Early in the morning, Zhou Jiang, who was still asleep, was awakened again by the explosion.

Hearing the rumbling noise outside, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly. He suspected that if he continued to do this, he would be weakened sooner or later.

This is the third time today to be awakened by the sound of fighting outside.

I don't know what's wrong with him, he obviously wore earplugs, but he still heard the explosion and then woke up.

Judging from the fact that Chen Ziang and the others did not find him, they should be fine.

While he was feeling and helpless, the outside voice faded away, and 80% of the elves from the "other world" came out and were killed by the night watch elves.

Shaking his head and looking at the phone time, Zhou Jiang manually tightened his earplugs, pulled the quilt and fell asleep again.



"Ha~ early~"

"It's early, it's past nine o'clock, why did you wake up so late!" Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly, his face full of dissatisfaction.

After yawning again, looking at the angry Chen Yongan, Zhou Jiang complained: "No way, I was awakened by the sound of fighting after wearing earplugs last night. I woke up again in the morning, and after I fell asleep, I arrived. just now."


"By the way, don't I just wake up a bit late, why are you so angry?"

Zhou Jiang looked at him puzzled.

Chen Yongan did not answer his question, but Chen Ziang next to him took the call.

"Do you know the feeling of sitting in a treasure chest without the key to open it?"

Zhou Jiang stared at him with dead fish eyes, "Huh?"

Chen Fan "translated" and said, "He doesn't have water spirits in Yongan."

"Oh~oh." Zhou Jiang understood.

"But what does this have to do with me getting up late!" Zhou Jiang was speechless again.

Get the water gentle training cheats, but you don’t have water or ice elves to train. It is really pitiful, but what does it have to do with him...

"It's okay, okay, don't say anything, you go and wash your face!" Chen Yongan waved his hands to Chen Ziang who was sitting on a rock holding a mobile phone, and then pushed Zhou Jiang on his shoulder to wash.

Although Zhou Jiang was stunned, he did not resist. In any case, he still wanted to wash.

In some people's eyes, after Zhou Jiang finished washing, he ate the bread and milk that Chen Yongan had brought, and then asked him: "Okay, after eating, let's talk, what's the matter?"

Don't say anything, there must be something to ask him.

Chen Ziang and Chen Fan at the side looked over, but they didn't speak, but looked at the lively expressions on their faces.

Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang with a bit of twitching, but after brewing his emotions, he still said it.

"Well... can you help me intercede with Shanaido, I want a leaping fish!"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows.

"You can talk to it yourself, or say it won't give it to you? If it doesn't want to give it to you, I can't help it, unless you grab it..."

"Uh, it's not that I don't give it, it's just a good idea."

After organizing the language, Chen Yongan said: "That's it. In the morning, I saw a giant marsh monster and asked if it has any children..."

"Hey~ Fortunately, you are asking about elves. It would be weird if you are asking which girl you are not considered a pervert." Zhou Jiang looked at the idiot's expression.

Chen Yongan blushed when Zhou Jiang made such complaints.

"How could I ask if it were a human! Bah, if it were a human, why would I ask this? I'm not sick!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhou Jiang motioned to him not to be angry and continued to talk about the matter.

There is no other way but Chen Yongan can only suppress his anger, and then continue to say: "I asked if it has any children... If you look at me like this, I turn my face!"

"Sneez~" Chen Ziang, who was watching them, laughed.

Looking at Zhou Jiang, who once looked at him with a "scum" expression, the green veins on Chen Yongan's forehead directly violent.

"Ahem, sorry, subconscious behavior, you continue, continue." Seeing that the anger was about to be picked up, Zhou Jiang quickly admitted.

Sighing, Chen Yongan stopped asking if there were any children, and jumped directly to the back. He said that if Zhou Jiang showed that kind of eyes again, he was afraid that someone would be bloody.

That's right, that "someone" is himself.

After all, Zhou Jiang had bodyguard Shanaido by his side, even if he was reckless, he would not dare to fight him...

"I asked him if he could make his children my elves, but he ignored me, and then I went to Shanaido, but he said no."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

"Why does it say no, the reason?"

"do not know."

Zhou Jiang: "???"

Seeing Zhou Jiang's dumbfounded expression, Chen Yongan said, "It didn't say why, but just shook his head and said it couldn't."

Zhou Jiang sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Turning his head to look at the lord Xanadu who seemed to be meditating sitting in the distance, Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Yongan and roughly guessed the reason.

Chen Yongan's strength is not weak, but this is just a comparison among people of the same age. To the "trainer" as a whole, he is a newcomer, and his strength is naturally not good.

Although Chen Yongan's strength is not strong, he still has his vision. The giant marsh monster he fancy is not weak, and will the non-weak giant marsh monster let his child follow a low-strength trainer?

Naturally not.

It doesn't care if you are still young, just starting out, or a genius among your peers. It only depends on your current strength. If your strength is not good, it won't kill you.

And the words of Lord Shanaido...Although it wants to have a good relationship with Zhou Jiang and the others in the depths of the forest, it wants to build a good relationship with Zhou Jiang and others, but it depends on Zhou Jiang's strength and energy cube. What's the matter with Chen Yongan? ?

If Chen Yongan is looking for it to be a trivial matter, then it will help if it asks for a good destiny, but it is absolutely impossible for it to be a child of a good one!

If Zhou Jiang or Chen Fan and Chen Ziang asked it if they wanted it, it would still help, but if it was really Zhou Jiang and the others, they wouldn’t be able to use it to show up, so it’s almost a contradiction. It's dead...

Looking at Chen Yongan, Zhou Jiang thought for a while and said, "If it says nothing, then I can at best fight you against that giant marsh monster. After all, if you want it to hand over the child to you, You have to show something, right?"

Seeing his expression a little bitter, Zhou Jiang said: "If you are looking for a girlfriend, you still need to make the other's parents satisfied with you, not to mention the elves. The girlfriend can go home and watch them. Come back here? As a parent, he should always think about his children, right?"

"But my electric dragon is very poor with it... my electric dragon on the ground can't fight at all..."

Chen Yongan scratched his hair, his expression uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the giant marsh monster's ground system that was directly immune to the lightning of his electric dragon, he wouldn't want to ask Zhou Jiang for help. After all, just like Zhou Jiang said, just fight it directly.

Although the level of the giant marsh monster is higher than that of his electric dragon, if it has no ground element and only has water element attributes, it is not impossible to fight if it is restrained by the electric element, but now... he has no hope at all!

"Then I can't help it." Zhou Jiang shook his head and directly rejected him.

This method of conquering the opponent and then conquering can only be carried out with his own elves, otherwise the opponent will not be convinced, so Zhou Jiang and their elves cannot lend him, and his own elves cannot beat the opponent, then There is no way.

However, seeing Chen Yongan’s loss, Zhou Jiang gave him an idea and said: “Speaking of which, you can’t find other elves. Although the giant marsh monster is good, other water elves are not weak, right? Lilong, Shui Jiafei was four times restrained by the electric system. Isn't that enough?"

"Well, the degenerate type of Tyrannosaurus is the carp king. The reason for the evolution of the carp king is currently unknown..." Chen Ziang who was on the side reminded him when he heard Zhou Jiang's words.


Zhou Jiang scratched his head.

He has forgotten this. The elves in the wild are best to subdue their initial form, so that their plasticity is high, and a lot of the potential for evolution is wasted, so it is best not to subdue.

Of course, you have to use it as a means of transportation.

Zhou Jiang continued to come up with ideas, "Even if the typhoon carp is not good, there are still other elves to choose from, such as mosquito-repellent tadpoles, which is good. In the end, the evolutionary fast-swimming frog water and fighting are quite strong.

"Indeed, fast swimming frogs are also pretty good." Chen Ziang nodded and agreed.

Zhou Jiang nodded, seeing that he was a little moved, and continued: "And your teacher Tian Zhengjie is from the fighting family, right? The fast-stroke frog is just the water and the fighting system. The water system has a water teacher, and the fighting system can make Tian Zhengjie. The teacher teaches you."


Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Ziang and Chen Fan who were eating melons choked on the watermelon.

Chen Yongan also has a master? And the person from the Tian family who is good at using fighting spirits?

After all, the two of them met with Zhou Jiang before they met Chen Yongan. At that time, Zhou Jiang rarely stayed with Zhou Nan and the others, even when they were doing the task of escorting supplies together, Chen Yongan and Tian Zhengjie They also didn't show an overly intimate relationship, so they thought that Tian Zhengjie was simply Zhou Jiang's acquaintances and elders.

"Okay." Chen Yongan was finally persuaded.

If you refuse to accept it, Zhou Jiang, who was placed in the last hope, can't help. He can't defeat the Giant Marsh Monster again, so he can only change his target. And just like Zhou Jiang said, the fast-swimming frog is really suitable for him. It is good at fighting with water, energy and ice, and serious training can also become his main force.

The shortcoming of the fast-stroke frog is that the attributes are too average. Except for the low special attack, the other race values ​​are above average. Although average, if they grow up and have low playing strength, they are indeed very strong. It's not a problem to have a lot of choices, but if you fight with elves of the same level or higher than it, if there is no prominent place, it is easy to fall into the disadvantage.

"But it seems that there aren't any dazzling fast-swimming frogs in their territory, right?" Chen Yongan tangled again.

The subduing elves naturally have to be subdued, with the giant marsh monster he fancy in front, if they are the offspring of the ordinary fast-swimming frog, he is afraid that it will be a little difficult to accept in his heart.

However, just as he said so...


A high-pitched bird song came from afar.

Zhou Jiang and others looked up and found that it was a eagle.

"Hey, this is Bi Diao..." Looking at Bi Diao, Chen Ziang was a little surprised.

"It seems to be from our side? How does it look like it took us to fly before." Chen Fan also felt a little strange.

Hearing what they said, Zhou Jiang said silently: "This was originally ours. When the unicorn in the giant vine domain returned, Bi Diao followed it back. Did you forget?"

"Huh? Is there such a thing, I haven't seen it..." Chen Fan scratched his head.

"Ah, I didn't see it either, no wonder I looked so alike." Chen Ziang was also a little embarrassed.

Chen Yongan was also forced to change the subject and said, "Bi Diao is back, so is the giant vine also coming?"

"Well, by the way, thunder and lightning beasts have no interest in fast-swimming frogs. You can look at the giant vines." Zhou Jiang said to Chen Yongan.

Chen Yongan nodded, "Well, you can try it."

Bi Diao fell down ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Thunder Beast They saw Bi Diao came back and looked over.

"Let's go, go and take a look." Zhou Jiang nodded at Shanaiduo, and took the lead to walk towards the Thunder Beasts.

After Bi Diao fell, he landed on the thunder and lightning beasts, and saw Zhou Jiang and others walking towards this side, so he did not immediately report, but waited for Zhou Jiang and the others to come.

Zhou Jiang's prestige between them is still quite heavy, everyone will give him face, this is the result of having power.

And Zheng Guoqiang, who was sitting and resting, saw Zhou Jiang and the others about to "conference", so he got up and leaned in.

After all, he is also the "boss" here now, and it is necessary to understand what Zhou Jiang and the others did before.

After Zhou Jiang and the others arrived, Bi Diao began to report the situation, and Shanaido was able to translate. Zhou Jiang and the others did not have to worry about the trouble of not understanding.

Bi Diao said that things are going very smoothly. Yesterday, after it and Qilinqi returned to the territory of the giant vines, Qilinqi went to meet the giant vines. It stayed in the "hospitality" place and was affected by the giant vines. The little brothers waited on the food and there was no past, so they didn't know what it said to the giant vine.

At that time, it stayed for a long time without seeing the giant vine. They looked for it and said it could set off. Just when it thought it had failed, the giant vine came to look for it and said that it could lead its men to support it, but it was afraid that even if it joined in. I can't beat it, so I have to call its neighbors, good buddies, and Lord Overlord Flower, and let it wait.

Although Shui Qingrou became the four heavenly kings in the league at the age of nearly 30, her elves had to leap from the elementary elite to the heavenly king level. That was at least five or six years, and all the data of such a long elven training Being recorded here, this can be said to be the soft "essence" of water, how can he not take it seriously?

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