"Monster card, [Smart Snake - Cong Yun Enluzhi]. I have to say, it's a meaningless operation, Overlord. You should be very clear about the effect of this guy." The smile on Yugi's face began to become more comfortable. .

"Humph, can it be resurrected from the graveyard and used as a shield monster... And that effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn..." Overlord King narrowed his eyes slightly and slapped the card in his hand on the monster area, "What if You think you can stop me, but you are totally wrong. Normally summon [Hegu II], Susheng Cemetery's [Deb], and search for [Sirius] in the deck."

As two more [Star Guardian] monsters gathered on the field, in the eyes of everyone who looked surprised, Overlord Hoshimi raised his right hand again - that is, this body is an android, otherwise it would have been too long to hold it up for so long. The joints are sore.

"[Hegu II] and [Deb] are stacked and super summoned! Come back again, [Knight of Purgatory Dolu] - Unit No. 2!"

The Shadowbound Knight, wrapped in flames, returns from the darkness again, leaving a mark of fire on the earth. The dark curtain shrouded the place, and the shadows of all the monsters were twisted ferociously, as if there were terrifying monsters inhabiting them.

"As long as [Toroku] exists in the monster area, all face-up monsters on the field will become dark attributes." Overlord Hoshimi explained, and then pointed at the [Heavenly Hell King] in the game monster area:

"Fight! [Duo Lu], attack [King of Heavenly Hell]!"

"Nani!?" In the eyes of the surprised people, the Knight of Purgatory, with an attack power of only 2,600, charged towards the mountain giant with a defense power of 3,000, like Don Quixote charging towards a windmill, tragic and comical. The huge mountain king just waved his hand and knocked the knight away. The strong shock wave also caused damage to Overlord Hoshimi.

[Overlord Star Meeting LP: 4000 → 3600]

"Doing such meaningless things..."

"How could it be meaningless - don't look down on me, Yugi." With a ferocious smile on his face, King Overlord snapped his fingers, "My round is not over yet! This is just a prelude to lightening. That’s all!”

With an astonishing look on his face, Overlord Hoshimi pulled out a card with dazzling light from the extra deck, and slapped it on the monster area of ​​the duel plate, on top of the [Winter Triangle], "This card You can also super summon it by overlaying it on a [Star Guardian] super monster on your field other than the card with the same name in your main phase 2."

"The ancient stars tell songs that transcend time, pass on the light of the stars to the future! Rank-Up-XYZ-Change!"

In the hands of Overlord Xingjian, golden light bloomed, filled with unknown vitality. In the sea of ​​stars, eighty-eight constellations shine, and the light of the stars illuminates the past, present, and future, turning into a ray of light that runs through the universe.

"Rank-5! [Star Hui Shi Star Saint Winter Diamond Dragon]!!!"

At the call of the Overlord King, the phantom dragon gathered the power of the stars and descended from the misty myth. Its wings stretch out and connect to the infinite and vast universe. The phantom dragon looked down at everything calmly, with a look of love, compassion, tolerance, and indifference. The boundless sea of ​​​​stars is right in front of you. Why don't intelligent life let the war stop and pursue the dream sleeping in the sea of ​​​​stars?

[Star Hui Shi Star Holy Winter Diamond Dragon] [Effect] [Excessive]

[Race: Phantom Dragon] [Rank-5] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2700] [DEF: 2000]

"Hmm, it prevents the stacking of graves and the recovery of cards from the graveyard, as well as the unlimited number of activations per turn, negating the activation of dark attribute monsters and destroying monsters..." I read the words of Winter Diamond Dragon word by word with the LV sight glass. As a result, Yugi's eyes narrowed slightly.

The seemingly limited counter that negates the effect of dark attribute monsters - with the help of [Doroku], it will become a hard counter that is effective against monsters of all attributes! How many times it can be activated depends only on the amount of super material of the magic dragon!

Although the magic dragon only has one super material left, but... the layout of the Overlord's Star Realm is not over yet! He took out the second card from the extra deck and slapped it directly above the monster area [Mud Sleep Monster]: "This card can also be used by you once during the turn when your own super monster battled. Super Summon by overlapping the Xyz monsters on the field."

"Come on - [Tian Ting Arceus]!"

Thousands of thunders roared, and the god-killing king who terminated all things and evaporated the stars came galloping in the thunder clouds and fell to the earth. Two super-materials surrounded the giant god like satellites. Purple thunder covered the starry sky, and that pure white body was the embodiment of despair.

"That's... a super monster of Rank-12..." Everyone looked up at the giant god with a hint of shock in their eyes, "So... so handsome..."

"Second speed...will it overturn the whole place!?" Yugi's pupils shrank into a small dot. As expected of...a monster named after the great god Zeus! Its effect is indeed comparable to, or even surpasses, the Card of God!

"Then, the effect of [Dora] is activated, remove one of your own super materials, and discard a card from your hand. Come on, [Star Shine Shisha Triangle]! The effect is activated, and you will remove one of your super materials, Activate by targeting one card on the field! Destroy that card! "

The Summer Triangle formed by Deneb, Vega and Altair flickered, and the golden Triple Star Warrior appeared. As soon as he descended, he swung the sharp blade in his hand, and used the triangular shock wave to blow the face-down Crimson Beast in Defense Position into pieces, sending it to the graveyard.

"End of turn. Sigh, draw your...last card, Yugi." Seeing that the fierce smile was put away, the expression on the face of the King of Kings was strangely calm. But it was indeed as he said, no matter what - this duel has entered the final stage.

"Before that, in the end phase, the effect of [Mechanical Snake] in the graveyard is activated! From the top of the deck, remove the face-down 8 cards, and special summon yourself in Defense Position! Come on, Yamata no Orochi!"

Eight mechanical snake heads devoured the eight young girls as a sacrifice, and the immortal snake appeared from the ground, crawling in Yugi's monster area. Although it is majestic, it is a bit stiff and rigid, because Yugi has only had it for a short time, and no elves have yet been living on it.

Seeing this, the King of the Overlord snorted coldly and did not comment. The Mechanical Snake is a dark attribute monster, but even if the only Xyz material of the Winter Diamond is pulled out to invalidate it, it will still jump out next round. Therefore, this effect can only be passed.

"...My turn." Yugi put his right hand on the top of the deck, his eyes firm. [Reckless Greed] has skipped his two card drawing phases. This round, he can draw cards!

With the resources he can currently mobilize, the Mechanical Snake, the King of the Heavenly Prison, and the Red Lotus Demon Beast cannot break through the defense of the King of the Overlord, and they will even be torn apart in the next round. Therefore, he has to bet all his hopes on this card drawing——

The warm feeling came from the back of his right hand, warm and full of strength for Yugi. His deck, Atum, was responding to him.

"——Draw a card!!!" Using all his strength, Yugi drew a card from the top of the deck. Turning the card over, Yugi's pupils shrank slightly, and the corners of his mouth... revealed a slightly bitter smile.

That's right... If you pursue stability, you can't pull out a weird card that happens to turn defeat into victory at a critical moment like before...

He waved his hand and pointed at the magnificent giant on the field of King Star: "Activate the effect of [Mechanical Snake]! Banish my last 3 extra face-down cards, and activate it by targeting 1 face-up monster on the field, and destroy that monster. Destroy Arceus!"

"Winter Diamond, activate the effect! Negate the effect of dark attribute monsters and destroy them!" King Star waved his hand, and the Star Saint Winter Diamond Dragon spit out endless breath containing starlight from its mouth, destroying [Mechanical Snake] and sending it to the graveyard.

Yugi remained calm and switched [Heavenly Prison King] in his monster zone from defense mode to attack mode: "Fight! Use Heavenly Prison King to attack Arceus..."

"Open the face card, [Phantom Mist Sword]! [Heavenly Prison King] has no effect and cannot attack. Is that the extent?" The King of Overlords sneered and calmly resolved all of Yugi's attacks.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Yugi's mouth curled up slightly. Then, I'll bet everything on the future——

"That's it, I'm going to end the turn. Come on, Overlord!" Yugi put down the duel disk, without any fear in his eyes, and stared at the Overlord who threatened to turn everything into light.

"Then it's as you wish. My turn, draw a card." King Kai looked at the cards in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's time to put a stop to everything-the effect of the Summer Triangle is activated, destroying the King of Heavenly Prison!"

"Then, all monsters, total attack!!!"

"Don't think it's so easy, the effect of [Mechanical Snake] in the graveyard is activated-"

"Return this sentence intact! C2, quick attack magic, [Designator of the Grave]! Exclude the mechanical snake, the effect is invalid!"

Yugi gritted his teeth, facing the deep purple thunder, the breath of starlight, and the sharp blade of the Summer Triangle, crossing his arms to block his chest.

"Game, Over!" In the high voice of King Kai, Yugi's LP returned to zero, announcing... the end of this duel that gambled the world.

[Yugi LP: 0]

[Winner: See you on King Kai]

Humanity... is going to be destroyed, right?


Far away on the other side of the ocean, New York, Paradis Company.

With a scornful smile on her face, Weier smashed the glass with a punch and pressed the red button inside.

"It's time to run away... The rest will be left to the protagonists of the next generation."

"Dimensional Transcendence System, start!"

In the frivolous tone of the loli, the curtain of the new era was opened.

China, Mogao Grottoes.

Egypt, Pyramid of Khufu.

England, British Museum.

Rome, Colosseum.

... At the convergence point of all the earth veins in the world, strong light shot straight into the sky.

This is a magnificent miracle, a huge magic on the scale of the planet driven by the earth veins flowing in the planet.

The entire planet, dimension - transcendence!


"What's wrong, what are you daydreaming about?" Kamiyo Ryoga glanced at his sister, a little confused, still chewing crepes.

Kamiyo Rio ignored him, just stared blankly at the sky, eyes full of shock.

So, Ryoga also raised his head to see what could make his sister so absent-minded? Could it be some stunningly handsome celebrity...

"...Fuck..." Kamishiro Ryoga opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself.

Beyond the sky is the Earth...

Another Earth!


Next chapter, the duel academy chapter breaks in!

Chapter 254 22 Exam Road, Tangtang serialization!

In the darkness of nothingness, countless Mr. T stood facing each other with expressionless faces.

"Triple Zero took the earth to other universes... What does he want?"

"In order to change the earth and mankind into his vanguard... to attack other universes?"

"I don't understand... I can't understand... Our tentacles are still lurking on the earth, but their power is too weak to resist Triple Zero."

"What should we do? Hidden, waiting for the opportunity..."

While all the Mr.Ts were debating, one Mr.T suddenly spoke and laughed without emotion: "Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

This laughter was like pressing the pause button, and all DARKNESS debates stopped at the same time. In the empty darkness, only Mr. T's laughter continued, filling his ears with a magical sound.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After a while, the laughter showed no tendency to stop, but became smoother and smoother. Therefore, the original Mr.T was also the template for all Mr.Ts. Mr.TNo.1 couldn't help but asked: "No. 114514, what are you laughing at?"

Mr.T No.114514 stopped laughing and said calmly: "I laughed at that triple zero color, Ella is timid."

"Just think about it, if Triple Zero is really powerful, why bother with us? He just beats us until we cry for father and mother, and we complain incessantly. Isn't it like letting him be his prey? Triple Zero must be weak-minded and afraid of us, so he only dares to steal It’s just up to the earth to fiddle with it.”

"...That makes sense." All Mr.T nodded. Indeed, if Triple Zero is really that powerful, why bother with it? Just hit the door, raise DARKNESS, and then slowly turn the universe into light, and that's it. The reason why he used such roundabout methods must be because he was afraid of DARKNESS.

"But, that is no longer important now. The earth is out of our reach, how do we take it back..."

"Can Triple Zero have an apostle? There's no reason why DARKNESS can't." The speaker was still No. 114514. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of sinisterness in his tone that no one noticed: "On the earth, there are countless people with hearts of darkness. We singled out a powerful one... and let him be our apostle, secretly Call upon the power of DARKNESS."

"When the time comes, we will... invade in one fell swoop, kill Triple Zero, and devour humans."

Seeing many Mr.T nodding, a blue magic circle flashed across No. 114514's pupils that were covered by sunglasses.

If you can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

Light of Destruction, DARKNESS, your death is near!

"Oh, wonderful, Mr. Tragoedia! Because of your stimulation, my inspiration keeps flowing desu! I can't wait to make a brand new card desu!"

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