I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 824: Planning and evolution of the fire-breathing dragon

At night, lying on the bed in the dormitory arranged by Xia Wan, Zhou Jiang rested his head with his hands and looked at the ceiling in a daze.

   He is thinking now, what he plans to do after thinking, this is what he often does when he has nothing to do in his spare time.

  Although he has done this kind of thinking many times before, as time goes by, he often abandons his previous plans, or he simply goes wrong...

   Of course, he will not ignore the existence of the "different world", and he will naturally take the impact of the "different world" into consideration before thinking about it.

According to the information currently known by Zhou Jiang, the influence of the "different world" on this world and on him is mainly reflected in one thing, that is, will the elves of the "different world" officially attack him now? In the world in which it is located, if it is an invasion, whether it is a partial area invasion or a full-scale invasion, these are all questions, and they are variable factors that need to be considered.

   In this regard, Zhou Jiang roughly divided the incident into four possibilities.

  一: The elves of the "different world" were firmly blocked by the alliance outside the base in the "different world", unable to attack their world.

   Two: The elves of the "other world" broke through the defenses and blockades of the alliance, and infiltrated the world he was in. However, not many elves invaded, and they only caused disturbance to some small villages, which was not an impact.

Three: The elves of the "different world" broke through most of the bases, and more than half of the bases were breached. Not only the villages but also the towns were attacked by the elves of the "different world". The civilians and elves suffered heavy casualties, which caused the economy of the alliance. Irreparable loss.

Four: The elves of the "other world" fully invaded this world, civilians and elves suffered heavy casualties, and the trainers were not much better. Each city was destroyed by the elves of the "other world", leaving only a few large cities with more trainers. , The remaining humans concentrated in various cities to linger, and launched a counterattack, trying to hide the land that was taken away.

   Regarding the four possible different degrees of possibility, Zhou Jiang also roughly thought about what he should do at that time, or how to deal with it.

If the state of "one" occurs, that is, the elves of the "different world" are trapped firmly in the "different world" and cannot enter the world he is in, then he will do what he should do after his age , Which is the college entrance examination, and then go to university.

   Of course, it doesn’t matter to him whether he goes to college or not, and he graduated from college in the previous life, so he doesn’t need to experience it again, but if nothing happens, he thinks going to college is indeed a good idea.

   After all, university is the last student's career, and then social people. Many things that cannot be experienced in society can be experienced in university.

   Although he felt that he would not stay in school honestly after he went to college, but would go to the forest to exercise the new batch of elves he got from the Joey family, and collect points by the way.

   But this is something after going to university. It is estimated that it will be three or four months later.

If what happens is "two", then his general tone remains the same, he is also waiting for the college entrance examination, and then going to college before going to the waves, but in the middle, such as the period before and after the college entrance examination, he wants to clean up. The Rockets or the elves of the "other world" that came out.

   Of course, Zhou Jiang is more inclined to fight the Rockets than to fight against the "different world" that came out of that point. After all, he gets more points and rewards better.

The first two possibilities of "one" and "two" are based on good luck, so there are more things and choices he can do, but if "three" happens, it will be different. .

   In the "three", the threat of the elves of the "different world" to this world is different from that of the "two".

In the words of "two", the elves of the "different world" will only cause a small amount of damage to this world, just like the two news broke out now. Only the residents in the vicinity of the outbreak will be a little nervous and afraid. For local people, this is just a conversation.

But the "three" words are different. Large-scale invasions have caused incalculable damage to the alliance and the city. Zhou Jiang basically has no choice. He can only participate in the war of resistance and work with other trainers to take those " The elves of the "different world" were killed, and then pushed back, grabbed the border base, and then attacked the "different world" to block the space node.

   "Four" is similar to "Three", but the plot is more serious. If the "three" is troublesome and there is the possibility of causing the country's economy to collapse, then the "four" is the possibility of destroying the country, but whether it is "three" or "four", Zhou Jiang can only be a member of the trainer , Participate in the extermination of the "other world" elves.

   This is no way.

To sum up, if what happens is "one" and "two", then Zhou Jiang will be able to freely arrange his future journey, and if he does not find something meaningful to do, he will go to university and at least find one Capable things.

   And if it is "three" and "four", then he has no choice but to fight with the elves of the "other world" with the alliance.

   After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang Chang exhaled and rolled over, then let go of his thoughts and prepare to sleep.

   The next day.

   As soon as Zhou Jiang walked downstairs after washing, he saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky.

   took two steps back subconsciously. After seeing the person who came, Zhou Jiang was taken aback first, and then he was ecstatic.


   "Roar~!" The fire-breathing dragon nodded excitedly, and after a long roar, sprayed a stout flame towards the sky.

   Although it was not sprayed towards Zhou Jiang, and it was still winter, Zhou Jiang still felt the heat.

   There is no doubt that after the fire dinosaur evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, its strength greatly increased!

   Of course, this is not what makes Zhou Jiang the most happy. What makes Zhou Jiang the most happy is that he finally has a regular flying mount!

Bibi Niao is really too small. Although it can move him, it attracts a lot of attention every time he goes out. Therefore, except for the use in front of acquaintances, Zhou Jiang dare not take it out at other times. As the fire-breathing dragon, he can finally enjoy the feeling of flying on the back of the flying spirit!

   The fire-breathing dragon was excited for a while, and finally stopped the fire-breathing, and at this time, behind the fire-breathing dragon, Shane Duo slowly floated over.

Shanaiduo floated over and stood behind Zhou Jiang, looking at the fire-breathing dragon curiously, while Zhou Jiang directly asked it: "Fire-breathing dragon, when did you evolve? Didn't Dr. Zhao discover anything yesterday? ?"

   Zhou Jiang is indeed curious.

Last night, Dr. Zhao Jianbai was busy until more than nine o’clock. Xia Wan advised him to take a rest. He tested various data on the fire dinosaurs and found nothing unusual. He felt that it might be a long time before the discovery. I agreed and went to rest.

   At that time, Zhou Jiang was also there, and he also helped Dr. Zhao Jianbai.

   Zhou Jiang had already had the mental preparation that Dr. Zhao Jianbai couldn't make a name for himself, so there was nothing to be frustrated. He went back to bed with him, but he did not expect that he woke up early in the morning and the fire dinosaur actually evolved!

   Mingming didn’t figure out anything last night, how did this evolve?

   Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, the fire-breathing dragon was stunned, scratched his head with his paw, then shook his head blankly, and groaned a few times.

   Shannaiduo translated this and transmitted it to Zhou Jiang.

  ‘It said that it didn’t know. When it woke up in the morning, it felt that energy was about to break through the body. It evolved once, knowing that this is a sign of evolution, so it evolved without resistance. I also waited for it to evolve halfway before waking up. After it had evolved, it flew for a while and then flew towards your master, and I followed it. ’

   Hearing Shanaiduo's voice transmission, Zhou Jiang nodded clearly and fell into thinking.

   Woke up and evolved. Is it accidental or accidental?

   Zhou Jiang shook his head in his heart, denying the idea of ​​accident.

   How could it be so coincidental that it has not evolved before, but it evolved after being researched and inspected yesterday.

   This is too coincidental, he can't believe it if it's coincidental, unless he buys the lottery ticket and wins the jackpot directly, otherwise this kind of thing happened to him who is not the chief, it is really hard for him to believe this is an accident.

   It is still said that although Dr. Zhao Jianbai said that he did not find anything yesterday, he inadvertently solved the problem that the fire dinosaur did not evolve, but he didn't know?

   Well, Zhou Jiang nodded, thinking that this explanation is likely to be the truth.

   But Zhou Jiang still wants to ask Zhao Jianbai.

   If it is really Zhao Jianbai who accidentally hits and solves the problem that the fire dinosaur cannot evolve, then Zhou Jiang will work with him to slowly eliminate his yesterday's various experiments and inspections, and then find out the reason.

   After all, the fire dinosaur has evolved, but there are other elves in his hand that have not yet evolved.

   is like Bibi Bird. Although it hasn't been sent out to fight by Zhou Jiang for a long time, when he is idle, Zhou Jiang still allows Bibi Bird to fight with the elves in the team when he exercises them.

   Although the elves in the team fight each other, they won’t get bonus points, but the elves can get their normal experience points. After all, the experience points are not given by the system, but they will get them.

Although the system will not show whether you will gain experience points after the battle, the level will be displayed. The level of the elves in the team has increased after the battle, so the level of Bibi Bird is still improving, although The angry dinosaurs, which are now the fire-breathing dragons, are enough to evolve to the level of the bird.

   As a result, Bibi Bird hasn’t evolved...

   If the problem is found, then Bibi Bird can evolve.

  Bidiao is Zhou Jiang’s positioning of flying tools. Although the fire-breathing dragon can fly, it is still good for combat power.

   After all, the fire system itself has high attack power, and it can also evolve mega.

  Well, although it has just evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, and may not have enough goodwill, this is only now, and the goodwill will reach the standard sooner or later.

   And not to mention Bibi Bird, it is Zhou Jiang's other elves obtained from the Joey family. They may not have encountered problems like Bibi Bird and Fire Dinosaurs.

  If the problem is found, they can also evolve normally without dragging.

   In short, it is imperative to find the reason why the elves do not evolve, whether for the present or for the future!

   After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang immediately took action and walked towards the institute.

   It's only six o'clock now, but he believes that Dr. Zhao Jianbai is already up.

   Not to mention that the old man would wake up early. It was Dr. Zhao Jianbai’s job. Zhou Jiang didn’t believe that he would sleep late unless he stayed up late to study. So the next day he woke up late. The problem was that he never stayed up late last night.

   Zhou Jiang walked towards the research institute without saying a word, the fire-breathing dragon and Shane Duo behind him looked at each other in a daze, and then followed.

Although they don’t understand why their master left suddenly without saying a word, Zhou Jiang was like this in the past. There were a lot of inner dramas, and they often acted immediately after thinking about it. They are also used to this, so it’s nothing. All the fuss is just silently keeping up with ~www.ltnovel.com~ The dormitory is not far from the two research institutes, which is only 20 meters away. After all, if it is built far away, then a lot of time will be wasted back and forth. , Twenty meters, it's almost there.

   There is a door that leads directly to the research room. Zhou Jiang opened the door and saw the various researchers sitting in front of the computer or machine inside.

   It shouldn’t start work yet, so there are not many people. There are only five people. In addition to the assistants of Zhao Jianbai, Xia Wan and Qian Shou, who Zhou Jiang knows, there are two male researchers.

   Zhou Jiang pushed the door in. Except for Xia Wan, who looked up because he was facing the door, everyone was still busy with their own affairs, looking obsessed with research.

   Xia Wan saw that it was Zhou Jiang, not a researcher, so he reminded him: “Here, it’s in the incubator on the kitchen counter for breakfast. Go in and take it yourself.”

As for the fire-breathing dragon and Shanaido behind Zhou Jiang, she naturally saw it, but she didn’t care too much. There are so many elves here, and there are more than a dozen fire-breathing dragons living here. Whatever it is, the elves live in the "ranch" behind the manor, but when they come to play, there are many elves who meet people, so there is nothing to fuss about.

Zhou Jiang pushed the door in and glanced at the people inside. He just found Dr. Zhao Jianbai who was about to go in and ask him, but he heard what Xia Wan said. He looked at Xia Wan and found that she was looking here, and he understood. This was to myself. I recalled what she had just said, and realized that she asked him to eat breakfast.

   Zhou Jiang hesitated, and nodded to thank her.


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