I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 849: Gamble on dogs not to house

In response to Zhou Jiang's question, Shanaiduo hesitated and shook his head.

‘It’s a big difference. It’s hard to tell the specifics, but overall, it’s much better than when it used to be equipped with a bending spoon. As for the specifics, I can’t say. ’

"Ha, all right." Zhou Jiang sighed.

Although I am not sure how much it has been enhanced, the enhancement is definitely much stronger than the top props such as the bending spoon. Knowing this is enough for now, and there is no need to know the specific value.

However, the enhancement of attributes has been confirmed, and there is still another work to be confirmed, that is, can this slab be immune to attacks of that attribute when it is equipped by ordinary elves?

The method of testing is very simple. Take the slate from Shanaido, equip it with any elf, and then let Shanaido attack it with thought power.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Jiang plans to let Menus be the subject of that experiment, after all, its special defense is the highest in the team.

Zhou Jiang thought of such a situation.

If this slate really has such a little effect, it can make the elves immune to the skills of the slate attribute, but due to various reasons, the immunity will only be for a certain time or only a certain intensity of attack.

Later, during the experiment, Xanadu's thought power was lighter. Due to the effect of the slate, it did not work on the target elf. Then when her thought power slowly increased and she was about to explore the strength limit, the immunity effect of the slate suddenly disappeared. ...

Meinas has high special defenses and strong physical strength. As long as some protection is prepared, even if the experiment is out of control, it will not be life-threatening. It can be said that it is the most suitable candidate in the team.

Although Xanadu out of the tent is not too crowded, it wouldn't be enough if Menus was released.

Meenas is much larger than Shanaido. If you release it in the tent, the tent will definitely be deformed. Now it’s still dark, Chen Yongan and the others are still outside, Zhou Jiang just came in and lay down. Instead of sleeping.

If Menus is released in the tent, Chen Yongan and the others will be able to see it. After all, the movement is not small, so he can just go outside and let it out. Anyway, it is not a shameful thing, and Chen Yongan They saw it, and they couldn't understand Zhou Jiang's reason for doing this. As long as Zhou Jiang guessed something by experiment, he could fool it smoothly.

Sure enough, after Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo came out of the tent, Chen Yongan, who was roasting the fire, looked over, but they didn't ask anything at this time, and they just looked at Zhou Jiang and didn't look at him again, and went on. Chatting.

This is a normal reaction. After all, they don't ask when doing anything in Zhoujiang. They only ask when they do something strange in Zhoujiang, just like other normal people.

Zhou Jiang didn't plan to go anywhere anymore, he released Menus directly at the door of his house.

Sure enough, after releasing Menus, Chen Yongan, who was on fire and chatting with the sky, looked at them one after another, and they looked away without a glance, and they kept looking at Zhou Jiang's side.

But they didn't ask anything, and since they didn't ask, Zhou Jiang didn't say anything. After all, there was nothing to say, and the real reason could not be said.

Two seconds after Meinas came out, Xanadu nodded slightly to Zhou Jiang, indicating that he had told Meinas. Zhou Jiang nodded slightly and gave the superpower slab he had removed from Xanadu. It is equipped.

Menas began to prepare for defense. It first used three instantaneous amnesias, added six layers of special defense, and then used the liquid ring. In this way, it was prepared for everything it could do.

After using the liquid ring in Menus, Chen Yongan and the others came over and came to Zhou Jiang. Chen Fan asked Zhou Jiang: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Jiang looked back at them, with a relaxed and ordinary look, smiled, and said: "Oh, nothing, I just want to do a small experiment, it will be over soon."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked back at Shanaiduo and the others.

The three of Chen Yongan looked at each other, shrugged and looked at Shanaiduo and the others.

Menas had already done a good job of defensive work, so Xanadu was naturally not waiting, but directly activated his thought power and wrapped it towards Menus.

However, the situation was not as expected. Menus was directly covered by a faint purple light, and his body shook slightly with the power of thought.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang gave an unhappy "tsk".

You know, Shanaido now uses a very small power of thought power, and Menas has been recruited like this, which means that this super power slab is not immune to super powers.

In other words, if the slate is carried by non-Alzeus elves, it can only increase the corresponding attribute power, and cannot be immune to the corresponding attribute skills.

Although he was prepared in his heart, Zhou Jiang was still quite unhappy when he faced it.

Ten thousand points... this is it?

Although the effect is much stronger than the bending spoon, but...

I always feel lost!

Since it was successful the first time, there was no need for the following experiments to strengthen the mind power test, and Shanaido also dropped the mind power directly.

"Come back." Zhou Jiang faintly yelled, and then took back Xanadu and Menus with a wizard ball, so the three of Chen Yongan behind Zhou Jiang were even more confused.

The experiment you said... this is it?

Am I out of date, or is your rank so high that I can't understand it?

The three of them glanced at each other, their eyes full of bewilderment.

"Hey... the experiment failed, I'm going to bed, and you guys go to bed earlier." Zhou Jiang sighed, turned around and said hello to Chen Yongan and the others, and got into the tent.

After Zhou Jiang got into the tent, Chen Yongan and the others slowly returned to the campfire.

Sitting down on the folding stool, Chen Fan glanced at Zhou Jiang's tent, then looked at Chen Yongan and Chen Ziang, and asked, "Do you think Zhou Jiang has been a little strange lately, as if there is a secret hidden in your heart? I've been looking for the Thunder Beast and want to find other territorial lord elves."

Listening to Chen Fan's words, Chen Ziang approached the flame with his hands, roasted it, rubbed it, put it in his pocket, and said slowly: "What's the matter, I also think you are weird, staying in such a ghost place. It’s like no one is boring. It’s the same when it’s boring. Don’t we do the same? As for the trouble with other lords."

Chen Ziang sighed and continued: "His Xanadu and Big Needle Bee are so strong. Only when he fights against Lord-level elves can he make progress. Without seeing others, he has been training all the time, except for fighting against Thunder Beasts. Stop fighting? What's this."

Chen Yongan agreed and nodded, followed by "fussing".

When Chen Fan heard Chen Yongan say this, he made a "hiss" and scratched his hair, but in the end he just made an action, and did not act.

After thinking about Chen Ziang's words, Chen Fan finally nodded and agreed with him without saying anything.



Zhou Jiang returned to the tent, put Shane Duo and Menus's Elf Balls back in the bag, lay down in the bed, and opened the system panel again.

It is worth mentioning that the super slate has been reinstalled on Shanaido, and Menas continues to carry its lucky egg.

The 60,000 points that can be spent have been eliminated 10,000, and only 50,000. If you don't say it, you can exchange the super modifier coupons honestly.

If two thousand and fifty, fifty thousand, he can exchange twenty, which is not a small amount, and it is more than the total amount of super modifier cards he obtained before.

Just when Zhou Jiang was about to pull down the list to look for cards to use, suddenly, he saw the price of the remaining sixteen slabs.

What used to be a slab of 10,000 points, now it has become a 20,000 points? !

price goes up?

Looking at the slate whose price had doubled, Zhou Jiang fell silent, and silently calculated how many points would be needed to replace the seventeen slabs.

Judging from the fact that he bought a slate and his points rose from 10,000 to 20,000, Zhou Jiang thought of the two simplest ways to increase prices.

One: After buying one, the remaining slate will increase in price by 10,000. That is to say, if this continues, the fourth slab will sell for 40,000. A total of 17 slabs will cost 1.5 million points!

Astronomical numbers!

Two: After selling one piece, the price of the remaining slate will be doubled. That is to say, the fourth slab sells for 80,000 yuan, and the seventeenth slab is 131,071 million, which is 13 Billion!


After calculating the second final price, Zhou Jiang was almost frightened.

Even if he can get one hundred thousand points in half a month and 200,000 points in one month, if he wants to get 1.3 billion, it will take six thousand five hundred months, which is 541 years!

Is this for Zhou Jiang to spend six lifetimes scoring here...

But fortunately, it doesn't necessarily increase according to the second one. If the price increases according to the first one, he can still get 1.5 million in his lifetime.

"Wait...I'm here to see when I can replace the remaining sixteen slates!" Zhou Jiang patted his forehead, and he was about to cry stupidly by himself.

After seeing the price increase of the slate's points, I subconsciously thought about how long it would take to change to the remaining slate, but there was no stipulation that he had to change it.

The slate is not expensive, but if it is functional, it can only enhance the attributes of the carried elves. Although the effect is good, the price is too expensive!

If the slate is worth 10,000 points, it doesn’t matter, just change it, and now its price will increase...

Who can afford it!

Is it bad to buy a super modifier and use a card? Is it not fragrant at 30 attribute points?

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang didn't think about it anymore, he turned to the super modifier card, and spent 20,000 points to exchange eight cards.

Since the Super Modifier card is difficult to obtain, among the elves in Zhoujiang, Shanaido used eight of the highest ones, and the others were three of Big Needle Bee, two of Menus, and two of Monarch Snake. Zhang.

As for the other wizards, they have not been modified once.

So far, Zhou Jiang has not found the upper limit of the super modifier card. In order to better plan the bonus of ability points for the elves behind, Zhou Jiang plans to find the upper limit of the super modifier card use.

Now he can change a total of 20 cards, but he still doesn't believe it. Could the upper limit be more than 28 times?

You know, the upper limit of the previous junior high school and senior level three is only 2/4/6 times. Where can the final super level go?

Calling up Xanadu's attribute panel, looking at the data for a long time, Zhou Jiang was slightly silent.

The difference in Xanadu's data is really too big!


Level: 49



Quality: Gold

HP: 68/31/451 (race value/individual value/ability value)

Material attack: 65/31/125

Defense: 65/31/113

Special attack: 125/31/577

Special defense: 115/31/199

Speed: 80/31/147

From the numerical point of view, Shanaido’s physical strength and special attack attributes have far exceeded other attributes. So far, her physical strength has increased by "240", and for special attacks, it has also increased by "320". This is to be used with the super modifier. The attributes of the card pile!

Even the Big Needle Bee, which uses twice the upper limit of other elves, is not as perverted as her!

So far, Xanadu is perfect in addition to defense. If you don’t know what the champion-level elves are more than the heavenly elves, Zhou Jiang is afraid to say that Xanadu is stronger than the champion-level elves. .

But even so, Zhou Jiang is still very confident about the special attack value of ~www.ltnovel.com~, Zhou Jiang is not convinced.

Although Xanadu did not need to continue to increase his physical strength, attack and speed, Zhou Jiang felt that he could do something about it.

After a day of defense, Shanaido's combat power is in vain, because she can't be beaten by her opponent!

If it was hit by the mid-level elves of the heavenly kings with the skills of the original source, Shanaiduo was afraid that she would directly kneel, because her defense was too fragile!

So Zhou Jiang added the attribute points added by Xanadu's ninth super modification to her dual resistance.

Although she is talented in special defense, Zhou Jiang still chose to increase her evenly, so Xanadu's double resistance increased by "15" points.

Click on the tenth card, Xanadu can still be used, then continue to add double resistance, as usual, it is still average.






Zhou Jiang: "..."

The eight super modifier cards in exchange for 20,000 points were all used on Shanaido. Her double resistance increased by "120" points, so the physical defense reached "233" and the special defense reached "319". .

Well, Shanaiduo's shortcomings have completely disappeared. This should have been something to be happy about, but Zhou Jiang couldn't be happy.

Counting the previous ones, Xanadu has smashed a total of 16 Super Modifier cards, but even so, the upper limit has not been revealed yet!

Zhou Jiang's hand was shaking slightly.

Do you want to throw away the remaining 30,000 points?

Maybe twelve can be tried out?

And there are 10,000 points reserved, which is four...

dry? Quit?

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