After taking a deep breath, Zhou Jiang looked at the lord Xanadu and said, "I have a baby for you Kangkang!"

Lord Xanadu: "?"

Since Shanaido had let him go straight to the subject, let him do it.

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang took off the backpack from his shoulders, and skillfully took out the pre-prepared energy cube from it.

Regarding Zhou Jiang's actions, neither the lord Xanadu nor his younger brothers had any vigilant actions.

After all, although I am not familiar with it, at least everyone knows it. Zhou Jiang still has the guarantee of Thunder Beast, and his reputation is guaranteed.

And this is the most center of Shanaido’s territory. Although there are not many elves appearing here, it is only because these eight elves came here when they were summoned by the lord Shanaido. The other elves are around the center of the territory. Lying in their own den.

If Zhou Jiang had any unruly behavior, they would be confident that Zhou Jiang would come in and go out sideways.

Uh, no... I shouldn't even be able to go out sideways, so I just beat him up and buried him here.

Moreover, Zhou Jiang was just a human being. The strength of Lord Shanaido, no matter how he was attacked by Zhou Jiang, it wouldn't matter. They had absolute confidence.

Therefore, they just watched quietly at Zhou Jiang's move of digging out their backpacks, um, at most curious.

Zhou Jiang took out the glass jar containing the energy cube from his backpack, and then reached out to beckon Lord Shanaido to take it.

Lord Shanaido used his mind to pull the jar with the energy cube in Zhou Jiang's hand in front of him, looked at it thoughtfully, and then looked at Zhou Jiang.

Xanadu translated: ‘It asked what was inside. ’

Looking at Lord Shanaido, Zhou Jiang was proud of his expression: "It contains high-energy and high-nutrition food developed by our human world. After the elves eat it, it can increase the energy accumulation speed in the body, that is, eat more. If it does, the wizard will quickly become stronger!"

Although the increase in this stuff is limited, especially after eating a lot, Zhou Jiang does not need to say it. After all, eating it can really become stronger. Zhou Jiang didn't lie, just said something less.

And Zhou Jiang didn't sell it to it, and there were no consumer associations or the like, so Zhou Jiang didn't have to worry about half of the things that "commodities" introduced.

After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Lord Shanaduo's face changed slightly, and his eyes changed when he looked at the glass jar floating in front of him controlled by his mind.

Not only it, but the eight elves around it turned their heads to look at Lord Shanaido, staring at the jar floating there, with an indefinite light shining in their eyes.

Lord Shanaido and the other eight elves are not worried that the effect of the energy cube mentioned by Zhou Jiang is false. After all, Zhou Jiang has taken it out and sent it to Lord Shanaido. Does it make sense to tell lies?

It's just that it's very likely that the words have not been said at all. For example, there are restrictions, such as how much an elf can only eat in a lifetime or a day, and how many elves of a level or above are useless to eat.

But the restriction is restricted, and the effect will definitely be there.

The worst case is that this thing is poisonous and will die after eating.

However, they can be ignored in this case.

As I said before, in this place, if Zhou Jiang dared to make trouble, they would be confident that Zhou Jiang would not be able to get out and die on the spot.

Although surprised by the effect of the energy cube mentioned by Zhou Jiang, the lord Xanadu still asked Zhou Jiang.

‘It asked whether the energy cube had any side effects other than the function you mentioned. ’

Yes, very good and powerful, Zhou Jiang thought he would not ask.

Just ask, even if you say it all.

"There are no side effects, but the improvement in strength is only obvious at the beginning. After that, it will be difficult to directly improve the strength by eating this, but if you continue to eat, it can make the spirit of the spirit more solid."

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang directly moved the Thunder Beast out.

"An Xin, Thunder Beasts have been eating this for 22 days, and my elves also eat this, so don't worry about it being poisonous or anything."

With that said, Zhou Jiang took out an energy cube from the space ring and reached Shanaiduo's mouth.

Xanadu: "..."

Although she felt a little ashamed of being fed, Shane Duo blushed and opened her mouth to bite the energy cube in Zhou Jiang's hand.

After Shanaido finished eating the energy cube in two bites, Zhou Jiang smiled and looked at Lord Shanaido.

Lord Xanadu looked at Xanadu next to Zhou Jiang and then at Zhou Jiang. After a long time, he nodded, and put the glass bottle with energy cube floating in the air beside him, which was regarded as accepting the meeting ceremony.

After seeing the other party accepting the energy cube, Zhou Jiang said: "This is a bit inconvenient for dialogue. I will let Shanaido use to connect us together with hearts, so that we can talk directly. Please don't resist."

Lord Shanaduo was taken aback for a moment, and after nodding slightly to indicate that there was no problem, he looked at Shanaduo curiously.

With the mind-linking trick, until now, Zhou Jiang only knew about his Shanaido club, and no other elves seemed to know how, so lord Shanaido was curious.

Soon, Xanaduo linked Zhou Jiang to Lord Xanaduo. In this way, Zhou Jiang could directly talk to Lord Xanaduo without requiring Xanaduo to make a second report.

‘This is the mind link? ’

‘Yes, as long as you recite what you want to say in your heart, you can let me hear it. ’

The effect of Xanadu's use of mind link for Zhou Jiang and other elves is not as strong as when she used it herself. When Xanadu and Zhou Jiang are connected, as long as they are not paying attention, the thoughts in Zhou Jiang's heart will flow, and she will give others When connecting, the effect is much weaker. Only when the other side of the link knows what he thinks when he is serious in his heart. Therefore, Zhou Jiang and Lord Shanaido are connected together without worrying about his secrets and thoughts. Know it.

‘It’s amazing. "Listening" Zhou Jiang's voice came from his mind, Lord Xanadu looked at Xanadu next to Zhou Jiang with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

It didn't speak, and Zhou Jiang naturally didn't know what Lord Shanaido was thinking now. Looking at it, Zhou Jiang breathed a deep breath, and then said: ‘Lord Lord, please fight against my elves! ’

Zhou Jiang's words made the fanciful lord Shanaido come back to his senses, looked at Zhou Jiang, and asked: ‘This is your purpose? ’

‘Yes! Zhou Jiang nodded.

Lord Shanaido was silent for a while and asked: ‘Can you tell me the reason? Of course, it's okay to leave it alone. ’

‘This is nothing. You know that we humans rarely come to the depths of such forests. My companions and I came here to find strong elves to fight against and to improve our strength. ’

'Oh? Lord Shanaido squinted his eyes, looked at Shanaido next to Zhou Jiang, and asked: "For your Shanaido and that big needle bee? ’

‘Yes, if they want to become stronger, they can only fight against your lord-level elves, so I want to come and ask you. ’

Lord Shanaiduo nodded clearly, but although it knew Zhou Jiang's purpose, it could not give Zhou Jiang its answer immediately.

Zhou Jiang was generally aware of its concerns, and now it was 80% the same as the Thunderbolt beast before. He was worried about being attacked by other lords with the elves after being injured in a battle with Zhou Jiang's elves, but he was reluctant to bear the energy cube, so he did not immediately refuse.

So Zhou Jiang took out the wound medicine from the backpack.

‘This is a wound medicine. After being injured, spraying on the wound can quickly recover the injury, and this is the most common wound medicine. The effect is average. I also have wound medicines with better effects than this. ’

In order to give it a little excitement, Zhou Jiang moved out the Thunder Beast to threaten it, saying: "The Thunder Beast has agreed to fight against my elves. If you want to become stronger, you must fight against it. You are afraid it has been a long time. Have you competed? If the Thunder Beast has been fighting with my elves, after a period of time, it is not impossible that the gap between your strength and its strength will widen. Would you not consider it? ’

Sure enough, Lord Shanaido couldn't sit still when he heard that his neighbor Thunder Beast was actually fighting against Zhou Jiang's elves.

‘It’s fighting against you? ’

‘Yes, I’m fighting every day, and I’m still the one that runs out of energy. Looking at the excited lord Shanaido, Zhou Jiang smiled in his heart.

With the "traitor" of the Thunder Beast, he didn't believe it was not yet hooked.

Just like Zhou Jiang said, if it does not choose to cooperate with Zhou Jiang, then after a certain period of time, the strength of the Thunder Beast will definitely surpass its neighbors.

Although the strength of the Thunder Beast surpasses it does not mean that the Thunder Beast is about to invade it, and it can also join forces with other neighbors, but this is after all a place to look at its strength, the strength is lower than the surrounding neighbors, then it will only fall into passive.

Now, there are three roads ahead of it.

One: Cooperate with Zhou Jiang, do battle training with Zhou Jiang's elves, and get some material "subsidies" from Zhou Jiang.

Two: Ignore Zhou Jiang and make no changes.

Three: Kill Zhou Jiang and prevent Zhou Jiang from continuing to give Raiden Beast a chance to change.

Among the three options, basically only one and three can be considered for one choice. As for the second? Just ignore it.

Among the first and the third, one of them didn't say anything. As long as the things Zhou Jiang said before, especially the injury medicine, are true, then choosing one will not lose, or even make a profit.

And three words...

This is a bit extreme, after all, at the risk of falling out with Thunder Beast.

No matter if you can’t get rid of Zhou Jiang, the Thunder Beast is afraid that it will start a war with it. After all, Zhou Jiang is on the side of the Thunder Beast. If Shanaido kills him for no reason and the Thunder Beast does not pay attention, then Where does it put the face of the Thunder Beast?

So as long as it does something to Zhou Jiang, then there will be no peace here. When a war breaks out, 80% of other lords will also intervene and take advantage of the fire.

If the Raiden Beast is cut off to move on, then a war breaks out with the Raiden Beast, and it may be blackmailed by other lords. It is all blood loss.

So there is nothing to be melancholy between one and three.

‘Can you show me the wound medicine, and the better wound medicine you said. Although he has made a choice in his heart, Lord Shanaido still wants to see if the effect of the wound medicine is as good as Zhou Jiang said.

After all, the Thunder Beast is fighting with his elves. This is only Zhou Jiang's words. What if it is fake?

If it is a trap, it will fight against Zhou Jiang's elves, and after being wounded, there will be no medicine, and then the Thunder Beast will invade it?

Anyway, it's always good to be careful.

Zhou Jiang nodded, threw the wound medicine in his hand towards it, then changed a good wound medicine from the system and threw it to it.

‘You can use it for your wounded elf, and just sprinkle the potion on the wound. ’

Worried that it won't use this, Zhou Jiang also explained it specifically: ‘Just press the handle on the yellow head to spray the potion. ’

Lord Xanadu nodded, expressing his understanding.

Lord Shanaido looked at his twelve little brothers with a bit of bad eyesight.

There are no injured elves in the realm, so they can only create them.

Although it is said that other low-strength elves can be, after all, it takes time to call the elves, and it can't wait, so it directly seeks out these twelve younger brothers.

However, although Shanaiduo was looking for them to perform the operation, he would not find his own people, namely Shanaido and Elleiduo, so its target was locked among the four non-group elves.

For the younger brothers of Lord Shanaido, they are daunting.

Due to the connection of the mind, they can only see Zhou Jiang and Lord Shanaido doing some actions and changing facial expressions from time to time. As for what they exchanged, they don’t even know, and they don’t even know Zhou Jiang. Are you communicating with Lord Shanaido?

When Zhou Jiang threw out the wounding medicine, to be honest, some of the elves were still slightly nervous. Although they relaxed quickly, they were tense when they were tense, even for a short while.

Originally, this was enough for them to consider it as a shameful moment. They also thought that they would never commit another crime. After a while, they felt a cold behind their backs, so they turned their heads and turned their eyes from Zhou Jiang to the lord. Shanaido.

As a result, they saw the dangerous look in Xanadu's eyes.

Although they wanted to throw the pot to Zhou Jiang in their hearts, they had to admit that there was no way to escape this. Lord Shanaido really looked at them, not Zhou Jiang...

As a result, the twelve elves were all startled in a cold sweat. They didn't know what happened to Lord Lord, and looked at themselves with a dangerous expression...

"Sasha Naido!"

In the end, Lord Shanaiduo's gaze stopped on the ring bear. It was the weakest among the four non-local quasi-king elves, so it was selected.

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