I'm a poker player, not a Yu-Gi-Oh! Author: Surf Prosecutor

"Tag: Dragon Maid, technical flow, cool writing, time travel, cards"

"Introduction: It was the beginning of the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel City Competition. Card player Zhu Xingtong traveled through time and became Hitomi Hoshimi. He was also recognized as a legacy player by the stupid egg system because he played two rituals. Long Huiqiao, who is next door, thought about it when he heard it Hit someone.

Well, once it comes, let's make peace with it. In this world where even a game of cards can destroy the world, wouldn't it be nice to just lie down and let the protagonist of the original book support you when the sky falls?

However, things don't always go as planned.

In short, this is the story of a card player with no ambitions living and fighting in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! It's a cool article, probably.


You will see: ocg mainstream battle animation card pile; strong desire to eat ashes, Tianshi to eat ashes, Tiansheng to eat ashes, in short, any cards will be eaten to eat ashes; Winged Dragon eats Tomb Finger; Titan Mutiny Turtle; Full of Vitality Half-dragon maid; Alai sticks to various things

You won’t see: Hero deck; Jue Liao; Abuser; Long Aotian

Section 1 1 It is customary to rub the cards immediately after traveling through time.

Zhu Xingtong is a veteran Pokémon player, a giant chef, and an EVA fan. He pre-ordered 2077 at the beginning of last year, bought Beauty 2, followed this year’s new team OP, and watched Emperor Qi’s new online drama. I am 01chu, and I played the remake of war3.

If life abandons you.jpg

Fortunately, he is still a very affectionate poker player. He shuffles cards every day, plays passionately with the Golden Man, Long Huiqiao, and Computer Sakai, and occasionally plays with entertainment cards on a whim.

This peaceful life should have continued, if the system hadn't suddenly appeared.

This thing that calls itself "The System for Elders to Play Cards Happyly" suddenly popped up after Zhu Xingtong used the entertainment deck to kill an El Dorado in the S round. He said that Zhu Xingtong defeated the mainstream with the deck of the Elders and it was the light of the elders. , the next step is to travel to the world of the King of Cards, where I can’t help but control my fate, and the plot of Xiaobai’s stallion is about killing villains and spreading the harem around the world... Isn’t this really the strongest Long Aotian system?

Because there were so many flaws, Zhu Xingzhu's brain was stuck for a while and he couldn't react. When he reacted, he was no longer in the original small rental house. Instead, he was wearing a fashionable windbreaker and a fashionable duel disk. I am going to start a fashionable card playing journey with my most fashionable and somewhat androgynous face.

"I'm... my brain hurts." He scratched his head to make sure that he didn't know how to play cards with his head on his head. With his ordinary hairstyle, Zhu Xingtong... Oh, according to the ID card given by the system, he should be called now Xing Jiantong said, "I have witnessed the Zhenglong and the Magic Guide dividing the world equally, witnessed the glory of Eese, witnessed the rise of the twelve beasts and the alliance of dragons, dragons, and dragons, witnessed the terror of the U-shaped lock of the Phantom Collapse Fist, I have witnessed the guardian dragon fist that protects nothing, I have witnessed the rampage and liquidation of red maggots, I have witnessed Sogo Liukang..."

"I thought I would continue to witness it until the IP of Yu-Gi-Oh! comes to an end, or until I become disappointed like the Pokémon next door and no longer want to pay attention... But now you tell me——"

Sitting on a bench by the roadside, Hoshimi Tong pointed at herself in disbelief, with confusion in her small eyes: "Me, Yi Lao?"

"Just because I played with Soul Bird on a whim? Soul, ritual, does this satisfy the condition of being an old man?"

"Six bullets of Sogo will smash your skull into pieces."

"The orphan who just played with the Little Golden Man didn't even use extras. Why don't you go find him?"

[…] The system responded with silence. It is just an AI-like program that acts according to a predetermined program, and does not have the intelligence to talk and communicate. After introducing its functions at the beginning, it fell into silence.

"...Forget it, fortunately neither Zhu Xingtong nor Xing Jian Tong has any relatives." Sighing, Xing Jian Tong felt that the end was done anyway, and he couldn't resist anything, so he had to enjoy it. Fortunately, the system was considerate enough to accommodate the Soul Bird deck I just used. Fortunately, even when I play entertainment decks, I build them according to competitive ideas. This salty fish deck, which is not even considered second-tier in the ocg environment, may be ridiculously strong in this Duel City era.

Moreover, this [Legends can also play cards happily] system has also thoughtfully prepared a pre-assembled package, which contains 4 sets of cards: "Kong Fang Group Assault", which focuses on special summons, and "Jue Body Absolute Pan Shen", which focuses on superior summons. Emperor", the "chaos super warrior who opened up the world" who focuses on ritual summoning, and the "perfect and chic half-dragon maid" who focuses on fusion...

"Oh, are you trying to get into the mainstream?" Hoshimi Hitomi was dumbfounded. Good guy, this system does everything possible to allow the elderly to play cards happily. In this world where cards are respected, the Pan-God Emperor and the Half-Dragon Maid is about equal to nuclear deterrence. Even Kuugadan is not an ordinary person. When Link Summon just started, this deck also had some high-level records in Phantasm Fist, but later it was squeezed out of the historical stage by the rising star (referring to Gouki).

These pre-assembled packages are extremely cheap, only costing 1000dp (duel point). And randomly drawing cards for ten consecutive times costs 1,000 points. It's obviously a benefit for newbies, are you afraid that the old man will doubt his life after being beaten with a pile of cards?

According to the user guide that the system had directly imprinted in her mind, when Hoshimi Hitomi duels with others, she gets 50 basic dp points after winning, and 10 points will be deducted if she loses. Of course, since it is "basic dp", there will naturally be fluctuations. If you duel with a strong opponent, you will get extra dp according to the strength of the opponent. If the opponent is very strong, such as playing cards with Wang Yang or Kaiba, you may get a lot of dp even if you lose.

In addition, there are other ways to get dp, such as completing main quests, side quests, and achievements. However, there is only one main quest in Hoshimi Hitomi's task bar now: "Challenge God", which requires Hoshimi Hitomi to challenge the holder of the God Card and be sober after the duel. The reward is 500 dp and a title "Facing God", which I don't know what it is for.

There is also the last novice benefit: Hoshimi Hitomi's dp in the first ten duels is doubled. Relying on this benefit, Hoshimi Hitomi can completely find those main characters to play cards, and even if she loses, she can quickly get the pre-assembled dp, and then use Yaoguang Dragon Girl to bitch back one by one. Why not choose the Void Fang or the Emperor? Because Hoshimi Hitomi is a dragon lover, and he craves the shining body.

Speaking of which, the hunting range of these four pre-assembled packages is quite wide. LSP and dragon lovers choose Dragon Maid, giant control chooses Emperor, furry control chooses Void Fang, and philosophers choose Super Warrior.

Hoshimi Hitomi is somewhat arrogant in the field of Yu-Gi-Oh. Even if those protagonists have full bonds and are drawn every time, Hoshimi Hitomi still has the confidence to try. People are not in their twenties. Moreover, the Soul Bird's ability to clear the field in the back hand is not ordinary in this era where the counter-attack depends entirely on the old man of God. Once the effect of the two peacocks is passed, it will directly hit the dimensionality reduction.

However... before that, you still have to test it first. In case the duel disk cannot recognize your deck, or this is actually a high-card world with DM skins but twelve beasts per capita, I am afraid that Wang Yang will take out the red maggot, and Kaiba will take out the sword brother to hang him up and beat him.

Before challenging a strong man, it is better to kill a dragon suit first. With two puzzle cards, there is a margin of error, so you don't have to say goodbye to Duel City if you lose. Even if it is a waste of double rewards, it is worth it.

Therefore, when a general dragon suit came to ask for a card, Xing Jiantong thought about it and agreed.

"I accept your challenge. But I am very weak, I am afraid of losing ugly, can you please go to a more remote place with me?" At this time, the Gurus organization was still active, and Xing Jiantong asked herself that she was not a person who liked to cause trouble. It is true that you can quickly get dp by provoking Gurus, but all members of the Gurus organization are tools who have been brainwashed by the thousand-year-old tin staff and are directly connected to the terminal Malik. Provoking one is equivalent to provoking the entire organization. It is annoying for an organization to keep staring at you and biting you like a mad dog.

And they also like to play dirty tricks. In the original book, they are very honest, as long as they win the card game, there will be nothing to worry about. But Xing Jiantong doesn't want to gamble his life on the credit of a terrorist organization. And if the opponent sends a brainwashed death warrior with a thousand-year-old tin staff to play the light shield wall and connect the self-destruct switch, he will drag Xing Jiantong to the road even if he dies. Wouldn't that be a waste?

So it's best to find a few passers-by to collect 6 puzzle cards, and then play cards with Wang Yang Haima on the airship that Gurus can't reach. By then, won't the cricket be able to control him at the age of six?

The dragon set looked at Xing Jiantong, then looked at himself, and after confirming that he was stronger in melee, he readily agreed: "Okay, let's go to the alley in front."

Xing Jiantong looked at the dragon set leading the way in front, and his eyes flickered.

Can you still take out the sword emperor and kill me in seconds?

————————————————I am the dividing line of the transition———————————————

"Duel!" ×2

The remote alley isolates the hustle and bustle of the city, and also isolates possible peeping.

On this not gorgeous stage, Xing Jiantong's first duel in this world began. This is a battle for the honor of the card master. Even if I use the Soul Bird, I am Hoshimi Hitomi, the card master, not the old man of Yu-Gi-Oh...

"Okay, I'll take the first attack, draw a card!" Looking at the opponent who seemed to be in a daze, the Dragon Set directly took the first attack and drew a card from the top of the deck in a very cool posture. It would be even cooler if his hand hadn't almost hit the wall.

Hoshimi Hitomi nodded indifferently. This Soul Bird deck was originally built to give the first attack, and it couldn't even make a first-hand egg scene. The opponent's willingness to take the first attack really helped a lot.

It's just that it's difficult to draw a card with the first attack. When I change to Dragon Maid, I will also take the first attack.

[Dragon Set LP: 4000]

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 4000]

As expected, the LP of 4000 points, this has already been a candle in the wind before the game starts. The health of the candle can lift many decks with excellent board clearance but lack of points to the first-line competition, perhaps including Soul Bird?

The Cyber ​​Dragon next door is killing people indefinitely in the backhand, and can also do an infinite Pegasus Sword 2 hard defense in the first hand. The Soul Bird is still playing the music and pulling a Tianyanhu, but it may not pass, which is so sad that it makes me cry. If it is 4000LP, Yan Kongque Wanshou Shen or Ji Kongque Tianyanhu can kill steadily.

Just when Hoshimi Hitomi was in a trance, the opposite dragon set was operating by himself: "I normally summon the Winged Dragon guarding the city! Attack display!"

He slapped a card in his hand on the monster area of ​​the duel disk. A whirlwind rolled up (what kind of black technology?), blue? Or green? Anyway, a dragon that looked like a flying dragon from a tough guy appeared on the dragon suit's field, staring at Hoshimi Hitomi on the opposite side. It would have been even more handsome if its wings hadn't almost touched the wall.

[Pterosaur Guarding the Castle]

[Race: Dragon] [Lv: 4] [Attribute: Wind]

[ATK: 1400] [DEF: 1200]

[Description: A dragon guarding the village, descending rapidly from the air to attack the enemy. ]

"Hehe, this is the monster used by the Duel Kingdom Champion, the legendary duelist who defeated the father of duel monsters, Mr. Yugi Muto! It's also my trump card! I actually drew it in the first round, it seems that your luck is very bad, hehe." The dragon suit had an expression of "sorry, I won this one."

There should be no need to elaborate, but let me explain that this card is naturally useless in the OCG environment. Even when playing with Fantasy Dragon or Mortal Bone decks, card players will choose Bloodstone, Emerald Dragon and other Mortal Bone decks with excellent management to build, especially recently there is a Sushi that can kill Skateboard. Even in the newly started Duel Links Chinese server, players will choose Axe to chop each other. If the protagonist Wang Yang had not used this City Guardian Pterosaur, no one would remember it. Only newbies or veterans who have watched two episodes of the animation will put it into the construction.

However, Xing Jiantong was not careless, still staring at the opponent's smug dragon set with vigilance, with his free hand hanging above the hand card, ready to throw the hand pit to interrupt at any time.

Never think that you are stable, this is a lesson learned from blood and tears. Card players with clear ideas will always find strange things from the card pool of more than 10,000 like Taobao and put them into the construction. Most of them are meaningless, but a small part of them are really effective.

Sure enough, the dragon set on the opposite side inserted another card in the magic trap area.

"Then I activated the equipment magic, Dragon's Secret Treasure! This card can only be equipped by Dragon monsters, and its attack and defense power increase by 300 points!"

"Ah!" The dragon suit's flying dragon claws grabbed a green gem, gained more power, and let out a loud roar. If it weren't for the ear-piercing echo, it would have been quite cool.

[ATK: 1400→1700] [DEF: 1200→1500]

It's amazing to die together with the invincible Axe King! I saw an extremely rare scene!

"You can't attack in the first round, so my turn is over! Go, call out your monsters, but no matter what monster it is, it will be defeated by my trump card!"

"...My turn." It didn't exceed expectations, it's better to say "Of course?" "As expected?" It's right. According to the animation, the passers-by in this world are this kind of you hit one and I hit one, and the strength of high-star monsters with more than 2000 hits is rare. This is also because the price of cards in this world is too high, and ordinary people can't afford rare cards in their lifetime. If the cards are as cheap as in the original world, everyone will have a set of Chaos Dragon Bataiwu or Xianming FTK.

Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi had no desire to complain, and directly drew a card from the top of the deck. The posture was very ordinary and there was no momentum at all, and it could even be said that he was weak. Maybe in the eyes of Dragon Set, this was a sign of giving up? After all, he called out a powerful monster with an attack power of up to 1700 in the first round.

After waiting for two seconds and confirming that the opponent had no effects activated in the card drawing phase and the preparation phase, Hoshimi Hitomi shuffled the hand cards and picked one to slap it on the 3rd position of the monster zone: "Main Phase 1, I Normal Summon the Ten Thousand Hands God."

The prototype should be the Thousand Hands Guanyin of Buddhism, but the gray-green monster that looks like an ancient god appeared on Hoshimi Hitomi's field. A hand stretched out from the hands covered with growths, and a card was drawn from the deck and handed to Hoshimi Hitomi (what kind of black technology is this?).

"The effect of the Ten Thousand Hands God, when this card is successfully summoned, add the Soul Bird God - Yan Kongque from the deck to the hand." Hoshimi Hitomi showed the retrieved card.

"Ritual monster? But it can't be summoned without ritual magic. And your Ten Thousand Hands God is no match for my City Guardian Wing Dragon!" Maybe because the distance was a bit far, Dragon Set only saw the blue background, and didn't see Yan Kongque's attack power clearly, and still buffed himself complacently.

Without answering, Hoshimi Hitomi silently disrupted the hand again. Asking is the card master's instinct.

"Then, I activate the effect of the Demon God Ritual - Mandrake Talisman Grass in the hand." Hoshimi Hitomi showed the Yan Kongque that had just been retrieved to Dragon Set, "Show a ritual monster, Talisman Grass and a Demon God Ritual monster in my deck to my field."

"A monster effect activated from the hand?" Dragon Set was a little dumbfounded. He had never seen such a high-end operation.

A flash of white light passed by, and a plant that has been everywhere in various Western fantasy backgrounds - Mandrake, appeared on Hoshimi Hitomi's field. Unlike the legend that anyone who heard its cry would die, at this time, Mandrake had an expression of "Why me again?" and used his hands... or roots? Or used the roots as hands? Anyway, he covered his ears that he didn't know whether they existed or not.

At this time, the extra found that Mandrake was wearing a necklace on his chest (?), and there was a face on it. The face smiled evilly, opened its mouth and let out a silent scream. Mandrake's expression became more distorted.

This shriek seemed to wake something up like an alarm clock. A flash of white light appeared, and a white candle with a happy face appeared on the stage. On its head was a face made of flames. This face also laughed strangely.

"Use the effect of Talisman Grass to Special Summon the Magic Ritual - Candle Doll from the deck."

[Magic Ritual - Mandrake Talisman Grass]

[Race: Plant][Lv: 6][Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 0][DEF: 0]

[Magic Ritual - Candle Doll]

[Race: Fire][Lv: 4][Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 0][DEF: 0]

"The total level is 10!" The Dragon Set became nervous. Mandrake Talisman Grass activated its effect by displaying Ritual Monsters. Even he could see that these two cards were supporting the ritual. "But if there is no Ritual Magic..."

Then Hoshimi Hitomi mercilessly broke his fantasy: "The effect of Magic Ritual - Candle Doll is activated. If this card is successfully Special Summoned from the deck, add a Ritual Magic to your hand."

"I search for Ritual Magic, the Celebration of Magic Ritual."

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