"Then... magic card, Temptation of Darkness. I draw 2, and then banish 1 dark attribute monster in my hand." If there are no dark attribute monsters in the hand, all cards in the hand will be sent to the graveyard - of course this It can't happen. Hoshimi Hitomi has at least one dark attribute Scumbag in her hand.

Hoshimi Hitomi pulled out 2 cards and raised her eyebrows slightly. Turtle, this card is to hit the theoretical upper limit of this Stitch monster deck.

"I will exclude the actors from the Tragedy of Death Prison in the card in my hand." The torture instrument dressed as a green clown let out a dull and harsh laugh, attracting the attention of a dangerous character. The hair all over Mr.T's body exploded, and his sense of crisis reached its maximum. He raised his head suddenly and saw a humanoid figure standing on the top of the towering theater, looking down at him.

The figure was too far away and Mr. T could not see the specific image, but those eyes spanned the distance of time and space and were deeply engraved in his mind.

What kind of eyes are those? It is as sublime as a god, compassionate, kind, passionate, beautiful...all the positive words in the world can be used to describe it. And like a devil, cruel, ruthless, vicious, nasty...all the negative words in the world can be used to describe it. And... the unforgettable... madness that suppresses and covers all other emotions.

"When the Tragedy of Death Hell actor is eliminated by an effect, retrieve 1 Death Hell monster other than Tragedy from the deck. I add Death Hell Township's Great Director Drama God to my hand."

At this time, Hoshimi Hitomi felt that Mr. T across from him seemed a little strange, and he tilted his head in confusion.

"...Forget it, whatever happens is fine. Activate the effect of Brand Theater once per turn. Send the fusion materials from your hand or field to the graveyard, and fusion summon fusion monsters with level 8 or above."

In Mr. T's eyes, the figure at the top of the theater showed a creepy smile. Hmm...it's really hard to describe that smile using poor human vocabulary. Specifically, Pennywise's smile is almost a thousand times more evil, and that's pretty much what it feels like.

"Merge the guidance on the field with the great director and drama god in the hand card."

"The show is about to begin, welcome to the death utopia full of despair and cruelty. Just pay for the ticket with your life."

"Fusion Summon, Death Hell Actor Visitor to the Holy Tomb!"


Second update, next update at 8pm, last update today

Chapter 37 3 Scenes are solved, apocryphal chapter is turned, Xiaomi save me! (Third update)

"Fusion Summon, Death Hell Actor Visitor to the Holy Tomb!"

As Hoshimi Tong finished speaking, the gate of the evil and magnificent Brand Theater City opened. Amidst the pale and sickening sounds of countless musical instruments, the ominous black knight slowly raised his head, with an evil red light flashing in his eyes.

The joints of the knight's feet were twisted like aliens, not human at all. There are four sharp claws spread out on the back, and a strange weapon that looks like sharp teeth is held in the hand.

Judging from the painting style, this monster is much more sinister than Mr. T. At first glance, it looks like a super villain who has done all kinds of bad things and cannot be cleansed.

[Death Hell Actor·Visitor to the Holy Tomb]

[Race: Demon] [Lv8] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2500] [DEF: 2500]

This is the brand-new attitude of the fierce guide knight who has been eroded by the brand. He has broken his face and no longer pretends to be a ritual, and the integration is completed directly. This monster was placed in the extra monster area by Hitomi Hoshimi, and it couldn't be connected anyway.

"Then, if the Great Director Drama God in the card in your hand becomes a fusion material and is sent to the graveyard, it can be specially summoned." Hitomi Hoshimi showed the card and took a photo directly to the monster area.

The figure at the top of the Brand Theater opened his arms in a hug, took a leap of faith, and fell directly from the sky. When he was about to hit the ground, invisible energy enveloped the figure and turned into an invisible shield to lift him up, allowing him to float on Hoshimi Hitomi's field.

The figure was dressed in white and red robes, with his head covered by a pale mask. He held a weapon that looked like a staff or a spear in his hand, and there were wings composed of countless tentacles and claws growing on his back. He is neither a god nor a devil, he is just a madman who embraces madness and malice, despises everything, and constantly laughs at him.

Although his face was covered by a mask, Mr. T somehow knew that the figure was smiling. The kind of smile a gourmet has when he sees delicious food.

[The Great Director and Drama God of Death Prison Village]

[Race: Angel] [Lv8] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 3000] [DEF: 1500]

"Summoning three powerful monsters in one breath..." Mr. T no longer had any trace of contempt in his heart. This level of strength is also the absolute best among the countless duelists he has fought against. So he decided to play some off-the-table tricks.

Mr.T looked intently into Hoshimi Hitomi's eyes. He is the apostle of darkness, possessing the ability to penetrate the darkness within intelligent beings and forcibly expand them. To put it simply, it is to tear open the opponent's unbearable past, expose the bloody wounds and then sprinkle salt on it.

This trick works every time. No matter how powerful a duelist is, there is never a trace of darkness in his heart. As long as the opponent's mentality is broken, the opponent will naturally scumbag or advance rashly, and then Mr.T can win without any effort.

He should have used this move at the beginning of the duel, but his contempt for this world caused him to miss the opportunity, allowing the Star King to set up this situation. But it's not a big problem, as long as the opponent's mentality collapses...

Let me treat the darkness in your heart!

Mr.T's eyes under the sunglasses emit a faint black light.

A crack appeared on the face of the Holy Tomb Visitor, from the mouth to the ear, forming a twisted and hideous smile.

The Great Director God trembled all over, as if he was having a hard time holding back his smile.

Alai, who was bored on the side, showed an interested expression and stared at Mr.T, as if observing his reaction.

Mr.T saw...

The Eternal Sun King with brilliant golden light.

The Supreme and Holy Proclaimer who issued decrees on behalf of God.

The dark evil dragon that was like the incarnation of a torrent of disaster.

The three-headed dragon that traveled in the thunder and shook the earth.

The man-made god-killing weapon named after God.

“Bang!” Mr. T’s eyes burst open, and dark pus flowed out of his eye sockets. The dark gas tried to repair it, but the unknown and violent energy offset it, and even continued to erode the surrounding black fog.

“…” Mr. T wiped the pus from his eyes and remained silent.

Yabai, yo Yabai, I think it’s better to just give up this world.

“Activate the magic card, the Apostle of the Underworld.” Hoshimi Hitomi looked down at the card and didn’t notice Mr. T’s little action. He picked a card from his hand and stuffed it into the Magic Trap Zone. The card picture depicted the scene of Albus falling from the brand to the Dragon Kingdom of Teaching. “After this card is activated until the end phase, I cannot special summon monsters from the Extra Deck.”

“According to its effect, I will send the Divine Shadow I·Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon in the Extra Deck to the Graveyard, and search for the Saint of Teaching, Ecclesia.” Hoshimi Hitomi showed the searched card, which was the Saint of the Berserker Magician holding a war hammer.

Hoshimi Hitomi's shadow began to expand and twist. The witch, who was eroded by the power of Shaddoll, rode the fish-shaped monster with the lower body to the surface of the water, and the staff in her hand projected a blue thread, pulling a card from the deck.

"The effect of the Giant Kun Demon, when this card is sent to the graveyard, retrieve 1 Shaddoll card from the deck. After that, I discard 1 card from my hand. I retrieve the pseudo-code of Shaddoll." Hoshimi Hitomi added the card pulled out by the Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon to her hand, and then discarded 1, still the skeleton driver on the shooter. Could this thing be the real fucking thing of Hoshimi Hitomi?

After that, the witch completed her mission and sank. Hoshimi Hitomi's shadow also returned to its original size.

"Doctor's Saint can be special summoned when there is a monster special summoned from the extra on both sides of the field. Special summon the Saint in defense position." Hoshimi Hitomi placed the card horizontally in the monster zone - now only the last grid is empty.

A pure white light flashed, and the fully armed Saint of the Teaching Nation appeared. She glanced at the Branded Drama City behind her and the Great God of Teaching beside her, revealing a very subtle expression.

"Great God Officer, you betrayed us + I knew that you, the old man who helped the opponent to pile up the new star Kun Kun and the female god, was not a good thing + assisting me to hit the pie chart, there are great benefits", that's the expression.

"Hey, Saint sister!" Alai waved excitedly, and the Saint did not even turn her head, with an indifferent face. Who is it? I really don't know her.

"When the Saint is Special Summoned successfully, search for 1 Teaching monster other than the Saint. I will add the Knight Fleurdelis of Teaching to my hand. Then I will cover 1 card." Hoshimi Hitomi looked at her hand and squinted her eyes.

At this time, his Extra Monster Zone is the Holy Tomb Visitor in Defense Position, the Main Monster Zone is the Light Chariot and the Great God of Teaching in Attack Position, the Saint in Defense Position, and the Shadow Dragon in the face-down Defense Position, a total of 5 monsters.

Holy Grave Visitor: Once per turn, you can reduce the attack power of all monsters except Fusion Monsters of level 8 or higher to 0 until the end of the turn.

Drama God: Once per turn, when a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster is Special Summoned, target 1 Effect Monster on the field and its effect is negated until the end of the turn (select target).

Light Rook: Once per turn, when the opponent activates a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect, discard 1 card of the same type from your hand, and that activation is negated and banished.

When Shadow Dragon is reversed, target 1 card on the opponent's field and return it to the owner's hand (select target).

Knight in hand: If both parties have a monster Special Summoned from Extra, you can Special Summon it during both parties' Main Phases. If there are other Dogmatika monsters on the field at this time, select 1 face-up monster and its effect is negated until the end of the turn (do not select target). Hoshimi Hitomi has Saint in Defense Position on the field, so she can trigger the Knight's negation.

Then, the card is Shaddoll's Pseudo-Code. Once per turn, during both players' Main Phase, remove the Fusion Materials of the Divine Shaddoll from your field and Graveyard, and Fusion Summon the Divine Shaddoll. After that, you can select 1 monster on the opponent's field with the same attribute as that Divine Shaddoll and send it to the Graveyard (no target).

Hoshimi Hitomi's Graveyard has Shaddoll Lizard, Shadow Spirit Wing Venti, and Seven Sages Giant Kun, so you can fuse Xiao Mi at 2-speed to block the Special Summon, or fuse Seven Sages Giant Kun Unit 2 to negate 1 card on the field (select target).

And, if the Fusion Monster on your side of the field is destroyed by the opponent's effect or by battle, you can Special Summon it, targeting 1 effect monster on the opponent's side of the field, and the effect will be invalidated until the end of the turn (select the target).

This field - although there is only one hard win with the light car, the various invalidations are quite disgusting, and it should be considered a decent level for competition. However, this is only the theoretical upper limit. If you can play it in one out of ten games, you are a European. And the extra is really explosive. Before, Hoshimi Hitomi was worried about the problem of not having enough extra.

"I'll end this turn." At this time, Hoshimi Hitomi had 2 cards left in her hand, Alai and Knight, both of which were open cards.

"My turn." His eyes have not recovered yet, but the Apostle of Darkness will not be affected by such minor injuries. He drew a card from the deck, then lowered his head, stared at the card in his hand through his sunglasses with his empty eye sockets.

"Then first, this card, the magic card Black Hole. Destroy all monsters on both sides' fields." Of course, Mr. T's field was blank. Therefore, only Hoshimi Hitomi's monsters will be destroyed.

"Without magic cards in hand, the Light Chariot can't counter. My Lord, you should keep that Sky Base." Alai sighed, somewhat helpless.

"Although, the Sky Base is in my hand, and I can't resist the urge to activate it. The effect of the brand opening of the graveyard, when the fusion monster on my field is destroyed by the effect, as a substitute, banish this card in the graveyard." Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, and the branded drama city behind her emitted a wonderful energy field, using the dark purple brand portal to teleport the Light Chariot and the Holy Tomb Visitor out of the black hole range.

The covered Shadow Dragon, the helpless Saint, and the somehow overjoyed Great Director God can only be sucked into the black hole, compressed into a compressed package by the super high gravity field, and packed and sent to the graveyard.

The Shadow Dragon that was sent to the grave by the effect naturally cannot activate the effect, otherwise it can only bomb the Pseudo-Scripture or the Branded Drama City. The knight in the hand can still jump out, but it also loses the ability to invalidate the monster effect.

But this level of clearing is just average, as long as the Pseudo-Classic Light Car is still there.

Mr.T's face looked a little better. In this way, he only had to face two fusion monsters with unknown effects and a mere 2500 attack power.

"Then, I will activate the Continuous Magic Card: Future Fusion (Before Source Number)." Mr.T played another card with a skyscraper towering into the sky. "This card can allow my monsters to fuse in the future."

Hoshimi Hitomi's muscles tensed up. If he were to use it, this Future Fusion would be stacked with 4 Great Striker Dragons and 1 Eclipse Pterosaur, or 20 to 30 densely packed turkeys.

"Don't worry, relax." Alai patted Hoshimi Hitomi's back, a little speechless, "Don't be so nervous, the opponent is a noob."

"I will send the Death Magic Dragon, Rare Metal Dragon, Infernal Dragon, Spear Dragon and Soul Dragon in the deck to the graveyard. After the Future Fusion is activated, my second preparation phase will Fusion Summon Five God Dragon."

"It is indeed the Five God Dragon (which can't even be a wall)..." Hoshimi Hitomi's face turned ugly. This monster, which can be said to be the first blurred material in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, reminded him of the painful memory of 3 Yaobian, 1 Liutian and 1 Shengyao before the crossing, which was transformed into a stupid big guy with 5,000 points after the super fusion.

Mr.T was very satisfied with Hoshimi Hitomi's expression: You are talking so much and I almost fell asleep, but you are going to be beaten to death by the Five God Dragon? I just like simple and rough big bombs.

"But I don't have to wait until then. This turn I can summon the strongest evil god. Activate the magic card, Dragon Mirror. Exclude 5 dragon monsters in the graveyard and Fusion Summon--"

A huge mirror appeared, reflecting the images of 5 dragons, and then turned into five rays of light in yellow, blue, red, green, and purple, converging on Mr. T's field.

Amid the violent fluctuations of attribute energy, the five-headed evil dragon appeared and roared five times at Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Roar-----!!!" ×5

[F·G·D (Five Dragons)]

[Race: Dragon][Lv12][Attribute: Dark]

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