[Black Fantasy Magician] [Effect]

[Race: Magician] [Lv7] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 2100] [DEF: 2500]

Then, behind Hoshimi Hitomi, the illusory white-haired beast-eared boy waved his hand, and the strange bird flew into the air, shackled the duel disks of both parties. Although it is often forgotten, the lock of the bird is effective for both parties. And this will also lead to an extremely... extremely... dramatic ending.

"The continuous effect of [Black Fantasy Magician]. As long as this card exists in the monster zone, the card name is used as [Black Magician]. Therefore, at this moment, the effect of [Black Magic Array] is triggered!" Wang Yang stretched out his hand and pointed fiercely at the center of the duel ceremony stage.

"Go, [Black Fantasy Magician]! [Black Magic Array]! Exclude the field magic... [Source Network]!!!"

The dark mist quickly stared, and the magician's face turned into the image of a master. He jumped up and floated above the mysterious [Black Magic Array]. The dark mist on his body turned into pure dark energy, and he used his authority to control the array set up by the Supreme Black Magician.

Enhance, twist, purify, and finally... sublimate! Pure energy fluctuations bloomed, like a destructive corona storm, raging in the narrow stone chamber, blowing away everything around. The wielder of black magic could not hurt the source code with a full-strength attack, but it was enough to shatter the terrain that carried its power.

After the intense light dissipated, everything in the stone chamber was reflected as the red source power. The great power of creation, along with the vast and vicissitudes of life, had quietly dissipated.

However, it was limited to this stone chamber... Everything else, Egypt, Eurasia, the earth, the universe. The source network has been laid out, connecting Xingjiantong with the world.

"It's not over yet! It's not over yet!" Wang Yang clenched his right fist. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity and didn't make a final move when Hoshimi Hitomi only had one card left in her hand, he would have no chance of winning!

"【Magician of Black Fantasy】, the final effect! Cards with the same name can be used once per turn. This card can only be used once when this card is face-up on the field. When you activate the effect of a Magic or Trap Card, you can activate it by targeting a 【Magician of Black Fantasy】 in your graveyard. Special Summon that monster! Come on, Mahat!"

No matter how many times. As long as the Pharaoh he serves has the order, the priest of black magic will return from the corner of the world and lead the king again! In the graveyard, the master opened his eyes and jumped out of thin air. Space made way for him, and time could not stop him. The dark purple magician squatted again to guard in front of Wang Yang, and stood on the left and right with 【Magician of Black Fantasy】, like a servant.

"In this case, Atum has two powerful magician monsters in his monster zone and one continuous magic [Dark Magic Array] in the backfield. And Hoshimi's field is blank and he only has one card in his hand. In this case... maybe it will work!?" Jonouchi swallowed his mouthfuls of smear and stammered.

The intensity of this duel has far exceeded everyone's imagination. Jonouchi's pride, which had risen because of the three consecutive runner-up in the PC Cup, also quietly dissipated. Compared with this duel, the so-called PC Cup is so gentle that it seems like a house game between children!

"... No. Hoshimi's eyes..." Kaiba's pupils shrank slightly. After the game reversed the situation, he shifted his focus to Hoshimi, so he saw it very clearly: the expression on Hoshimi's face was very complicated. There was a sense of relief, peace of mind, and relief... but definitely, there was no bitterness and sadness in the face of defeat!

On the stage of the duel ceremony, Hoshimi Hitomi raised his head. He stared at Wang Yang opposite him, and his tone was very serious: "Yugi... Atum. You used to be my idol."

"When I was a child, I also fantasized about driving all kinds of powerful monsters, fighting with destined good opponents, and leaving my own legend in the world."

"... Isn't that a perfect realization?" Wang Yang raised his eyebrows. What does "when I was a child" mean? Hoshimi is about the same age as him. In his so-called "when he was a child", he... Aibo was just a little kid, right?

"Yes... That's why it's 'once'." Hoshimi Hitomi smiled, revealing a gentle smile that made people shudder. "Now you, for me, are an opponent that needs to be surpassed."

"Now neither of us has any hand traps, there is no counter on the field, and the graveyard is all open cards. At the very end, let me use this card... to send you back to the underworld."

Hoshimi Hitomi's face became serious, and she suddenly inserted the last card in her hand into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk.

"Activate the magic card - Obedience of the Voice of Heaven!"

"The name of the card I want to declare is -"

"The Creator of Light - Harakti!!!"


I would like to call it the best life in the world. It's just that Wang Yang is the one who made up for it again (annoyed)

Because of 50,000 recommendation votes, there will be two updates today. The next chapter will be at 6 o'clock.

Chapter 227 99 Toilet Cleaner

"Activate the magic card - Obedience of the Voice of Heaven!"

This card is the hand card left over from the last time. Although this card does not have a limit on the number of times the same name card can be activated, Hoshimi Hitomi thought that this card would not be used, so she kept it in her hand.

And now, this card will turn into the final, extremely dramatic sword, piercing the chest of Pharaoh King Atum!

In Hoshimi Hitomi's backcourt, a huge card was displayed facing everyone. On it, the old man with white hair and white beard, whom everyone is familiar with, is giving an oracle with a majestic look on his face. 2000 LP points are offered as a sacrifice to God. After that, the surface of Kathu emitted a hazy light.

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 5500→3500]

At this time, activating this card... Wang Yang was a little confused. Hoshimi Hitomi has activated this card once before, and he already knows its effect. But he couldn't imagine how to determine the winner in this round with this card in the opponent's hand.

"The name of the card I want to declare is——"

"The Creator God of Light - Harakti!!!" Hoshimi Hitomi made a loud declaration, calling the name of the Supreme Creator God in front of the gate of the underworld.

"The God of Creation of Light..." "Halakti..." The audience in the audience murmured this great name, showing a blank expression.

They can indeed feel the true divinity and mystery contained in this name, but... they have never heard of this card. After all, even if it does exist, will it be in Pharaoh's deck?

"...a name I have never heard of..." On the stage of the duel ceremony, Wang Xiang frowned tightly across from him. He didn't know what Hoshimi Hitomi was playing, but he knew the deck he had constructed and carefully adjusted.

Among them, there is absolutely no monster named [Creator of Light]. Unless Hoshimi Hitomi was like some bug-playing bastard and used some despicable means to stuff that card into his deck. And Hoshimi Hitomi——will never do that kind of thing.

"No, it exists." Xing Jiantong slowly shook his head. At this moment, the war and sharpness in his eyes had disappeared, returning to his daily indifference. After all...it's over.

"That is the god who coexists with your king's name: Atum, the great light that constructs the framework of the entire multiverse." Hitomi Hoshimi told the great myth that is so ancient that it surpasses the limits of human intelligence, "He is The rules themselves are great beings that transcend the definition of 'monster'. Now, show up, God of Creation!"

In the call of Hitomi Hoshimi, [The Obedience of Heaven's Voice] Katu bloomed with light that illuminated everything. It was light, pure light, the Big Bang that laid the foundation for the multiverse. But this light is not dazzling, nor does it have any aura of destruction, but a gentle and bright light like the warm spring sun.

From that light, huge and sublime, the female Creator God appeared. She looked down at Hoshimi Hitomi and Wang Xiang with loving eyes, and scolded her like a mother scolding her child for being naughty:


"Don't say that, I have wanted to do something like the Sky Sound to create light for a long time. It is second only to the Huangquan Tianlun to create light." Hoshimi Hitomi waved his hand, a little embarrassed, "I laid out a Source Number There are a lot of Internet...you don’t mind, right?”

"As long as you don't mess around." Harakti glared at him, but the look in his eyes was not fierce enough. Then, she turned her eyes to Wang Xiang, showing a gentle and apologetic expression: "Atum...because of my impromptu intention, your original fate has been greatly deflected."

Hearing this, Wang Xiangzhong came back to his senses in shock and awe. He hesitated for a while and couldn't help but ask: "Is it going in a good direction or a bad direction?"

She was obviously a very great being, but for some reason, he felt like she was like a gentle neighbor, able to chat with her in an equal tone. Therefore, he asked naturally. There was no respect from the inferior to the superior in his tone, but an attitude of being very familiar with each other.

"Good direction." Without the slightest hesitation, Halakti replied immediately. Under the intervention of high-ranking beings, the top duelists, including Atum, dueled monsters... and their understanding and application of cards have improved by leaps and bounds. Without the intervention of Hoshimi Hitomi, a being from a higher dimension, they don't know how many years it would have taken to reach their current level.

"...That's it." Wang Yang nodded slowly. In that case, there will be no problem.

"Then, the duel will continue." Halakti said slowly. She waved her hand, and a card containing her original power flew towards Wang Xiang, who easily caught it with his hand.

[Creator of Light Harakti]. Create the divine race and divine attributes. This card cannot be normally summoned. It can only be specially summoned by liberating 1 monster each with the original card names of [Sky Dragon of Osiris], [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] and [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] on your side of the field. The Special Summon of this card will not be negated. The player who specially summoned this card wins the duel.

Reading this card that exuded warmth, Wang Xiang couldn't help but fall into silence. In the name of [Creation God], the race is the unique [Creation God Race]. The extremely difficult summoning conditions that match the situation, and the one-hit effect that determines the outcome of the game by directly obtaining the rule victory after appearing on the stage...

It's a useless... viewing card. Wang Yang defined this card in his mind.

Is this the card Hitomi Hoshimi wants to get... Indeed, if it can be specially summoned, no matter what kind of adversity it is, it can still win the duel, which can be called the ultimate comeback.

And [Sound of Heaven's Obedience] is [Special Summoning Ignoring Summoning Conditions]. In other words, even the condition of Koso's [... can be special summoned] will be ignored by him, and he will be directly special summoned to Hoshimi Hitomi's monster area, allowing him to directly win the duel.

However, don't forget, [Sound of Heaven's Obedience]... this card has a fatal weakness. Because the choice of adding a card to the hand or special summoning is decided by the opponent player, that is, Wang Xiang.

Then, Wang Xiang showed a confident smile: "Is this your last 'move', Xingjian? Then you add this card to your hand——"


At this moment, a blood-red warning sign popped up on Wang Yang's duel plate, and a siren sounded, proving that he had performed illegal operations.

"Na...ni!?" Wang Xiang's pupils expanded slightly. Where did he... conduct illegal operations! ?

"Have you forgotten, Atum?" Hoshimi Tong slowly raised his head, with neither sadness nor happiness in his eyes, and a calm voice, "After you activated the quick-attack magic [Illusion Magic], I discarded the hand pit, [Joker and Lock" bird】."

"Because of its effect, both of us, this round..."

"You cannot add cards from your deck to your hand."

"Including - add cards from your deck to my hand."

Wang Xiang's eyes widened and he was stunned and speechless. Surprisingly...it could be like this...the obedience of Lock Bird and Tiansheng, the cooperation between these two cards...

"In other words, the only choice I can make is..." Wang Xiang looked at the card in his hand, his voice hoarse. This duel ceremony would actually come to an end in this way...

"You have no choice. You can only... create light, ignore the summoning conditions, and special summon my monster area." Hoshimi Hitomi said calmly.

"..." Wang Xiang stared at the card in his hand and fell into a long silence.

Not willing to give in? Bitter? Not convinced?

Yes, he was unwilling. He did not originally have this card named [Creator of Light] in his deck. Hoshimi Hitomi summoned the God of Creation for some inexplicable reason. The God of Creation was ignorant of good and evil and helped his evildoers. He forcibly inserted cards that did not exist into his deck, which directly caused him to have no choice at the moment. , the end of self-defeat.

Yes, he is bitter. He was defeated by Hitomi Hoshimi once again. Since the first draw after Hoshimi Hitomi Fanghai, the second time after he and Rafiru were pinned to the ground and beaten by the Shaddoll deck, it was the third defeat. But this time, he took the lead and successfully forced Hoshimi Hitomi into a desperate situation. But at the end, he overturned the table again with two cards. How can it not be bitter?

With a deep, deep sigh, Wang Yang shook out the card in his hand. The card that contained the original power of the God of Creation, just like the red and broken UR that he flew out before, swirled and fell into the hands of Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Special summon it... regardless of the summoning conditions, Xing Jian." A helpless bitter smile appeared on Wang Xiang's face, but inexplicably, his heart felt much more comfortable, as if the depression and regret in his chest were all sighing just now. It's like leaving together.

"I'm really... convinced by you."

Hoshimi Hitomi blinked and placed the [Creator of Light] in her hand in the monster area. The God of Creation, floating in mid-air, never uttering a word but looking at them with gentle eyes, opened his arms like a king as if embracing all things.

She is one of the great beings who created the multiverse, and the rules she has set cannot be broken by herself. Therefore, even though there was endless reluctance and intolerance in her heart, she could only follow the rules and guide Hoshimi Tong to victory. It's not because of the little bad taste in my heart, no.

There are no exaggerated movements, nor any violent release of momentum. The Creator God of Light just held his hands calmly. Within it shines a light older than the multiverse itself.

That light illuminates the darkness, illuminates the unknown road ahead, and guides her holder...to the other side of victory.

"Creation Light."

[Winner: Hoshimi Hitomi. 】

[Remember the side missions released two volumes ago? Although it is no longer needed,... let's use red maggots to bring smiles! 】

[Obtain: Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight×1]

The glow of creation gradually fades. In the center of the duel ceremony, Wang Xiang slowly closed his eyes.

Harakti does not disappear with the closing of the virtual image. She looked at Wang Xiang with soft eyes: "Atum, what you have gained so far. Friendship, will, and consciousness are definitely not false."

"They...they are your most important treasures."

'another me! ’

‘…Aibo, I’m fine. ’

Wang Xiang opened his eyes and looked towards the audience. I saw Hitomi Hoshimi greeting Jonouchi and Kaiba. Kaiba opened the duel disk with a furious and complicated expression on his face, as if he was ready to kill someone again. Jonouchi, on the other hand, once again showed off his signature facial expressions and gathered all the fun.

Hitomi Hoshimi, Kaiba, Jonouchi, Kyoko, Honda, Yoga...yes. He could not take any of his worldly possessions to the underworld. However, he gained an irreplaceable bond, and people all over the world are telling his legend - they are proud to be born in the same era as the Duel Kings.

Already...very enough.

At some point, Harakti's figure quietly disappeared. She had said everything she wanted to say and convey. The future... was all left to Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Then, the regret deep in the Pharaoh's heart has been eliminated... It's time to proceed with the final duel ceremony." Isis murmured to herself.

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