V city, noon.

   A helicopter flying from a distance landed at the Wizard Center in the center of City V.

   Although it was cold and windy outside at this time, there were still a lot of pedestrians. Looking at the slowly descending plane in the sky, everyone pointed and pointed.

   But that was all there was to it. When the helicopter disappeared in the eyes of everyone after it was submerged in the building complex, everyone dispersed one after another, and went to work on their own affairs.

   "Hoo~ here." The plane stopped. Zhou Jiang, who jumped out of the cabin, stretched out and started to move his arms.

   It took Zhou Jiang and the others for nearly two days from the base in City A to City V. Although they had been flying for a few days, Zhou Jiang had never been used to sitting there for a long time.

   It was okay before. Since he took the lead to go for a "ride", he has only often went for a drive with Zhou Nan and others, but since he caught a cold, even if the cold later recovered, he dare not go for a "ride" anymore.

  Compared with a cold and a fever and a runny nose, he felt that sitting there was not difficult.

   After Zhou Jiang and others got off the plane, Miss Joey greeted her and welcomed the arrival of Zhou Jiang and others.

In the same way, the supplies needed by City G are ready in the wizard center here. Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao just go to one person, and then bring a few elves to carry with Miss Joey. Other people's words , Is to follow the other Miss Joey to dinner.

After eating, Zhou Jiang and others walked outside to prepare for the activity. When they met a Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang stopped her and asked: "Miss Joey, may I ask Dr. Zhao Jianbai at the research institute? ?"

   "Why are you looking for him?" Zhou Nan asked before Miss Joey answered.

   "It should be there. Yesterday I saw Dr. Zhao come here to find her sister." Miss Joey was not interested in why Zhou Jiang approached Zhao Jianbai, so she answered Zhou Nan's question without waiting for Zhou Jiang to answer.

   Zhou Jiang was also not interested in why Zhao Jianbai looked for Miss Joey. After getting the answer, he said thankfully: "Okay, thank you!"

Miss Joey smiled and said, "It's okay. Dr. Zhao's research institute is right next to it. After you leave the wizard center, turn left. But Dr. Zhao basically does research in the manor in the suburbs. , So I’m not sure if you can meet him."

   After thanking Miss Joey, Miss Joey gave some information about Zhao Jianbai before leaving.

   After Miss Joey left, Zhou Nan and others continued to speak.

   "What's wrong, why are you looking for Dr. Zhao?" Zhou Nan asked the question again.

   Before, he just asked questions subconsciously with a big mouth. After Zhou Jiang was talking to Miss Joey, he didn't interrupt anymore. Now that Miss Joey is gone, he couldn't help being curious and asked again.

   Not only Zhou Nan, but everyone else looked at him curiously.

  Pingbai is looking for Dr. Zhao Jianbai for no reason, everyone will be curious.

   Zhou Jiang did not answer Zhou Nan’s question directly, but looked at people who had traveled together in a "different world" such as Dai Qianyi, Chen Fan, and Chen Ziang.

   After a quick glance from their faces, he said: "Remember the crystal table we found in the ruins?"


Dai Qianyi was shocked by several people, and then it suddenly dawned on him that only Zhou Nan and other people who didn’t know had black question marks on their faces. Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan were curious and even those of Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi. Scanning his face back and forth.

   "Do you want Dr. Zhao Jianbai to see and study?" Dai Qianyi asked.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, "Yes, there is nothing we can do anyway, just leave it to professionals. Dr. Zhao Jianbai, as the most famous doctor of China, has the ability and the possibility of solving this problem is very high."

   Zhou Jiang didn't say one more thing, that is, don't worry if there is a treasure in it, he will give it to greed.

   China has four top PhDs in the world, namely Zhao Jianbai, Li Changping, Wang Hongru, Chen Jianzhang, and Dr. Zhao Jianbai is the most famous among them.

   Dr. Jianbai Zhao, as China’s most outstanding Ph.D., not only has several laboratories in the capital center of China, V City, but also has a lot of interest in scientific research results across the country.

   At his level, there is no shortage of money treasures, but the name is missing!

   What he prefers is the exploration and discovery of the unknown.

   Even if he found something in the crystal table, he would not steal it privately, but would let Zhou Jiang and others give it to him for research.

   And Zhou Jiang and others gave this crystal table to him to study and found that if there is really a treasure in it, he definitely can't reject his proposal for him to study it.

  So, it is impossible for him to be greedy for the contents.

Of course, it’s not that Zhao Jianbai is the only choice. The other three doctors are the same. They are all suitable. It’s just that Zhou Jiang and Dr. Zhao Jianbai are a little familiar, and among the other three doctors, J City is the only one. During the journey, it was the city where one of the three doctors was located. However, what was embarrassing was that Zhou Jiang didn't think of it at that time...

   As for Dai Qianyi and the others, maybe it was because the things were placed here in Zhoujiang, so they all forgot. Now Zhou Jiang only remembered them when he mentioned them. How can they count on them?

   After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Dai Qianyi nodded while waiting for some understanding, and then both became excited, while Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan became more curious and impatient.

   "Oh, what are you talking about!" Zhou Nan's curiosity was the heaviest. Seeing that Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi were still talking "secret words", they scratched their ears and cheeks anxiously.

   Seeing him like this, Zhou Jiang smiled and explained to him. Anyway, this matter is not a big deal, and they can know about it after finding the postdoctoral fellow Zhao Jianbai, so it's fine to tell them.

It is also because of this that Zhou Nan keeps asking. After all, he is very curious, but he also knows what should be known and what should not be known. As before, Zhou Jiang joined the alliance prosecutor, and he can pass some channels. He was curious to get some internal news about things, but once Zhou Jiang showed his secrets, he didn’t ask any more. It was like the last time Zhou Jiang was taken to the border base by Shui Qingrou and the others on the "Battle Island". He also curiously asked where Zhou Jiang was taken, and after Zhou Jiang said it was a secret, he didn't ask any more, as if he had never known about it.

   Curiosity goes to curiosity, but self-knowledge and enlightenment are enough.

In order not to waste time, they walked out while explaining this to Zhou Nan and the others, but among the crowd, Ye Yangyao was also curious, but he was going to replace Lu Yong with supplies, so he went They didn't come out with them, but they told Zhou Jiang to come back soon.

  Walking all the way, saying all the way, although I did not deliberately use words to process the plot, but it was not until I walked out of the wizard center and came to the square outside that things were not finished.

After listening to the complete story, Zhou Nan nodded, envious that they could have this adventure, but after envious, he became excited again. He also wanted to know what was in the crystal table that Zhou Jiang and the others had obtained, so he urged With Zhou Jiang and others, hurry up and find Zhao Jianbai earlier.

   Everyone was very curious about this matter, and they had to rush back to fly to the destination, so there was no objection to this, and the pace of change accelerated.

   Dr. Zhao Jianbai has more than one laboratory in V City, an inch of land, which shows how rich he is.

  Of course, building a laboratory in the capital city V, or a large-scale laboratory, is not enough just to have money. After all, regardless of the past or this life, China is a human society where power is more important than money.

Except for a resident laboratory in the suburbs, Dr. Zhao Jianbai is in the city. The laboratory next to the wizard center is the place that Dr. Zhao Jianbai allows students to use for research. He occasionally visits a few times. Let’s take a look at how the research tasks assigned to the students have been completed, and guide them by the way.

   Very lucky, yesterday Zhao Jianbai came here from a suburban manor, and he has not left yet. He plans to stay here for three days, so Zhou Jiang and the others came at the right time.

   If it's two days late, then they can only wait for the end of the mission to find him.

   Although it is considered the city center, since it is a big winter and it is time to eat, there are not too many people coming here.

   Pushing open the large sliding glass door of the laboratory, Zhou Jiang and others walked in.

The laboratory here is not only used for research by the students of Dr. Zhao Jianbai’s disciples, but also used for some of the students who paid for the Yusanjia, so this laboratory is not purely for research. The place is already open, and sometimes it is open for people to visit, so there is also a front desk and reception staff.

   Seeing Zhou Jiang and others come in, the waitress who was sitting at the front desk playing with her mobile phone looked up.

   "Hello, who are you looking for?"

   "Hello, we are here to see Dr. Zhao Jianbai, is he there?" Zhou Jiang asked.

   "Yes, do you have an appointment?" the lady at the front desk said.

"..." Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, looking for Dr. Zhao Jianbai not to fight in the gym, and after proving his identity as a trainer, he could find someone to fight after entering, and his intelligence was all lost when Zhou Jiang hit the gym. The owners of the various museums learned about it, so they notified the person below Zhou Jiang to come and let him in directly.

   And what about Zhao Jianbai?

He didn’t know that Zhou Jiang and the others would come to him, and Zhou Jiang didn’t have his contact information, so it would not work if he came to him so rashly. After all, he was also a top PhD in China. There are so many people in, in addition to these, there are also many people who have been apprentices to study.

   Seeing that Zhou Jiang and others did not make an appointment, the lady at the front desk said: "If there is no appointment, I can't let you in, please forgive me."

   "Ah." Zhou Jiang said with some embarrassment: "We are acquaintances with Dr. Zhao, but there is no contact information. Can you inform him, just say... um... The disciple of Shui Qingrou has something to get rid of him."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang's embarrassment was even better. Even if he didn't look back, he could predict what Zhou Nan and the people who knew him and Zhou Jia would look at him. As for Zhou Jia... Zhou Jiang didn't dare to think. .

   No way, he shorted his brain just now, so he pulled out the soft tiger skin as a banner.

   Actually, it's not without reason to say Shui Gentle.

One is that Zhou Jiang and Zhao Jianbai met only when Shui Qingrou took him to the border base, so I thought of her subconsciously, and Zhou Jia also had a part in the crystal platform, saying that she had something to ask Zhao Jianbai, is this wrong? ?

   Sure enough, after moving out the name Shui Qingrou, the front desk lady couldn't remain indifferent.

If she directly said she knew Zhao Jianbai and asked her to call in and ask, she might not agree. After all, who knows if she really knew each other? If it was a lie, then she would not be blamed by Zhao Jianbai and said anything, but this It was indeed her negligence. Zhao Jianbai didn't blame her for not knowing her, but her boss was not necessarily.

   But after moving out of Shui Gentle, she couldn't leave it alone.

   Although she really wanted to prove it, she thought about it and let it go.

  If it is fake, seeing Zhou Jiang move out of the status of Shui Gentle Shui Tian Wang, her boss will not embarrass her, after all, this is one of China's serving heaven kings.

The lady at the front desk took a look at Zhou Jiang and the others~www.ltnovel.com~ for a moment, nodded, asked Zhou Jiang and others to wait, and then informed the people inside that it was Shui Qingrou’s disciple who was looking for Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Let the people inside inform the doctor.

   Naturally, she couldn't talk to Dr. Zhao Jianbai directly. She called the person in charge here and her boss.

   After hanging up the phone, the lady at the front desk asked Zhou Jiang and others to sit by and take a break, and the people inside would reply soon.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and went to a chair next to Zhou Nan to sit down and rest.

Zhou Jiang and the others were not allowed to wait for a long time. Soon the phone at the front desk rang. Zhou Jiang and the others looked at it and saw that the lady at the front desk responded with a few "umh" and looked at Zhou Jiang and others. , Asked: "May I ask your name..."

Zhou Jiang got up, walked two steps to the front desk, and said, "My name is Zhou Jiang. You said I saw it in the base about a month ago. Well, it was the one taken by King Shuitian and Miss Sirona. ."

   I was afraid that Zhao Jianbai would forget him, so he added the last few sentences specially.

After retelling the phone, the lady at the front desk answered a few more words, then put down the phone, looked up at Zhou Jiang, and said with a smile: "Sorry for waiting, Dr. Zhao invited you in. It's your first time here, so inside Someone will show you the way, you can see it just after you go in here."

"Huh~" Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Zhao Jianbai would have forgotten him. After all, although they said they knew each other, they hadn't spoken to each other before. If Zhao Jianbai really forgot what he said, it would be embarrassing Now, will you be blasted out as a liar?



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