"Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I have an urgent need to urinate. I need to go to the toilet. No need to pause the game. I will definitely be back within 3 minutes." Leather** showed a well-planned and disgusting smile.

"CNM!" "Plant! NMSL!" "Go and eat shit, fat pig!" The audience's mood was stable - meaning stable and irritable.

This is also one of the methods often used by leather **. If you feel uncomfortable during a duel, you can leave the field and go to the toilet after calling the referee. Normally he would linger in the toilet for 2 and a half minutes. In the past, when there was no duel plate, he would pick up the opponent's card with unwashed hands and look at it. While reading, he would lick his lips and rub his fingers on the card. Continue to wear down the other party's patience.

Will it block the alley? He is from European and American circles, and with his stacks of buffs...he will definitely not be the one who suffers in the end!

AI-hosted Nidhogg doesn't matter. So with the referee's permission, Fatty Pig went to the online toilet.

"Tsk, disgusting!" Seto Kaiba, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but spit. He had already put this fat pig on Kaiba Company's blacklist. From now on, all the company's products will no longer be sold directly to it, and it will not be allowed to participate in any activities and competitions operated by Haima Company. Haima's own ranking of duelists around the world also directly classified it at level -3 - a disgusting lower three. Abuse!

So, how would Nidhogg respond... Anyway, if it were Kaiba, he would have been so angry that he would have sent his men in black to the community to provide warmth.

Nighold stood silently, making no movement at all. Because the face is a data stream composed of countless 0s and 1s, no one can see his expression, and naturally cannot know his mood. However, do you think it is still within the tolerance range?

He doesn't care!

Time passes minute by minute. At 2 minutes and 55 seconds, Pig ** had a disgusting smile on his greasy and ugly face, and clicked on the line: "Sorry, sorry, I tried to speed up as much as possible. I didn't even have time to wash my hands. Hehehehe~"

As he spoke, he stretched out his short, fat fingers and showed them to Nidhogg, as if he was afraid that Nidhogg wouldn't believe him. Then as expected, I got more yelling and scolding.

It's hard to imagine a person being so shameless. You know, this game is not only open to the millions of duelists who log in to LINK VRAINS, but is also broadcast worldwide.

With Paradis taking the lead, Haima Company following up, and countless world-leading companies sponsoring it, it can be said that except for no-man's land and extremely backward areas, everyone on the planet is watching this game, and - the two in the game. People, Nidhogg and Pigeon **. Piguet ** himself also knew about this, and it was clearly written in the competition manual.

And he knew this, but still chose to do this in front of the whole world... It can be called the biggest and most evil social death in human history. In some ways, this person's spirit far exceeded Hoshimi Hitomi's predictions.

What an amazing guy! Even Hoshimi Hitomi felt a rare sense of fear!

On the field, Fat Pig did not receive any feedback from Nidhogg, nor was he upset. He still had that stupid smile on his face that was so mean that it made you want to punch him.

"Hey hee hee... Nidhoggsang's turn is over, right? Then it's my turn! Draw a card!" Drawing a card from the top of the deck, Fat Pig added the number of cards in his hand to three.

"Hey, hehe, let me think about it..." This time it didn't last for 3 minutes. He only patted his belly and played belly drums for 1 minute. Fatty Pig selected a card from his hand and stuffed it into the magic trap area. , "Then activate the magic card, Fiery Hell! Give the opponent 1000 LP damage, and then...then...give yourself 500 LP damage!?"

"Hey, hey, hey, it won't work. People are most afraid of pain! Sorry Nidhoggsang, please sacrifice yourself!" With an exaggerated and funny expression on his face, Fat Pig pressed the button on the duel plate. Chain Fiery Hell activated the Gaika he covered in the first round.

"Launch a counterattack trap, the cold gun of hell! If you receive damage outside of battle, transfer it to the other party! The 500 points of damage I should have received will be borne by Nidhoggsang! How generous, Nidhoggsang !”

The flames swept towards Nidhogg, and at the same time there was the sound of gunfire, which was about to effectively cut off Nidhogg's LP.

[Nidhogg LP: 8000→7500→6500]

Fat Pig stared closely at Nidhogg in the flames, trying to see a hint of wavering or anger in his body movements. However, he was disappointed. Even if he was in the flames, even if he was humiliated to this point, Nidhogg still did not waver in the slightest, just like a robot without blood, tears, and emotion. He has always been indifferent!

For a moment, Fatty Pig himself was shaken: Could it be that the person opposite him was the indifferent monster in urban legends! ? Or, just a dummy! ?

No, not possible. Paradis' network technology is the best in the world. Absolutely no one can hide from Paradis' super firewall on the network, at least on the network accessed through the LV mirror! Even the legendary hacker Nidhogg would never do it!

Unless the supreme controller of Paradis, the man who is equivalent to the king of the world, Hitomi Hoshimi, personally opens the back door. But is this possible? He is just a hacker who hides his head and hides his face, so what qualifications does Hoshimi Hitomi have to receive special treatment?

Shaking his head to get rid of the random thoughts in his head, Fat Pig looked at Nidhogg who still showed no expression across from him. A trace of dignity that was extremely difficult to detect flashed through his narrow eyes - after all, his triangular eyes were too small.

Let me see if you are real, no matter what, it doesn't matter!

"My turn is not over yet, Flip Summon the monster I covered. Invisible Bird! When this card is Flip Summoned successfully, inflict 1000 LP damage to the opponent!"

The card covered by the Fat Pig in the first round was reversed, and what emerged from the bottom of the card was an almost completely transparent bird. It made an unpleasant chirp and rushed towards Nidhogg, trying to catch Nidhogg with its two sharp claws.

At this moment, Nidhogg finally made a move, but it was not what Fat Pig expected: "Chain effect, C2, activate trap card."

One of the five cards covered by Nidhogg was turned over and the front was shown to everyone present, including Fat Pig.

That card is——

"Trap card, virtual world. Select a field magic from the deck, add it to your hand or activate it on the field. Activate a field magic on your opponent's turn!? Player Nidhogg, what card are you going to activate——! ! ” At this time, the host who was passive in his work because of the fat pig finally seemed to remember his own job and began to interpret the card effects loudly.

"Field magic!? Could it be that some kind of field magic is needed to offset the damage... But why didn't we chain the Fiery Hell before..."

And Nidhogg's operation is not over yet. He clicked on the duel disk and opened the second cover card: "Chain effect, C3, activate trap card."

"Oh! Nidhogg, two trap cards in a row! This time it's a trap card, I'll do it myself! Give the opponent 500 points of damage x the number of monsters on the opponent's field! But...Pig·** There is only one monster on the field, which can only deal 500 points of damage!" The host held up the microphone and roared loudly.

"Hmph, just 500 points of damage——"

However, the operation of Nidhogg, or Hitomi Hoshimi's managed AI, is far from over.

"Chain effect, C4, activate the trap card." "Oh, it's another trap card this time, a built-in machine gun! Give the opponent 200 points of damage by the number of cards in the opponent's hand and on the field! Pig ** player's field There is 1 monster invisible bird and 1 covering magic trap, the number of cards in the hand is 2, there are 4 cards in total, 800 points of damage!”

"Chain effect, C5, activate trap card." "Oh, what is it this time? Well, [Disruption Trio], special summon 3 disruption tokens on the opponent's field in defense position. This token cannot be the upper level Summoned and released. When the disruption token is destroyed, the controller takes 300 points of damage per one... It seems very unclear... Hey, wait a minute?"

"Chain effect, C6, activate quick-attack magic." "Hey... eh? Quick-attack magic, chain critical hit. It can only be activated after chain 2, giving the opponent basic points equal to the number of chains accumulated when this card is activated x 400 points of damage. The same If the effect of the same card is activated multiple times in the chain, this card cannot be activated... When the chain critical strike is activated, it is chain 6, which means..."

"6×400, 2400 points of huge damage!? It's a powerful blow comparable to a direct attack from a superior monster!!!"

"Nani!?" Fatty Pig's expression changed.

"Okay! Legendary hacker, beat up that fat pig!" Many duelists in the audience cheered. They wished they were Nidhogg and used various methods to beat the fat pig to death on stage.

"Chain, reverse processing." Nidhogg's cold electronic sound sounded. To the fat pig's ears, it was as terrifying as the footsteps of the God of Death.

The first thing that comes is the chain critical hits whose chain number has accumulated to 6. Six iron chains entwined with flames struck the fat pig's belly at extremely fast speeds. The impact was so great that he almost vomited out his undigested breakfast.

"Wow! How could it be possible? Why is the impact so big -"

[Fat Pig LP: 8000→5600]

Then came C5. Three strange-looking disturbance tokens appeared in Fat Pig's monster area while squatting, ogling him.

"Who are you... ah ah ah, I don't need you, get out of here!" The fat pig reacted and screamed strangely, punching and kicking the disruptive creature, but it was of no use.

Then there's C4. In the area where the card was activated, the ground below flipped over, revealing a Gatling with blue fire, aiming at the fat pig - fire! Da da da da da da da! The bullets that were originally not very dense, with the help of the "shoot here" wooden signs pointing at the fat pig in the hands of the three disturbance tokens, seemed to have eyes, staring at the fat pig and shooting, resulting in a higher than expected number of bullets. harm!

"Oh, this...that's it. Due to the chain reverse processing, the Disruption Trio was activated before the built-in machine gun. Therefore, Pig ** had 3 more cards on the field, and the damage caused increased by 600 points. The total is 1,400 points of damage!" the host explained as if he had a sudden realization. Most of the audience understood it, and a few, such as Jonouchi, didn't understand it, but in short, it was enough to enjoy the game!

"Wow!!" The blue-fired bullet fired by Gatling once again hit the fat pig's belly, knocking him to the ground.

[Fat Pig LP: 5600→4200]

C3 followed. This time, the invisible bird and the three disruptive derivatives emitted a scarlet light, as if their souls were separated from the body, and they blasted towards the owner of the fat pig - still with that ball-like belly!


[Fat Pig LP: 4200→2200]

"Oh! Fat pig player, LP enters the red line!"

Finally, there is C2, the virtual world. Nidhogg selects a card from the deck and activates it directly on the field area. It was a field magic called [Magic Bell Cave]. Countless stalactites were intertwined, like the giant mouth of a monster, waiting for the blood of the next sacrifice to be nourished.

"Ha... Hahaha, is it over? Legendary hacker, that's it!? I still have LP left!" The fat pig who took a life of a dog laughed, but he looked extremely embarrassed, even He didn't even have the intention to continue with that ridiculous performance, "Take the 1000 points of damage from the invisible bird!"

The invisible bird flapped its wings, scratched Nidhogg twice with its sharp claws, and then flew back to the pig's field. Nidhogg remained unmoved, as if he was not the one who was hurt.

[Nidhogg LP: 6500→5500]

"It's not over yet. What you owe me, I want to get it back tenfold! In the battle phase, the invisible bird attacks - what's wrong with the invisible bird!?" Fat Pig watched as the invisible bird on his field was struck by the magic circle that lit up on the stalactite. Unable to move due to the suppression, he said in surprise.

"Oh! The effect of the Magic Clock Cave. The side with the most monsters on the field cannot activate the monster's effect, nor can it declare an attack!" the referee said loudly, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, a half-digit light flashed in front of the fat pig's eyes. The transparent screen displays exactly the effect of the Magic Bell Cave.

After reading the effect of the Magic Bell Cave word by word, Fatty Pig's complexion went from confused to livid to distorted. He knew he was done.

His deck is an effect damage deck that makes people's blood pressure rise. His other backfield is the Super Gravity Net, which is used to limit the attacks of monsters above 4 stars. In this way, you can use the invisible bird's effect to cover your own once per turn, continuously reduce the opponent's LP, and finally win.

And this means that his deck, unlike those that rely on attack to win, does not need to clear the opponent's backcourt at all. Just close your eyes and shut yourself up and that's it.

In other words, there is no wind in his deck.

And even if you want to use the invisible bird to reduce the blood, you will not be able to activate the effect due to the suppression of the Demon Bell Cave.

There are indeed some life-cutting magic traps in his deck, such as the Fiery Hell. But even if you think about it, you know that those cards can't keep up with the opponent's Nidhogg in terms of blood reduction speed - he was reduced from full health to 2200 in one round!

At that moment, Fat Pig seemed to see the skeletal God of Death waving at him and letting out a hideous grin.


For the effect of the Magic Bell Cave, the side with more monsters cannot activate the monster effect. However, the invisible bird effect that has been activated cannot be stopped, and Nidhogg will still be harmed.

It's the hole burning of 3 virtual world 3 magic clock cave (tactical retreat). The ultimate self-protection (closing) technique, completed!

Chapter 109 20 War! War Never Changes!

After that, Nidhogg failed to usher in his second round. Because before that, Fat Pig, who knew that the outcome was actually decided, covered up the LP on the duel plate and surrendered.

There were no cheers of victory or sarcasm. After the referee declared Nidhogg the winner, he immediately left the battle platform and entered the contestants' special seats. He leaned against the wall with his arms folded, as if he was preparing to watch the battle.

The contestants who came to say hello could only receive a gentle nod from him, but they were met with soft nails. So after a while no one paid attention to him, leaving him to lean in the shadows.

"Tch, what a stinky guy..." Jonouchi stared at Nidhogg angrily and curled his lips. He is one of the people who hit a soft nail.

"Humph, this is normal. After all, we are rivals, fighters fighting for honor or prize money. It's weird to want to make friends." Cobra said with a sneer, while scanning everyone around him with indifferent eyes. . It was supposed to be an ill-intentioned provocation, but it received a response that was approved by the vast majority of the contestants - as it should be!

Jonouchi shrank his neck angrily, stood beside the autistic Malik, and stopped talking.

On the side, Seto Kaiba was watching all the contestants with cold eyes, and ranked them according to his own senses.

There were a total of 12 contestants. Fatty Pig was sent out by Nidhogg, so there were 11 people left. Among them, Seto Kaiba, Nidhogg, the mercenary who calls himself Cobra, and Hitomi Hoshimi's personal bodyguard are undoubtedly the first players. The aura on them is completely different from others.

Then came Malik, Jonouchi, and the pink-haired sissy young master who glared at him fiercely. These three people can barely watch, and can be regarded as average players in the second level.

The rest are basically just rotten fish and shrimps. At first glance, they are just here to make up for the numbers and go through the motions... unless there is really an expert who hides everything and hides it from the public. However, the probability is lower than Kaiba's starting hand of 3 White Dragons and 2 White Spirits, just pass the first round.

"Then, let's start the second game immediately! Lottery machine, Go——————!!!"

"The contestants are——————"

Above the duel arena, the lottery machine has given the result. The host shouted out the serial numbers of both parties.

"Contestant No. 3, contestant No. 11!!!"

"Legendary mercenary, Cobra VS the downtrodden school heir, lightning style master, Samejima Masami!!!"

Hearing his code name, Cobra did not pretend, and threw away the cloak behind him, directly used the teleportation function of the LV mirror, teleported to the center of the duel arena, and transformed into a giant thousands of feet high. And Samejima, who looks about the late 30s, but is already the Mediterranean, pulled the white cloth on his head hard, as if to cheer himself up.

"Lightning style, must win!"

Then, he teleported to the center of the duel arena with a firm face, stood face to face with Cobra, and unfolded the duel disk.

"Are you ready~~~~~~???"


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