Then there is the matter of the Duel Academy. If we say that five years ago, the "Duel Kingdom" competition held by the International Illusion Society was the starting point, and the "Duel City" World Championship held by Kaiba Corporation was the turning point, pushing the world completely into the abyss of playing cards.

The emergence of the Duel Academy, a huge teaching institution led by Paradis Corporation and Kaiba Corporation, supported by leaders of many countries, and invested by major companies (large companies compared to other rotten fish and shrimp), is the last nail in the coffin of this world that has been completely ripped into playing cards.

Since the establishment of the Duel Academy, a large number of talents have been sent to the world every year. These talents are not just duelists who can play cards. As we all know, most people who are particularly good at playing cards in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh have some side jobs. Doctors, scientists, mathematicians, soldiers, superheroes... each of them is not simple.

The talents output by the Duel Academy are the same. With the duel disk, they can kill people with a black high-end dump truck. After taking off the duel disk, they picked up scalpels, pens, and guns without hesitation. They can be said to be excellent duelists in the new era.

It is precisely because of this that the difficulty of recruiting students at the Duel Academy is increasing every year, but the number of applicants is increasing every year, and the internal competition is very serious. This has also driven the development of the extracurricular duel education institution industry, giving other companies that were oppressed by Paradis Company a glimmer of life-but that Hoshimi Hitomi has nothing to do with it.

In short... Jiaodao did a good job, or even very good. The price is the hair follicles on his head-after five years of mental and physical exhaustion, he has completely become bald. I don't know if his strength has increased.

Well... After hearing that Hoshimi Hitomi was back, Jiaodao sent an email overnight, asking Hoshimi Hitomi to inspect the Duel Academy, saying that there was something important to report. Let's put this aside for now, there are more important things.

Turning on the computer, an electronic report appeared in front of Hoshimi Hitomi. It shows that in recent years, the number of supernatural events in various places, especially those with duel monsters as the main body, has increased significantly, and the rate of increase is still increasing. The research institute of Paradis Company can detect fluctuations and strong light and dark attribute energies at the scene of the incident.

"Light of Destruction and DARKNESS..." Biting his nails, Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed his eyes slightly. He remembered the Pyramid of Light five years ago and Mr. T who was like a delivery man. It seems that after confirming that he left the basic universe, they became active again.

Hmm... But when he came back a few days ago, he laid the source network in the universe, which caused a lot of noise. They should be confused now, right?

"Master, those Light of Destruction and Darkness are so easy to bully. They've exhausted me. Oh, oh, oh... Master, can you help me vent my anger and beat them up?" Weier sat on Xing Jiantong's legs, her big red and blue eyes were watery, and she pouted. To be honest, she was... pretentious.

"Tsk, why is the old woman acting so unhappy?" Xing Jiantong curled her lips, not buying it at all. This seemingly cute little ghost is actually an old lady who is older than the King of Shanghai, and she is 1000% a scumbag, a pure scumbag. "I will deal with them, but not now."

"In another world, the ZEXAL universe, I used fear and faith to eliminate national boundaries and races, and made the three worlds merge into one, becoming a community of shared destiny. In this world, I think repeating the same mistakes is a good choice."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Transform into Darkseid again... Well, it's no fun to play the same joke all the time. How about transforming into a purple potato spirit this time and collecting infinite gems?" Seeing that Xing Jiantong didn't fall for the beauty trick, Weier pursed her lips and kicked her calves boredly. Xing Jiantong did a good job in another universe, and she had heard him brag about it.

Xing Jiantong thought for a moment and shook his head slowly: "Well... Speaking of which, five years ago, the setting of the earthbound gods had been announced to the general public, right?"

Five years ago, he left this basic universe with the awareness of being crushed by the Great Evil God. Before leaving, he took away the hummingbird, one of the earthbound gods. In this way, even if the earthbound gods escaped from the trap a hundred years later, they would not be able to summon the King of the Underworld due to the absence of the hummingbird, and the threat would be greatly reduced.

In addition, he also revealed the existence of the earthbound gods to duelists all over the world through Nidhogg in the final battle of the PC Cup. I wonder how the response was, and whether it was taken seriously?

"Of course. Now the Nazca region in South America is very lively. The local government relies on the garrison fee to run for the well-off of all people." Weier put her little hand on Xing Jiantong's hand, and controlled the mouse to click on a file on the computer desktop. The soft and tender touch made Xing Jiantong narrow his eyes slightly, and silently recited the old aunt more than a dozen times in his heart.

An electronic report appeared in front of Xing Jiantong. After reading it quickly, Xing Jiantong nodded. In the Nazca region, the giant paintings have been contracted by governments or large enterprises, and each painting has an owner. Perhaps because Xing Jiantong did not explain it clearly before, they believe that each of the hundreds of giant paintings in Nazca corresponds to an earthbound god.

Various research institutions are stationed, and the military of various countries is stationed. The huge Nazca region is completely different from the scenery that Xing Jiantong visited five years ago. If you don't know, you might think that there are some Keter-level high-risk projects here.

"Paradis Company contracted the two giant paintings of 'Lizard' and 'Whale' in the name of Zombie Subsidiary. Kaiba Company contracted the giant painting of 'Giant' under our suggestion. Well... but it doesn't make any sense now. You who master the source code can easily create even the Earthbound God if you want." Weier leaned against Hoshimi Hitomi's body and said lightly.

"It is indeed possible if it is limited to the card, but the elves living in it cannot - after all, there is no bond, and there is no elf that belongs only to me on the card of the Earthbound God... well, except for the hummingbird, my hummingbird."

The dark purple hummingbird mark on the right forearm of Hoshimi Hitomi exudes a bright dark purple glow, penetrating the clothes, as if showing its owner's dissatisfaction.

"Yes, yes, I feel honored to have helped the Earthbound Super Priest... In short, although most of the efforts were in vain, some people did discover the existence of the Earthbound God and tried to use the God's huge power to make a profit. Well, they are doomed to fail."

"...I see. I wonder if the decision I made five years ago was a blessing or a curse?" Xing Jiantong looked at the information on the computer thoughtfully.

In the five years of getting along with the hummingbird, he roughly figured out the thinking circuit of the Earthbound God. They... They have a higher intelligence than humans, but I don't know if it's too strong or what, the thinking circuit is so simple and direct. If you like it, you grab it, if you hate it, you smash it, if you are hungry, you eat, if you are tired, you sleep, and you don't care about anything except yourself.

In short, it is an intelligent life without any social structure, not shaken by the outside world, and carries out its own will. If this creature does not have too much power, it will be crowned with the title of a "madman" at most and rejected by other creatures. But if they have the power of gods, then even if they just pass by, they will cause a catastrophe to other lives.

"Well... but without the energy crystals of the high concentration of divine blood of the specialty of O... O... Oreo sauce, it is nonsense for them to want to awaken the earthbound god now. But just in case, I'll send a few elves to keep an eye on them and report in time." Xing Jiantong said lightly. The shadows behind him rolled, and several shadow animals received the order and rushed towards the distant South America.

Oreo sauce? Who? Orihagang sauce? Weier was speechless for Xing Jiantong. At least remember his name! He obviously fulfilled you with his own life!

Putting the earthbound god aside in advance, Xing Jiantong asked again: "How is the development of the perpetual motion machine going?"

This is what he cares about most. If he doesn't burn human nature, the limited source power he can mobilize is not enough to support his time travel. If you want to meet Antinomi and Paradox to ask something, the assistance of the perpetual motion machine Moment and the wandering particles is indispensable. The dimensional transcendence system can only transcend the barriers between dimensions, but cannot cross the long river of time.

"Because you took the prototype away, the development is not very ideal. It is better to say that it has stagnated." Weier shrugged, showing a helpless expression, although it looked disdainful no matter how you looked at it, "But it can be regarded as progress. After analyzing the Lv10 synchro monster you left behind, [Flare Master Hyperion], we have mastered the technology to activate local wandering particles."

"In other words-the era of synchro summons has arrived a hundred years in advance. Through the new summoning method, we forced a wave of water machines and hand pits, cut a lot of leeks, and successfully made money-"

Just then, there was a loud bang. The door of the office was blown away by the huge force, smashed through the French window, and fell from the high building. About ten seconds later, a faint sound of landing came from downstairs. Well, there was no exclamation or screaming, it seems that no one was hit.

I saw a woman wearing a maid outfit, delicate and beautiful, but with a stiff face, who did not look like a living person, keeping the gesture of pushing the door, holding a birdcage-like device in her hand.

"Ning Alulu, you broke the door again." Weier said lightly, but there was not much anger in her tone, as if she was used to it.

"I am very sorry, Master, Lord Sandrion. There is an emergency in the card research and development department, and I notify you to go and make a decision." Ning Alulu's tone was cold, without any human emotion, just like a puppet.

No, it's not "like", but "just" a puppet. Ning Alulu is a golem made by the great sage Sandrion with crystals. Its status is similar to Alai's Merkaba and the magic beast of the King of the Sea. It is a proud work that can be shown off even to magicians at the level of three sages.

"... Got it, let's go." Xing Jiantong took Wei'er off his legs and stood up. He moved his body and felt a pain in his waist.

His body was transformed by the power of source numbers, and he still had a backache. It seems that the battle last night was really too intense.

Just then, a familiar voice sounded: "Xing Jiantong... Long time no see."

The voice came from the birdcage-like container in Ning Alulu's hand. The golem lifted the cloth covering it, and saw a half-flesh, half-mechanical bald head quietly floating in the transparent liquid, with a red light flashing in the right eye made of machinery.


Chapter 234 2 Chinese people use Chinese swords

"I was kept by your wife, the acting chairman of Paradis, for regular maintenance, and I was kept alive at the cost of being implanted with various abnormal and disgusting programs. Compared to a biological CPU, I am more like a toy at the mercy of others."

In the empty corridor, Daz was carried by the maid Ning Alulu, and his tone was indifferent. With a calm attitude that was almost indifferent, he recounted his experience in the past five years.

"That was really miserable." Xing Jiantong couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He could imagine what kind of hell these five years were for Daz.

He didn't have much resentment towards Daz, at most he was just angry and irritated with his ability to hide and survive. And that little bit of disgust also disappeared after using M500 to cut Daz's head. The real Daz's soul has been completely shattered and dissipated between heaven and earth. Why should he be so harsh on this CPU that inherited Daz's memory and personality fragments?

"Then I will let you be free, Daz. Your memory, knowledge, and thinking circuits can no longer bring me any help." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly. Although it was a pity to lose an excellent experimental platform, he was ready to discard Daz CPU.

However, instead of showing a look of relief, Daz unexpectedly said, "No. Just let me stay like this... that's all."

Facing Hoshimi Hitomi's puzzled eyes, Daz said lightly, "Just like you said. I am not the real Daz, but a CPU that inherited his memory, knowledge and way of thinking, just a fragment of consciousness left in the brain."

"Daz's soul has long been dissipated between heaven and earth, turning into fragments of the origin. And if I am stopped, I have no soul, no personality, I can't go to the underworld, I can't go anywhere, I can only sink and wander in eternal darkness and nothingness."

"I don't want that. I want to... live. Even if I live in this ridiculous and pathetic posture."

Daz's voice echoed in the narrow corridor, with a hint of human sincerity and pleading.

"...Fear of death?" Hoshimi Hitomi murmured to herself.

Although he is now the only candidate for the immortal god, when he was a human with a limited life, he also thought about the essence of life and feared the dark death. Therefore, it was not that he could not understand Daz's idea.

"Then, you live on. I will recover the interest of the resources consumed on you through various experiments." Hoshimi Hitomi agreed to Daz's plea and let him continue to live as a biological CPU and experimental platform. If you want to gain life, you must exchange it with something equally precious.

"That's good..." Daz closed his eyes and said lightly.

His body has been infused and transformed by the power of Orichalcum, and the activity of cells is far better than that of mortals. Even if his body has been reduced to ashes, his brain cells can remain active for a long time under the stimulation and maintenance of the machine, so long that maybe you can see Hoshimi Hitomi sitting on the golden toilet.

Perhaps in the distant future, Daz CPU will be tired of his long life. But——not now.

He still wants to continue living!

At this moment, Hoshimi Hitomi stopped. The maid Ning Alulu was not careful for a moment and her whole body hit his back.

There is no soft Xuan Ni who is alive to give benefits. This collision almost sent Xing Jiantong directly to the underworld to play another hand with Atum.

Maid Ning Alulu, body composition: magic crystal. Height: 1.65 meters, weight: 880kg.

"Okay, tell me, the most advanced scientific research team in this world. What moth have you finally found? Is it the T virus leaked or the alien invasion of Apocalypse?"

Wearing special glasses to reveal the personnel and facilities in the room, Xing Jiantong asked aloud. Of course, for him now, he doesn't need that kind of thing, and he doesn't even need to ask. He can know everything in the universe by using the power of the source network.

But that would be too boring. There is always a need for a little unknown and fun in life. Don't you see that the great existence that constitutes the foundation of the multiverse, Guang Chuang, has become a fun person, so you know that omniscience and omnipotence are sometimes a burden.

"Wow, that's a good question... No, my character shouldn't be like this!" Dr. Stoudemire, who had just returned from Arkham Asylum, waved his hand fiercely to suppress his crazy scientist personality.

Let me add here that Dr. Stoudemire's schizophrenia was the sequelae of facing the Earthbound Divine Hummingbird after being subjected to a super-powerful heart change by Hoshimi Hitomi. It's not all Hoshimi Hitomi's fault. A hummingbird who sleeps in the magic bell cave all day long carried half of it away.

"Anyway, confirm it with your own eyes." Dr. Stoudemire made way and exposed the instrument behind him to Hoshimi Hitomi's eyes. It was an instrument specially used for printing cards, and dense pipes extended from it, connecting to another sealed cabin like an exhibition cabinet. And the card printing machine looked very abnormal at first glance, with inexplicable energy flashing wildly, as if it would explode in the next second.

The top people in the card R\u0026D department often have brain cramps and come up with some troublesome things. Hoshimi Hitomi read the report and found that they connected the card printer to a nest of cockroaches a few months ago, and it seemed that they wanted to print a card that could [Ultimate G]. More like an interstellar greenskin than a scientist.

As a result, the green-skinned people's power of thinking is not always successful, let alone these Homo sapiens who are thousands of miles away from the green-skinned people. After passing through Waaagh, cockroaches crawled into the machine and caused a big explosion. The cutting-edge instruments and research were completely destroyed. The net loss was even enough to build an aircraft carrier from scratch.

And now, what new job did these people give him?

Hoshimi Hitomi looked at the scientific research team headed by Dr. Xiutain with his eyes wide open. After a while of pushing and shoving, in the end it was the senior man who took everything on his shoulders. Dr. Sutain gritted his teeth and yanked open the buttons of his white coat.

The inexplicable updraft blew the white coat like a cloak. The old doctor's hair stood on end, and his expression changed from the bookish air of an old scholar to the madness of a mad scientist. With a simple move, Dr. Schoutstein's temperament changed drastically, and he successfully transferred from a kind scientist to a mad scientist, who spends his days thinking about building a giant robot to conquer the world.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Imagination, imagination is so big - it explodes!!!" His hands like chicken claws scratched his scalp crazily, and Dr. Sutain showed his extremely high-spirited facial expressions. "To put it simply, we think Let the artist use his or her imagination, draw or think about the effect, and the ordinary printing card is not cool at all~!”

"So, we decided to do something super cool!"

Dr. Sutain waved his hand widely and pointed at the suture monster machine that was getting more and more berserk and seemed to be banging in the next second: "We have collected some cultural relics that have left records in human history and carried many thoughts. . We try to tell the stories of these cultural relics and print them into cards - these cultural relics carry a lot of thoughts, and there is a high probability that card elves will exist! If we can get their approval, the cards can carry their power!"

"Hmm... It's similar to the Jade Beast. There are elves first and then cards?" Under the concise and concise explanation of Dr. Sutainen, the mad scientist type, Hoshimi Hitomi easily understood the current situation. He ignored the machine that was about to explode and walked quickly to the sealing groove: "Which cultural relic is connected to the machine now?"

"One of the top ten famous swords in China: Chengying!"

While Dr. Sutain was speaking, Hoshimi Hitomi had already seen the simple and vicissitudes of weapon lying quietly in the sealed tank. Chengying Sword's whole body was trembling slightly at this moment, and the dazzling light blooming was exactly the same as that of the machine, flashing with spiritual light. It seemed as if something new was being born.

"Chengying..." Xing Jiantong frowned. The only Chinese-style cards he knew about were Flame Star, Twelve Beasts, Tianwei, and Zhanhua, with these four fields. The rest are some unsystematic single cards and scattered cards. But among them, he couldn't imagine any of the cards related to Chengying Sword.

Just as he frowned and thought, a scarlet light flashed, and a strong smell of blood filled the room. Hoshimi Hitomi looked back and saw the clown whose body was as red as fire and blood: Albert, the guide of Death Hell Township, was stroking his chest and saluting him.

In Hoshimi Hitomi's probing eyes, the clown who sneered at light and despised darkness chuckled lightly, penetrated the sealing groove with his right hand, and stretched out towards the Shadow Bearing Sword. The next second——

"So brave——!!!"

An angry shout resounded in the minds of everyone present. It's Chinese, and it's not the plastic Chinese that's unique to neon, but the standard Chinese that's well-spoken and can get a first-class certificate.

Pure white light erupted from the Shadow Sword, and the machine connected to it exploded after spitting out a large number of cards like a machine downtime. The fire and debris were sent to an unknown place by the deep purple mark released by Albert's wave.

The Chengying Sword, which was lying quietly, suddenly penetrated the sealing groove and floated in mid-air. The blade of the sword emitted a sword light that tore through the air, leaving sword marks on the walls made of alloy. The sword energy deliberately avoided Hoshimi Hitomi and the scientists, and only swept towards the crimson clown. Like raging waves and thunder, I will chase him to the ends of the earth.

And under this sword light that seemed to be able to penetrate even space, Albert did not dare to use his brand to resist. He tossed and turned awkwardly, like a fly avoiding raindrops in a heavy rain. Or to put it another way... thousands of players in the heavy rain?

"...Suddenly it turned into a fantasy novel." Hoshimi Hitomi muttered. But now is not the time to complain. Albert is his elf and must be saved.

He took out a card from the inside of his coat: "Pluto Barrier Wave!"

The azure gravitational waves turned into huge gravity and swept across the entire place, and the sword light in the sky immediately dissipated. The Chengying Sword floating in mid-air was under tremendous pressure, trembled slightly, fell suddenly, and penetrated deeply into the ground.

"You... don't seem to have lost your mind, why are you trying to stop me? Are you being deceived by the power of the brand and willing to be a lackey?" An energetic voice echoed in the room. I saw Chengying Sword's whole body bursting with light, revealing its true face.

The originally slender one-handed sword became larger, thicker, and more ferocious, turning into a two-handed giant sword the size of a door panel. A burly warrior wearing a luxurious battle armor, at least two and a half meters tall, with white beard and hair, holds Cheng Ying's sword hilt with one hand. There is no doubt that the door-panel-like sword is no more than a single sword in his hand. As light as a sword.

At this moment, the war general knelt on one knee under the suppression of Pluto's barrier wave. His green eyes stared at Hoshimi Tong through his armor, and there seemed to be thunder in his eyes.

"You are... um..." Hoshimi frowned slightly. He remembered the cards he had. The card that the knight lady transformed into after changing her equipment, the [Sword Master of the Demonic Eyes], and the fields brought by the effect of [White Saint Ecclesia].

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