"Before you traveled through time, we would fight for you until we were out of the pie chart. Now, we will sacrifice everything for your wishes. This is as natural to us as eating and drinking!"

"Ah, oh...well, um...thank you." Hoshimi Hitomi turned her head, her face a little feverish. He's still not very good at showing kindness.

"You're telling me this now!?...Forget it, don't be so pessimistic. It's just a big evil god, not as strong as you think. And you also have a lot of cards in your hand to play... It's better to say that you are now He's just like a chess and card room owner." Alai complained and retracted his head into the blue magic circle.

"I'm going to study it. Don't disturb me unless you have no choice but to run away. Organize your henchmen to act according to Plan F." As Alai's words fell, the blue magic circle in mid-air shrank, Disappear, leaving no trace. The busy employees around him seemed to have not heard or seen anything before, and were busy minding their own business.

Mental manipulation is so useful!

"You bitch...you make me sound like a third-rate villain." The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Hitomi Hoshimi took a thick stack from the secretary's hand, which was like a dictionary of plans.

"Plan F...page 154...that's it." Hoshimi Hitomi glanced through it from beginning to end, confirmed all the details, and nodded clearly. He waved his hand and issued new instructions to the busy staff.

"You guys, move all the scrapped potatoes, I mean servers, accumulated in the warehouse! Connect them to these contaminated servers! Can't use them? Of course I know that kind of thing, as long as the space inside the server is increased. enough!"

After saying that, Hitomi Hoshimi took the tablet from the secretary and issued an order to the monsters in the electronic world that had been relieved of the crisis but were still ready to attack: "Ouroboros, two-headed snake! It's time for you to appear! Help! Our great evil god has created a universe in a nut shell—no, a 'human Internet in a server'!"

On the other side, in the LINK VRAINS server. People who have no idea that mankind is facing the greatest crisis in history are still playing the game normally and cheering loudly for both warring parties.

While Hitomi Hoshimi was dealing with things, the game between Cobra and Samejima had already ended. Using the electronic dragon, the "Lightning Flow", which focuses on attacking with lightning strength to defeat the opponent, was unable to break through the wall of sighs with an attack power of 5600 after being sealed. The battle was over in less than two rounds as he was pinned to the ground and hammered.

I don’t want to be too rude, but the first attack cannot be the Infinite Pegasus Sword, and the second attack cannot be the Anaconda’s Triumphant Fury Dragon’s Cyber ​​Dragon. Isn’t that just a [beep]? How to win? Is it the useless Electronic Terminator Dragon that has far greater symbolic significance than actual combat significance? Or Chimeric Overload Dragon 13 consecutive hits?

In short... when Samejima, who was a loser, went offline sadly, the employees who had been waiting for a long time gave him warmth in reality. He brought an absolutely generous contract, and Samejima only had to pay a small, small price to obtain Paradis' heavy investment. It’s easy to recruit high-quality students, and there are all kinds of advertisements!

How could Samejima, whose ancestral dojo was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management and had completely lost all hope due to this defeat, refuse this timely help? He hurriedly signed a contract that could almost be said to be a contract of prostitution in the new era. He also wanted to thank Paradis for giving him such a good opportunity, and vowed to repay the kindness of his acquaintance even if he died in pieces.

Just in time, we will need him soon.

In LINK VRAINS, the duel arena. The qualifiers have reached the third game, and Kaiba is facing off against an unknown sidekick.

"Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack directly!!! Explosive blast bullets of destruction!!!" Letting out a very iconic roar, Kaiba controlled the brand new Blue Eyes Dragon and let out a winning dragon's breath!

Under the skill extraction, the effects of all monsters on the field are invalidated. Coupled with the announcement from the palace that invalidated trap cards, the legendary dragon, known for its high attack power, was almost unstoppable. It easily tore through the ridiculously fragile defenses of little-known characters and emptied the opponent's LP.

The referee declared the winner of both sides, and the loser left the field sadly. As the winner, Kaiba proudly crossed his arms across his chest, not caring about the cheers of the audience at all, but looking up at the high throne with arrogance, with fire burning in his eyes.

Games, Hoshimei! Wash your neck and wait! Let you see the most powerful dragon clan after evolution!

And high up in the sky where he couldn't see it, on the jade throne of the two dueling kings. The Throne of Stars hangs high, but the king is nowhere to be seen. On the game throne, the king has no majesty at all. He just stares blankly and innocently, calling his half body over and over again in his heart.

Just about a minute ago, the golden thousand-year building block on Wang Yang's chest emitted a bright golden light. After that, Xiao Biao suddenly realized that he had regained control of his body at some point. And his half body, his best friend, the nameless Pharaoh from 3,000 years ago, disappeared without a trace, as if it was just a fantasy from the beginning.

Only Xiao Biao was left, with tears in her eyes, calling out mechanically again and again.

'another me! another me! ! ! another me! ! ! ! ! ’

Amid the torrent of data composed of 0s and 1s, a long bronze table stood abruptly.

On one side of the long table, the dark resentment condensed into a physical form... No, it should be more appropriately called the Great Evil God. He, who was not yet Him, leisurely turned the three hourglasses in his hands, showing a smile that showed he was sure of victory.

Whether it's the ultimate dark game or the shitty game called "reality", he won in all of them. Although soon, these will all turn into a sea of ​​fire and be burned to the ground.

The Internet has been infected by him. He plowed through Hitomi Hoshimi's LINK VRAINS server inch by inch with great effort, and crushed millions of viewers to death one by one. The expression on his face now must be wonderful, right?

Even if your IQ is the highest among human beings, you can defeat the evil god a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times. If you lose once, you will lose everything! This is the natural advantage of being a high-latitude creature. The fault tolerance rate is completely different! The fault tolerance rate!

Hoshimi Hitomi is a very interesting opponent, but the Great Evil God still has to focus on the more important things at hand. It is related to his power, the memory of the Pharaoh, and the ownership of the world - the ultimate dark game!

Yes, the evil god’s most fundamental purpose after spending so much effort (actually not) to invade the Internet is to play his favorite two-player RPG game, with the entire universe at stake and Egypt 3,000 years ago as the background. !

"Then, the required materials are already sufficient. The rest is not necessary. Cheers, humans, before I completely destroy the Pharaoh, leave some room for the false world you created!" mocked cruelly. Then, the Great Evil God slapped his cards on the long bronze table.

[King of Thieves——Bakura]!

"Game, start!" Completely ignoring Wang Xiang, who was lying on the table in a coma on the other side of the long table, the evil god laughed wildly and announced the start of the game.

The fate of the universe depends on a mere RPG game!

In the splendid palace, the Pharaoh, who had forgotten his real name, opened his eyes blankly. The first thing that caught the eye was the beautiful palace, and the large graffiti everywhere on the walls, like fly droppings that ruined a pot of porridge.

"Paradox came here"×n

"Apolyea is here"×n

"Noise is good, dew at night is painful"×n

"Damn Paradox and Aporia, don't let me catch you! Antinomi is here for a visit" × 1

"...What the f○ck?" The Pharaoh who woke up was completely confused.


Scribbling and graffiti at tourist attractions is a very unqualified act. Please, young readers (does it really exist?) please don’t learn from it.

Come on, people of Zhengzhou!

Chapter 112 23 If this card goes down, you will become someone who just wants to work and cannot be offended.

"Red-eyed Black Blade Dragon's direct attack! Oh wow! Winning the first victory beautifully!"

"Oh! Katsuya Jonouchi won with an overwhelming advantage! He is worthy of being a duelist bound to the Dual Kings. Even a mediocre person is a genius among mediocre people!!!"

"Hey, you bastard, I've seen you unhappy for a long time, get off here!!!"

The contestants and spectators in LINK VRAINS still knew nothing about everything and continued to compete.

The loser who went offline early, Samejima Masumi, was visited by Paradis' warm-up staff and was smashed by a pie falling from the sky. In a daze, he signed the contract of betrayal in the new era and became a member of the glorious Paradis.

Then, he was put on a black high-end LINK VRAINS goggle and connected to a local area network with more than ten layers of encryption. After a moment of dizziness, Samejima finally focused his eyes. What appeared in front of him was a room that looked full of high-tech atmosphere. Standing in front of him was an Asian figure with black hair and black eyes.

In an instant, Samejima straightened his back like a knight, clenched his right fist and hit his chest hard, and said in a strong voice: "At your service, BOSS!"

That face that often appears on TV is unmistakable to Samejima. That is his current boss, Paradis, the supreme power holder who controls the lifeline of the global economy. He can make the prime minister of any country step down if he wants to, and is the true leader of the earth - Hitomi Hoshimi!

Don't you have to go out of your way to please me?

Hoshimi Hitomi looked up and down at the android in front of him who had connected to Samejima's consciousness, and nodded with satisfaction.

In order to prepare for the final showdown with the Great Evil God, he must make corresponding preparations. Not a lot of time, but not too little either. Fortunately, the Great Evil God underestimated the power of the electronic monsters, and was playing RPG with Wang Yi in order to complete the ritual of the dark game. He is currently playing the role of [Bakura, King of Thieves] with great excitement, and he is going to have a heart-wrenching battle with Wang Xiang!

Therefore, Hitomi Hoshimi is not particularly anxious. She even has the leisure to pay attention to the PC Cup in LINK VRAINS, wondering how much money she can make in this wave and how many jobs she can provide to help the poor in Africa escape death from starvation, fever, and disease. An infinite loop.

Of course, he was not idle in the preparations for the war. He was not looking for Samejima at this moment because he had nothing to do, but to gather combat power for the final battle. This "combat power" certainly could not be Samejima. Not to mention him now, even Principal Samejima ten years later would not be enough for the Great Evil God to pinch with one hand.

Hoshimi Hitomi was looking for a cyber dragon, no, to be precise, a monster with "attack power of over 10,000".

Because Oliha Gangchan was fed sleepy black tea, Dazi was also finished and went to soak the pot. The elf world, which was relieved of the crisis, gradually returned to its original track, and the connection with the human world was vague. This led to a rather embarrassing situation: a 12-star big guy could not pass through the passage that was so narrow to him that it was like a rat hole, and return to Hoshimi Hitomi.

This was not a big deal. Hoshimi Hitomi had planned to let Er develop power in the elf world and conquer a few places for him from the beginning. But now the plot has deviated, and the Great Evil God has directly ridden on his face, so Hoshimi Hitomi naturally has to call Er back to prepare for the war.

After asking the bald Dazi for details, Hoshimi Hitomi had a plan in mind. In fact, it is very simple. Just imitate the attack of the Chaos Phantom Demon with 10,000 Attacks and the Rainbow Dragon with 10,000 Attacks in the GX animation, and tear open the passage between the human world and the elf world.

However, this is not something that can be done by just bringing a random mechanical monster and brushing it with the restriction release. In the final analysis, in this world, only when the power of the elves and the duelists is combined, can the power of making the impossible possible be possessed. If the elves do not exist at all, it is regarded as 0 elf power. 0×10,000 is still 0. Therefore, only duelists recognized by the card elves are qualified to knock on the door.

In the previous competition, it has been tested with an instrument whose principle is unknown but is useful anyway-although it is not an electronic flow but a lightning flow, the electronic dragon used by Samejima is indeed hosted by an elf.

Therefore, he used the latest technology to connect Samejima's brain waves far away in Japan with the bionic man in the United States, and the deck data was also transmitted through the matching duel disk.

Now, it is time for Samejima to create value! It is only natural to do things for money!

When Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros and Topological Three-leaf Two-headed Snake worked together to build the electronic world, although the final result was perfect, a lot of garbage data was created in the process. They put all the garbage data into the scrapped potatoes without thinking, and used them as data on the Internet to be eroded by the Great Evil God.

The black air itself has no wisdom at all, but just follows the instructions of the Great Evil God - erosion, then infusion of pollution, and giving responsibilities to become NPCs with darkness hidden in their hearts. Those black airs do not judge whether the data they erode is useful or useless, garbage or information. Therefore, the battle of passing inferior goods as good ones and mixing fakes with pearls was perfectly successful.

After that, perhaps the data was enough, the black air stopped eroding, and Ouroboros and Two-leaf Snake were also freed from the work of programmers who were rushing to code, and dragged their bodies with more than half of the data missing to catch up on sleep.

This is still good. Xingjiantong still has compassion for her own elves, but she really has no compassion for the programmers under her opponent who are paid to do things. This is a huge crisis that concerns the survival of mankind. How dare a [beep] office worker talk to me about human rights? Bullshit, scab! Today, either the ashes of the great evil god will be scattered, or 100,000 programmers will be sacrificed to the heaven! No one can leave work!

Once he changed his mind, the noisy programmer instantly became an iron office worker who loves to work overtime, loves to work, is a code-sexual, and lives with code. He will fight anyone who asks him to leave work. If he survives, he will make up for it later! ICU beds in Paradis hospitals are 90% off! Group consumption will also be given a handwritten autograph of Hoshimi Hitomi!

The cold light flashing in Hoshimi Hitomi's eyes frightened Jiaodao. Although he was seeing things through the camera of the bionic man, he still dared not breathe. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: He is worthy of being the one who reigns at the top of this world! This momentum... is really like the "Emperor's Appearance" recorded in the book, which makes people want to worship him!

"Then, new master rules, deck order editing..." Hoshimi Hitomi didn't notice Samejima's thoughts. It was too surreal to read the thoughts of someone far away in Japan through the camera of the bionic man. He clicked a few times on the tablet, and the deck storage version of the duel disk on the bionic man's arm automatically started to work, rearranging the deck order according to Hoshimi Hitomi's editing.

"Deck shuffle, no... OK, let's start." Hoshimi Hitomi threw the tablet to the secretary beside him and said lightly.

Others can never do this, including Kaiba Seto. But Hoshimi Hitomi is the destined owner of Fire Dragon. Let alone this privilege, even if Fire Dragon is used as interview material, the big sister of the electronics industry will never complain and work hard!

"Hey... ah, yes. Your will!" I don't know why it suddenly turned into a situation of shuffling cards, but Samejima, who was frightened by Hoshimi Hitomi's imposing momentum, subconsciously chose to obey. He raised his arm mechanically and placed the duel disk horizontally on his chest.

Then I was so nervous that my stomach started to twitch, my leg muscles trembled, and I started to have the urge to defecate.

Is this a job test? If I don't perform well, they will be disappointed in me, give up my value as a human being, cut out my internal organs and sell them, is this right? Is this right? Is this right? ?

But why is it the Duel King! And it has to be the super tough Star King! Even the Yu-Gi-Oh is a hundred times better, okay? This entry test is too much! This is not selecting employees but selecting the Duel King, right? I knew that pie in the sky would not fall, I am done, I am done, I am done...

The 40-year-old middle-aged Samedao, who was so worried about gains and losses, almost fainted while standing.

And Hoshimi Hitomi did not put on the duel disk as Samedao expected, and pressed him to the ground and hammered him. Hoshimi Hitomi walked to the side, folded his arms and leaned against the wall, giving his position to the young man who had been ignored by Samedao before - it’s not that the young man has a weak sense of existence, it’s really... No matter who stands with Hoshimi Hitomi, under the overly strong aura suppression, it will be very inconspicuous.

"Hey... Then Uncle Samedao, I will be your opponent!" The black-haired young man named Keith Hunter rubbed his nose and showed a serious look. With such a high salary, he has to make corresponding contributions!

Keith Hunter is one of the people with "potential" recruited by Hoshimi Hitomi. In the original world line, he would be blackened because the card elves that he regarded as friends were taken away, and he became an elf hunter who hunted other people's elves. But with the intervention of Hoshimi Hitomi, Keith's elves were not taken away, and his ability was also favored by Hoshimi Hitomi, and he became an employee of Paradis.

Because of his own peculiarity, Keith was excluded everywhere in his previous life, so he cherished the high-paying job given by Paradis and was grateful for Hoshimi Hitomi's appreciation. Keith Hunter almost respected Hoshimi Hitomi as a reborn parent, even to the point of worship. Even if it was a gray area that crossed the line, as long as it was Hoshimi Hitomi's order, he dared to go to Dapeng to spread his wings.

And now, his elf - not the first partner Electric Boy, but the second partner, will open the way to the unknown for Mr. Hoshimi!

It's not... Hoshimi Hitomi! Samejima, who was not as steady as he would be ten years later, breathed a sigh of relief. Although the young man opposite was not an easy person to deal with, it was better than Hoshimi Hitomi going down in person!

The deck in the storage version was making a slight sound - actually not, but it was as if a swordsman who had experienced many battles instinctively understood how to swing the sword to cut through the flesh without cutting the bones with the least effort and the least damage to the blade. As a duelist, Samejima also instinctively felt that the sleeping monsters in his deck were agitated.

Cyber ​​Dragon - this was the monster he inherited from his father as the master of the Lightning Dojo. Why did his father, who had great strength, refuse to participate in any public competitions and refuse to show his strength in front of the public? And why did his father always look sad at Cyber ​​Dragon? When his father handed Cyber ​​Dragon to him at the end of his life, he was hesitant to speak, what kind of emotion did he contain?

Samejima didn't know, and he didn't care at this point. This is the first time he has received a response from the deck since he inherited Cyber ​​Dragon!

"Then, come on!"

"DUEL!!!" x2

Pulling out 5 cards from the top of the deck, the two people with their own beliefs had blazing flames in their eyes.

Hoshimi Hitomi leaned against the wall with her arms folded across her chest, watching coldly.

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