I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 833: News reports and plans

However, it really does what it says.

When Zhou Jiang walked out of the lobby, he found several reporters carrying cameras looking at the direction of the special channel for the players. These eight achievements belonged to Zhou Jia.

Maybe someone had squatted on him before, but he hadn't come out of the player channel before, and the player channel can also lead to the audience. If he has to wait for Zhou Jia, he will naturally not wait in the lobby stupidly, so he directly I went to the audience to watch the game, so even if someone squatted on him, he couldn't squat.

But this time Zhou Jia is a bit bad. After all, she doesn't need to go to the audience side, so she will probably come out directly from the player channel, and now the reporter is just squatting there...

Zhou Jiang was a little helpless. He felt that he had seen the ending of being surrounded by reporters and melon-eaters...

At this moment, Zhou Jiang felt someone poking his back!


Zhou Jiang frowned slightly and turned to look behind.


I saw a girl wearing a white cap and a mask looking at herself. Although she felt very abnormal, she had to say that Zhou Jiang did discover her true identity from the other's height and the faintly floating aroma.

Yes, she is Zhou Jia!

"Where did you get your hat?" Zhou Jiang complained subconsciously.

"I put it in before I went out in the morning." Zhou Jia patted the white bag that hung around her waist, and then said, "Hurry up."

After that, Zhou Jia took the lead and walked outside, without even looking at the reporters who were still squatting there.

Zhou Jiang subconsciously uttered an "Oh" and followed, watching Zhou Jia's long hair hanging down to her waist, as she walked and flicked her long hair, Zhou Jiang was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Out of the arena, the two found a taxi and began to go home.

When they were in the car, the two of them naturally didn’t have to wear disguise. Zhou Jiang was okay, but just pulled Weibo down. Zhou Jia’s words were "great changes", even the driver in front of him. Joking about whether she was a star or something.

Of course, it’s really okay to say that she is a star. After all, the stars in this world are mainly elf trainers and elves, and those who become stars by acting have a lower status than those who rely on elves to become stars. .

Along the way, although both of them were sitting in the back of the taxi, they didn't speak much to each other, and both bowed their heads to play with their phones.

Zhou Jiang mainly chatted with Zhou Nan and others. Zhou Jiang’s previous battles, Zhou Nan and others who did not go to take the exam, all saw it through live TV. Although they also discussed in the group before, Zhou Jiang did not come out to bubble up. So the chat was not very enjoyable, and it didn't take long for the group to quiet down, and now that the party came, everyone naturally bubbling from the diving.

Zhou Jiang was chatting with Zhou Nan and Zhou Jia, and Zhou Jia was about the same, but she was talking to Jiang Shui and the other girls.

Although Zhou Jia has not traveled with Zhou Jiang and others, after all, she is Jiang Shui and his classmates, plus Zhou Jiang’s sister, so she also added Zhou Jiang and the others, but she rarely bubbling. , Most of the time, she was chatting with Jiang Shui in a small group of girls.

Immediately after getting out of the car and returning home, Zhou Jiang's mobile phone rang in his pocket. This was the sound of news feeds, so Zhou Jiang didn't care.

After returning home, Lao Zhou and the others had prepared food and waited for Zhou Jiang and them.

Zhou Jiang picked up the two little Ibrahimovic who were running towards him, and then greeted Lao Zhou with a smile.

"Ibrahimovic will come back soon, and you two, go to wash your hands and eat." Lao Zhou gave the order, and the two Ibrahimovic jumped out of Zhou Jiang's arms and obediently jumped to the rice bowl they prepared on the long table, and then looked distraught. Looking at Zhou Jiang and them.

Zhou Jiang and the others didn't sit down, so they couldn't have a meal, so they could only sell cute and let Zhou Jiang and the others sit down quickly.

It was originally around eleven o'clock to start eating, but now in order to wait for Zhou Jiang and the others, they dragged it to more than twelve o'clock, they were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs.

After washing my hands and sitting down, the meal finally started.

At the dinner table, Lao Zhou and Mother Lin asked about Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia's game.

Before Zhou, the company had an urgent business, so they didn't watch the live broadcast, so Zhou Jiang simply told them about the game process and results.

At the dinner table, the four of them ate and chatted. They were all about Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia after they went to college. Although Zhou Jiang and the others could have been independent long ago, the parents of China are all the same, and they are very concerned about their children. Heart.

They ate for more than an hour for this lunch.

After eating and returning to the room, Zhou Jiang subconsciously took out his mobile phone and prepared to play. As a result, he saw the news message on the lock screen page of the phone. He remembered that this popped up when he entered the door after he came back.

But the key is not this, but the content of the news!

[Mysterious elves appeared on the streets of Mei Lijian (Country M), killing 13 people]

Seeing this title, Zhou Jiang's heart sank, and his good mood disappeared instantly.

He now sees the words "Mystery Elf" and he will think of the "black skin" elves in the "other world". At present, the bases set up behind the nodes in the various border bases of China are all being attacked by the "other world" elves. Some have broken through those bases and hit the border bases of their world.

And as of now, there is no clear news that the aggression has ended.

This is still in the Huaxia region. Zhou Jiang does not know whether the border bases of other countries have also suffered such attacks, but Zhou Jiang guesses that they are too. After all, the border bases of various countries lead to the same "different world". All of the bases were attacked by the "other world" elves at the same time, so it is basically impossible for other countries to be all right.

After all, the "different world" elves don’t know which bases are China’s bases and which are from other countries. At the same time, all of China’s bases in the "different world" were attacked by the "different world" elves. If the "world" base is not attacked, there is only one possibility, that is, these "other world" elves are controlled (at least guided) by foreigners!

Why do you say that?

Maybe it was the elves of the "other world" that looked at Huaxia upset or the people of Huaxia took some treasures of the elves of the "other world" and then they rioted and hunted them down?

This is of course impossible, because even if the elves of the "other world" look at Huaxia people upset, they can’t tell who is Huaxia, and where the base is Huaxia’s base, and the treasure is stolen and rioted, then It’s even more impossible. If this is the case, the person who takes the treasure will only return to the original world through the light gate of a base, and the elves of the "other world" will only attack by smell or perception. That base, not all of China's bases, was beaten.

So, either the entire world, the bases of various countries in the "different world" are all being attacked, or someone is attacking China.

The second possibility is extremely low, and it is basically eliminated. Therefore, Zhou Jiang has always felt that this is a global and world crisis.

Perhaps the elves in the "different world" in the back might break through the blockade and fully penetrate the world they are in now.

After all, isn't it all in the novel? After the protagonist travels to another world, there will always be some big event waiting for him.

Like an elven novel, there is either an invasion of aliens or an invasion of ancient elves, or the Rocket’s evil organization is forced to fight the alliance. In short, as long as the protagonist is in the place, the world is always in trouble.

Although Zhou Jiang wanted face, he still felt that he was the protagonist. There was no way. The protagonist’s standard crossing and gold fingers had all this. Zhou Jiang could hardly believe that he was not the protagonist.

Pull it far.

Since the first time he knew about the existence of the "different world", Zhou Jiang felt from the heart that the "different world" is the so-called crisis. The future is likely to bring him huge troubles, so he has always been in his heart. worried.

Some time ago, the "other world" elves aggressively attacked China's base in the "other world". His previous worry happened, but this is not decisive. After all, they have not attacked yet, and they have been blocked by In the "world", but the previous incident of the "different world" attacking the village in City X made him feel that the "big event" was coming.

Sure enough, not long after, that is today, the news reported an attack by a foreign "other world".

Although it's only Meili's tip, but if there is one, can the others be far away?

And this was only reported by foreign media, and then Huaxia Media moved over. It has already been reported from abroad but Huaxia Media has not moved over, or even the foreign media has not reported it. I don’t know how many.


The phone was thrown on the bed casually, and Zhou Jiang fell on the bed and sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, he just can't be idle.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether to stay at home and be a salted fish or earn points after the college entrance examination, but now he doesn't need to think about it anymore. There are already "people" who have made the decision for him.

The elves in his hand can only barely allow him to protect himself when the disaster he imagined strikes, but what about his current family? What about friends? What about friends and family?

He can't live alone, right?

If you have the ability, always help your acquaintances as much as possible.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, he is also free.

After all, Zheda allowed him to explore and develop himself in the wild, so he had plenty of time and didn't need to think about starting school.

As for whether to go to the forest to score points mechanically or to clear the Rockets’ nests, Zhou Jiang felt that it was better to score points to stabilize.

Although a small Rocket base was eliminated, in addition to combat points, there were a lot of points and item rewards, but after all, the income of eliminating the Rockets base was unstable.

The Rockets have many bases, but it is impossible to find them every day and destroy them in one day.

He estimated that it would be good to wipe out one or two a week. This is still the result of his hard work and running fast.

Going to the wild to score points is much simpler. Although an elf is only awarded once a day, just find a territory of a big guy as before, communicate with the lord, make friends, and fight with his younger brothers. , The elves with territories in the undeveloped areas of the alliance are basically the quasi-tianwang and above, so Zhou Jiang can cope with it, and their younger brothers will not be too weak and have many points.

But the only disadvantage of this kind of scoring is boring and boring.

Zhou Jiang has experienced it several times, and every time I think about it, I feel bored to death.

This is also the reason why he tended to wipe out the Rockets bases instead of scoring.

It's so boring!

It's simply not human.

Now if he didn't want to do a little bit more in a short time, he didn't want to touch that forcing thing.

However, he was basically alone in the past. Now although he wants to get points quickly, he is still a little afraid of that stuff, so he decided to suddenly...Bah! Advise one or more people to go there together!

Among the people he knew were Zhou Nan and others, and Zhou Nan and the young couple Jiang Shui had no choice but to go to Mei Lijian. The rest of Xu Feng had to be a researcher, so he had no choice. In the end, only Chen Yongan and Dai Qianyi who had explored the "different world" together were the three of them.

If Joey Lian doesn't go to the "other world", then you can take her there. Zhou Jia and Wang Qingyan are similar.

The only trouble is that they have to go to university. After all, they are not Zhou Jiang and cannot negotiate terms with the school...

University is a very important "qualification" for them, so they will certainly not choose a **** university, and their strength is not enough to compete with the school they want to halo...

So if possible, Zhou Jiang needs to "negotiate". Of course, with Zhou Jiang's current "fame", the probability of PY success with those famous schools is not high. After all, Zhou Jiang went to Zheda, if they don't read If Zheda is the case, other school birds are not like him...

So in the end, he might go to PY Shui Qingrou or Zhao Feng and then go to PY with those schools?

Emmm...Of course ~www.ltnovel.com~ The premise of these things is that Chen Yongan and the others are willing to follow Zhou Jiang to fight monsters in the deep forest. If they don't want to, Zhou Jiang's PY ability is useless.

Well, you need to ask them.

Just do it.

Zhou Jiang touched the cell phone under him, and then he was in the group @陈永安. After they bubbled up from the water, Zhou Jiang told them about his plan and asked them if they would like it. He was willing to go with him. In order to save time, he directly stated that if he was willing to go, but the school did not let anyone go, he would ask Shui Qingrou and they would come forward as a "guarantee".

In other words, the external factors that can prevent them basically do not exist, and the rest is the decision of their parents and themselves.

Their parents believe that if they want to go, they can solve it by themselves. In other words, the biggest problem is whether they want to go.

Zhou Jiang had to admit that his ability to fool was not good, so after he finished speaking, he was quite entangled.

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