I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 879: Meeting Friends by Cannon

Looking at Xanadu, who was submerged by the purple torrent, Zhou Jiang's heart was lifted up, his eyes widened, his hands clenched into fists.

If it weren't for the green light faintly seen from the purple torrent, Zhou Jiang was afraid that he would have to stop Lord Shanaido from attacking.

It's not to blame Zhou Jiang for being nervous, after all, Shanaiduo's strength is not a normal high-ranking king!

Although she has also strengthened her defense and physical strength now, can Shanaido really stand up to the blow of Lord Shanaido?

Moreover, none of the props Shane Duo now brings is the bending spoon or the creation slab for enhancing special attacks, but lucky eggs. It can be said that Shane Duo's strength is not the strongest.

In the complex gazes of Zhou Jiang, Chen Yongan, and the elves, the light cannon that the spirit smashed lasted for nearly twenty seconds. These twenty seconds, to the people and elves on Zhou Jiang’s side, are like It's a long life, everyone's eyes are wide open, staring at the green in the middle of the light cannon, for fear that the "bud" will be crushed by the torrent.

The people on Zhou Jiang's side were nervous, and the four younger brothers brought by Lord Shanaido were also quite nervous.

They also saw the plan of their lord, and knew that after the blow was over, lord no longer had the ability to fight again.

They had also seen the scene of the battle between Lord Xanadu and Zhou Jiang's elves before, and knew that their lord could not defeat Zhou Jiang's Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, but they still didn't want to see their lord lose.

At first, they were very happy when they saw Lord Lord’s super powerful killer hitting the opposite Shanaiduo. They felt that the fruits of victory would be taken by Lord Lord, but as time passed, their Lord Lord They were still struggling to maintain the light cannon, and the green light in the deep purple torrent was still strong, so their hearts were also lifted.

Finally, Lord Shanaido exhausted his energy, and Lord Shanaido, whose energy was completely drained, had no physical strength to maintain his flight. Like a kite with a broken string, he planted straight toward the ground. When it fell, it didn't even have the strength to adjust its landing position. It fell from a height of more than ten meters with its head down, although it would not die directly, but under such unprepared circumstances, serious injuries are inevitable.

Seeing that his lord's head was about to bloom, the three Xanadus watching from the side used their minds together to support the fallen lord Xanadu.

On Lord Shanaido's side, Zhou Jiang just glanced at it and didn't look at it again. He was more concerned about what Shanaido was doing now!

When the deep purple energy torrent disappeared, Xanadu's figure was revealed behind the protective cover.

Seeing Shanaido still floating in the air, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay!

However, although Shanaido prevented the lord Shanaido's ultimate move, she was not easy at this time.

The emerald green protective cover, which was originally like an egg shell, was now covered with dense cracks, like a broken mirror, and because the energy became thinner, the original thick emerald green became almost transparent.

After the lord Xanaduo was caught by its three younger brothers Xanaduo and gently put it down, the crumbling protective shield surrounding Xanaduo was also completely shattered.


The light green protective cover, which was close to transparent, broke directly into countless small pieces, slowly drifting away. It's a pity that today is cloudy, otherwise it would be absolutely beautiful if the sun shines on it.

Bah...what are you thinking about now!

Zhou Jiang concentrated his eyes on Xanadu.

I saw Shaneduo floating in the air, breathing heavily, and only after seeing the weakened lord Shaneduo dragged by the three Shanados, did he slowly fall from the air.

Zhou Jiang walked quickly towards Shanaiduo. Seeing Zhou Jiang walking by, Chen Yongan followed, and the elves who were watching also surrounded him.

"Is it all right?" Zhou Jiang asked.

Although the question was like that, Zhou Jiang had already determined that Shanaido was fine, except that his physical exertion was a little too much.

Sure enough, Shane Duo nodded, took a few breaths, and said, ‘It’s okay, I blocked its attack, but I’m a little tired. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Then you go back to the poke ball and rest."

Xanadu did not refuse.

It seems that there is no danger now, and in her current state, even if she stays outside, she needs to rest to recover (Zhou Jiang has not given her the healing medicine yet, so she doesn't know that he has a potion to recover a lot of stamina ), it is impossible to monitor the surrounding movement or something.

Since she can't monitor her surroundings, it doesn't make any difference whether she is in the pokeball or not. As long as there is danger, she can still jump out for the first time. There are other elves outside, and she doesn't worry that she won't even have time to come out.

Moreover, the Elf Ball in Zhou Jiang's current hand, although the appearance is an ordinary red and white ball, but the inside is a healing ball from the system. The effect of the healing ball is that as long as the elf stays in the elf ball, it will recover faster than when it is outside.

So no matter what, she felt that it was the best choice to go back to the pokeball first to rest.

Zhou Jiang remembered the outcome of the game after taking back Shanaido.

In this case, it seemed to them that Xanaduo had won. After all, Lord Xanaduo was seriously out of power and couldn't even move, and Xanaduo did not chase because it was not a regular game, so she won.

But what Zhou Jiang needed was Shanaiduo's victory recognized by the system, not what their group of people and elves recognized.

After all, the victories recognized by the system have rewards, but they did not recognize...

After opening the system mail in a hurry, Zhou Jiang was relieved to find an unread mail lying there quietly.

Eighty-three points and twelve-point source fragments, get!

At the side, seeing Zhou Jiang let out a long sigh of relief, Chen Yongan thought that Zhou Jiang had been worried about Shanaido before, but now he found that she was fine, and after taking back the pokeball to rest, he breathed a sigh of relief. Patted him on the shoulder.

Zhou Jiang: "??"

Feeling that someone slapped himself on the shoulder, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked over, and found that after Chen Yongan gave him an inexplicable look, he didn't move anything, and didn't even say anything...

Although I don't understand what Chen Yongan means, but seeing him not speaking, then it must be nothing important. Zhou Jiang did not think much about this matter. After all, he still needs to discuss the future with Lord Shanaido.

At this time, Lord Shanaido, who had recovered a little bit, walked over with his four younger brothers. Seeing Zhou Jiang walking towards this side, he did not forget the wound medicine that he needed to provide him, and quickly took out the good wound medicine from his backpack.

It's not for your own elves, so naturally you don't need to come up with good things.

Of course, even if they were his own elves, Zhou Jiang would not let them use medicine when they had nothing to do.

He feels that compared with those elves who are really capable of reaching the level of the king of heaven, his elves are really too tender. People have done hard work for decades, and they have no idea how much training and fights they have. , That is the real elf of the heavenly king, and although his Big Needle Bee and Shanaid have the power to attack, they don't have physical things such as physical strength, defense, endurance, and resilience.

After all, the modification of the system does not directly affect them, directly strengthens them, they are now like wearing a layer of armor that increases various attributes.

However, Zhou Jiang felt that if they wanted to keep up with their physique, they needed to be continuously injured and then healed and recovered naturally, just like a cocoon on the hand of a swordsman. During training, the fingers were constantly peeling, injured, and then recovered. It slowly grows a cocoon representing the product of its owner's efforts.

Although giving them drugs after injury can only enhance their physique, Zhou Jiang felt that if they wanted to make their bodies stronger quickly and keep up with the exaggerated other attributes, natural healing was the most suitable way for them.

Although it is easy to leave dark wounds by doing this, it is fearless for him. As long as something goes wrong, he will buy some potions to eliminate dark wounds from the system to bathe them. Until now, his elves Basically, there were no injuries, even Miss Joey had been surprised and found it incredible.

Passed the wound medicine to Lord Shaneduo. Seeing that it was used up and his complexion recovered a lot, Zhou Jiang let the surrounding elves dispersed and continued to exercise. Then he nodded to Lord Shaneduo, and then pointed. Point to the rain shelter not far away, and motion it to talk over there.

Since you want to seek help from Lord Shanaido, you can't stand here and talk, at least you should find a place to sit?

And now the only place to sit is the folding stool on the side of the shelter...

Lord Shanaido nodded and let the three Shanaidos stand by here, and then took Eluleiduo with Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan to walk towards the poor-looking rain shelter not far away.

Well, although the rain shelter was built in a hurry, and it was devastated by heavy rain and wind, so it looks a little ugly, but at least it is a place to sit, and the "kitchen bag" is also there. You can give it at that time Pour a cup of tea or something...

But these are not important, after all, although it is a bit crude, but for the lord Xanadu who has never experienced these, this should be considered as an individual experience, right?

What really made Zhou Jiang caring was, why did Lord Xanadu let the three Xanadus stay there, and only brought Eluledo with them?

He didn't ask it to open its hands, and when it did, it must be because he didn't want his subordinates to know or something, but why is it different to Ellerdor?

Last time Zhou Jiang watched it, there is nothing special about Elleriduo...

Walking all the way to the sheltering rain pavilion, Zhou Jiang glanced at Ai Lu Le Duo and didn't look any more.

After arriving at the sheltering rain pavilion, Zhou Jiang thought for a while and released Shanaido who was resting.

Without her translation work, she really can't play well!

Unlike in the animation, not every super power elves can use thought or mental power to convey words, and telepathy is also a rare elven talent, and Lord Shanaido is just like It just so happens not.

After Xanadu was released by Zhou Jiang, Lord Xanadu gave her a complicated expression, then returned to normal, his eyes turned to Zhou Jiang's side.

Zhou Jiang didn't pay attention to what he said, so he cast his gaze on his own Xanadu.

Seeing that she was still gasping and consuming the somewhat excessive Xanadu, Zhou Jiang was a little distressed, but he still didn't plan to give her medicine.

Zhou Jiang looked at her, glanced at her, nodded and said, "Thank you, if you are tired, you don't have to hold on. There is still a lot of time today."

Shanaiduo nodded and shook his head again to signal that he was okay. After gently sitting on the folding stool next to Zhou Jiang, he was ready to start translation work.

Since the soul link can only connect two people, she can only translate directly, that is, it listens to the lord Xanadu and then conveys the meaning of lord Xanadu to Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan.

But this is fine, although it is a little troublesome, it will not cause any burden to Shanaido.

Zhou Jiang turned his head to look at the lord Xanadu, who had not yet seated, with some helpless eyes in his eyes.

Obviously the lord Xanadu was squeezed dry, and it was almost after the medicine was applied. Although it was still vacant, but it was not too obvious. After Xanadu came out of the wizard ball, the state was still not there. Lord Shanaido is good, this is the physical gap...

However, Zhou Jiang was too lazy to think about it at this time. If there is a gap, he will practice slowly. Anyway, he is still young, and there is time, uh... It seems that the form is not very good recently, the time is a bit tight...

I don't want it anymore.

After the lord Xanadu also took his seat, UU reading www.uukanshu.com talks can begin.

On the four-sided folding table, Zhou Jiang and Lord Shanaido sat on opposite sides, Chen Yongan sat on the left side, and Shanaido just sat next to Zhou Jiang beside him.

Zhou Jiang looked at the lord Xanadu, and after staring at his red eyes for a while, he cleared his throat and said, "Let's not waste time anymore. Let's go straight to the topic."

Zhou Jiang deliberately squatted his face and looked into its eyes and said: "The Thunder Beast was attacked the day before yesterday. Yes, don’t be surprised. It is the lord of the territory under our feet. After being attacked, it fell into a coma. He couldn't wake up no matter how he called it, and then we went to help yesterday. It was only by coincidence that it woke up, but according to what it said, it did not see who attacked it."

Having said that, Zhou Jiang stopped, did not continue, but was ready to see its reaction.

Lord Xanadu: "..."

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Lord Shanaiduo's mind quickly turned, and analyzed the reason and purpose of Zhou Jiang's words to it.

Lord Shanaido was startled suddenly, looked at Zhou Jiang and thought to himself, could it be said that he was suspecting that I did it?

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