【I am listening. What came to my ears was Li Xu’s calm voice as always.

"...I thought you would..."

【surprise? Crazy? Not that much. In fact, I had a little guess earlier. Moreover, I... actually haven't recalled too many memories, so... I don't have a solid feeling about the fact that I am not Kamishiro Risu, but a person from the Balian world. 】

"...My name in the Balian world is Nash. Lixu, your name is Meragu..."

[As Kamishiro Lingya and Kamishiro Risu, you grew up as humans. Then, you are Ling Ya and Li Xu, that’s all. ] Hoshimi Hitomi's voice rang in his ears, [Or... do you agree more with the name Nash? 】

"...I don't know." After a long silence, Ling Ya said with a wry smile, "Nash and Ling Ya... No matter which period of life, I can't give up. I can't decide which one I identify with more, Nash or Ling Ya. One identity.”

"However, I have decided. I am not just Nash, nor am I just the God Lingya. Balian and human beings, the individual formed by the intertwining of their lives, this is...me! I want... …Become a bridge of mutual understanding between Balians and humans!”

As he spoke, Ling Ya's eyes were burning with blazing flames. The enemy is a huge monster called "race". He wants to do his best. Defeat it!

【...If this is your choice. 】Xing Jiantong said in a deep voice. There was indescribable relief in his tone.

Under his intervention, Lingya made a completely different decision from the original plot. He is not alone in the Balian world as Mountain Dew Emperor Nash, watching over the human world, but as a superhero incarnation that connects the two races and guides the world in a better direction. This is - the best ending!

[I have recorded all your current and previous secondary school speeches. After everything is over, I will play it on a loop 24 hours a day. 】

"Delete it you bastard!!!"

at this time.

"Uh huh, huh huh..." All the electronic products in Xinyuan City were invaded again. Nidhogg's iconic voice sounded once again.

"Inferior creatures, listen up. This is a matter of life and death for all of you. I will not repeat it a second time."

"Because of the resistance of you and the superheroes you trust, I, this god, Nidhogg, am angry. I feel - destroy this world. Now, the countdown to destruction has been pressed, and your 15-minute Time to say goodbye to the world you know."

"Of course, you don't have to feel sad about this. Because although your body is destroyed, your spirit can continue forever in the AR world. I have already invaded the Internet and backed up the thinking data you logged into the AR space during the duel. In other words , your spirit is still alive – in the form of data.”

"So the lower biological people, the mood of the heart is good, I won't bother you. I will splurge your remaining 15, 14 minutes of life. Hum, hum, ah, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! "

The next moment, Nidhogg's invasion was lifted.

"It seems we still have a lot of work to do. We don't have time to fool around here." Ling Ya suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice.

[Ah, changed the subject. 】

【I feel shy. 】

【Hey~ So disgusting~~~】

"Just stop it for both of you!!!"

Chapter 170 43 Phoenix→Unicorn→Visit

Move time forward a little. Before Lingya defeated the clownfish.

"Nidhogg, I want to defeat you! Put an end to your evil ambitions!" Fika's eyes were burning with fierce fighting spirit, just like his son Kaito, exuding an unyielding brilliance.

"Disrespectful! But it doesn't matter, I forgive you. Come on, rebel against this god!" Nidhogg, who had nothing to do with a long smile, ended his turn and transferred the right to turn.

"My turn, draw a card!!!" He tried his best to draw a card from the top of the deck, as if that would bring him more power. At this moment, Fika mobilized all her brain cells that should have been devoted to research work to analyze the current situation.

At this moment, Nidhogg has no cards in his hand. He has a plain emblem in the front field that cannot be targeted by magic and trap cards under the protection of field magic, as well as the effect monster Two-Headed Snake, and a cover card in the back field. However, his front and back fields are completely blank, and there are 3 cards in his hand after drawing cards.

If you want to completely reverse the current situation, you can only... call out the one sleeping in the deck, and another No. is stuck! And the key to opening the door to power...is in his hand!

Fika's eyes condensed, and he selected a card from his hand and slapped it in the monster area: "If the number of monsters on the opponent's field is more than the number of monsters on his own field, this card can be special from his hand. Summon. Come on, the huge battleship blasts the core!”

As the card was read, the quiet and dark laboratory suddenly turned into a deep and vast universe. A huge battleship that was as big as the moon appeared behind Fika, with all its guns aimed at Nidhogg, ready to go.

[Huge Battleship Explosive Core] [Effect]

[Race: Machine] [Lv9] [Attribute: Earth]


"Hey, is there a huge battleship behind the electronic dragon? That's right, come on, raise a flag of rebellion against this god!" Nidhogg's tone was filled with indescribable joy.

"Activate when the Explosive Core Summon or Special Summon is successful. Place 3 counters on this card. Activate at the end of the damage step of this card's battle. Remove 1 counter from this card. If it cannot be removed, This card is destroyed," Fika said in a deep voice. Following his words, three overlapping illusory shields blocked the front of the core of the huge battleship.

"...Hmph." Nidhogg laughed evilly and opened his arms toward the huge battle-level gun port, as if he was hugging something. That gesture... was provocative to the extreme.

"When Su Hui is sent to the graveyard, you can send 2 [Heraldic Beast] monsters from the deck to the graveyard. Don't think that I don't know what you are planning, Nidhogg!" Fika said coldly, Then he picked out one more card from the two remaining cards in his hand, inserted it into the magic trap area, "Activate the magic card, the fetal guide of the star relic!"

"Oh? That card is..."

"That's right, it was the card sold by the Hoshimi Hitomi Duel Academy that defeated you once! Just like you lost to Hoshimi Hitomi before, now - you will be defeated by me here!"

"...Okay, it's decided. Before the final judgment comes, I will first cut the kid behind you into pieces in front of you. Then I will chop you and the kid who calls himself Yinhe into pieces and make them into sticks of incense!" Ned Hogg's tone suddenly darkened, filled with hatred that could freeze a person's spinal cord.

"You can't do it! The Star Relic's Titus Guidance, the card with the same name can only be activated once per turn. I chose to activate its second effect, which can only be activated by targeting a Level 9 monster on my field. And that monster Two Level 9 monsters with different original races and attributes are specially summoned from the deck, with a maximum of 1 card of the same name.”

"The monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack and are destroyed at the end of the phase. Targeting the Explosive Core of the Machine type and Earth attribute, special summon it from the deck - Come on, Angel type, Light attribute, Moische star! Fish tribe, water attribute, giant whale!”

As the effect of Tire Guidance took effect, two Level 9 superior monsters appeared in Fika's monster area, juxtaposed with the Explosive Cannon Core, exuding a strong sense of presence. But unfortunately, the monsters specially summoned with the Tibetan Guide cannot attack. However, as a summoning material, there is no problem at all!

"There are three Level 9 monsters!" Nidhogg's tone became a little more solemn. Are you reminded of his ace monster, Hoomon, through Rank-9? Fika thought so.

Although the monster he is about to summon is not as suppressive as Kingmon, there is no doubt that it is a powerful monster that can compete with it! Just use this guy to knock you down, Nidhogg!

"Use the Explosive Cannon Core, the Moischer Star, and the Giant Whale, which are also at Level 9, and stack them!" Fika raised his right hand high, Shenlong, break through the torrent of disaster!

"Use 3 monsters to build a super network and super summon!" In the center of the super galaxy, the red number "92" flashed away.

"The era of false gods has come to an end. Listen to the cry of this new god as he falls to the ground! No. 92 False Skeleton Dragon Heart Earth Heart Dragon!!!"

The majestic dragon emerged from the supernova explosion with its burly body. 3 dark purple hypermaterials surround it. Stretching its wings, Heartland Heart Dragon let out a roar that resounded throughout the drainage channels of Heartland City.


[No.92 Pseudo-Skeleton Dragon Heartland Heart Dragon] [Effect] [Excessive]

[Race: Dragon] [Rank-9] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 0] [DEF: 0]

"Rank -9, but the attack power is 0?"

"Enter the battle stage! Heart and Earth Heart Dragon, attack the emblem of the ancestral emblem!" Fika waved his hand, and deep purple light gathered in the mouth of Heart and Earth Heart Dragon, "Heart and Earth Heart Dragon will not be destroyed by the battle, and the battle will be a battle against itself. The other party will bear the harm!”

"Hey, you don't want to send Su Hui to the grave, so why do you adopt this roundabout way?" Nidhogg said with a smile in his tone, "Then let's do it."

"You won't be able to laugh anymore! Accept the difference in attack power between Su Hui and Xin Di Xin Long, which is 2,200 points of damage!" The breath in Xin Di Xin Long's mouth was fully charged, and it spat out towards Su Hui. The deep purple energy beam did not cause any damage to Su Hui's crystalline body, but seemed to be reflected by a mirror. It all headed towards Nidhogg, causing considerable damage.

【Nidhogg LP: 4000→1800】

"Hmph... You actually dare to hurt the god's divine body... I want you to die to apologize!" Nidhogg's tone became deeper as he withstood the shock wave.

"Hmph. This is how I end my turn." Fika, who had 1 card in his hand and no cards to play, announced the end of his turn. In the next round, if you can survive until your next round - you can win! If you use the power of Heart Earth Heart Dragon, you can win!

Looking at the mighty and majestic dragon in front of him, Fika felt indescribably excited.

"My turn, draw a card!" Nidhogg calmly drew a card from the top of the deck, with a hint of smile in his tone, "Oh, looking at your expression, you seem to think you have a chance of winning? Hmm? , after all, I don’t have much LP left, so it’s only natural that you would be happy, joyful, and excited——”

"I've lost my evil heart, Chongzhi! The game time is over, and I give you - absolute despair!"

Following Nidhogg's words, the dark aura erupted and surged towards the Heart Dragon and Fika. That arrogant and arrogant attitude was like a world-destroying demon.

"What, this is...could it be that before, it was just a joke-"

"Since you don't want to send Suhui to the graveyard no matter what, let me send it to you. The conditions for summoning are 2 monsters with different card names. Use the double-headed snake and Suhui, set the connection mark! Connect the network to build. LINK-2, Dream Collapse·Phoenix! This can only be activated when Su Hui is sent to the graveyard. Send 2 [Heraldic Beast] monsters from the deck to the graveyard.”

"Send [Heraldic Beast Lion] and [Heraldic Beast Exclusive Beast] to the graveyard. As a result of the lion's effect, add [Heraldic Beast Aberconway Dragon] from the deck to your hand."

"The effect of the heraldic beast Unicorn in the graveyard is activated. The card with the same name is once per turn. Remove this card from the graveyard from the game and select 1 telekinesis-type super monster in your graveyard to activate. The selected monster is special Summon. This effect negates the effects of the monsters specially summoned and special summons the unicorns in the graveyard!"

"The conditions for summoning are 2 monsters with different card names. Use Phoenix and Prime Emblem to set the connection mark! Connect the network to build. LINK-3, Dream Collapse Unicorn! Self-arranged chain, C1 Unicorn C2 Prime Emblem . The effect of Su Hui is not limited to once per round and can be activated an unlimited number of times.”

"Reverse the chain process and send 2 [Heraldic Beast] monsters from the deck to the graveyard again. After that, the effect of Unicorn discards the Aberconway Dragon in the hand and bounces the Heartland Heart Dragon back to the deck. !”

"Nani!? Bounce back into the deck!?" Fika was helpless, clenching his teeth as he watched the majestic Heart Dragon being dispersed by the yellow brilliance emitted from the tip of the yellow unicorn's horn. Heartland Heart Dragon has the effect of special summoning itself when it is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, but it is unthinkable if it is bounced back to the extra deck!

"It's not over yet. The effect of Aberconway Dragon in the graveyard is activated. The card with the same name is once per turn. If this card exists in the graveyard, you can only activate it by banishing 1 card with the same name other than this card. Choose your own graveyard Add 1 [Heraldic Beast] monster to your hand and Normal Summon it!

【Fika LP: 3100】

With a "plop", Fika fell to his knees with empty eyes. It has ended. He failed to protect anything, not the world, not Yang Dou...

"Let me give you absolute despair!" Looking down from above, a dark aura raged. Nidhogg is like a demon who came out of hell, invincible!

"The conditions for summoning are 2 or more effect monsters. Use unicorns and lions to set connection markers! Connect to the network to build. Become a new wind that travels around the world! LINK-4, visit the code talker! The effect is activated, select the dream in the cemetery Collapse Shadow Unicorn, the attack power of the visit increases by 3000."

"Fighting. It is clear that I have the power to change the world, but my courage is so small - let me give a man like you a befitting ending!"

Responding to his master's call, the golden knight raised the knight's spear in his hand.

The capacity... is small... me? At the very end, Fika turned around and met a pair of hazy eyes. That was his son, Amagi Yoto.

...Well, I can’t deny it. What happened now is entirely his own fault. This is the punishment he deserves.

Fika turned his head and faced the kamikaze whipped up by the code talker, facing the ending he deserved.

Sorry, Yang Dou, dad...can't protect you anymore...


[Fika LP: 3100→0]

[Winner: Nidhogg]

"Uh-huh, heh-huh...lower creatures, listen up. This is a matter of life and death for all of you, and I won't repeat it a second time."

Just when Nidhogg and Fika were dueling. The far side of Xinyuan City.

At this moment, the orange warrior Vector, the military and think tank of the Seven Emperors of the Balian Team, was standing behind a short and deformed man who looked like a penguin who had become an elf but failed to transform. With a flattering smile on his face: "Everything is as you expected, boss. The idiots of the Seven Emperors Company really didn't have the slightest defense against me, and they were all wiped out easily!"

"Huh...huh~" Wearing a child's special black tuxedo, the Penguin sprayed all the smoke on Vector's face. But Vector didn't mean to dislike it at all. Instead, he looked overjoyed and said, "Boss, the smoke you exhale is full of fairy energy! I'm afraid you are about to become a fairy!"

Behind him, the human bodies of Droube, Kiragu, Alit, and Mizhael were bound by steel bars as thick as their thighs, making them unable to break free at all. Their eyes were filled with the anger of being betrayed, and they stared at Vector. If his eyes were offensive, he could OTK Vector a hundred thousand times.

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