[Softball Cupid][Effect][Synchronize][Adjustment]

[Race: Angel][Lv4][Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 0][DEF: 600]

Riu frowned slightly. Nidhogg has been silent since she summoned the Water Machine Hundred-Headed Dragon. What is he planning again? This time it is definitely not a mechanical dummy, but a living person, which Riu can be sure of.

In any case, let's win this duel first! With this thought in mind, Riu no longer hesitated and continued her operation: "The effects of Softball Cupid and Super Librarian are triggered at the same time, so self-arrange the chain. C1 Cupid, C2 Super Librarian! Reverse the chain!"

"Super Librarian's effect, this card exists on the field, and both players must be activated when Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster other than this card. I draw 1 card."

"Then there is the effect of Softball Cupid. This card must be activated when Synchro Summon is successful. The level of this card is increased or decreased as The Level of the Tuner monster for this card's Synchro Material. I choose to increase it. Jet Synchro is Level 1, so Cupid becomes Level 5! ”

[Cupid Level: 4→5]

“Tuner Cupid with a Level 5 Synchro Monster to tune the Level 3 Fantasy Beast Machine Token! The inherited power and will, turn into a giant hammer to smash the bedrock, and awaken the dormant crystal! Synchro Summon——”

“Miracle of Magic Rescue-Giant Dragon Crystal!”

Rioh raised her right hand and called the monster she trusted. She didn't have a monster as powerful as Hoshimi Hitomi's [Barrel Loader Ferocious Dragon]. So she made a second choice and invested in this powerful monster that has a great compatibility with Water monsters and has no restrictions on Synchro Materials.

The price was a night of fierce battle with the Man-Machine that used Magic Rescue, and the Water Machine Hundred-Headed Dragon was so fluent that she could recite it by heart. What impressed Riko the most was that she smashed down a meteorite, sent the Block Dragon to the grave, the human-machine backhand searched the explorer, and the 10,000-attack derivative of the water machine Hundred-headed Dragon, and she couldn't do it.

... Anyway, under Riko's call, the earth cracked. The azure crystal dragon revived from the ancient times. The clear water attribute energy resonated, and the dragon crystal roared loudly:

"Roar roar roar ---!!!"

[Miracle of Magic Rescue-Dragon Crystal][Effect][Synchronize]

[Race: Rock][Lv8][Attribute: Water]

[ATK: 3000][DEF: 2200]

"Use the effect of the Super Librarian, I draw 1 card. In this way, then..." She didn't activate the effect of the Softball Cupid, she didn't have the Super Thunder Dragon, and she didn't invest in the Green Corridor Beast. Cupid can be used as a springboard for the Dragon Crystal.

"Blue Lock Dragon Anaconda, effect activated! Pay 2000 LP points, send [Fusion Fate] from the deck to the graveyard. Send the Divine Man and Sprint Man as fusion materials from the deck to the graveyard, and fuse! Hero, break fate! Fly high in despair! Fate Hero destroys Phoenix Man!"

Red flames swirled. Like an immortal phoenix, the hero who defeated fate hovered and danced, floating in the air. In the end, Li Xu still chose to use the hero to give Nidhogg the final blow.

"Hmph... Is this to humiliate me?" After tasting Li Xu's Water Machine Hundred Head Dragon Fist, Nidhogg's tone did not have any resentment or anger, but seemed quite unfathomable, "Then come on, little girl. Defeat me - the world's strongest hacker, Nidhogg! But don't think you can change anything. The great monarch is about to come, everything..."

"Advance to the battle stage!" Perhaps the senses were blinded by the upcoming victory. Or maybe he was simply not interested in listening to Nidhogg's crazy talk. Risu waved his hand and directly issued an attack order.

"Miracle of Magic Rescue-Dragon Crystal, attack the True Dragon King, the Law·King·Beast! Crystal Resonance Crushing Wave!"

The strong water attribute energy gathered in the mouth of the crystal dragon, and then turned into a breath and gushed out. The pure crystal storm penetrated the body of the true dragon whose power was sealed by the divine bow, and sealed the disaster caused by him back to the bottom of Pandora's Box.

[Nidhogg LP: 5100→2100]

"Hehehe...Ahahahahahaha!!! It's not over yet! No, it's over! Everything is over——" With a wild laugh, Nidhogg lifted his black robe, revealing a white-haired, crazy old man's face. It fits the image of Nidhogg's mad scientist very well.

"Yes, it's over...your ambitions and all your evil plans!" Li Xu waved his hand fiercely, his eyes showing determination and a quiet and fiery awareness like fire, "Destroyer Phoenix, attack the opponent's player directly! Purify everything with the fire of red lotus, dance of the phoenix!"

As Li Xu gave the order, the body of the Destroyer Phoenix was divided into five parts, surrounding Nidhogg from above. In their hands, the intense magma compressed and compressed again, and finally became a ball the size of a basketball. The five Destroyer Phoenix threw the magma balls in their hands at the laughing Nidhogg.

"Hahahaha, ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha——"

The burning red lotus exploded!

————Boom! ! ! ! ! !

【Nidhogg LP: 2100→0】

【Winner: Lingya \u0026 Li Xu!!! 】


"The Vector I know is a dark-minded person who always thinks of bad ideas, but will also sacrifice everything for his true friends. He will be happy, angry, and furious...an ordinary Balian!" Yuma looked directly into Vector's eyes, his eyes clear and gentle.

"So, Vector. Stop clinging to the past. No matter what kind of person you were originally, what I like is...the current Vector!" With that, Yuma strode forward, He hugged Vector tightly. The scene was very Shin Yoshida for a moment.

"...even memories and memories are all false?" In Yuma's arms, Vector's expression was no longer so ferocious, and even very gentle. He stretched out his hands and tried to hug Yuma, but he froze in mid-air. How could these hands stained with blood...

"Then, let's create it again! New memories and memories! I and my companions will be by your side!" Yuma's tone was extremely sincere. That wasn't a polite way of saying it, he meant it.

"..." Vector's hands slowly relaxed and he hugged Yuma gently. His expression was no longer ferocious, but could instead be called soft, even gentle.

"What a fool, you fell into my trap." Vector whispered in Yuma's ear, "You signed a contract with the devil, then you must fulfill it - the deadline is 100 million Year."

Where Vector couldn't see, Yuma's face showed a hint of confusion.

It’s so heavy, this feeling is so heavy!

And where Yuma couldn't see him, Vector had a ferocious smile on his face and raised two middle fingers at the astral body floating in the air, mocking him as much as possible.

"..." For a moment, the astral body wanted to merge with Yuma to form Dark ZEXAL, and then seize control of the body to kill Vector. But he ultimately failed to put this beautiful idea into practice. Because right behind him, among the smashed robot "corpses" that exploded all over the ground, a powerful energy burst out, and a bright purple beam of light shot straight into the sky!

"This, this is..."

The three of them looked at the huge light pillar that penetrated the ceiling of the ruins and shot straight into the sky. For some reason, they had an ominous premonition.

The same thing happens in other ruins. A shrine in the forest, a fighting arena at the bottom of a lake, castle ruins, deep mountains, underwater ruins... A total of six huge light pillars turned into cages, enveloping the entire human world - the earth!

In the Justice League space station, the Amyrlin who took off his mask stood in front of the huge glass window, staring at the beautiful earth.

"Has it begun? This is the last act for the times and the world. The devil finally takes the power of creation into his hands and reshapes and recreates the world that he is not satisfied with." The Amyrlin shook the hand of the throne. The scarlet liquid in the wine glass is crystal clear and will not float around under the constraints of the gravity system.

Amyrlin took a sip of the red wine in the glass, his eyes dark.

"Looking here, there are no international lines or human races. It's just the earth, it's just humans...that's all."

"This is the last nursery rhyme dedicated to human childhood."



"Ling Ya!"

Jindai Lingya suddenly opened his eyes and rolled sideways three times in a row behind the bunker. Then he cautiously stuck his head out and looked at his sister who was speechless: "It is a good habit for frontline personnel like me to always be vigilant. Oracle, what was the result of the duel just now?"

"I won. I actually cleared Nidhogg's LP. But..." Risu looked solemn and pointed behind him. There, a huge dark purple beam of light shot straight into the sky, giving people an extremely ominous feeling.

"Nidhogg seemed to be carrying some device. As his LP returned to zero, a dark purple beam of light penetrated the ground and shot straight into the sky. Nidhogg fell into the depths of the ruins and turned into Ned Hogg... Also, the water is starting to pour in. We need to evacuate quickly!"

The situation was urgent, so Li Xu spoke very quickly and explained the cause and effect to Ling Ya.

"——Let's go!" After hearing this, Ling Ya didn't hesitate, picked up Li Xu by the waist, and ran towards the submarine with amazing physical strength. Although their Balian power has been awakened and they are not afraid of the water pressure of the deep sea, their clothes and the equipment they carry are ruined.

While running wildly through the ruins, Ling Ya was thinking in his heart.

That bastard Nidhogg will not let anyone live in peace even if he dies. What on earth does he want to do?

Chapter 199 72 Look, the corpse is talking again

Just as six dark purple light pillars penetrated the six No. card ruins.

Pluto. Darkseid German Army forward base.

Under the intense overtime work of 007 in version 3.0 of the Broken Robot, this place has been successfully transformed from a green-skinned fat boy's delicious cafeteria to a stage for the final battle that barely meets the passing mark in Hoshimi Hitomi's heart: evil mixed with a hint of holiness. and the magnificent Dark Temple.

And in the center of the temple, a portal opened. Hoshimi Hitomi, whose clothes were covered with dust and looked a little embarrassed, walked out from the other side: "Bah, bah, bah, it's really overturned. Who can withstand being beaten to death by the Shuibai Phoenix Man? Sure enough, a dozen Is it still a bit forced?"

"It is natural that you will be at a disadvantage when playing 5 cards against 10 cards. Dear, your strength is unquestionable. Those two little brats are definitely not your opponents in a one-on-one fight." Ella appeared from the heart of Hoshimi Hitomi and gently protected him from behind, with two soft and hot things against his back.

"But I don't understand. If dear tries to obtain the source code, just merge the human world into the Barian world as the original plan of the thousand masters. At that time, I can easily control the source code by using the power of the Barian world ruler."

"At that time, no matter what you want to turn the world into, won't it be up to you, dear? Why go through so much trouble?"

Two small hands stroked Hoshimi Hitomi's chest, and Ella asked softly in her ear.

"Because the person who wants to change the world is not me." Hoshimi Hitomi said frankly. He really hopes that the world will become better, but it is not changed by him. He just guides talented people. The future of this world must be created by the humans of this world, Lingya and others, with their own hands.

"Besides, I have always been a person who has a beginning and an end. Since I have revealed the big lie of Black Manta... Batman, I must find ways to make it whole and put a perfect end to it. This is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the card man, not a superficial bad taste, no." Xing Jiantong's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile unique to superficial bad tastes.

Under the gazes of the elves, "Really? I don't believe it!", Xing Jiantong gently waved his hand, letting Ella return to the darkness, and strode onto the command platform: "How is the plan going? Are there any emergencies?"

Shanghai King said leisurely: "There is no problem, everything is..."

"Everything is in my Lord's plan." Alai took over the conversation and said incessantly, "Originally, the ruins that sealed the No. card were built at special energy points. These energy points are the center of the energy operation of the entire planet, and almost all the veins will flow through these six key nodes."

"And as long as a trace of No. card is injected into these six nodes, it can trigger resonance and accurately locate the source code hidden in the corner of this planet. The power of creation is already in the hands of the master!" As he said, Alai threw an extremely proud look at Shanghai King, making him tremble with anger. Hard, hard, hard fist!

"Well, there are still... three hours before the scan ends?" Xing Jiantong glanced at the screen. Six huge beams of light spread and converged in the sky, wrapping the entire planet like a cage. But this scary-looking scene is actually just scary, because the cage is just scanning the entire planet inch by inch.

Originally, this exhaustive method would not be successful. Because the source code itself is also flowing along the earth veins of the planet, wandering around the entire planet. Now that almost 90% of the No. cards have been collected, there is no problem in locating the power of creation through the resonance of the cards.

"Well, there is still a little time. It's just right to take advantage of this time to let the heroes understand the background of the world. 'The kind-hearted great sage who introduces the background of the world to the protagonist and then quickly takes the stage'-it's your turn to appear!" Hoshimi Tong pointed to a figure and said lightly.

Hearing this, the figure knelt on one knee and expressed the highest respect for his creator: "Yes, as you wish, my master."

The light of the portal flashed, and his figure disappeared on the spot, and he went to issue the main task to the heroes. Hoshimi looked around and found that there seemed to be nothing he needed to do for the time being, so he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest.

Three hours left, the world will change!


In the space station, in the Hall of Justice.

The battle for the cloak is still going on, but no one cares about it anymore. Everyone, whether they are earthlings, Barians or people from the Starlight World, gathered in front of the huge aviation glass, staring at the planet wrapped in a dark purple cage, with a solemn look on their faces.

"That bastard Nidhogg, even if he died, he still wanted to make such a big thing... What exactly does he want to do? What is going to happen?" He punched the aviation glass hard, causing ripples, and Ling Ya's face was full of ferocity.

"Ha, that's really thanks to someone who acted too quickly. We didn't even have the chance to torture the main messenger..." Vector said in a sarcastic tone as usual, but was slapped hard on the back by Yuma just halfway through.

"It's useless to say this now. So Mr. Yuzuo, do you know anything about those deep purple lights?"

Facing the hopeful eyes of everyone, Yuzuo shook his head, speechless: "How can I know what Nidhogg is thinking? I am indeed a scientist, but my field of expertise is the application and transformation of chaotic energy. This deep purple light column is neither chaotic energy nor the energy of the astral world. Instead, it has similarities with the energy contained in the No. card - I only know this much."

This is the truth. He only knows that all the recent changes are behind the scenes of Hoshimi Hitomi. He also knows that Hoshimi Hitomi's ultimate goal is to transform the world into what he likes. But what means Hoshimi Hitomi will use to change, what are the details of the plan, and what kind of script he has prepared for everyone, he doesn't know anything.

"...Oracle?" Lingya asked symbolically.

At the central computer, Risou's fingers flew, constantly tapping the keyboard. The main control computer of the Justice League Space Station is no less powerful than the supercomputer in the underground manta ray nest, so she can show her skills to her heart's content: "The analysis of the Slackbot 2.0 has been completed, and the data of the cards has been backed up and analyzed. Soon, we can use the Hero deck to Slack like the Slackbot."

"Great! No, it's bad!" Yuma cheered at first, but then realized the seriousness of the problem and put on a stern face, "Everyone uses the Hero to Slack, the bad times have arrived!"

"Yuma, do you want to use it?" Behind him, the astral body floating in the air asked lightly.

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