The black fog squirmed to avoid a beam of sunlight, crawled on the trash can and calmly scanned the passing crowd, looking for a suitable candidate to possess. This street is very close to the school. It is now school time, and there are many passing students to choose from.

The starfish-headed boy has a good compatibility with dark energy and is a suitable candidate. However, his face is a little familiar, as if he is a celebrity, which will increase the risk of exposure, so forget it.

The yellow-haired bad guy next to him is very strong and looks quite brave. He is also a suitable candidate, but he seems to be very familiar with the starfish-headed boy, so he is also passed.

A white-haired man with a very arrogant hairstyle and a strange golden ornament hanging on his neck is coming towards him. Isn’t it uncomfortable to hang such a heavy thing on his neck? ——Well, it’s decided to be you... huh?

An Moliang grabbed the invisible black fog and put it into his mouth without saying a word, as if a starving ghost was reincarnated.

Chewing with big mouthfuls as if he was eating something full of toughness, An Moliang muttered while eating.

"I'm really in trouble. You dared to trick me, I'll remember you, wait for me!" An Moliang gritted his teeth fiercely, and the black mist in his mouth made a bang, as if it was bitten to pieces.

"Your name is Dazi, right, you bastard, I want you to pay it back a hundred times!"


Late at night, in an empty park.

Xing Jiantong was a little nervous and slapped a card on the monster area of ​​the duel disk.

A giant Titan with blue skin, black hair, and muscles so strong that it exploded was summoned.

The giant over 20 meters tall looked around and found no trace of the enemy. He scratched his head in confusion.

"Hey!" Xing Jiantong waved his hand to attract the giant's attention. The giant lowered his head and looked down at the little Xing Jiantong.

Facing the giant's gaze, Xing Jiantong swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Do you know me?"

The giant scratched his head.

Then he showed a big, silly smile.

The giant roared meaninglessly, but Xing Jiantong understood his lip movements.

‘Friend! ’

Chapter 40 6 The True Story of the Sunshine Boy’s Depravity

“Peacock Dance…haven’t you taken action yet?” Xing Jiantong rubbed his cards in boredom, “Generally summon Lightning Snowflake, Xiaomi turns into Turtle.”

Alai calmly sent the cards on the mat to the graveyard and asked Xing Jiantong to put the turtle in his main area: “No, he was hit by the Divine Flame Cannon head-on and had sex for dozens of episodes. How can he recover so quickly? Midrash effect, recover the graveyard Shadow Fusion.”

“Special summon Beastmaster, special summon brother. Beastmaster effect, Self and turtle return. Choose the handsome effect in hand. Let the little animals check the Doma organization. Do you have any clues? "

"The leftmost, Tsk Beast King. No, I can't check the surface consortium anymore, there is no clue at all. The opponent also has supernatural power. "

"Handsome jumps out, stacks Dragon Shadow God with Brother, takes effect, 38 is used as material to produce Source Dragon. How about the elf world? "Alai curled his lips and watched Xing Jiantong slap the white paper with the three big words "Source Dragon" on the monster area. By the way, Dragon Shadow God and 38 are also written on the same white paper. Xiaomi is also a proxy card, because Xiaomi does not let anyone other than Xing Jiantong touch it.

"A certain 12-star fool is keeping the scene in check, so there will be no chaos. It's a really pleasant duel, but you will attack first in the next game. "

"I surrendered, directly to the third game, you go first. Speaking of which, I don't know who the elves are with you?" Xing Jiantong raised his head and asked.

"Well, let me count. The bad beasts, Er, the big sister, 4 topologies, Atum Dragon King. That's it. You brought the dragon maid Xiaomi and the others in. The apostles of Nadir." Alai played a magic card with a toothache expression.

"Why are there 5 electronic worlds? Is the new race so impressive? Lose the dust."

"It's mainly about the network for human society... you know, right? Tomb finger pointing at the dust."

"Does that mean I control the entire human network now? Then help me investigate the location of Dazi, and the intercontinental missile will directly hit it! House child."

"Having said that, it's the 1990s now. Even KC is just starting out, and the network coverage rate is really not high. They play other roles. I voted, I can't play." Alai sighed and began to pack up the cards.

"Are you going to be a riddler again?" Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, it's not that I can't say anything at all." Alai had a mysterious expression on his face, "My Lord, do you know who the prototype of Atum Dragon King is?"

"In mythology, Atum is also considered to be an existence that is one with the sun god Ra." Hoshimi Hitomi said. Thanks to the popular science of dalao on Tieba, he is familiar with most of the cards with real prototypes.

"Bingo. Then my Lord, you should know that there is also the sun god Ra in this world." Alai snapped his fingers, and his expression became dangerous, "How can there be two Ras in one world, right?"

"Then the question is - where did the original Ra go?"

"...Dead?" Hoshimi Hitomi looked solemn.

"No, no, no, we are cards from the 21st century, how can we fight and kill at every turn. Love \u0026 Peace." Alai whistled frivolously, "Find a place where no one will disturb them and let them sleep for a while, that's all."

Of course, if the situation changes, they are the best fuel. Soul... is an absolute equivalent. Alai silently pulled down his hood to hide the cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Who understands this?" Xing Jiantong sighed, and Ge You collapsed on the sofa.

"It always feels so peaceful. There are no Grus people on the streets. It's so different from Duel City."

"Because Gurus has been disbanded. And you are here to live." Alai turned the laptop screen on the table to Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Look, your old enemy has sent you a challenge."

Hoshimi Hitomi looked up and found an email signed by Seto Kaiba.

"Come to the Kaiba Paradise Dome, and the strongest evolved dragon will give you the whip of complete defeat." Hoshimi Hitomi read out each word, feeling speechless. This may be a little more embarrassing than the second grade novel he wrote when he was in junior high school. But if you say this with Kaiba's face and voice, it's so subtle that it feels powerful.

So Hoshimi Hitomi picked up the duel plate and card deck and prepared to go out.

"Do you want to go? Wouldn't it be interesting to let the president dry himself on the roof of the building for an entire afternoon?"

"Go and show him the unique skill of turning into a turtle."

Alai chuckled and turned into points of light that disappeared in the air.

The entire journey was silent.

Today's Kaiba Paradise is closed. Ignoring the Blue Eyes White Dragon statue at the entrance and the many buildings with the Blue Eyes White Dragon's image on it, Hoshimi Hitomi walked into a dome that looked like a Blue Eyes White Dragon's head magnified hundreds of times. . Instead of seeing Kaiba inside, I saw another familiar person.

"Yuyu?" Hoshimi Hitomi waved her hand, "Long time no see. Were you also called here by Kaiba?"

"Ah, Xingjian, it's been a long time indeed." Wang Xiang smiled slightly, with blazing fire in his eyes, "I originally wanted to find you, but I heard that there was a terrorist attack in the hotel you were staying in, so I was delayed."

"Now, let's decide the real winner here! Don't say that the final was your real best effort!"

"Hmm... That's okay." Xing Jiantong thought for a while. All the God Cards were gathered in Wang Yang's hands, so he could compete with Wang Yang with real swords and guns.

"But today we were called by Kaiba, first come first served, right?"

"That's right!!! You actually want to duel before me, it's unforgivable, Yugi!!!" A crazy voice sounded, and the dark dome was suddenly illuminated as bright as day. All the lights were concentrated on the central arena, and Seto Kaiba stood in the center, looking down at the two of them, with surging flames burning in his eyes.

"However, the strongest and best opponent in the world is right in front of you. I can completely understand your eagerness to try, Yugi."

"Hmm... it's dazzling. Can you turn off a few lights?" Hitomi Hoshimi complained, covering her eyes with her arms.

"Hmph~ Only mice crawling in the dark are afraid of lights. Don't let me down, Hoshi! See you! Hitomi!" Kaiba snapped his fingers, and about half of the bright light was extinguished. The light was not so blinding that people couldn't stand it. Watched.

"Oh, this is really interesting." Wang Xiang chuckled, put down the hand protecting his eyes, and crossed his arms, "I don't know what Seto Kaiba, the 'top four' in Duel City, wants to do with us two 'champions' What are you doing?"

Wang Xiang bites the words "top four" and "champion" very hard.

Hoshimi Hitomi's sharp eyes saw the corner of Kaiba's mouth twitching.

"Hmph, let's stop with the boring gossip. At this moment, I will tell the world who is the real duel king!" Kaiba snapped his fingers, and countless cameras in the empty auditorium were raised. He stood up and turned the camera slightly, focusing on the three people in the middle.

"I, Seto Kaiba, hereby officially launch a revenge match against the two duel kings! This duel will be broadcast live to the whole world. The winner will be the real duel king!!!" Kaiba opened his arms with a fanatical look on his face.

"How about it? Whether you accept it or not, it is your freedom! As long as you are willing to run away like a defeated dog under the eyes of the whole world!"

"...It really doesn't look like you." Hoshimi Hitomi raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "The Seto Kaiba I know should be someone who has the courage to admit his failures, look to the future, and face difficulties head on. The madman.”

"But now you want to overturn the established result and are obsessed with the false reputation of Duel King... You just blinked when you were kidnapped?"

Subconsciously, Kaiba blinked. Then, he let out a disdainful snort: "Humph, your thoughts have nothing to do with me! Either step onto this ring and accept my challenge. Or retreat and go back in despair. Make your decision quickly!"

Wang Xiang sneered and stepped onto the ring: "Duelists don't run away from battle. I accept your challenge, Kaiba!"

‘Alai! ’ ‘Well... there are two wonderful energy fluctuations. A violent but harmless force that protects Seto Kaiba. Another evil force amplifies Kaiba's greed and arrogance. ’

Hoshimi Tong narrowed his eyes and stepped onto the ring: "I accept the challenge."

The three of them stood each other, Hoshimi Hitomi and Wang Xiang were side by side, and Kaiba stood opposite them.

"So, how are you going to duel? You can't challenge the two of us alone, right?" Hoshimi Hitomi joked.

"Why not! You two come together!" Kaiba said proudly.

Wang Yang raised his eyebrows, winked at Xing Jiantong, and said verbally: "Are you...serious?"

Hoshimi Hitomi blinked and said nothing.

"There can only be one true king! Team up and form a team. Only weak people can do this kind of thing!" Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and looked at people with his nose. "You just make me look down on you more by forming a team. Come on as you like. That’s it!”

"However, correspondingly, you have to share LP, monsters, magic traps and field areas, and my LP will be doubled!"

5 cards against 10 cards, no matter how you count, this side has a huge advantage. It's no big deal to double the LP instead of doubling the hand cards. Xing Jiantong looked at Wang Yang and asked for his opinion.

Just one day ago, the duel disks all over the world underwent an online update, with master rules and banned card list programs built in. Even cards before the source number can only be used as cards after the source number, and the original effects cannot be used.

Wang Yang nodded slowly. Two against one was not what he wanted, but Kaiba's condition was not right, and a strange energy field was wrapped around his body. The Pharaoh who held the Millennium Building Block naturally had some eyes. Now he just wanted to kill Kaiba in seconds to check him, and then re-determine the victory with Xing Jiantong!

"Okay, come on Kaiba, let me crush your ambitions again!" Wang Yang unfolded the duel disk.

"Hmph, I'll let you know that no matter the three mythical gods or the ridiculous maid, they are far from being the opponents of the strongest dragon clan after evolution!" Kaiba laughed wildly and unfolded the duel disk, "Natural enemies who stand in my way, I will use this duel as a farewell gift and bury you in the past!"

Hoshimi Hitomi opened her mouth to say something, but she was not so second-rate after all, and just unfolded the duel disk in silence.

"Duel!!!" ×3

[Hoshimi Hitomi \u0026 Wang Yang LP: 16000]

[Kaiba LP: 16000]

The roll point program after the duel disk is updated is started, Hoshimi Hitomi is 2, Wang Yang is 3, and Kaiba is 5.

"Then, the turn order is me→Yugi→me→Hoshimi→me→Yugi, is that okay?" Kaiba sneered. It seems that even if his arrogance is magnified, he still retains basic rationality and does not use the order of Kaiba→Yugi→Hoshimi Hitomi to commit suicide.

The two shook their heads to indicate that they had no objection, so the three of them each drew 5 initial cards.

Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at the cards in her hand. Skeleton Driver was kicked out of the construction, so she didn't see the familiar 6-star Mortal Bone. Great!

"Domain" did not unfold. This is related to his mentality. Hoshimi Hitomi did not intend to use Synchro, Xyz and Link in this duel.

"I attack first! I normally summon Demon Frankenstein!" Kaiba slapped the card in his hand on the duel disk.

Hoshimi Hitomi raised her eyebrows. This card is also a well-known fake card. The deeper the card pool, the faker it is, and it can pull out disgusting things. This card is also on the list of banned cards in this world. It is a restricted card. I didn't expect Kaiba to invest in the construction, and he drew it in the first round.

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