"But, candidate No. 0, his strength must naturally be No. 0... Ling'er, can you overcome the trial in front of you?"

"...Ha." Chima Ling'er's mouth curled up slightly, "Interesting, then I will accept this challenge."

"That's it. If you can't face the challenge, you can't be considered a duelist. I'll end my turn like this." Professor Kronos nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes became more friendly when he looked at Chima Ling'er.

Good talent, strong strength, and good personality - which teacher doesn't like such a student?

Although Chima Ling'er has not actually passed the interview, Professor Kronos has already regarded him as his student.

"Then it's my turn, draw a card." After drawing the card according to the rules, Chima Ling'er did not take any further action, but looked at Professor Kronos.

As expected, the moment he drew the card, the opponent recalled it and issued an order: "【Mecha Colonel】, activate the effect of Nong None! During your turn or your opponent's turn, you can activate it by targeting 1 Machine-Type monster on your field. Destroy that Machine-Type monster and all monsters on the opponent's field with an attack power lower than that! I target 【Mecha Colonel】 and activate this effect!"

"【Mecha Colonel】's attack power is 3000. In other words, classmate Ling'er, all monsters on your field with an attack power lower than 3000 must destroy Nong None!"

"..." Chiba Ling'er pushed his glasses silently. This level of explosion was already within his expectations.

In Professor Kronos's monster zone, 【Mecha Colonel】 burst into a dazzling and destructive light and exploded. The powerful impact swept the entire field, drowning Chiba Ling'er's demon army. When the smoke cleared, the treacherous black mecha, the dragon-slaying Cursed Blood King, and the majestic Flower King had all vanished.

However, the bad news was not over yet. Chima Ling'er looked at the [Contract of Hell's Gate] in his backcourt again. That withered yellow paper glowed with a deep purple light. It's time to pay the price to maintain the contract!

"[Contract of Hell's Gate], I must issue it during my preparation phase. I will take 1,000 points of damage." Chima Ling'er said indifferently, letting the deep purple light shine on him. If it's just to maintain a contract, it's not a big deal.

[Chima Ling'er LP: 6800→5800]

After all this was over, he looked down at his only hand card, pondered for a moment, and seemed to be calculating something.

At this time, his monster area was blank. The field area was [Contract of Free Privileges], and the backcourt was the pendulum [Thomas] and the continuous magic [Contract of Hell's Gate]. In this situation, if you want to kill the opponent with full health...

It's not difficult at all!

"...The winner is decided." Chiba Ling'er pushed his glasses, and the white light covered his eyes, not exposing them to everyone. "[Contract of Hell's Gate], effect activated. Add [DD Magic Sage Kepler] from the deck to your hand, and then Normal Summon."

The Devil Sage, who looks like a telescope, appears again, and his convex lens-like head keeps turning, locking onto the dazzling star in the sky. A card pops out from the deck storage board, and Chiba Ling'er displays it. On it, the Demon King of the Swamp keeps squirming behind the square stone slab, and the stability and stickiness are intertwined, which makes people disgusted.

"The effect of [Kepler] adds [Demon King's Contract] from the deck to the hand and activates it. The effect of [Demon King's Contract] can only be activated during your main phase. Send the Fusion Material determined by the Demon Fusion Monster from your hand or field to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon that monster from the Extra Deck. When you Fusion Summon a [DD] Fusion Monster, you can also exclude monsters in your Graveyard as Fusion Materials."

The scarf behind Akaba Rei'er flutters, and the Demon King of the twisted swamp crawls, reaching into the graveyard, allowing the demonic power sleeping in the underworld to merge into one, and calling for new power again.

"After the fusion that does not require [Fusion], is it a Graveyard Fusion..." Judai's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and his eyes were burning as he looked at Akaba Rei in the center of the duel stage, "So powerful... I really want to duel with him!"

You Wuji curled his lips. I don't know if being targeted by him is a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, I'll ban [Fusion Fate] in two days. At that time, only I who master the fusion of the brand can give up!

Albus, you are getting cocky!

"Except the [Abyss King] and [Cerberus] in the cemetery, fuse them!" Chima Ling'er's face was slightly ferocious, and his fingers were like sharp swords, stabbing at his monster area, "The wise king who returned from the underworld, the foreign dog guarding hell, merge into one in the vortex of the underworld, and give birth to a new king! Fusion summon!"

"Rebirth, [Fire King Temujin], number two!"

Under the influence of the power of the Demon King in the swamp, the twinkling and three-headed dog sleeping in the cemetery went to another dimension. And their remaining power merged into one, allowing the king of iron hoofs wrapped in fire to wake up again. The Fire King, return to the battlefield!

"Huh... [Fire King], [Fire King]... Really, it seems that it is indeed the end." Professor Kronos couldn't help but nod, with a look of relief on his face. Akagi Reiji, the [DDD] deck, really lives up to the name of "No. 0", its strength... is enough to challenge the graduates!

"The pendulum effect of [DD Magic Sage Thomas] is activated, and the face-up [DD Gryphon] in the extra deck is added to my hand. Since there is a [DD] monster on my field, [Gryphon] can be taken from my hand. Card special summons.”

The [Gryphon] came tearing through the fierce wind, and the [Fire King]'s giant sword split the earth. In the roaring fire, the world was ignited again with great anger. [Fire King] The light wheel behind him rose high, and the blazing heat melted the earth, lifting the coffin.

"Because the [DD] monster is specially summoned, the effect of [Fire King] is activated, and the [Fire King] in the cemetery is specially summoned." Akama Reiji pushed up his glasses and raised his right hand, "Thousands of thunders roared - from another dimension again Come on! Alien hyperconversion!”

"Stack it on [Fire King] and super summon: [Pardon King, Death Machine God]!"

In the sky, dark clouds were gathering again. The demon king of another dimension, who commands all gods and kings, sits on the throne and strikes again. Then, [Fire King] wielded his giant sword and split the earth. The dragon-slaying warrior king also returned from the underworld, wielding the magic sword Barumk, and fought another bloody battle for the Lord he served.

"The effect of [Fire King] will specially summon the [Blood Curse King] in the cemetery. With this, it is over." Even if the demon army was reorganized with a single move, Chima Ling'er's tone was still indifferent, as if this It's not like it's some incredible feat.

The King of Fire, the King of Cursed Blood, the King of Pardon, and the Griffin were all lined up.


The field attack has exceeded the duelist's initial maximum LP.

"Sigh... It took a lot of effort to clear the place, but all of them were resurrected at once... This is too much..." the little Marufuji Xiang couldn't help but said.

"This is...the charm of Duel Monsters." Judai Tai didn't know how to fight, and his tone was indifferent. He is indeed quite familiar with him, but thanks to Hubert, he is not that familiar. Compared to Marufuji Sho, he felt that he could chat better with Misawa, Yu Wuji, and the Akama Reiji who was dueling.

"Fighting. Come on, my monsters - let me ask, are there any Chestnut Balls, Gus or War Destroyers?"

"That kind of thing does not belong in the construction bag..." With a chuckle, Professor Kronos opened his arms and allowed the demon army to empty his LP. He looked up at the light above his head, looking pleased.

He vaguely saw...the sun rising slowly. That was the light of hope that succeeded the first Duel Kings and expelled the King of Overlords!

[Professor Kronos LP: 8000→0]

[Winner: Chima Ling'er]

"It was a good duel, Reiji-san. You were so good that if it weren't for the exam, I would even want to shake hands with you." Professor Kronos nodded slightly towards Akama Reiji, with a serious expression on his face, but there was joy in his eyes. But it cannot be hidden.

"Although there will be another 'interview' later, let me say this... I will wait for you at Duel Academy."

Hearing this, Chima Ling'er silently pushed up his glasses, turned around and walked towards the audience. His mature and rational voice sounded:

"It won't be long."

Under the duel stage, Misawa, Judai and You Wuji have been waiting for a long time. Sho Marufuji seemed to be afraid of Reiji's strength and aura, he didn't dare to step forward and just watched from a distance.

"What a beautiful duel, Reiji. Let me congratulate you in advance for entering Duel Academy." Misawa said with a smile. Mastering 5 summoning methods, he is so strong that he can defeat the examiner even after using 2 hand pits and [Pluto Barrier Wave]. Even if it is as harsh as the Duel Academy, it is impossible to turn away such a talent.

"Then I will accept your congratulations, Misawa. I also wish you a gold medal." Akama Reiji nodded slightly.

Judai Yucheng looked familiar and patted him on the shoulder, with burning fire burning in his eyes: "You are very strong, Ling'er. If I hadn't had to take the exam, I really want to be with you right now. You have a duel. Which one is stronger, your [DDD] or my [Hero]..."

"Huh? The exam is already over." Misawa glanced at Judai, a little surprised.

Judai was suddenly startled: "...Huh? Isn't this just No. 0..."

"The order of the exam is from high to low. I, No. 0, am the last candidate." Pushing up his glasses, Chima Ling'er's eyes were obscured by reflections, making it difficult to see clearly.


There was an awkward silence.

"Yoshi!" Judai suddenly hit the palm of his hand with a hammer and ran towards the duel stage. "That Professor of the Kettle of Desire over there, duel with me! If I win, let me win with a high score. attend job interview!"

"Strong, the pot of lust!?" Judai's yelling successfully reached the ears of Professor Kronos, causing countless "wells" to pop up in his head, "The poor student who missed the exam is really Dare you say it, Nang None! Duel Academy doesn’t need you idiots Nang None who can even mess up the time!”

He was somewhat conscious of his lack of honor, but... at least he called it a "pot of lust and greed" or "a pot of lust and gold"! Cards like "Pot of Desire" that were banned seven or eight years ago are mocking his face to the point that they deserve to be included in the banned card list! ?

"...Yes, there is also this move..." You Wuji smiled, waved to Chima Ling'er, and followed Judai Yuya as he walked gracefully toward the suspended duel platform: "My name It’s You Wuji. See you at Duel Academy, Ling’er~”

His voice was frivolous and confident. He was ranked last in the written test and missed the practical test because he was late. But he was so confident, as if his admission to the Duel Academy was a foregone conclusion.

"Hey, ugly guy over there. Duel with me too. Fusion, Synchro, X-Force, Pendulum, Link. I know all five summoning methods~"

"Ugly, ugly guy..." Professor Kronos was so angry that his face turned red, like a "Vase of Greed".

"Grunnunnu, you little brat who speaks without restraint... Since you want to experience the cruelty of the Duel Academy so much, then let it be as you wish! Let me, Professor Kronos de Medici, teach you what a real duel is!"

Professor Kronos, who was very angry, clicked a few times on the duel disk and released the exam mode. He also pulled out the examiner's deck, and replaced it with a neat stack of cards in his own card box: "Let me use my own deck to 'educate' you Nangnones!"

"Hey, is this true? Professor Kronos is going to use his own deck?" Tenjouin Fubuki showed a look of watching a good show, with his elbows on the railing and his chin supported by his right hand, "This is really... a bad influence on newbies, immeasurable. Hey Liang, how many rounds do you think those two candidates can last?"

"...Who knows." Marufuji Liang replied lightly, retracting his gaze from Akaba Reiji and looking at the duel stage. Originally, he came here to watch the exam just to accompany Fubuki, but he didn't expect to get Akaba Reiji. Then, let him see if the two newcomers who dared to challenge the professor have anything worthy of praise.

Thinking of this, Marufuji Liang couldn't help but feel a little expectation in his heart.

Sitting back in the audience, Akaba Linger pushed his glasses and looked at Yuki Judai with a serious look.

Judai... the protagonist of the new generation. Let me see if you have grown to a level that satisfies me. If not... I'm afraid you will have to suffer a lot of extra pain.

Chapter 260 28 As we all know, heroes are connected decks

"DUEL!" "DUEL Nongnone!"

[Judai LP: 8000, ROLL points: 6]

[Professor Kronos LP: 8000, ROLL points: 3]

'Your luck is still as good as ever, Judai.' Yubel's shadow appeared behind the jellyfish-headed boy and looked at Judai's hand card, 'You don't want to lose this duel, do you? Do you want me to help you peek at the hand of the Greedy Pot? Anyway, he can't see my existence. ’

Judai scratched his cheek and shook his head to refuse: "No need, I will win by my own strength. If I lose, it just proves that I am too weak, that's all. And... although Professor Greedy Pot can't see you, there are duelists in this examination room who can see elves."

Hearing this, Yu Beier turned around and saw You Wuji, who seemed to be smiling, and Chi Ma Ling'er, who had a stern face. The eyes of the two were vaguely drifting towards her.

"... Tsk. Then you should do your best, don't lose." Yu Beier snorted and turned into a ball of deep purple mist, pouring into Judai's body.

Judai's pupils changed from brown to dazzling gold for a moment, and then returned to their original state: "Who do you think I am?" Seeing Judai staring at the hand card and muttering without doing anything, Professor Kronos couldn't help but urge impatiently: "Poor student, what are you doing? Play the card quickly! Is your hand stuck!?" "My trusted partners will not let me get stuck. In addition, professor, I have a name given by my parents, 'Yucheng Judai', I hope you can remember it well. This is the name of the second candidate who defeated you today." Judai's mouth curled up slightly and picked out a hand card. "If you want others to remember your name, remember other people's names first, don't call others by rude nicknames, how about it? Come, read with me, 'Professor Kronos'!" The Pot of Greed couldn't help but say. "I know, I know, Professor Coxas. Main Phase 1, I activate the magic card: [Hero Arrives]." Ignoring Professor Kronos's angry face, Judai smiled and inserted the hand card into the Magic Trap Zone, "If there are no face-up monsters on the field, pay half of your LP to activate. Special summon 1 Lv4 or lower [Elemental Hero] monster from the deck. Is there a chain, professor?"

[Judai LP: 8000→4000]

"[Hero] deck? Or is it a plug-in..." Professor Kronos, who barely regained his composure, looked at his hand cards and showed one of them with a grim face, "Discard [Gray Flowing Beauty], the effect is invalid!"

The aunt with a forehead in a kimono punched through the card image of [Hero Arrives], and her middle finger almost raised to Judai's face: The hero has been killed by me!

...Gray Flowing Beauty, you are so vicious!

"Well, at the beginning, you sell half of your health and send 1 Gray Flowing Beauty card in the opponent's hand to the graveyard. Therefore, that card is also called [Gray Flowing Beauty] arrival..." Tenjouin Fubuki smiled, "If it were an ordinary candidate, their mentality would collapse directly."

"But, the one called Yuki Judai... doesn't seem to be affected at all." Marufuji Ryo said lightly. He could see that the smile on Judai's face did not change at all from beginning to end.

"Gray Flowing Beauty has a limit of one card with the same name per turn. But Professor Cassis, if you gray out Hero Arrival, you can't gray out this card." Shi Shiran slapped a card in his hand on the monster zone, and Judai's tone was a little high-spirited, "Normal Summon - Come on, [Elemental Hero Skyman]!"

The crisp air blew away the dust, and the blue hero who guarded the sky fell from the sky. A standard American superhero landed and smashed into Judai's monster zone. Hero Skyman, in order to protect justice, I will continue to fight! Until the end of the card list!

"Is it [Skyman]... What good luck." Professor Kronos snorted from his nose, "When the Summon or Special Summon is successful, you can add 1 [Hero] monster from the deck to the hand card."

"That's it, professor. I will add the deck-"

"But don't even think about it! Activate the Trap Card, [Infinite Bubble]! The effect of [Skyman] is invalidated!"

Judai's body suddenly stiffened.

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