This also caused Lingya to dream about being chased by a super-giant dump truck with 6000 points after finishing training, until he didn't even recognize his parents in heaven. Hoshimi Hitomi was still sitting on the dump truck, laughing strangely and telling him not to escape and rush towards the giant love that broke the sky. Ghost!

It is said that sleep is one of the most relaxing times for humans, but for Lingya it is simply torture. He didn't feel any mental relaxation at all, but became more tired. It is precisely because of this that he wanted to hang the sheets in the yard when no one was around-

"Click!" The sound of the shutter sounded abruptly.

"Xing, Uncle Hoshimi-""Oops, I forgot to turn it to silent mode. Sorry, little Rio, I was discovered."

With a rusty screw on his neck, Ryoga Kamishiro turned his head stiffly, and as expected, he found Hoshimi Hitomi and his sister Kamishiro Rio standing there swaggeringly, without any intention of hiding.

Kamishiro Rio's eyes evaded, hiding behind Hoshimi Hitomi and not daring to look him in the eye. Hoshimi Hitomi was amazed, holding up the duel disk and using the camera function to take a lot of photos of the sheets that Ryoga hung up, and the shutter sounds were endless.

Ryoga Kamishiro's eyes were dead.

"It's okay, you're only 9 years old, even if you draw a map... puff. Even if you draw a map, it's not impossible to understand. Don't worry, I'm taking photos just to record your black history, I won't tell anyone else."

"... Give, the photos! To me!!!"

The family environment is really harmonious (real).


In the end, all the photos were deleted by Hoshimi Hitomi in front of Ryoga. Of course, they were deleted, but not "all". Hoshimi Hitomi kept more than a dozen photos as decisive evidence. If Ryoga Kamishiro dares to disobey him in the future, he can use these black histories to threaten him.

After a fight, the half-dragon maids had prepared breakfast. Today's food tasted a little worse, because Xiaohong, who was usually responsible for cooking, hadn't gotten up yet, so Xiaopin did it for him. By the way, Xiaolu, who usually got up very early, also touched it.

——If you say to clean up, you must clean up! I think now they should know what the consequences of provoking the master are!

After breakfast, the Kamiyo siblings took the school bus to school-they have already asked for a leave of absence for half a year. It is not a big problem to neglect their studies, and Hoshimi Hitomi will soon make up for it. The important thing is that school life is an indispensable part of human life in modern society. Countless old people recall the best moments of their lives, mostly in school.

And these memories and fetters are the "anchors" that stabilize the self-cognition of the Kamiyo siblings as "human beings", which helps to confront the memories of Nash and Melagu. Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi is happy to see it happen and sent the reluctant two to elementary school. I wonder if they can make new friends?

...Speaking of school...the matter of the Duel Academy can almost be put on the agenda. Looking at the school bus that is getting farther and farther away, Hoshimi Hitomi is thoughtful. As the legal guardian of the Kamiyo siblings, he is naturally qualified to mobilize the Kamiyo family's enterprises and real estate. With the help of the fire dragon, he has sorted out everything.

The assets of the Kamishiro family are nothing compared to giant companies like Paradis that are the wild fathers of the whole world, but it is also a considerable fortune. The marine trade group and seafood processing plant under its umbrella are still profitable and provide a steady stream of profits. In addition to the black money that Hoshimi Hitomi robbed the rich to help the poor when she brainwashed the gangsters before, it is more than enough to build a school.

Hoshimi Hitomi's goal is to build a super-large duel academy with an entire island as its base like GX. However, with the assets he currently has, it is still far from enough.

And if large-scale brainwashing is used to attract investment or Nidhogg directly hacks into the bank to transfer money, it is easy for interested people to notice the abnormality. In this world, he is not the wild father of the whole world, so it is better to keep a low profile first. Therefore, he had to settle for the second best and build a smaller school first, and then slowly expand it later.

"Well, the first thing is to choose a site. Fire Dragon, help me find the cheapest land near Xinyuan City."

Pick an uninhabited island? That is indeed cheap, but it is far from the center of the plot, which is not in the interests of Xing Jiantong, so PASS.

"Well, the mountain... is indeed a good place to build a residential college." After getting off the unmanned taxi, Xing Jiantong looked at the top of the mountain with his hands on the pergola, thinking. Further ahead is the ancient stone steps, and the taxi can't go any further.

It is not a towering mountain, but a small hill about 100 meters high. In the near future Xinyuan City, this kind of greenery that is not artificial but full of natural feeling is really rare. It can only be seen in places like the suburbs here.

There is no mountain road for vehicles to go up this hill, and you can only walk to the top of the mountain by foot. Therefore, even if the environment here is so elegant, few people are interested.

The phone vibrated and sent a payment reminder, and the taxi drove away by itself. Xing Jiantong put his hands behind his back, stepped on the stone steps, and made a distant echo, leisurely and contented, climbing towards the top of the mountain step by step.

Dewdrops still hung on the green leaves, and occasionally caterpillars and various small animals could be seen crawling on the tree trunks, creating a lively mountain scene. And the arrival of Hoshimi Hitomi did not destroy the original environment at all, and she blended into it very naturally.

I came here not only for field investigation, but also to negotiate with the owner of the land. Yes, although it was marked "for sale" and the price was very cheap, the owner of the land also stated that those who intended to buy the land needed to come in person to negotiate with him. In addition, the owner of the land had rejected the contracts of several developers and refused to sell to them.

Xing Jiantong called up the land development plans of those developers through the fire dragon. Baseball fields, golf courses, villa areas, hotels, etc. were all utilitarian development plans. Therefore, Xing Jiantong had some idea of ​​what the owner of the land was thinking, so he was confident to come alone.

Leisurely strolling to the top of the mountain, without using the power of the card, Xing Jiantong wandered around and sweated a little. But this feeling of relaxation is indeed something I haven't experienced for a long time.

Xing Jiantong raised his head with a relaxed mood, and saw an old but well-maintained temple. The plaque was written with three vigorous and powerful characters:

[Duel Temple]

"... So that's it, it's here..." Xing Jiantong suddenly realized. This is a relatively important place in the early stage of the original work. But, are they actually selling the land...

Outside the temple, a young man dressed as a ninja was cleaning the fallen leaves with a bamboo broom in his hand. It was early spring, and the number of fallen leaves was very scarce, so the young man's posture was also very casual, but there was a trace of inconspicuous haze between his eyebrows.

Just as Xing Jiantong looked at the young man, the young man also noticed Xing Jiantong. The young man put down the bamboo broom in his hand, looked at Xing Jiantong in casual clothes, and smiled politely: "Hello, sir. Excuse me, are you here to customize the duel monster wood carving?"

Although Xing Jiantong in casual clothes seems low-key, his extremely handsome face and hidden but domineering aura all show that the visitor must not be underestimated and is a great man. Therefore, the young man also put on enough posture, and even had some flattering intentions.

Hoshimi Hitomi knew that there were various wood carvings in the Duel Temple, and there were even ACEs of the protagonists of all generations, such as the Black Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Flame Wing Man, and Xin Yuxia, as Easter eggs. But it was the first time that Hoshimi Hitomi heard that they also accepted custom wood carvings... But it's not surprising when you think about it. It must cost a lot of money to maintain such a temple. Diy wood carving is completely legal and not shabby to make a living by craftsmanship.

"Hello, my last name is Hoshimi. It's like this. I found out on the Internet that the owner of this land has the intention to sell the land, so I came to negotiate." Hoshimi Hitomi nodded to the young man and said lightly.

The young man's name is Anchuan, who uses a mecha ninja deck. In the original work, he betrayed his master and was brainwashed by the power of [No.]. But now it seems that it is far from that time. He suddenly said, "It turned out to be Mr. Hoshimi. This is really, rude!"

After that, he leaned the bamboo broom against the big tree next to him and bowed to Hoshimi Hitomi. The angle between the upper and lower body was a perfect 90°.

"Oh, do you know me?"

"Of course, you are the legal guardian of the Kamiyo siblings. I have the honor of seeing you on TV." Anchuan replied respectfully. The Kamiyo family is a behemoth that they cannot afford to offend in the Duel Temple. It only takes a word to raze this broken temple. They must be treated well and must not be offended.

"Please follow me." Anchuan carefully led Hoshimi Hitomi into the Duel Temple. "Mr. Hoshimi, the owner of this land - my master Mr. Misawa Rokuro, has not yet gotten up... Please allow me to wake him up and come to discuss relevant matters with you -"

"No need to be so reserved." Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, looking at the duel monster wood carvings on both sides of the aisle, revealing an interested look, "You go and do your thing, I'll just look at it here."

"Ah... yes! Then, please forgive me for being rude..." Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Anchuan strode towards the depths of the temple, probably to wake up his lazy master.

Hoshimi Hitomi walked along the aisle, looking at the wood carvings one after another. In addition to the ACEs of the protagonists of all generations as Easter eggs, there are also some "powerful" single cards: Gem Knight Pearl, F·G·D, Electric Blade Bug, Giant Mediocre Ghost, etc. What's outrageous is that Hoshimi Hitomi actually saw a strange old acquaintance among the many wood carvings: the sewer!

The iconic sewer disappeared, replaced by a mighty and domineering dragon. Hoshimi Hitomi thought about which monster this was for a long time, and finally realized that this was the sewer's body.

These wood carvings are vivid, and the charm contained in them is vivid and lifelike. They are not something that can be carved by staring at the card pictures. There is no doubt that only when the carver has seen the virtual images of these monsters with his own eyes, and is not a bystander, but an opponent who is facing them head-on, can he fully grasp their characteristics and aura, and give them to the wood that is originally a dead object.

If all these wood carvings were carved by that Misawa Rokuro, then that old man must have been a great duelist when he was young.

"Wow... You look so absorbed in it. Young man, do you like wood carvings?" A voice that was old but not decayed, but full of energy, sounded from behind. Hoshimi Hitomi turned around and saw an old Mediterranean man with white hair, white eyebrows and white beard standing behind him, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

This was Misawa Rokuro. However, he didn't seem to have gotten up yet, as Anchuan said. Instead, he was dressed neatly, with even the wrinkles smoothed out.

"......It's okay. Looking at them reminds me of some things in the past." Refers to the early stage of Ultra. At that time, he was still killing people in the card shop with Electric Shin-chan and a bunch of red pits.

"Wow... things in the past?" The old man showed a meaningful smile. He stared at Hoshimi Hitomi, but it seemed that he was not looking at him, but at something deeper.

"I know your purpose... The land matter can be discussed in detail. But before that, can you accompany me to exercise my body?"

"......Then, respect is worse than obedience." Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes slightly. Misawa Rokuro, Hoshimi Hitomi can confirm that he is not a duel brain. The light flashing in his eyes is undoubtedly thinking about something deeper. Hoshimi Hitomi doesn't know yet, but... In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, as long as the duel is won, everything is easy to talk about!



After playing this, we will fast forward to 5 years later.

Damn, you actually want to rip the bloodthirsty Autobot. Today I am still far from being able to catch up with the loneliness of the upper half circle (sad)

Chapter 138 12 How old are you?

"...Then, it's better to obey than to be respectful." Hoshimi Hitomi nodded and accepted Rokuro's invitation to duel. Although I don't know what the old man on the opposite side is thinking, if I can defeat him in a duel, maybe I can lower the price a little bit.

So, both sides retreated, leaving enough space in the middle. Duel disk, unfolded, D-viewing mirror, installed, duel field, unfolded.

A hazy curtain separated the two from the buildings and vivid wood carvings in the temple. The two dueling parties have already entered the AR field, and the impact caused by the duel monsters will not affect reality-unless one party is knocked away and hits something.

"DUEL!" ×2

[Hitomi Hoshimi LP: 8000]

[Likuro LP: 8000]

"Haha, because of the legendary hacker Nidhogg, the duel rules have changed, and the LP has changed from 4000 to 8000... Oh my, society always forces us old guys who can't keep up with the times to accept new things." Likuro complained while pressing the button on the duel disk.

Nidhogg's tampering with the duel system has become known to the world, and all news media are reporting it crazily. The official also issued a statement that the evil hacker will be arrested and the system will be modified back to its original state. Of course, that is absolutely impossible.

Hitomi Hoshimi was silent. This is like asking the elderly who are out of touch with society to show their health codes. The original intention is to consider the majority of people, but it is inevitable that a small group of people will not be taken care of.

"Well, let's start rolling, Mr. Rokuro. The one with the higher points decides who goes first and who goes second." Hoshimi Hitomi said calmly, pressing the new function button added after the Fire Dragon tampered with the program last night on the duel disk.

In theory, he should express his respect for the old man and let Rokuro decide who goes first and who goes second. In fact, if it weren't for the duel, Hoshimi Hitomi is indeed a warm-hearted good citizen (Gater team face) who respects the elderly and loves the young (real).

However, if you stand in front of him with a deck, it's another story - regardless of age, gender, or relatives and friends. Unless Hoshimi Hitomi wants to give in, she will just be merciless and bitch to death. Children? Female card players? Elderly people? What does it matter?

"Oh... this is it." Rokuro finally found the right button and pressed it. At this time, Anchuan hurriedly came from the depths of the temple. After finding that Hoshimi Hitomi and Rokuro had already opened the duel disk, he knelt silently on the side and put on D-viewing glasses to watch the game.

"Don't use that... rule that can turn a wood sculpture into a living monster?" Hoshimi Hitomi looked around, and the wood sculpture was still a wood sculpture, and did not run to their fields to act as a monster.

"Haha, that's an entertainment project for children to experience. If you are interested, you can experience it later." Rokuro said carelessly.

"... No, no need, I just asked casually."

[Hoshimi Hitomi Roll Points: 3]

[Rokuro Roll Points: 4]

"Roar, it's my points that are higher. Then, I'll take the back hand." Rokuro waved his hand carelessly, signaling Hoshimi Hitomi to move quickly, and then drew 5 initial hand cards from the top of the deck.

"Let go first?" Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes slightly. Then he won't be polite!

"I attack first. Main Phase 1, activate magic card, small world phenomenon." Hoshimi Hitomi first played a card that can search everything. He hadn't seen this card when he traveled through time, and didn't know if it was a DIY card, an animation card or a newly released card.

The colorful sphere envelops Hoshimi Hitomi, and countless circuits flow, connecting to the infinitely distant other side.

"Same name card once per turn. Show 1 monster in your hand to your opponent. Select a monster from your deck that has only one of the same race, attribute, level, attack power, and defense power as the monster you want to show. Exclude the face-down of the monster in your hand."

"And, add a monster from your deck that has only one of the same race, attribute, level, attack power, and defense power as the monster in the confirmed deck to your hand. Exclude the face-down of the monster in the previously confirmed deck."

"Um... can you say it again? I don't understand." Rokuro looked confused. No, what on earth did you say about this card effect?

"Anchuan, did you understand?"

"Yeah... yeah, I see, I understand it completely! It's... like this, like that... whoosh..." Anchuan hesitated, and couldn't say anything after talking for a long time, with a pale face. You understand it!

"Ah... look at my operation!" Hoshimi Tong sighed and said, he didn't understand it at first, but after practicing it a few times, he roughly understood it.

"Show the G of the multiplication in your hand. This card is Insect-type, Earth attribute, Level 2, 500 attack, 200 defense. Then, check the Undead-type, Earth attribute, Level 3, 0 attack, 1800 defense, which is the same as G in the same Earth attribute. Banish the G in your hand face-down."

The colorless streamline starts from the sphere that wraps Hoshimi Hitomi, outlines another yellow Earth attribute sphere as a springboard, and then continues to attack the predetermined target!

"Add the Half-Dragon Maid Dormitory Dragon Girl from the deck, Dragon-type, Dark attribute, Level 4, 500 attack, 1800 defense, which is the same as the child in the same Earth attribute, to your hand. Then banish the child face-down!"

As Hoshimi Hitomi operated, the colorless stream of light went straight to a dark purple sphere. Circuit, build! The dark purple sphere connected to the colorful sphere where Hoshimi Hitomi was, and the world expanded accordingly.

"I see, I see. The search range is really large." Rokuro was surprised. Is that card called Small World Phenomenon? Although it is a classic 2 for 1, it can theoretically search all monsters in the entire Duel Monster card pool. It is undeniably very strong!

Hoshimi Hitomi looked at the 4 cards in her hand and narrowed her eyes slightly.

His main deck is full of elves, so it is theoretically impossible to get stuck. Therefore, there is no need to invest in cards like Small World Phenomenon that guarantee a lower limit. Even for him now, it is the smartest way to mix seven or eight fields together to make a super large card pile to pursue a higher upper limit.

But... yes. In addition to his card elves, Hoshimi Hitomi's experience and card combination ideas are the last mark left on him by his original world. If "family" is something that Kamishiro Ryoga must protect, then the card elves and this "mark" representing the identity of a card master in the past are what Hoshimi Hitomi treasures.

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