And even if he can communicate, he also needs to release Xanadu, and with their current tension, after he releases Xanadu, the four of them are afraid that they will subconsciously fight over?

If so, it might as well be Zhou Jiang's first move!

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang directly let the Big Needle Bee who was staying outside to protect him rush up and knock them to the ground.

Seeing the big needle bee rushing up, the four elves ready to go instantly resembled fierce horses breaking free from the reins, and launched an attack with a roar.

The flying mantis, the lizard king and the three elves rushed up at the same time. Among them, the flying mantis and the lizard king flew in the air and rushed forward, while the flying mantis and the lizard king turned towards the big needle bee bag. Caught away, although the cunning Tengu is also a good spirit in close combat, he chose to postpone and attack with the whirlwind knife.

The skills are naturally faster than the elves, and the sly tengu's whirlwind knife first appeared in front of the big needle bee.

Not seeing any extra actions by the Needle Bee, the spear slashed from top to bottom, and the turbulent flow of air mixed with the small wind blade was directly shot apart by the Needle Bee.

The big needle bee that smashed the cunning tengu did not stop. For it, smashing the attack of a middle-level elf is like eating and drinking water. It can be done with a little effort.

Although the shave was not used, the distance between the two sides was not far, and the elves on both sides were pulling the distance toward each other at the same time, so after the big needle bee smashed the whirlwind knives, they rushed up with the three of them. The elves met.

Among the three elves, the speed of the eagle is the fastest. It first reached the front of the needle bee. Although it was a bit shocking to see the scene where the needle bee casually patted the companion skills, but now it has reached the big The needle bee is in front, what else can it do? Can only bite the bullet.

Bi Diao let out a soft cry, then gave up his original idea of ​​pecking and threw a big move, Yong Bird!

A layer of energy coat was instantly wrapped on the surface of the carve. Although it was not used in advance and the skill of Yongbird was not at its best, it was better than pecking, right?

Regarding Bi Diao, whose body shape was many times bigger than himself, the big needle bee was calm, and the spear was raised again.


Bi Diao looked at the big needle bee simply raising the spear again, and instantly felt a bad feeling. When facing the big needle bee directly, when facing the big needle bee's attack, it could feel the big needle bee. What a horror, but it's really too late at this time.

It's already on the face!

With his eyes closed and his heart turned, Bi Diao used all his strength and slammed directly into it.

boom! ! !

It's more like a volleyball than a statue, it was shot and flew out by the big needle bee!

Like a cannonball, Bi Diao smashed onto the ground, and the mud flew up and smoke was everywhere.

The big needle bee was shot on Bi Diao's head. Although Bi Diao was not dead, he was beaten to a concussion and was directly out of the game.

After solving the problem, the lizard king and flying mantis also arrived in front of the big needle bee.

However, the two elves, Lizard King and Flying Mantis, were shocked instantly.

Bi Diao's strength is only slightly worse than that of Lizard King and Flying Mantis, but Big Needle Bee can directly kill Yong Niao's Bi Diao. What is this concept?

This shows that Big Needle Bee is at least two classes higher than Big Diao!

Even if the Flying Praying Mantis and the Lizard King are two elves, and there is a cunning tengu with similar strength behind them, they have no confidence to fight the big needle bee, and they are not on the same level.

However, the lizard king and flying mantis are also proud of themselves, how can they retreat without a fight, and they are still in front of the big needle bee.

The two elves, the lizard king and the flying mantis, exchanged glances, nodded, and chopped up.

The lizard king uses leaf blades, and the flying mantis uses continuous cutting.

At this time, the cunning tengu behind had also rushed towards the Big Needle Bee. After all, the Big Needle Bee and the Lizard King had to fight close combat, and long-range output would easily hurt their teammates.

Let alone the cunning tengu.

In the face of the attack, Big Needle Bee didn't even open the paper painting, and it was confident to avoid their attacks based on experience.

After evading the sickle cut by the flying mantis, the spear in the left hand of Big Needle Bee held the leaf blade of the lizard king, and then picked it up slightly, and then slammed in. After pressing the face, the spear in the right hand was directly towards its waist. Swipe away.

Although the lizard king just jumped up slightly, it was in the air after all, so its agility is very high, but the space to dodge is still limited. Whoever makes it without wings, if it is replaced by the Flying Mantis, this one It's hard to say.

Although the lizard king tried his best to twist his waist, he was still hit by the big needle bee's spear, but it didn't hit it, and the damage was reduced a lot.

Fortunately, Big Needle Bee didn't want to make an elven life, so it didn't choose the best attack method, stab.

If the big needle bee is replaced with a straight sting, the lizard king will probably make a hole in his body.

The lizard king was scratched by the large needle bee's spear, and it turned and slammed into the ground, but it was fine, not as bad as the eagle, at least it had the fighting ability.

At the same time, Feitian Mantis's second sickle has been cut.

In order to attack the lizard king, the big needle wasp, after avoiding a period of attack by the flying mantis, directly ignored it, and now the consequences are coming!

The sharp, gleaming sickle slashed towards the waist of the big needle bee. If one is not good, the big needle bee may even be cut in the waist!

No way, who made it so small...

But Big Needle Bee didn't panic. It wouldn't be shaving or painting on paper just because it said that it was weaker than itself.

Big Needle Bee silently opened the paper painting.

The flying mantis’s sickle slashed over, and the big needle bee moved with the wind and flew slightly behind for a short distance. Then the flying mantis’s sickle passed in front of the big needle bee, leaving a fan-shaped remnant. shadow.

Although it escaped the attack of the Flying Mantis, but did not pull the distance from the Flying Mantis, so the third attack of the Flying Mantis came directly again, during which time the Big Needle Bee hardly gave a reaction time.

But it doesn't matter, knowing how to paint on paper means being able to do whatever you want!

Once again evading the attack of the Flying Mantis, the big needle bee was just about to rush, the cunning tengu had already arrived, and launched a leaf blade attack, and at this time, the half-crippled lizard king did not watch, although not Dare to rush to attack again, but it can use ranged attacks!

So the lizard king used a seed machine gun.

If you are afraid of hurting your teammates, just shoot!

To use a submachine gun as a sniper rifle, no one has a rule, right?

It doesn't output. Can it be used as an auxiliary to control the position of the needle bee?

Perceiving the attacking seed machine gun and cunning tengu, Big Needle Bee raised his brows slightly, and then became slightly serious.

After all, it is the coordinated attack of the three elves. It is impossible to say that the needle bee can't beat it, but it will take a while to win. The needle bee does not want Zhou Jiang to wait for a long time, so...

Weird power!

After the Big Needle Bee decided to quickly solve the opponent, he immediately activated the strange power. Of course, it was the version that lasted for a long time, but the power increase was not very abnormal.

For the seed machine gun that strikes in a straight line and cannot be displaced in the middle, the needle bee doesn't care at all, and can avoid it with just one move.

Dodging the seed machine gun, the Big Needle Bee blocked the attack of the cunning Tengu, and pushed the cunning Tengu away with a little force. After being pulled a distance, the cunning Tengu attacked with a flying blade sharp knife, but was used by the Big Needle Bee. Dispelled as many as possible, and the shock wave directly hit the sly tengu's body. A blood hole appeared in its body instantly, but fortunately, the big needle bee was sent out in a hurry, and the power was not very great. After Feiye Knife collided, the power was offset a little again, so the cunning tengu was not penetrated, only a hole appeared on the surface.

The injury can only be described as miserable, not too serious.

When the big needle bee fights the cunning tengu, the flying mantis will naturally not look at it. When the big needle bee is fighting the cunning tengu, the flying mantis continuously attacked, although the big needle bee and the cunning tengu only fought in an instant It was over, but it was enough to smash the flying mantis's sickle into the face of Big Needle Bee.

Due to time constraints, the Big Needle Bee has no time to use paper painting, and it will still be cut by the Flying Mantis if it is used barely. Although it is only a minor injury, Big Needle Bee does not allow it.

So the big needle bee has to block it!

I saw Big Needle Bee's left spear pulled, and it lay horizontally where the Flying Mantis was attacking.


The Flying Mantis’s sickle was smashed on the spear of the Big Needle Bee. Although the Big Needle Bee was ready, it was the stage where the old power was not gone, the new force was not born, and the Flying Mantis was still facing away, so it was still He was chopped off by the Flying Praying Mantis and staggered forward.

Fortunately, the big needle bee flies in the air, so even if it rushes forward, it will not lose its balance, and the wings will flap slightly to restore the balance.

And because of the blocking of the hard long spear in the middle, the flying mantis's chopping did not cause much damage to the big needle bee, but its slashing force has reduced some of the big needle bee's physical strength.

This is already a very good result. After all, Big Needle Bee wants to fight quickly and desperately attack the cunning Tengu without being injured. Big Needle Bee is already leathery enough.

At this point, Bi Diao and Cunning Tengu were eliminated, and only two elves, the Flying Mantis, who was about to land, and the half-crippled Lizard King, were left gliding in the air.

After the seed machine gun attack of the lizard king again, the big needle bee turned around and stared at the lizard king with his emotionless eyes.

It intends to solve this annoying "clown" first.

"Just..." After meeting the big needle bee, the lizard king was shocked, then turned and ran.

It is not going to run away directly, but is ready to call for support, but it has already been targeted by the Needle Bee, so it can't even think about the task of calling support, so it stops running, intends to drag the Needle Bee, and then let Flying Mantis went to call for support.

The big needle bee naturally does not know the careful thought of the lizard king, this is their secret.

But it doesn't matter, the Big Sting Bee is serious now, and the lizard king won't be able to struggle long in its hands, not to mention that the lizard king still has injuries on his waist, and he can't run fast.

Seeing the lizard king turned his head and ran back, Big Needle Bee didn't even think about it, so he chased after him.

Although speechless, the Flying Mantis also knows that now its task is to call for reinforcements, so it did not go to see the Big Sting Bee and the King Lizard. It felt that although the King Lizard was injured, it could still do it if it was dragged. Yes, as long as it finishes sending the signal quickly.

Elves are not humans, so it's natural not to think about signal flare, but they have wisdom, so it is not difficult to make so-called signals.

The signals of Flying Praying Mantis are very simple, they just make a big noise and shout loudly, they are very simple.

But it is simple and expensive, but it is practical!

Although the mission that was originally Bi Diao has now been delivered to Feitian Mantis, Feitian Mantis dared not delay and couldn't hesitate. He took a sharp breath and then roared loudly.

The roar of Feitian Mantis is awful, and this is also the first time Zhou Jiang heard Feitian Mantis scream so loudly.

Feitian Mantis was just about to add some materials and throw some skills into the sky so that his companions could see the position better. However, at this time, the voice of Lizard King GG came from a distance.

Of course, when the lizard king played GG, it didn't make much After a muffled hum, it fell down. The sound was mainly caused by the attack of the big needle bee. of.

Using strange force to hit the elves standing on the ground is very powerful, because there is no buffer space for the lizard king. The ground is there, and the power of the big needle bee is also there. When hit by a shot, the lizard king is It's like being hit by a hydraulic press.

At this time, with the lizard king as the center, a large circular hole appeared directly on the ground.

Being hit by a big needle bee on the ground, not to mention the elves, the field is basically intact.

The situation on the big needle bee and the lizard king, after being screamed up to the sky, the flying mantis, who was ready to send skills to add something to the "flame", saw it, and was ready to quickly send the signal to support the lizard king's flying The praying mantis was dumbfounded in an instant.

What happened?

The Flying Mantis is dumbfounded, but the Big Needle Bee can't. How could the Big Needle Bee not know what it was doing with the long howling before the Flying Mantis.

Regarding the act of flying mantis shaking people behind his back, Big Needle Bee said that he was very angry.

This is too shameless!

But this is not the key. The key issue is that Zhou Jiang wants Big Needle Bee to solve these four little guys. For Big Needle Bee, it is a very simple task without pressure. But Big Needle Bee actually messed up, let The other party shook someone...

This is a shame for Big Needle Bee!

It felt that it had failed Zhou Jiang's expectations of it.

More importantly, it felt that if this matter was changed to Xanadu, she would never let them have a chance to shake people!

Although there is no apparently competitive relationship with Xanadu, the relationship between the two is also very good, but it just feels that it is instantly shorter, and the title of "Zhoujiang's most trusted wizard" may be about to change!

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