an advantage in the number of elves, and as a result, there will still be slight injuries to the elves, and even the unlucky ones will be seriously injured.

This would be the case with that kind of big advantage, not to mention that there are more elves in the "different world" now. There is no one side because their circle is so big. Many elves can't get in, and they can watch when they stand far away. Not where they are, so I dare not attack indiscriminately.

Otherwise, the situation at this time will not be that only a few elves have sacrificed. I am afraid that in the first round, more than 80% of the deaths will be injured. Maybe even Zhoujiang's Big Needle Bee or Shanaiduo will not be spared.

Walking in the crowd, Zhou Jiang glanced at the system distractedly.

At present, the points have reached 1w3. If only the vitality fragments are exchanged, it can also be exchanged for twenty-six. If there is no accident, it is equivalent to giving his elves twenty-six lives.

However, after clenching his fists, Zhou Jiang thought for a while, finally gave up the vitality fragments and turned his attention to the airbag.

Zhou Jiang's elves attack power is high, but the defense is really low!

Except for the armored tyrannosaurus, which is a tank, Meenas itself has special defenses and added some physical defenses. The rest of the elves are all crispy, of which Xanadu and Big Needle Bee are the most!

The Bumblebee’s physical strength is high and has been strengthened, but its race is here, and the level is not high, so the defense is also very low. If they receive a fatal blow and then die, then they are likely to be physical It may not be a complete one.

If the arm is missing and the leg is broken, the system may be able to repair it, but if there is a big hole in the heart, the whole heart is gone, the head is directly blown to pieces, etc., then the system can't be helped.

At that time, he was afraid that if he had no life-saving medicine at hand, he would not be able to save them.

After spending 6,000 points, Zhou Jiang changed an airbag. In an instant, after Zhou Jiang finished buying it, its price changed from 6,000 to 9,000.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

If the three thousand three thousand rises, this is good news among the bad news, right?

If it doubles, or changes according to other rules, Zhou Jiang may not be able to use it for the fourth or fifth time.

If the 3,000 increase is one time, the fifth time is only 15,000. Although it is expensive to die, it is still within his tolerance.

There were no more than six thousand in an instant, and only seven thousand points remained.

For the first time, Zhou Jiang felt that the points could not help being spent.

Although I didn’t think there were too many points in the past, I wouldn’t just change something and disappear. Now...

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was awakened by a sad voice around him.

Looking over there, it turned out that it was an elf hanging up again.

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything about this. He sympathized with him at most. As for giving him vitality fragments?

This is really too much.

He now has seven thousand points, and he can still exchange fourteen vitality fragments, which is one less than one.

Zhou Jiang, the trainer who just hung up the elf, was not very familiar with him. It was probably the person from Chen Hao's team who came in later or Luo Hao with the most players. Zhou Jiang was not familiar with him anyway.

It's Zhou Jiang now that he thinks that his elves will die several times. Under this premise, how could Zhou Jiang use such important things as resurrection items for outsiders.

If the elves of Zhou Jia and Joey Lian hang up, he will consider whether to give them. Chen Fan, Dai Qianyi and the three captains Luo Hao and their main elves will hang up. Will consider if it is for them.

As for people who are not even familiar with Zhou Jiang?

Even the strength of the dead elves is only the elite mid-level?

Zhou Jiang can only say sorry to them.

The fragments of his vitality were not brought by the gale.

Good steel needs to be used on the blade, unless you are a quasi-king-level elves, or an elite high-level super-power elves, Zhou Jiang will contribute vitality fragments, otherwise you will consider yourself unlucky.

After Zhou Jiang slightly sympathized with the other party, he hurriedly equipped Big Needle Bee and Xanadu with airbags.

Airbags can be regarded as carrying props. The Big Needle Bee itself carries a lucky egg that increases experience points, while Shanaido carries a bending spoon. Now that the airbag is equipped, the two props they originally carried are naturally Back in the system backpack.

Finally, after seeing the introduction of the airbag [after equip the elf, miracles will happen in special times], Zhou Jiang shook his head and turned off the system panel.

He only hoped that this "miracle" was the miracle it thought.

I don't know how long it has been in the encirclement of the "other world" elves, Zhou Jiang and others finally saw the troops rushing out of the "Gourd Kou" base.

"I see, over there, rush over!" Luo Hao shouted excitedly when he looked at the elves who could be seen as companions on the opposite side.

It’s been a while since they rushed in, and it’s unrealistic to retreat~www.ltnovel.com~ They were surrounded a bit thoroughly, it was troublesome to retreat, and the large force they were looking for was in front. You can join them, so no one wants to retreat.


When the elves killed from the "Gourd Kou" base basically showed up, Zhou Jiang and others discovered that they were all elves, and there was no one there!

However, Zhou Jiang was only relieved after being surprised.

After all, even if the trainer also came out, so what.

The weak one does not need the protection of the elves, but is completely dragging its feet. It is better not to come out and just let the elves come out.

Their mission is estimated to be to welcome the troops withdrawn from the frontline base. For this mission, they don't need any command, they just need to find the right direction to fight.

As for whether they will hit and hit, lose their way in the "other world" elves tide, this shouldn’t be a worry, Zhou Jiang, they can all find them based on the skill beam flying in the sky. It should not be impossible.

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