I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 810: Group of rebellious sparrows

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"You are..." As soon as he woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the man in front of him, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

"I am Ye Yangyao, and I will be escorting supplies with you from today. I am a pilot."

"Oh oh oh, hello, hello." Some of the confused minds woke up in an instant, feeling the steady and quiet surroundings of the plane under him. He knew that they had reached their destination.

After sleeping for so long, everyone almost slept. Although Zhou Jiang and Ye Yangyao's conversation deliberately lowered their voices, they still awake the other five people in a light sleep state.

The five people who woke up were the same as Zhou Jiang. They just woke up without turning their minds. They were a little dazed by the stranger (Ye Yangyao) who suddenly appeared. After Zhou Jiang introduced them, they reacted. .

Dai Qianyi and others introduced themselves and they knew each other.

"That's right." Ye Yangyao suddenly remembered something, and said: "Lu Yong has already gone to eat. Are you going to go? Miss Joey has already prepared the food."

Although I didn't want to eat right after waking up, if I don't eat now, I can only eat it on the plane. This is something Zhou Jiang can't bear, so I asked Ye Yangyao to wait a while before he got up to wash.

Others are the same. Compared to eating on the plane, of course it is more comfortable to eat slowly below.

Ye Yangyao waited for a while, and the few people finished washing.

As long as there is a washbasin, toothbrush and a sealed bucket of water, you can wash it anywhere.

When everyone followed Ye Yangyao to the canteen, Lu Yong had almost eaten.

"I'll take a nap first, you eat slowly, and there is half an hour to rest, no hurry."

As soon as Zhou Jiang and the others sat down, they handed the Elf Ball to Ye Yangyao and asked him to feed it. Lu Yong put down the dishes and said to Zhou Jiang's six people.

Zhou Jiang nodded and motioned to leave them alone.

After "cope" with Lu Yong, Zhou Jiang bowed his head and started eating.

After eating a mouthful of braised pork, Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up.

I don’t know if it’s hungry or what. Zhou Jiang thinks the food here is very delicious, and it’s a special meal. He wants to ask Miss Joey to pack some things to put in the space ring.

But in the end he still failed to speak and couldn't afford to lose this person...

After eating, the six of them went to the courtyard, walked around, and watched the elves who were eating.

Half an hour is neither long nor short, so casual shopping is over.

After returning to the plane and saying goodbye to Miss Joey, everyone continued to set off.

This time their destination is T City.

There is a border base on the outskirts of T city, and they need to deliver supplies as soon as possible.

As for the materials shipped to City T, they were contracted and prepared by a base in the forest on the outskirts of City J. Zhou Jiang and the others only need to go over, give them the space bag, and then put the materials that need to be shipped in. It's OK, there are elves, and it can be moved quickly without delay.

City J and City H are in a straight line. Their destination is City T, but they have to go to the suburban base of City J to stop loading supplies, so Zhou Nan can just join the team.

Although their elves were taken by Zhou Jiang, they were still contributing to the transportation of supplies, but they couldn't keep coming.

After all, it was because of geographical relations before that they couldn't pick them up and ask them to send the elves over. Even if they had joined the team, it was officially "started", but this was only temporary and it was impossible to continue like this.

Otherwise, Zhou Jiang and the others can actually go back home and rest, anyway, as long as the elves are there.

As a task assigned by the alliance, the alliance will not make you so lazy.

Ye Yangyao was driving the plane, while Lu Yong was sitting in the co-pilot's position, sleeping on the chair.

Zhou Jiang's people were the same, sitting in the cabin and swiping their phones boredly.

"There is a group of spearfishes ahead, which may affect the aircraft, prepare to fight!"

Just when Zhou Jiang found a movie that looked very interesting, Ye Yangyao's voice came in front of him.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Jiang was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

Putting down the phone quickly, Zhou Jiang got up and took out Shanaido's poke ball, ready to fight at any time.

To be honest, he has been a little impatient to sit and play boringly on his mobile phone. There is no way to play games, the novel industry is not good, and there is nothing to like in TV series and movies.

Now it's finally something interesting.

Sure enough, fighting is fun!

Similar to Zhou Jiang, the others also put down their phones and took out the Poke Ball, their faces were full of vigor.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't like watching TV and movies very much, other people weren't people who lived in the house, so they also felt a little uncomfortable. Now that the enemy came, they immediately became energetic.

The cabin door on the side of the plane was opened, and the strong air current pulled a few people out, trying to pull them out, but everyone was holding the handguard, but there was no problem.

The plane flies in the sky, so it's not a big problem to stick your head out. I'm not afraid of being clicked.

Grabbing the guard, and leaning out with the upper body, Zhou Jiang and others saw the black and crushed sparrows flying in front of them.

If it’s Bobo group, maybe it’s not necessary to fight, after all, Bobo’s temperament is docile. Unless there are special circumstances, he will not attack humans. If the plane encounters them, they will take the initiative to avoid them and will not come into contact with them. If you are wise, you know that this is the plane that humans are flying on.

The Spearfish is different. They are very skinny. As long as they are in a bad mood, they may attack any creature they see except the same kind. When an airplane encounters them, they often have to fight with them to get out.

Although there is no record of the Spearfish crashing the plane so far, it was either beaten away or rammed around the plane, like a prank. Seeing that it left a lot of marks on the plane and then slipped away, but who Can you guarantee that they will not directly knock down the plane?

The plane cannot be destroyed by the Spearfish, and after encountering them, they are likely to come around and delay the trip. So Zhou Jiang and others need to solve them, but they may also disperse and leave the helicopter's channel.

If they take the initiative to avoid it, it’s okay. If they come around, then Zhou Jiang and others can only take action. Although it will delay a little time if they take the initiative, there is no way to do it. It is impossible to do nothing. Well, if they rushed directly to attack the aircraft, it would be bad.

If you can avoid a war, then don't fight, so it won't delay time, so Ye Yangyao let Zhou Jiang's attention and ready to fight at any time.

But looking at the appearance of the Spears, Zhou Jiang felt that their battle was settled.

Seeing them rushing over excitedly, Zhou Jiang didn't know whether he was going to show his happiness or sadness.

But no matter what Zhou Jiang thinks, in a word, the battle is about to start!

The distance between the helicopter and the Spearfish group is no more than 100 meters. Although this distance is still a safe distance, it is now enough to be sure that the other party is hostile to them.

After all, in such an empty place in the sky, plus the bird elves with sharp eyesight, they should have been able to see them long ago, but they didn’t change course after 50 meters, and after Ye Yangyao changed course several times, they actually Still followed, what is this not hostile?

Zhou Jiang directly squeezed the poke ball and opened it. Shanaido appeared outside the plane, floating there at a speed similar to that of the plane. Others also threw the poke ball and released their own flying elves.

In addition to Shanaiduo, Zhou Jiang also released his own Bibi Bird, Big Needle Bee, and Zhou Nan's flying elves that were placed with him.

In addition to flying elves, Zhou Jiang and others also released a high-level "fortress" among the crowd.

Like Zhoujiang’s Minas, although it can’t fly, it’s still possible to stay in the helicopter and launch a long-range attack through the open hatch.

However, due to the limited size of the hatch in the hatch and the load of the helicopter, it was impossible to release too many elves and heavy elves such as Boscodora.

In the end, the only forts that were released were Zhou Jiang's Meinas, Lu Ran's Wind Speed ​​Dog, and Tian Zhengjie's Electric Dragon.

Lu Ran's wind speed dog and Tian Zhengjie's electric dragon are both elves "coming" from home, and they are both mid-level heavenly kings.

And these three elves almost filled the entire hatch, so other quasi-king-level elves were not released, not even Zhou Jiang's monarch snake.

Although the Monarch Snake has the strength to fight against the first level of the king, one is that the damage of the grass type is halved, and the other is that there is not much space. It is better to choose three if the four elves are crowded. The spirit of full play.

It's only a hundred meters, the two are offsetting, and the speed is not slow, and soon there is contact between the two.

Sure enough, this group of spearfishes were not good at coming. When they saw the large needle bees blocking the plane, they decisively launched an attack, and the violent wind, air slash and other skills flew towards them one after another.

Now that the other party has attacked, there is no need to be merciful, and the Big Needle Bees immediately turned on their firepower.

The two elves, Hudi and Shanaido, attacked while leaving room to protect the helicopter. If the other elves had real firepower, the big needle bee directly shoved and rushed into the sparrows to kill indiscriminately, but because it was in the real world, Therefore, the action was measured, but the disabled did not kill.

The other elves are similar. Because the spears are very low in strength, the elves that are remotely output try their best to expand the attack range and reduce the output power, so as to avoid them being killed directly.

Although the spearfish that was injured and then fell from this height was likely to die directly, this was not something that Zhou Jiang and others should consider.

They just don't die directly in the hands of their elves. After all, they and their elves are considered "similar", not like the elves of the "different world". The elves of the "different world" and them can be said to be two species.

Although there were a lot of spearfinch groups, at least two to three hundred, but the strength was too weak. When Zhou Jiang and the others' elves attacked, it was cool and fell down like wheat.

And their attacks?

It was either stopped by other elves or by Hudi and Shanaiduo. It didn't cause any harm to the helicopter, but the helicopter was forced to stop, which was impossible.

The battle came and went quickly, after all, it was just a wild spearfinch family. After the old big-billed finches were killed a few and their companions sacrificed a lot, they were instantly persuaded.

After all, they didn't have any grudges with Zhou Jiang. They just wanted to bully the helicopter because of the "big power". They didn't know that they had kicked Zhou Jiang and the others on the titanium alloy steel plate.

In less than three minutes, the spitling flocks left a lot of corpses and turned into birds and beasts and scattered around. Since they ran away, Zhou Jiang and the others were too lazy to chase after them.

It's just wild elves, it's still important to hurry.

Recovering the elves who had returned from victory, Zhou Jiang and the others continued to sit back on their chairs, but after the previous battle, Zhou Jiang could not sit still a bit and looked at the closed hatch frequently.

"What's the matter?" asked Dai Qianyi, who was sitting by Zhou River.

Zhou Jiang frequently looked at the behavior of the cabin door, which he could naturally see while sitting next to him.

Dai Qianyi was talking in this quiet cabin, everyone else could hear him, and they all looked up.

Zhou Jiang did not answer Dai Qianyi’s question. Looking at Dai Qianyi, the two looked at each other. Zhou Jiang looked away, sighed, and made up his mind.

Zhou Jiang turned his head to the cockpit and shouted, "Brother Ye, can you open the door?"

"Huh?" Dai Qianyi was slightly surprised, not knowing which one Zhou Jiang was singing.

"Open the cabin door?" Ye Yangyao, who was driving the plane in front, was also a little strange, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uh...what? It's a bit boring to sit, I want to go out and get some breath." Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed, that's why he frequently looked at the hatch before but never spoke.

"..." The five of Dai Qianyi were speechless, and Ye Yangyao was similar.

"Call me when you are coming back." Ye Yangyao opened the hatch and said.

The hatch must not be open all the time. After all, it is winter now, and city J is at the upper left of city H. The closer it gets, the colder it gets. In addition, in the sky, if the hatch is opened, the airflow is very large, and it gets colder.

"Okay!" Zhou Jiang nodded repeatedly.

Grabbing the handrail and hurried to the door~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang took out Lu Ran's elf ball.

Since he wants to go out and breathe, naturally, he can't let Shanaido take him to fly with his thoughts.

Shanaido's thought power envelops him, and then there is no such feeling.

Although Zhoujiang’s Bibiniao can also drive Zhoujiang, it can only drive Zhoujiang because of its strength. If it is not too big to drive Zhoujiang, it will take a lot of physical strength. If this is the case, you will have to go back after walking for a while. , And for Bibi Niao, Zhou Jiang could only tie himself with a rope and let Bibi Niao fly, instead of sitting on it.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't care much about it, there is nothing to be hung on a rope to be able to sit on it?

After releasing the Bi Diao, Zhou Jiang jumped out, and Bi Diao also caught Zhou Jiang directly under the helicopter. However, after Bi Diao didn’t fly for a long time, Zhou Jiang saw the same sitting Bi Diao catching up from behind. Dai Qianyi of them.

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