"My LP has not reached zero yet! I believe my deck will lead me to victory!"

"Then I will destroy your last hope!!!" As if angered by Hoshimi Hitomi's righteous speech, Nidhogg's voice also carried a hint of anger, "Main Phase 2, stack the Lv9 Cyber ​​Fox-Sensen and the Burning Silver Machine Dragon! Use two monsters to build a Gyro Network and Gyro Summon!"

"In the disaster tailored for you, your muscles will be eroded and your body will be rotten! Rank Beast!!!"

In Nidhogg's arrogant arrogance, a huge darkness permeated from the Cyber ​​Sakai City behind him. The torrent of disasters appeared again, pressing down with the might of sweeping across the sky.

The incarnation of 666 kinds of disasters, the dark True Dragon Emperor, showed his majesty with an arrogant and invincible arrogance. Even if it was a defense statement, no one dared to underestimate his power.

Looking at the extremely terrifying dragon-shaped demon, the audience watching through the screen felt a strong discomfort and dizziness. The teachers and students at the scene were even more unbearable. Many vomited on the spot, and many even cried "Aieeeeeee!!!" while losing control of their bladders. Is this a ninja reality shock symptom! ?

"The effect of Fawangmon, once per turn, remove 1 Xyz material from this card and declare 1 attribute to activate. All face-up monsters on the field change to the declared attribute, and the opponent's monsters with the declared attribute cannot attack or activate the effect, and this effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn!"

"Hoshimi Hitomi, I will activate this effect the moment your turn comes. And there is no doubt that the attribute I want to declare is - light! Ryukyuu Takumi, the Announcer's Divine Sorcerer, and the Cyber ​​Angel - Benten - are all light attribute monsters! The light attribute in your deck The concentration of monsters should be very high! ? "

"Even if Destroyer Phoenix returns to your field during the preparation phase, it will be unable to activate its effect due to the effect of Kingmon. And a mere 2500 attack points cannot break Kingmon's 3000 defense points! You have no way to escape, and you will die anyway! ! ! "

Laughing wildly, Nidhogg, in the eyes of everyone in awe, like an emperor unparalleled in the world, declared his great victory with an indomitable attitude, implanting fear and despair in everyone's heart.

"My turn is over! In the end phase, the effect of Zhizhi takes effect, and I will recycle Lao Lao in the graveyard to my hand. In the next turn, I have the dual resurrection of Lao Lao and Xuanwu, and I can easily crush you to death like crushing an ant on the roadside! Kneel down with fear, tremble, and despair! Hahahahahahahaha——"

"..." Xing Jiantong did not refute. But this is not because of too much despair that she gave up. His eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and he placed his hand on the top of the deck. This was his silent declaration of war, a challenge to the dark dragon, to the 666 disasters!

Teachers, students, superheroes and security guards outside the venue. Audiences from all over the world who were not at the scene. Collectively, with heavy hearts, they watched Hoshimi Hitomi's fatal blow.

On the stage, using Hope · Double → Original Hope → Breaking Wind → Double Chance, [No.39 Hope Emperor Hope], who transformed into 12,000 emperors, chopped the Dragon Shark with one sword, and successfully cleared Ryoga's LP at once. After that, Yuma watched the duel between Hoshimi Hitomi and Nidhogg with a worried look, ignoring the astral body's request to "collect more No. cards".

After Ryoga's No. card was taken back by the astral body, the red energy field all over his body dissipated, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

The super criminals of the Nightmare Knights had already retreated. The three emblem brothers were busy calming the people who were reacting to the stress, while trying to contact Black Manta. However, they could only get the perfunctory response of "inconvenient" from the Oracle on standby in the manta nest. The Suicide Squad members cheered for Nidhogg loudly, which made the people around them glare.

Kaito limped in with a cane, gauze wrapped around his head, and an IV bottle hanging on his hand. It seems that he rushed over after the emergency treatment to the point where he could move.

Amagi Fika, who had already woken up from the initial confusion, had a dark look in his eyes, as if he was calculating something. His hands were rapidly typing on the keyboard, as if he was giving orders, or programming, or maybe just typing. No one knew what he was doing.

The Jade Throne fell to the ground with foam at the mouth, twitching, and had not woken up yet. After all, elephants have to sleep for three days and 72 hours, but it is unclear how long humans have to sleep.

In the manta ray's nest, the oracle was typing away on the keyboard, tracking Nidhogg's IP address full of traps while bombarding Lingya's Bluetooth headset in the hope of waking him up and helping Hoshimi Hitomi. However, both ends were not very useful. Nidhogg aside, Lingya was like Tono who was suffocated by the sleepy black tea and could not wake up.

Under everyone's attention, Hoshimi Hitomi's right arm swung greatly, and the hem of her windbreaker was raised high. The sharp arc cut through the air, flashing a bright silver light.

"My turn-"

"Draw a card!!!"



The next chapter is over. Soul! Damn it!

Chapter 155 28 What your wife, it's obviously my wife!

"My turn-"

"Draw a card!!!"

Like a passionate male protagonist who is cornered in a card-playing animation and is about to make a comeback. Hitomi Hoshimi pulled out a card from the top of the deck.

"At this moment, the effect of the True Dragon King's Law·King·Beast is activated! Remove one of my own super materials, and I declare the light attribute! The crown of evil in the six days! Let's die, stars! Hope!!!" Ni Dehog roared almost like a roar. The dark true dragon followed the words, and from its bloody mouth that seemed to be pregnant with 666 kinds of disasters, it spewed out disasters that were darker than the abyss.

In the realm of the true dragon, the light is extinguished! This round, all the monsters on Hoshimi Hitomi's field will become light attributes. The light attribute monsters in the hand and graveyard will also be unable to activate their effects and will become meaningless waste paper.

"But - I believe in my deck! Therefore, my deck will entrust this card to me at this moment! During my card drawing phase - the field is blank, at this moment!" Raising his head suddenly, Xing Jiantong's eyes were burning with raging flames. The momentum was so strong that even Nidhogg on the opposite side was frightened by it, and - he took half a step back!

"No matter what card, it can't stop——"

"This card can be activated from your hand even if there are no other monsters on your field!"

"No! Limit! Bubble! Shadow! Fifty years of life are like a dream and an illusion! Nidhogg, your disaster is just a dream bubble that cannot be touched!" Hoshimi Hitomi waved his hand, and the index finger of his right hand turned into a sword. Shake pointed at the dark true dragon, with a stern look on his face, "True Dragon Emperor Law·King·Beast, the effect is invalid!"

An astonishing bolt of lightning crashed down, completely interrupting the realm where the true black dragon was released. Light, shine on the earth again!

"Gu... I actually drew that card at this moment..." Nidhogg's voice sounded a bit gritty. After all, humans can't beat dogs. "But, after activating Infinite Bubble, your There is only 1 Meteor Glow Cluster in your hand, so it cannot be used as a resource to activate the effects of the Dragon Glow Monster in your graveyard!”

"Also, even if you use the effect of destroying the Phoenix Man to destroy the Kingmon, the Immortal in the graveyard - you should have seen her effect! Next turn, she will return. Plus the Xuanwu in my graveyard , absolutely - you can actually clear your LP!"

"Oh, have you...forgot the heroes in the cemetery? They have already entrusted their hope to me!" Hoshimi Hitomi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raising an arc of victory!

In the preparation stage, red fire exploded. The Phoenix of Destruction returned from Nirvana and returned to Hitomi Hoshimi's monster area.

Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at the card in her hand and her eyes condensed: "Cover 1 card!"

"The effect of [Destiny Hero Divinity] in the graveyard is activated! If the number of cards in your hand is 0, you can activate it by banishing this card and 1 [Destiny Hero] monster from your graveyard. I draw 2 cards! "

If among the two cards drawn this time, there is a [Ryuuki Takumi] monster or a ritual monster, Hoshimi Hitomi will have hope of reversal. If not, or if you draw 2 hand pits, then...

The outcome of this duel depends on this card draw!

"Draw a card!!!" The divine man led the sprinter's soul up into the sky, bringing the last hope to Hoshimi Hitomi. This is humanity's decisive bet to rebel against the dark true dragon!

Under everyone's gaze, Hoshimi Hitomi showed a victorious smile: "The law of victory is now clearly visible!"

"...Huh? What did you say...? Victory? You actually said victory!? Did I hear you correctly?" Nidhogg exaggeratedly put his hands on his head, about where his ears were, and his voice was filled with emotion. Surprised, "Are you insane because you didn't draw the card you wanted? The contrast was too great!?"

"Even if you use Destruction Phoenix to destroy my King Beast, Ritual Master, and Principal! What are you going to do, give me a fatal blow with a full 8,000 LP points? Although you seem to have the upper hand, I still have cards. Not yet! Are you hoping to scare me into surrender with your crazy words?"

As he spoke, Nidhogg burst out laughing, making a shrill sound like a crow in the cemetery.

"Ritual magic, Meteor Brilliance Cluster. And, these two cards entrusted to me by the divine man - I will use them to reverse the situation, and - just this round, let the goddess of victory, against I smiled!" Hitomi Hoshimi's voice was warm and confident, making Nidhogg's laughter gradually subside.

"...You arrogant brat! If you can do it, try it!"

"As you wish! The first is the magic card, the Ultra-Super Ryuki Takumi! The card with the same name is once per turn. The turn this card is activated, I am not a monster that cannot be normally summoned and cannot be specially summoned. From the deck, add 1 [ The monster specially summoned by this effect is special summoned in defense position, [Ryuuki Qiao-Right Pivot α]!”

Hoshimi Hitomi stuffed one of the two hand cards given by the divine person into the magic trap area. The vast sea of ​​​​stars descended again, and on the far side of the Draco constellation, a golden flash of light approached at super-light speed, and accurately parked in the monster area of ​​Hitomi Hoshimi. That blue and silver machine dragon corresponds to the star of the Draco Galaxy - Ziwei Youyuanyi's Long Huiqiao: Youshu α!

"Ha, wall monster!? What's the use of that-"

"In the cemetery, Tianhaosi, the effect is activated! Release the right pivot on the field and special summon yourself! Then, special summon Shangbi from the cemetery!" Hoshimi Hitomi waved his hand, and the stars rotated, the brightest in the Draco constellation. The star—Tian Hao Si, took the place of Zi Wei Youyuan Yi. Moreover, that bright light also awakened Zi Wei Zuo Yuansi who was sleeping in the cemetery!

"The effect of the Right Pivot in the graveyard is activated! Destroy the Shangbi on the field and Special Summon itself. After that, add 1 ritual monster from the deck to your hand. I choose the ritual monster - Blue Eyes. Chaos Extreme Dragon!"

"Nani!? Blue Eyes is—that Blue Eyes!?"

Without answering Nidhogg's question, Hoshimi Hitomi just raised his right hand high, as if there were stars surging in his pupils: "Stack Tian Haosi and Youshu, who are both Level 1, on top of each other! Use 2 monsters to build a super network! "

"That's the glow from 88 light-years away. That's the memory of the stars. In order to protect the weak without claws, now is the time to awaken——"

"Super Summon! Rank-1, Star Mothership, Long Huiqiao-Fuxing Basket Increased Two μβ'! Defense Position!"

Behind Hoshimi Hitomi, who raised his right hand high, colors among the stars exploded. The huge Longhui Qiao mothership, which almost burst the entire venue, turned into a super monster and descended. Around it, Tianhaosi and Shangbi were cruising like satellites.

[Long Huiqiao-Hold the basket and increase two μβ'] [Effect] [Excessive]

[Race: Machine] [Rank-1] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2000] [DEF: 0]

"It's big, but it's just a trash fish——"

"Open the cover card, ritual magic, Meteor Shine Qiaoqun!" Hitomi Hoshimi clicked on the duel plate, and activated the ritual magic covered to satisfy the divine person's effect activation condition of "the number of cards in his hand is 0", " Until the attack power reaches the level above, release the mechanical monsters in your hand and on the field, and ritually summon 1 ritual monster from your hand and graveyard!"

"Ha, liberate that super monster and ritually summon Benten in the cemetery? How can that kind of springboard for expansion clear my 8,000 LP points!" Nidhogg sneered loudly.

"...Haha, who said I wanted to liberate Fukun Zenji? And who said I wanted to ritually summon Benten?" Hoshimi Hitomi sneered, raised his right hand high and pointed at the huge Ryuki Qiao mothership, "Fukun Zenji The continuous effect of 2, when the ritual summon is in progress, the released monsters can also be removed from the excess material of this card!"

"Nani!? You can actually use super amounts of materials as sacrifices for ritual summons!?" Nidhogg's always confident voice showed surprise for the first time, "The ritual monster you want to summon is the one you just retrieved. Arrived——"

"Exactly! The total attack power is 4,000, and the super material of Fu Kuang Zeng Er: Tian Haosi and You Shu are used as sacrifices, and the ritual summons——"

‘Chisara, if the wedding dress is not enough, let me put on the evening dress for you! ’

'roll! Obscene! Sex demon! abnormal! ’

[Blue Eyes White Dragon Bond: 95 → 96 (Intimate)]

"Blue! Eyes! Chaos! Max! Dragon!!!"

The pure soul of light wears darkness as its dress and embraces chaos. Knowing what light is and what darkness is, the flawless soul is not shaken by chaos, but turns chaos into overwhelming power, vaporizing all enemies with furious thunder.

If we say that in the basic universe, Seto Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon...Kisara's "real self" is the Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, the True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, or the Blue-Eyes Dragon (girl, which one is it? ).

This ZEXAL universe, dyed with its own color by Hitomi Hoshimi, belongs only to his Keesara - whose "true self" is this, Blue Eyes, Chaos, and Extreme Dragon.

The scales on the Extreme Dragon's body are harder than any known metal, and all attacks cannot break through. The extreme dragon's breath can even crush planets, and all defenses cannot stop it. With both the strongest shield and the strongest spear in mind, the child bride Hoshimi Hitomi raised with her own hands - has become a tall girl!

[Blue Eyes Chaos Extreme Dragon] [Effect] [Ritual]

[Race: Dragon] [Lv8] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 4000] [DEF: 0]

All the viewers of this duel, whether in person or through the screen, couldn't help but stand up and fell in love with the beautiful and powerful new posture of the legendary dragon.

"It's really the legendary dragon... and it's a new posture that I've never seen before!" He raised his head and stared at the giant dragon that was showing off its might like a young girl showing off new clothes. Nidhogg's There was a hint of solemnity in the voice, "Attack power 4000! But even so, it can't clear my LP——"

"Then, this is - the last move entrusted to me by the divine man!" Hoshimi Tong slowly closed his eyes, seeming to be brewing something. After everyone's eyes were gathered, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be stars on the other side of the Milky Way twinkling in them! He raised his right hand high, displaying the card in front of everyone.

"Magic card, strong! Control! Turn! Move! Each side chooses 1 monster on their field, and the control rights of those monsters are exchanged!"

"Gu... Is this the purpose!?" Nidhogg couldn't help but smack his lips, "The only monster on my field is True Dragon King Law·King·Beast, so I can only choose it. And you will give me that useless small monster, and next round, Law·King·Beast will be used by you, and it will be the last straw that breaks my back-"

"The villains don't have a next round! The villains don't have a next round! Repeat it twice, and it's a proof of victory!" Hoshimiya waved her hand fiercely, pointing to the Ryuuki Takumi mothership in defense position that was transferred to Nidhogg's field, "Battle phase, Kisara, attack Fukuang Zenger!"

Amid Hoshimiya's roar, countless particles of light and darkness gathered in the mouth of Kisara-the Blue-Eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon, bursting out a light that was no less than that of a star. The terrifying energy fluctuations lifted all the surrounding ground, shocking the surrounding audience to retreat together.

"The continuous effect of Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon. When this card attacks a monster in Defense Position, it deals double piercing damage!" Hoshimi Hitomi's voice echoed in everyone's ears, drowning out the sound of energy surging.


[Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon ATK: 4000]

[Ryūki-Fukuang Zenger 2 μβ' DEF: 0]

[Nidhoggr LP: 8000]

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