I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 854: Long-lost hypnotism

"Sorry, the game was lost..." Taking back the lizard king, Chen Fan was sorry to the Thunder Beast and Zhou Jiang when he returned.

"It's okay, don't worry about the game, and me." Zhou Jiang smiled and comforted.

Raidenmon also nodded, indicating that he shouldn't care too much.

When the quasi-heavenly level meets the middle-level heavenly king, it will be a ghost if it can win, and when the giant vine walked out before, it already had an answer in its heart.

Although the game does not end in one-on-one and seven games, but as long as the elves do not lose the ability to fight, they can always participate in the battle, but after the giant vine won, it did not continue to end, but replaced. .

But it is.

Although the giant vine hasn't lost any physical strength, it can't say it if it is completely useless. Therefore, in order to win, it feels that it is necessary to do something, and then increase the chance of winning only a little.

The giant vines replaced normal elves, and the Thunder Beast originally wanted to let the Thunder Beast on Zhou Jiang, so they could only let their little brothers go up and fight.

The current state of the game is one positive and one negative, but the Thunder Beast has lost two elves on their side, so if you look at it this way, the Thunder Beast is a small loss, but basically no one cares about this.

After all, the number of elves at the Heavenly King level, the Thunder Beast has not yet been exposed.

Except for the two younger brothers of Thunder Beast, Thunder Beast, Shanaido, and the elves of Chen Fan and Chen Ziang, there is the last elves that have not been released yet!

Raiden Beast's end is monster power. Although the monster power is almost the last among the seven younger brothers of Thunder Beast, the two younger brothers who played this time were not selected according to their strength.

The Raiden Beast directly asked them who wanted to participate, so the strange power raised its hand, so it was selected and allowed to participate in the game.

Guai Li's opponent is the strongest existence among the many younger brothers of the giant vine, the Overlord Flower.

As soon as the game started, after the two elves started fighting, the strange power fell into a disadvantage.

Don't look at this Overlord Flower with a big head and short legs, but its moving speed is really fast!

At least it is much faster than the strange force.

Coupled with a lot of long-range attacks from the Overlord Flower, it didn't take long for the strange power to be killed by a kite.

At this point, the Thunder Beast had lost three elves, and the only thing left besides Zhou Jiang's two and the Thunder Beast was a younger brother of the Thunder Beast.

Although he lost the game against the monster, and it was a bit miserable, the Thunder Beast did not blame it. Who made it voluntarily stand up and "make up the number".

However, although Zhou Jiang was in the back, it was almost impossible to lose, but the Thunder Beast was still a bit unhappy, because the giant vine on the opposite side of the victory was something in the bag and its provocative expression, it was indeed angry. Arrived.

So it called Zhou Jiang, hoping to let Zhou Jiang go up in advance, and kill the opposing spirit!

Although it is quite cool to slap the face after the final result comes out, but that is all for the future, it only knows that it is very upset now, wants to pretend to be forced, wants to slap!

Zhou Jiang has no reason to refuse. Anyway, besides the last "make up" elf on their side, that is, the little brother of Thunder Beast, the only thing left is him and the lord Thunder Beast. Wait for that little brother. After the Thunder Beast was defeated, it was his turn. Now it was nothing more than just skipping one of them. It was not too bad to appear earlier.

So Zhou Jiang played.

On the other side, 80% expected it (it was obvious on the test), so after seeing Zhou Jiang walked out, the foreign aid from their team was an invited foreign aid-Biting Lu Shark!

That's right, it was Quasi God Lie biting the land shark.

This is also the first time Zhou Jiang has seen such a strong quasi-god in the wild, but he doesn’t have the thoughts of taking it as a subordinate. After all, he is not without the quasi-god. The key is that they are still in their infancy now. It hasn't grown up yet, and if there is another resource grabber, those elves really don't need to grow anymore.

Zhou Jiang accompanied Xanadu to prepare for battle.

As for Shanaido’s battle, the lord Shanaido who was watching slightly raised some spirits. It was the first time that Shanaido had seen Shanaido outside of the tribesmen in the territory, and his strength had reached the level of the king of heaven. Although it did not show it, but In fact, it was quite curious about Zhou Jiang's Shanaido.

At the start of the game, Liebite Lu Shark didn't say anything to pretend, so he rushed forward to do it!

That's right, it's an existence where people don't speak much, it takes the benefits of giant vines and then comes to help, so it doesn't have any senses for Thunder Beast or Zhou Jiang, it just exists for money to do things.

Since it has no senses, it is too lazy to say anything, and just take the money and leave after the solution.

It’s a pity that Shanaido’s strength is not as simple as it seems. The original aura of the king that day is really deceptive. So far, no one can see before the start of the fight that the strength of Shanaido and Big Needle Bee is related to The breath exuding does not match.

So the biting Lu Shark who rushed up hurriedly suffered a big loss, and Shane Duo immediately stopped using her strength, not to mention, she also ate the hypnotism that Shane Duo had not used for a long time...

The strength is too poor. In addition, Xanadu suddenly stopped biting the shark, causing it to shake its mind, which led to the successful use of hypnotism. Once it was shot into the soul, when Xanadu recovered, the bite was already asleep. Passed...

Shanaiduo was taken aback for a moment, then recovered and launched an attack directly.

Although some are surprised that the effect of hypnotism is so good, it is still necessary to attack when it is time to attack.

Although Zhou Jiang's instructions are not to show that he can crush the opponent without suspense, this is no pressure for Lao Xigu, it is not a crush without suspense, and it does not mean that he cannot be crushed... …

Moreover, the current situation says that the biting land shark was hypnotized carelessly. Is there any problem?


Although it sounds like a joke, a mid-level elf from a heavenly king was easily hypnotized by a junior-level elf from a heavenly king, but didn't this happen right now.

Unbelievable things happen in front of your eyes, so no matter how unbelievable, whether it is a human or an elf, you have to accept it. After all, things have happened before your eyes. If you don’t accept it, you have to accept it. Otherwise, what else can you do if you don’t accept it. ?

To brainwash this memory?

Let's not talk about whether it can be done or not, that is, it can be done, but would anyone do it?

No matter how much you eat, no one will do that...

Seeing lying on the ground, Shane Duo used a shadow ball to whip the corpse again and again, but the elves who did not wake up bite the land shark, many onlookers were shocked.

Especially the giant vine, it didn't dare to look at it again.

The foreign aid I brought in at a high price is just lying on the ground and getting beaten up, so it’s so cool to pick up goods?

What a shame!

Especially in front of its opponent Leidenmon and its little brothers, it said that its face had been bitten by the shark and lost it all.

If it weren't for winning, it would have already announced abstention instead of biting Lu Shark.

But now, it can only pray, hoping that Liebite Lu Shark will wake up soon. After all, it is the overlord-level elves of the mid-ranking heavenly king, right? How could it not be brought down by a hypnotism and then drawn to death?

No, no?

However, something strange really happened. After biting the shark for three minutes after being pumped by Shanaido, she woke up and was discovered by Shanaido, and then she stopped attacking to avoid giving it too much stimulation at this time. , And then fully launched hypnotism.

So just waking up, Lu Shark, who had just raised his head, was hypnotized by Shanaido!

The giant vines watching from the side said that he was surprised to eat the vines on his body, Nima, did you sleep with the mid-level strength of the king?

Even if you were hypnotized once, you are careless, but you were hypnotized after you woke up?

Even if your senses are dull after being hypnotized, but after being beaten for three full minutes, don't you feel any pain in your body?

The most important thing is that with the strength of the mid-level Du Tianwang, after waking up, will his thoughts be confused, and I can't remember where I am, what happened, and how I fell asleep?

This is too ridiculous!

However, no matter how the giant vines complained, they couldn't conceal the fact that the foreign aid it invited was hypnotized by Shanaido, and then hung up to fight.

The giant vines couldn't bear to look again.

Thinking of the huge amount of resources that was the result, its heart was bleeding.

Compared with the giant vines, the elves on the Thunder Beast were much happier, especially the ordinary elves who stayed in the distant position.

The Thunder Beast had lost a streak before, and their emotions fell to the extreme. Now they saw Shanaido abuse the general opposite, they immediately became excited.

Before, they only lost the elves below the level of the king. Although they lost more times, they are now losing a main elves of the king!

Which one is more important than the three quasi-kings and the middle-ranking one?

There is no doubt that it is naturally mid-level.

If Shanaito were killed by the biting land shark, it would definitely be a blood loss for the giant vines.

Even when the giant vine shot before, it was a little injured, and it was still a quasi-king lizard king. As a result, the biting land shark is lying on the ground like this. No harm was caused...

But I have to say, maybe Xanadu released the water, or bit the thick skin of the shark, in short, it once again survived the hypnotism.

Although it is inherently problematic to say that it sleeps for so long after being hypnotized, it is not the time to consider these.

In the gazes of hundreds of elves on both sides were expecting, the biting land shark woke up again, and Xanadu once again launched hypnotism.


Then there is no more.

The elves on the side of the giant vine opened their eyes wide and looked incredible, while the elves on the side of Thunder Beast were rejoicing and extremely lively.

Well, the result can be seen from the performance of the two elves.

That's right, Liebite Lu Shark was hypnotized!

What a...

I really couldn't stand it and couldn't afford to lose this person's giant vines. In the end, I couldn't help it, and directly announced the Liebite Lu Shark abstention.

It was too shameful, and the giant vine said that if he loses, he shouldn't look at this stuff and lie there and get beaten.

He personally stepped forward and dragged back behind Lie Sha Nai's back, the giant vine and Xanadu looked at each other, then looked at Xanadu deeply, thoughtfully.

Although the performance of biting the land shark was too useless, the giant vine felt that the problem might be Shanaiduo.

After all, the territory of the bite shark is around its territory, and it has not been short of time to deal with the bite land shark. It naturally knows the strength of the bite land shark, and this is why it spends a lot of money to invite it to fight. As a result, after fighting now, it was hammered on the ground by Xanadu like a chicken.

It's not that biting Lu Shark is too useless, or Shanaido is too abnormal.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she felt that she might have missed it. Shanaido was definitely not as simple as she seemed.

In fact, many of the elites present at the high-level and above, and the elves who knew the difference between the junior and middle-level heavenly kings, all realized that Shanaido was not simple, after all, everyone was not a fool.

But no matter how they look at it, Shanaiduo's battle is over.

Although Zhou Jiang wanted to continue fighting, he thought about the little brother of the Lei Dian Beast left behind ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang still chose to return and wait for it to GG.

On the side of the giant vine, after dragging the giant vine back to bite the land shark, and leaving it aside like a dead dog, he sent the next elf to fight.

Seeing Xanadu retreating, the giant vine subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately it realized something was wrong, what was it afraid of?

Thinking about it, it looked at the other foreign aid he had invited, Heluga.

Hei Lujia and Jumanteng looked at each other, and Jumanteng saw the doubt in his eyes, and even if he became unhappy, he let out a low growl.

"Don't look at me, I am not so wasteful, and I can wake up from sleep quickly, if Shanaido fights me, I will never be as wasteful as it is. Also, I think the appearance fee may need to be increased. One point, what do you think?"

Giant Vine: "..."

The giant vine said that he was tired.

Sure enough, is this retribution?

I used my plan to get a lot of fruit trees from the Thunder Beast, but isn't it all for the little cubs of the territory!

More than 70% of the elves under its command are grass elves, and can't eat elves meat, so it is particularly difficult when the fruit growth period is extended in winter. After the tree fruits are less and the stock is exhausted, the elves can only gnaw on the bark and leaves. This is not only unpalatable, but also not full. Many young elves are hungry for a season in the winter, which leads to their talents. Many people died of starvation, or they didn't survive it directly.

The giant vine, which is really distressed and can’t stand, deceived the Thunder Beast with a strategy. As for what the citizens of the Thunder Beast should do, it is not what it should consider. As a lord, it only needs to do it for itself. It is enough for the leaders to consider.

So, did this retribution come so quickly?

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