I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 858: Celebration party, drunk

   "The giant vines have abstained from voting. If the bet is not cashed in within seven days, the giant vines can come to us, and don't forget to pay the agency fee."

   This is what the referee Shanaido said to the Thunder Beast that Shanaido translated to Zhou Jiang.

   After the referee Shanaido reported to the Thunder Beast, he fluttered away, and left here with the bronze bell and his little brothers.

   Black Luga left with them.

   When Hei Lujia woke up, the match between Big Needle Bee and Giant Vine was not over yet, but it did not leave, but stayed to watch the battle of Giant Vine.

   Now that the game is over, the giant vine has also woke up, and the giant vine did not say anything about its failure. It didn't want to stay here either, and left with the bronze bell.

   Irrelevant personnel left, what is left is the communication between the Thunder Beast and the Giant Vine, such as the time for cashing out the bet. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Zhou Jiang didn't care about these things. Anyway, let the Thunder Beast get it. After all, this is its gambling game, and the things they get are all territorial resources, which is of no use to Zhou Jiang and the others.

However, this victory was brought to it by Zhou Jiang after all, so they will not be stingy. They will give them some good things such as evolution stones, but this will only be realized when they return to the territory. Up.

   After Zhou Jiang recovered the Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo, he retreated to the back and stood with Chen Yongan and the others watching the Thunder Beast talk to the giant vine after waking up.

   It's not that they have anything beautiful, it's just that they have nothing to do now, and no place to sit, so they can only stand and look in front of them, which is where the thunder beasts talk, then chat and brag to each other.

   The communication between the Thunder Beast and the giant vine seemed to go smoothly, at least Zhou Jiang rarely saw a serious expression on the face of the Thunder Beast.

After the Thunder Beast came back, he praised Zhou Jiang, but Xanadu was taken back by Zhou Jiang, so Zhou Jiang couldn't understand what it was talking about, and it also discovered that Xanadu, the translator, was no longer there. After nodding to Zhou Jiang, he didn't say anything, and prepared to express his gratitude to him with actions when he returned.

   Leiden Beast yelled a few words to the many little brothers who were cheering to greet it, and then led the little brothers to the direction of the territory. Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan naturally followed.

   Before leaving, Zhou Jiang looked back at the giant vines with extremely low morale, shook his head, and sighed that he was sentimental and nosy.

   Although they are indeed very pitiful to lose, you must know that the bet they have lost now was deceived by the Thunder Beast!

   They set up a game to entrap the Thunder and Lightning Beast, which is not evil?

   Now it's just getting back the capital, it's really cheap enough for them.

   As for the giant vines to bite the supplies of the land shark and the Black Luga?

   It’s not Zhou Jiang who asked it to hire it. It’s his business.

   Abandoning unnecessary sympathy, and no longer thinking about it, Zhou Jiang followed the Thunder Beast and returned to the camp.

   Well, the location of the game, the "Great Plain" is not far from Zhoujiang and their camp. Standing in two places, you can see each other's position on the other side, so they arrived soon.

   Back to the camp, Zhou Jiang and the others released all the elves. After seeing Shanaiduo came out, the Thunder Beast stepped forward and said something to Zhou Jiang.

Thunder Beast: "Thank you very much for your help. I will give you some rewards. Don’t worry, it’s not fruit trees. I believe these are useless to you. So I will give you my private collection, some evolution stones and gem gold. You think it’s valuable."

   Hearing what the Thunderbolt Beast said, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised, and asked: "How do you know that gems and gold are valuable to us? Someone has been here before?"

Thunder Beast: "How long ago did you say that? At least I have never seen you humans a few times since I lived. Many images of you humans are more or less heard from the elders when I was young, otherwise you Say why can I know that you are "human"?"

   "Uh...that's what I said." Zhou Jiang touched the mustache on his chin, slightly embarrassed.

   Raiden Beast: "Tomorrow morning I will bring you a satisfactory reward. Today, I will hold a celebration party at noon, and then continue to fight training in the afternoon?"

   Seeing that after talking about "battle training", the thunder and lightning beast's slightly light eyes, Zhou Jiang was a little bit dumbfounded.

   Before, he used energy cubes and wound medicines to trick it and its younger brothers into joining. Now it's almost a month, but the Thunder Beast is very excited by itself, and is very active in daily battle training.

Um... well, it's not very active. It just got tortured after having a fight with Big Needle Bee or Xanadu, and then lay there to continue to salt the fish, but it is quite good for the younger brothers to conduct combat training. Of encouragement.

   After all, whether a territory is strong or not, in addition to high-end combat power, the strength of the younger brothers is also crucial.

Although there is rarely a deadly battle between the two territories nowadays, even if it is not for fighting, among the high-level elves, the offspring have a higher chance of producing elves with excellent talents, and those with excellent talents, that means As a result, their strength can rise to a high level, they can become high-levels in the territory, and can truly contribute to the "game" between the territories.

   Leiden Beast said a few more words before leaving. It found the younger brothers of the seven quasi-kings including Guai Li. It is estimated that they want them to organize the celebration party it said...

   Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Wei Li and them to get busy, but the Thunder Beast came to Zhou Jiang and asked Zhou Jiang to take out the big blanket to make it easy to lie down...

   Zhou Jiang was shocked, why is there such a lazy elf?

   is so lazy, he didn't starve to death, and he grew up to be a lord...it was just a joke made by the world.

  Thunder and lightning beasts are no matter what, and dozing on their stomachs, Zhou Jiang and the others are busy.

   After all, it was almost noon, and seeing that the elves were busy organizing, or for something to celebrate, Chen Ziang and the others couldn't help it, and they rolled up their sleeves one after another and started to work in full swing.

   There are those who direct the elves to clean up the ground, and there are also those who directly take out the pot and ingredients to prepare for a big fight. In short, everyone does their part.

Although there are only four of them in Zhoujiang, the elves also eat human food, especially some sweets and snacks, which are even more loved by them, so they consume ingredients and cook more dishes without worrying about what they can eat of.

   However, this place is deep in the mountains after all, an undeveloped area of ​​the Alliance.

   Even if the elves know to hold celebrations, they cannot be the same as in human society, except for food and various decorations.

  Finally, the celebration party was completed to clear a clean and level ground, and then the elves picked the fruit hanging on the branch from the tree, and then gathered together to eat...

   Well, it's real and simple.

   The elves eat very happily, especially those who are not very powerful, after all, there are fresh fruit to eat.

Fruit trees are a scarce resource in the realm of the elves. After all, there are so many fruit trees, and the fruit trees are definitely not as fast as the elves. In addition, it is winter, so even if there are fruit trees that bear fruit in all seasons and those that bear fruit specifically in winter Fruit trees, but the number is still small, the fresh fruits can only be enjoyed by the Thunder Beast and the seven quasi-king elves, and the other elves can only eat the previously stored food.

   Now everyone can eat fresh, juicy tree fruits, and they can also eat with their stomachs free, and they are naturally happy.

   But compared to the elves, Zhou Jiang and the four of them are lively here.

   Although it was said to be a celebration party, it did not look like the celebration party and the expected atmosphere, but the four of them were still inexplicably anticipating and ignited because of the name "Celebration party".

   So they cooked a lot of dishes, Zhou Jiang even took out a lot of beer.

   After all, the youngest Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan are both college students. Although they have not reported after school starts, their identity and age are still there, so there is no problem drinking, so don’t worry about getting 404.

   The elves ate very happily. Zhou Jiang and the others were the same. They ate barbecue and beer, and then talked loudly in a slightly drunk state, telling things that make them happy and bored.

   Hmm... so everyone was drunk.

   After all, I have stayed here for 20 days. Although the days have passed, the daily life is a bit boring, but it is still very boring. And now that there is a way to vent, then it will be like this, and it is only natural.

   When the four fell to the ground one after another, the elves who accompanied them all took their owners back to sleep.

   Zhou Jiang was taken back to the tent by Shanaido. After Zhou Jiang lay down, Shanaido sat quietly beside him, watching him sleep.

  Although Zhou Jiang's wine is good, and he won't make a lot of noise when he is drunk, Shane Duo is still uneasy, so he stays with Zhou Jiang and resolutely eliminates any signs of problems in the seedling period.

   Zhou Jiang, who was drunk, was very honest. Apart from having a lot of strange dreams while sleeping, he had no other overreactions, such as vomiting after being drunk in many cases.

   As for the dream he had, after waking up, he almost forgot it, so he didn't care.

   And even if he wants to care.

Although he was very honest when he was drunk, his head still hurts after waking up, and the pretty Xanadu sat next to him, looking at him with a concerned expression. How could he think about what he had just dreamed of? .

  , struggling to get up from the hot bedding that was covered, Shanaido, who was sitting on the side, immediately came over and helped Zhou Jiang up.

   The unique fragrance of Shanaido came from his nose. Zhou Jiang didn't know why, he suddenly thought of something he shouldn't think of, he became stiff, and then his old face blushed.

'what happened? "Perhaps feeling the strangeness of Zhou Jiang, Shane Duo asked.

   "Ahem, it's nothing." Zhou Jiang quickly coughed to hide his embarrassment, his eyes drifted away, did not dare to look at Shanaido, and apologized to the pure and beautiful Shanaido in his heart.

  Sanaduo takes good care of herself, but what is she thinking now?

   Damn book...

   But to be honest, someone really married Shanaido?

  No...no...no...no... right? Starting

   Zhou Jiang didn't know, the pure and beautiful Shanaido in his heart was leaning on him at this time, blushing, not knowing what he was thinking, his face was shy.

   There was no sound from a person or an elf, and they "cuddling" with each other in the small tent, and the atmosphere became ambiguous for a while.

   But the next second, the atmosphere was broken by a shout.

   "Zhou Jiang, are you awake? You can eat!"

  Chen Yongan’s voice came from outside the tent. Zhou Jiang Rumeng, who was stiff and his **** was numb, quickly replied "coming".

  Sanaiduo helped Zhou Jiang directly in a feeling of nostalgia and anger, and then unzipped the tent for Zhou Jiang.

   The outside is orange and red. It is obviously winter, but it is as bright as a summer evening.

   However, after a gust of wind blew, Zhou Jiang, who had just emerged from the bed, shivered instantly.

   Rejecting Xanadu's support, Zhou Jiang walked towards the dining table, where Chen Yongan and the others were already sitting there.

   Looking at an empty camp, Zhou Jiang felt a little discomfort. After all, before he fell drunk, it was still a lively place, but when he woke up, it was an empty space.

Looking at the three people waiting for him, Zhou Jiang sighed and secretly sighed his wit, and pulled the three of them over. Otherwise, if he is alone here to score points~www.ltnovel.com~ really want To be autistic.

   Zhou Jiang washed his face with the warm water they prepared at the dining table, and after a simple rinse, the four of them began to eat.

   It doesn't exist in them that they don't talk about food or sleep.

   When eating, it is often when they talk the most, and the more they talk, the happier.

   Everyone was drunk at noon, and now the first meeting after waking up, the content of the chat is naturally the matter of the previous fight. Although everyone was drunk at that time, each of them could still remember a lot of things, so they all revealed the things they remembered before, and when they were drunk, everyone’s S2 speech and so on, but if they didn’t, they wouldn’t make up their own. ?

   Anyway, the picture is happy, and the editing is over. How can I exaggerate?

   Dinner was when everyone took turns blushing and quibbling, and then others laughed at it.

After    helped Chen Ziang clean up the mess, Zhou Jiang took a hot bath and then lay directly in the tent.

   He is still too tired, especially after the bath, the whole person is floating and drowsy.

   Although this is not the first time he has drunk, it is indeed the first time he has been drunk.

   Before, it was just a taste at best, but today is really crazy.

   Lying in the bed, Zhou Jiang closed his eyes that was about to fight, and was about to go to bed. Suddenly, he thought of something and looked at the system panel.

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's eyes widened, and his drowsiness was mostly gone.

   "Go! Didn't you play this afternoon? My 40,000 points!"

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