I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 837: Rockets' civil unrest

"Hey, have you heard that the Rockets cadres seem to be dissatisfied with the Rockets' treatment, so they pulled a group of Rockets' artificial Rockets bosses and turned them back!" A skinny monkey with pockmarked faces Secretly" said to the two companions.

Dissatisfied with the treatment breakfast, do you work as a Rockets or go to work? Nonsense!

"Huh? Really, but I heard that the Rockets cadres rebelled because of the name "Rockets". I have to say that the name of the Rockets organization is really stupid. What does the Rockets boss think? Come out, secondary disease?" The man with ordinary glasses sitting to the left of Mazi Slim Monkey retorted.

This is even more irritating, because the name of the organization is rebelling... You might as well say that he is an undercover spy to be more convincing.

The wretched spectacle man sitting on the right of Mazi Skinny Monkey retorted: "No, no, although I also think the name "Rocket" is a bit funny, but normal people will not rebel because of this!"

Zhou Jiang nodded slightly in his heart and praised the refuting friend.

Look, this is a normal person with a brain!

"I think it must be the Rockets boss who robbed the cadre's wife, and that cadre was given a green hat by the Rockets boss. How can this be tolerated, so I rebelled!"


Zhou Jiang said nothing, although this possibility also exists, but...it feels so stupid!

Sure enough, these three guys are funny, just like their looks, they are not reliable...

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang got up on the sofa and left here.

As he walked in the lobby and headed inside, Zhou Jiang heard more about the Rockets.

Obviously, the issue of the Rockets cadres betraying the Rockets is very hot. It is not only the three brothers who discuss this, but others are also discussing it.

It’s just that Zhou Jiang doesn’t know when it started...

I didn't notice the news popping up. Why did the chat topic in the wizard center suddenly become this!

Zhou Jiang said hello to Miss Joey who was passing by. After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Jiang immediately lay down on the bed, and then looked up the news on his mobile phone.

If you want to find it, it is naturally found. After all, it is no secret in itself. It is already known to the public, so Zhou Jiang directly searched it out with a search engine.

I subconsciously glanced at the time of these news releases, good guy, the most recent was half an hour ago, and at that time, Zhou Jiang was still on the phone with Zhang Kai...

No wonder he didn’t know that the call news pop-up window didn’t pop up, and he didn’t enter the group behind, so he didn’t know about it at all, so he still went to the courtyard to get some wind, and when he returned, he was going to the lobby. I looked inside and then I heard it by accident.

Zhou Jiang looked at the news one by one. Since it was not long after the news was posted, there were not many news. There were only two pieces of different content. The others were all the same content, but sent by different news media.

After watching the news, Zhou Jiang also got a general idea of ​​the situation.

The reasons for the mess that the three brothers said before were probably made up by the online game brains in them or some other group. What the media really reported is that the Rockets are now in civil strife, and it is suspected that the Rockets officials are carrying a group People betrayed the Rockets and kept fighting with the Rockets in the wild forest. Finally, they advised the trainers not to travel alone in the wild for safety reasons.

However, Zhou Jiang had to admit that the three brothers had big brains, and they dared to think about everything.

Perhaps this is meaningless if you don't know?

But when it comes to the Rockets’ civil unrest, Zhou Jiang thought of the Rockets they encountered when they were transporting supplies. Although they only encountered one attack and only one person attacked, Zhou Jiang’s impression of that incident was still It's quite profound, after all, the elves he left behind have changed a lot of good things for Zhou Jiang...

Now think about it, why did the Rockets do the stupid thing of attacking the Union’s supplies? Did the rebellious Rockets do it, the purpose is to make the Union fight the real Rockets, and then he can take advantage of it?

This is not impossible, and the more Zhou Jiang thinks about it, the more he feels that this possibility is very high.

It’s just that those Rockets who defected did not expect that the Alliance had to deal with the border bases, so there was no time or energy to focus on the Rockets, so they kept dragging them, and then maybe the Rockets knew what they did. Purpose, so I jumped out to find them and even released the news?

After all, although these news are released by the official media of the league, it is also possible that the Rockets people deliberately released it to them?

As for the reason?

Naturally, it was to tell the Alliance that the person who hijacked the Alliance's supplies was not their Rockets, but someone else.

Perhaps this is a statement?

Zhou Jiang is not quite clear, but he thinks that the eight achievements are so right.

After a long absence, I went to the Post Bar and found out that the news about the Rockets’ civil unrest was really hot. It has already become popular. Zhou Jiang, who took more than ten minutes to come out of the hot comment **** of sand sculpture netizens, immediately went to death again. Entered the exclusive forum for prosecutors.

If the Rockets’ internal turmoil is just a joke and talks among the general public, then among the prosecutors, this is already the content of detailed work that needs to be understood.

After all, they are specifically set up to deal with the Rockets. They must understand and master the first-hand information of the Rockets, because once a major incident occurs on the Rockets, the prosecutors of the alliance will basically not be idle. Officials are also risky when dealing with the Rockets, so for their own safety, everyone will consciously learn about the Rockets.

Of course, it’s okay if you don’t want to know, anyway, your life is yours, and the profession of prosecutors is not forced by the alliance. You can resign if you don’t want to do it, but you will be supervised by the alliance for a year after resignation This is just a small problem compared to dealing with the Rockets.

After all, the monitoring of the alliance is not staring at you three hundred and sixty degrees twenty-four hours, just a report on where you have been and what you have done every day.

Pulled away.

As one of the "violent agencies" of the alliance, the prosecutors' intelligence sources are naturally better than those of ordinary people, so they have long known about the Rockets' internal unrest.

The job is to fight the Rockets’ league prosecutors. After they learned of the Rockets’ civil strife, they were ready to be sent to "take advantage of the fire" when the Rockets were too busy. Everyone sharpened their swords. Ready to do a lot of work, but after waiting for a long time, they found that there was no movement.

After the discussion in the forum, everyone felt that the senior management might still be discussing, so they waited slowly with patience and excitement. They waited and waited. They found that not only did they not receive the order to attack, but they even killed the Rockets before. The mission of the small base is gone...

This is regardless of the Rockets? !

So the forum exploded here.

Fortunately, the alliance adopts an open management for the prosecutors forum. As long as it does not violate the principle of the problem, that is, the task content is posted when the task is not over. The alliance basically does not manage it, so the prosecutors I can still complain on this prosecutor's forum.

And Zhou Jiang is basically the same now. As long as there is enough data, even if there is no complete data, it can still piece together a complete data. At present, Zhou Jiang is like this. From the complaining posts, Make up what he guessed above.

After watching for about an hour, the door was knocked and Chen Yongan's voice came from outside.

"Is Zhou Jiang there?"

"Yes, come in." Although puzzled, Zhou Jiang turned off his phone and got up from the bed.

Although it is a guest room, this door has a double-sided door handle, which can be locked inside, but as long as it is not locked, it can be opened outside.

As soon as Zhou Jiang sat up and reached the edge of the bed, Chen Yongan pushed in.

"Quickly, quickly, you lend me the elves, there are people behind the elves center, I want to play!" After entering the door, Chen Yongan rushed to Zhou Jiang impatiently and shouted.


Zhou Jiang was speechless, but he nodded in agreement.

Just pick up the elves to fight, there is nothing to refuse, after all, everyone is acquaintance, not stranger.

Taking the empty elf ball in the backpack, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan walked toward the courtyard together. The elves were all placed in the courtyard and stayed with the elves of Miss Joey in the Elf Center. Although they were familiar with them, Zhou If Jiang wants to lend the spirit to Chen Yongan, he also has to go there in person.

As he walked, Zhou Jiang asked Chen Yongan, "Where are Chen Fan and them?"

Chen Yongan shook his head: "I don't know, I'm not with me, maybe I went to the street."

Zhou Jiang nodded, without asking anything more.

When they came to the courtyard, after Zhou Jiang and the others passed, Zhou Jiang and his elves all gathered around. Behind them were Miss Joey’s own elves. Zhou Jiang took a look, and most of them were cute...

Zhou Jiang took a look at his elves and found that Xanadu had not yet returned.

Xanadu was following Miss Joey for a massage, so Zhou Jiang didn’t care, but went directly to the topic and shouted to his elves: “Old Chen can’t help but go to the venue behind the elves to play a game, who are you? If you are idle, you can go and play with him."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang swept around the faces of the elves, and found that no one showed excitement...

Also, the militants in the team are only fire-breathing dragons. Now the fire-breathing dragons are still on Dr. Wang Hongru’s side and haven’t got them back. There are also some militants in the new elves, but they are with the old elves of Zhou Jiang. After getting along, we understand their strength, so even if they want to fight, they will not stand up ashamed.

Let's go to fight after training...

As for the big needle bee?

It will only fight for Zhou Jiang. Although it doesn’t mind fighting for others, it’s also under Zhou Jiang’s arrangement. Now that Zhou Jiang hasn’t clearly instructed it to help Chen Yongan, then it won’t come out. After all, other companions. Maybe you want to participate if you can't help it?

The scene was silent, and Chen Yongan also felt a little embarrassed. Just when the Needle Bee wanted to stand up, the iron-clad Tyrannosaurus raised his hand and scratched his head, then walked forward and nodded to Chen Yongan.

To the elves of Zhou Jiang, Chen Yongan is also a friend, and it is natural to fight for him. The reason why no elves have come forward before is mainly because most of the elves in Zhou Jiang's hands are very Buddhist...

Like Menus and the Sovereign Snake, although they don’t mind fighting, they don’t take the initiative to stand up in this situation. As the Needle Bee has already said, in the end there are only Bibi Bird, Ghost Stone and Iron Armor. Long is not low in strength.

As the shadow of Zhou Jiang, Ghost Stone specially cooperated with Xanadu to protect Zhou Jiang's safety, so it rarely participated in battles, and eliminated. In the end, Bibi Bird and Ironclad Tyrannosaurus were left much simpler.

Their strength is the lowest among the Zhoujiang elves (not counting the newly added elves). On top of them, there are Monarch Snake, Menus, Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, as well as the fire-breathing dragons who have not returned. In this case, even if you want to play, but think that your own strength is the bottom, and there are "big hands" in the team at ~www.ltnovel.com~, they quietly dispelled these thoughts. If they stand up together, will Chen Yongan choose them?

Naturally not.

So they just kept silent when Zhou Jiang asked.

But now that no one of his companions came forward, the somewhat silent heart of the Tyrannosaurus ironclad suddenly became active again!

Seeing the ironclad tyrannosaurus stand up, the big needle bee did not move.

The strength of Tyrannosaurus armor is also there, especially its defense and physical strength, simply terrifying.

The super high physical defense and physical strength make its physical shield even more disgusting.

Naturally, Chen Yongan also knew the abilities of Tyrannosaurus ironclad, so even though a few of them did not stand up, they couldn't help but feel happy.

"Okay, then you come on Tyrannosaurus ironclad." Zhou Jiang nodded, took out the elven ball of Tyrannosaurus ironclad, put it away, gave it to Chen Yongan, and then looked at them. Asked: "Are you going to see it?"

The big needle bees shook their heads, Zhou Jiang did not force them, and after letting them rest well, they walked into the house with Chen Yongan.

Following Chen Yongan to the back of the wizard center, Zhou Jiang and the others heard the roar of the wizard skills and the cheers of the onlookers when they were far away.

After speeding up and walking over there quickly, Chen Yongan and Zhou Jiang nodded, and then the two separated.

Chen Yongan went to the crowd to find people who wanted to compete, while Zhou Jiang just found a place to stand and prepare to watch the show.

There are three battlefields behind the wizard center, all of which are being used by the trainers, playing happily, and Zhou Jiang found that the game he is watching now is about to come to an end, and the battle has entered. end.

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