Hitomi Hoshimura picked a card from her hand and tapped the back of the card with her fingers a few times: "I thought I would never have the chance to use it, but since the time is right, let me summon you."

"Yugi, this is the card you gave me at the beginning."

"Use Guardian Slime as a sacrifice to summon the Black Magician Girl."

Amidst the flashing pink light, a red-haired girl in a blue and pink robe appeared. The perfect combination of astringency and cuteness, she is the popular girl card Black Magician Girl.

At this moment, the young magician was a little confused. She wanted to glare at Wang Yang who gave herself to others, and also wanted to glare at Hitomi Hoshimura who performed the Minotaur in front of her. But the rules bound her and forced her to fight for Hitomi Hoshimura.

So the Black Magician Girl had to lower her head and stand in front of Hitomi Hoshimura, ready to pretend and slack off.

[Black Magician Girl]

[Race: Magician] [Lv6] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 2000] [DEF: 1700]

"Black Magician Girl will inherit the power of the Black Magician in both graveyards, and her attack power will increase by 300 points - but this level will not be enough to defeat the Black Magician Swordsman." Wang Yang knew what effects his own cards had. And Black Magician Girl didn't have any hidden effects to call the Sun God.

"Don't worry, Yugi, activate the effect of Guardian Slime. When this card is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard, you can add 1 magic or trap with the card name of [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] to your hand."

Wang Yang's pupils suddenly contracted: "Exclusive synergy card for God's card!?"

Malik in the audience widened his eyes in surprise. As the leader of Gurus, he collected countless Leah cards, but he had never heard of the Guardian Slime, let alone the magic traps related to the Winged Dragon.

"Even God Cards need the cooperation of magic traps... Is this the world's choice? Is it to deal with possible crises in the future, or is the future duel environment so bad that even God Cards can't fight alone?"

"I want to add the magic card, Ancient Mantra, to my hand." The guardian slime that entered the cemetery stretched out a hand and turned into mucus, sticking a card from Hoshimi Hitomi's deck into Hoshimi Hitomi's hand. Hoshimi Hitomi showed it, and it was the magic card Ancient Mantra.

"However, the Black Magician Swordsman has the effect of discarding 1 hand card and invalidating magic cards. You should be very clear about this, Hoshimi." He took a look at the two cards drawn, both of which were cards that Wang Yang didn't want to discard. But there was no way, he had to make a choice.

"From your expression, it seems that you are worried about which hand card to discard." Hoshimi Hitomi raised her eyebrows and stuffed a magic card into the magic trap area.

"But you won't have to worry about this problem soon. This is the card I drew this turn, and I'll use it to put an end to this battle of gods."

"Activate magic card, Super Fusion!"

"I discard 1 card from my hand as the cost to activate it, and use the monsters on both sides of our fields as fusion materials to fusion summon. Wait, don't think about using the effect of the Black Magic Swordsman. You can't activate magic, traps, and monster effects in response to super fusion." Hoshimi Hitomi smiled faintly.

"You actually use the monsters on both sides' fields as fusion materials!" Everyone was shocked. Wang Yang had the Black Magic Swordsman, the King of Beasts, and a derivative on the field, while Hoshimi Hitomi only had the Black Magic Girl on the field. What kind of monster was she going to fuse?

A black hole opened in the center of the duel field, and the majestic energy was churning in it, generating a huge suction force. Some people with extraordinary powers were shocked to see the black hole. The power contained in it... was immeasurable, extremely unstable, and very dangerous.

"The fusion material is 2 dark attribute monsters on the field other than the derivatives. Use the Black Magician Girl and the Super Magic Swordsman - Black Magician Swordsman as the materials for the Fusion Summon!" Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, and violent energy swept the field. Even though the Black Magician Girl and the Black Magician Swordsman tried their best to resist, they were sucked into the vortex without any resistance.

The super fusion black hole that absorbed the fusion material seemed to have found a fragile balance point, gradually becoming stable and no longer so violent. The dark attribute energy surged and opened up a specific space.

"The Black Magician Girl is cute, and the Super Magic Swordsman is handsome, so the fusion must be a handsome girl or a cute boy, right?" Jonouchi said, earning everyone's roll of eyes.

"Fusion Summon, Hungry Fangs will devour all enemies, Fierce Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon!"

The ferocious aura enveloped the tower, and the ferocious dark purple dragon emerged from the vortex. The evil aura, sharp claws, a huge mouth dripping with saliva, and a dragon eye full of malice, that monster is exactly——the natural enemy of all life!

[Venom Fusion Dragon]

[Race: Dragon] [Lv8] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 2800] [DEF: 2000]

After Venom appeared, it neither roared nor moved, but just stood quietly behind Hoshimi Hitomi, staring at Wang Yang with dark green pupils, and saliva kept dripping from the dragon's mouth.

"It's neither cute nor handsome! It's better to say that it's a monster that ran out of a B-level movie!" Jonouchi complained.

"Venom Fusion Dragon is a fusion monster. It can't attack during the turn of fusion summon..." "I remember this fucking rule very clearly, Yugi." Hoshimi Hitomi selected a card from her hand and tapped the back of the card lightly with her finger.

"The Black Magician Swordsman has left the field. Guess what I'm going to do next, Yugi?"

"Gu..." Wang Yang's face changed slightly. The card retrieved by the Guardian Slime, Ancient Spell, was a magic card.

"Ancient Spell, activate!" As Hoshimi Hitomi moved, gorgeous and complicated golden words appeared in the air. Countless whispers and chants echoed on the field. These pious prayers awakened the Sun God.

"The effect of the Ancient Spell, add 1 Winged Dragon of the Sun God from the deck to the hand card." Hoshimi Hitomi popped out the card from the deck to show that it was the God Card shining with an unknown light - Winged Dragon of the Sun God.

"But, Hoshimi, you have already used the Normal Summon, and there is no sacrifice required to summon the God on the field..."

"Who uses the Superior Summon these days, and even if they do, they only use their own monsters as sacrifices." Hoshimi Hitomi complained, and then activated another card.

"Activate the continuous magic, the revelation of a thousand years. Send the Pteranodon from your hand to the graveyard, retrieve 1 dead resurrection card from your deck and add it to your hand."

An ancient stone tablet appeared on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, with the image of the god Ra painted on it, the ankh representing the resurrection, and incomprehensible ancient Egyptian cuneiform.

"The god Ra patrols the earth during the day, sinks into the underworld at night to fight the giant snake Apophis, and returns from the underworld during the day. This is the reincarnation in Egyptian mythology. And this myth is exactly what hints at the power of the Pteranodon!"

"Oh no, the Pteranodon is about to be resurrected!" Jonouchi's face changed drastically.

"To be able to exert the power of the God Card to this extent... Hoshimi Hitomi, as a duelist, I am far inferior to you." Malik sighed, his expression a little gloomy.

Hippo did not speak, but just held his arms in front of his chest with extra strength, and his eyes also exuded a fascinating brilliance.

On the duel field, Hoshimi Hitomi added the dead resurrection from the deck to her hand, with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

"It looks like this round will decide the winner, Yugi."

"That may... maybe." Yugi smiled, and his left hand could not help but clench the card. His palms were already wet with cold sweat, and he was hit by both tension and fear.

'It's all up to you, buddy! ' He looked at the cards and thought silently.

Xing Jiantong looked at the cards in his hand and was silent for a while.

How did things develop to this point?

His original plan should not be to play casually, pretend to get stuck or make mistakes, and send the God Card away to be done? Why are you calling for killing Wang Xiang now?

Why did he suddenly have a brain twitch and get carried away? Things have come to this point, can I say that I accidentally shook my hand?

Xing Jiantong's mouth curled up slightly. That's too unromantic.

"This is my last attack, Yugi. Show me next! Activate the magic card, the dead resurrect! Return from the underworld, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

At that moment, two suns appeared in the sky. One is high above, spreading the light of life. The other is within reach, emitting destructive fluctuations.

[Winged Dragon of the Sun God - Sphere]

[Race: Abyss] [Lv10] [Attribute: God]

[ATK:?] [DEF:?]

"That is... the last God card, Winged Dragon of the Sun God..." Jonouchi opened his mouth in surprise, looking at the golden sphere emitting an astonishingly high temperature, "... a ball?"

"To control the strongest god, you must possess a thousand-year artifact or recite the ancient priest language. Hoshimi Hitomi, do you meet these two conditions?" Malik muttered to himself as he looked at the Winged God Egg on the field.

"Humph." Kaiba snorted coldly. He has never been interested in these mysterious things. In his opinion, it is nothing more than paying the cost to activate the effect of Winged Dragon.

"La..." Wang Yang looked at the scorching sun, his head ached, and some inexplicable memories came out, which seemed to be the ancient Egyptian priest text. His intuition told him that as long as he recited these words, the Pterosaur would respond to him.

Xing Jiantong looked at the Pterosaur egg on his field and was worried. It was summoned, so what should he do next? Or pretend to recite a spell?

Suddenly, Xing Jiantong felt that something in his pocket seemed to be heating up. He took it out and saw that it was a card that was emitting high temperature.

On the card, the purple and golden-armored Dragon King nodded slightly to him. The black background of the card means that it is not a card of this era.

Holy Carved Dragon King—Atum Dragon King! How did you run out by yourself? Where is your squid mother?

Xing Jiantong was in a daze, and Atum Dragon King suddenly turned into a white light and flew into the Pterosaur egg on the field. Then, as if the driver boarded the mecha, the egg began to super-transform into a golden, elegant and luxurious Pterosaur. The transformation from egg to dragon was completed.

[Winged Dragon of the Sun God]

[Race: Mythical Beast][Lv10][Attribute: God]

[ATK: 0][DEF: 0]

"This is... this is the Winged Dragon!" Wang Yang shook his head and threw away the chaotic thoughts in his mind. There is no time to think about those things now!

"But Xingjian, your God Card will be destroyed! I just linked your Resurrection of the Dead, and I also activated the last cover card I covered!" Wang Yang pointed with his hand, and everyone noticed that the card had been activated. Just now, everyone's attention was attracted by the Winged Dragon and they didn't notice it.

"This card is——The Cry of the Living Dead!"

"I see, is there still this trick?" Kaiba put down his arms and showed a solemn expression.

"God Cards are not affected by the effects of Trap Cards, but that is the God after he appears on the field. The Gods in the hand and the graveyard are just the most common Duel Monsters."

"Boom boom boom boom!" "Roar——————!!!"

In the roaring thunder, the red Lord of the Underworld roared loudly. The second mouth above accumulated a huge amount of energy, which turned into thunder and fiercely hit the Winged Dragon on the field of Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Because of the chain reverse processing, my Osiris appeared first! So, Sun God, take this Thunder Summoning Bullet and return to the underworld!" Wang Yang roared and launched a counterattack against the Sun God.

The thunder bombarded the Sun God without any hindrance, and the dazzling thunder covered everything.

"Did it succeed? The attack power of the Sun God is 0, and it will definitely be destroyed by the Thunder Summoning Bullet!" Everyone stared at the center of the thunder.

Malik shook his head slowly. Unfortunately, he had already done various simulation experiments when he once held the God Card. Osiris's Thunderbolt against the Winged Dragon resurrected from the graveyard...

"Excellent counterattack, Yugi. But unfortunately..." Hoshimi's voice rang out. The lightning dissipated, revealing the undamaged brilliant metal body of the Winged Dragon.


"Osiris's Thunderbolt destroys a monster when its attack or defense is reduced by 2000 points and becomes 0."

"And the Winged Dragon, whose attack power is originally 0, will still be 0 even if it is reduced by 2000 points, not 'become 0'. Therefore..."

"It will not be destroyed by the Thunderbolt... You actually used a monster with 0 attack power to evade the Thunderbolt, you are really good, Hoshimi." Wang Yang showed a solemn expression. Now he only has the two cards drawn by Wumou, so Osiris' attack power is only 2000, and he is not even a match for the Fierce Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon.

"The Sun God who returned from Hades has an effect that can be activated... but I won't activate it. That effect requires 1000 LP, which is a bit dangerous." Hoshimi Hitomi's LP is only 1050 points, and after activating the Phoenix, it is only 50 points. And there is no need. There is a fantasy beast king with 1500 attack power and Osiris with 2000 attack power on the field. If you can kill it, you can kill it. If you can't kill it, there is no need.

"The effect of the Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon is activated. Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting a monster of 5 or above on the opponent's field. Go, target Osiris Sky Dragon, and prey on the end!"

So, the purple vicious dragon tore off the calm disguise, stretched out its sharp fangs and barbed tongue, wanting to taste the high god.

Chapter 28 27 The Battle of Three Gods Part 4

The purple vicious dragon tore off its calm disguise, extended its sharp fangs and barbed tongue, and tried to taste the high and mighty God.

"But it's useless, God's card won't be affected by low-level monsters!" Wang Yang said, feeling a little uneasy. Hoshimi Hitomi was the most groundbreaking duelist he had ever seen, bar none. She would never do useless things.

"God doesn't have the noble resistance to not taking a target, that's enough." Hoshimi Hitomi tilted her head, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

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