[Congratulations on winning the duel, and you will be rewarded with 300 dp points {(50+100)×2}. I hope you will keep up the good work. The remaining number of newbie benefits: 6]

[Current dp: 600]

[Task progress: puzzle card 6/6]

[Congratulations on completing the side quest: Duel City Top 8. Task reward: 300 dp, Elf Power has been distributed to the storage column, please claim it. ]

[Side quest Gurus's downfall progress: 1/85]

Having quickly glanced at the prompt, Hoshimi Hitomi picked up the two puzzle cards of the black-robed man - speaking of which, he had dropped this thing on the ground again, could it be some hidden world view setting?

In short, he picked up the puzzle card, pulled out the black-robed man's card group, stole his wallet, kicked the unlucky guy whose life or death was unknown to the wall, stepped on his body, clung to the wall and ran away.

After that, the contestants, police, staff of Kaiba Group and passers-by who were watching the excitement rushed into the alley. They could only see the unconscious Extra whose name was still unknown and the black-robed man who looked like a bad guy. So they thought Extra was the owner of the crimson beast, which was another story.

Hiroshi Hoshi, who had been running around all morning, was eating lunch. Although the duel disk on his left arm was not too heavy, it was tiring to hold it and play four games of cards. Besides, he had just climbed over the wall and ran eight streets.

While the food was still being made, Hitomi Hoshi counted the harvest.

First, he collected the task rewards. Hitomi Hoshi's current DP has accumulated 900 points. If he beats another small fish, he can play (meaningful) Dragon Maid. Then there is the power of the elves. The system did not explain this thing, and he did not quite understand how to use it. But when he looks at the cards now, he can see strange lights on some cards.

For example, the turtle and the beast king, these two cards emit brighter white light. According to Hoshimi Hitomi's understanding, the card is inhabited by elves, and the level is relatively high. In the future, if anyone wants to use methods other than playing cards to duel in real life, they can shoot a turtle to transform into Leo Phoenix to fight a big monster.

Then there are Gray Flowing Beauty, Proliferating G, and Infinite Bubble Shadow. Although they are all very useful, the flashing white light is so-so. They should be elves that are good at doing bad things and disgusting people, but not so good at fighting.

Two peacocks? Just tools. Among Hoshimi Hitomi's dozens of entertainment card decks, this set of soul birds is also the lowest in usage rate. If there were elves, they would have run away long ago. There is no light on the card.

Unfortunately, if it is the Little Golden Man, Red Maggot, Sword Emperor, etc., the white light will definitely blind people's eyes.

According to Hoshimi Hitomi's understanding, the power of elves is probably the ability to see and distinguish the strength of elves. As for whether others are willing to help you, it depends on the bond, or if you have a strong fist to threaten them.

Speaking of which, other people travel through time to brush bonds with black magicians, heroes, cyber dragons, and lion wizards. I am brushing the bond with the hand pit and the turtle. Xing Jiantong thinks it is very good, and the good influence on the card man is immeasurable!

When the mountain copper god comes to destroy the world, can he take out the turtle and eat it?

Then there is the wallet that came with it... It is quite bulging. I don’t know whether it is Gurus’ salary or the black robe man’s private money. Anyway, Xing Jiantong will not have to sleep on the street when he goes to the card store to open a box.

The black robe man’s deck... This is not a harvest at all. From the perspective of Xing Jiantong’s elf power, the card pictures are all black and white, just like a posthumous photo. There is no doubt that they are all fake cards. After hesitating for a while, he tore them all up and flushed them down the toilet. As a time traveler, there is no need to be so shabby. When flushing, the fragments blocked the toilet. Xing Jiantong pretended to be guilty and pretended not to know about it.

Six puzzle cards have been collected. Now the Duel City Competition has just started for less than two hours, and there is no suspense in advancing to the quarterfinals.

Finally, the progress of Gurus's destruction mission changed from 0 to 1, but the denominator dropped from 96 to 85. Hoshimi Hitomi guessed that it was Wang Yang or Kaiba who faced Gurus, which reduced the damage he could cause to Gurus. If they killed the core members, snatched the Sky Dragon, destroyed the base, and made Malik turn over a new leaf and disbanded Gurus like in the original work, the denominator would probably drop to 1.

Hoshimi Hitomi wished it would be so, because it meant that history had inertia and would not be blown to an inexplicable place because of a small butterfly like him.

In short, it would be a big deal to kill a small fish like Gurus. Hoshimi Hitomi hummed a tune while eating noodles. He didn't want to get involved in the original plot! If he faced the Great Evil God, Lishid or Six-year-old in the quarterfinals, he would just give up before going on stage. Those ruthless characters all had their own goals, and they didn't have to make things difficult for him, a little unknown character. If he gave up, maybe they would praise him for knowing the situation and saving them some effort!

When the competition is over and Gurus is disbanded, I will find a deep mountain forest and hide until I return to the underworld! Xing Jiantong thought so.

Chapter 6 6 People don't look for trouble, trouble looks for people

Just after leaving the store, Xing Jiantong was stunned.

On the road that was originally busy, a Hummer with an incompatible painting style blocked the middle of the road. The cars blocked the road not only did not honk their horns, but they just stopped there quietly.

Of course, it is not because the people of Yingzhou have high quality. In fact, road rage is very common among Yingzhou people. Fighting on the road is not even worth making news, unless the person being beaten is a star or something like that.

The reason why these blocked car owners are so quiet is because there is a person standing on the roof of the car.

A familiar, arrogant kid is looking down at Xing Jiantong from a high position.

Brother, you are obstructing public transportation, do you know?

I really know Hoshimi Hitomi. Although he doesn't play cards, he is also a very important character in the plot. His duty is to be kidnapped and rescued by Kaiba.

Kaiba Keipi, for some reason his name is translated into Muma in the Chinese version. Anyway, he is a troublesome kid, because besides Baijia and Wangyang, the third person Kaiba controls is this brother. Usually, where Muma is means where Kaiba is.

Anyway... pretend not to know him and run away. Thinking of this, Hoshimi Hitomi hummed the tune of "Hot Duelist" and pretended to want to leave through the supporting role.

"Hoshimi Hitomi." The kid's arrogant voice sounded. Speaking of which, his voice actor is Junko Takeuchi, and his representative character is Uzumaki Naruto.

"Do you want to escape? I am the referee of the Duel City Competition. I have the power to force you to withdraw?"

With a sigh, Hoshimi Hitomi knew that he couldn't run away, so he had to turn around and scratch his head helplessly. The authority dog ​​is the most annoying.

"...Anyway, you should get down first. The sun is right behind you, it's dazzling."


"Here, orange juice." The two walked side by side. Xing Jiantong handed over a can of juice very naturally and rubbed Mu Ma's head. "I wonder what the referee wants me, a small contestant, to do?"

Fortunately, I didn't touch any oil on my hands. It seems that the little ghost has well maintained his hair.

The unlovable little ghost quickly shook his head to shake off the claws, hesitated for a moment and put the juice in his pocket.

Then he raised his head and looked up at Xing Jiantong with a proud face. Well, Mu Ma is 142 cm tall and Xing Jiantong is 180 cm tall, so he can only look up.

"Don't try to get close to me, Xing Jiantong. Do you really think no one knows what you do?" Mu Ma stared at Xing Jiantong's eyes, as if he wanted to find some flaws, but he only saw carelessness (actually he was searching for seahorses everywhere).

"That's really too much. I'm a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck. How can I be worthy of the organizers' time?" After searching for a long time without finding the cool white windbreaker, Xing Jiantong retracted his gaze and looked at Xiaogui with a sincere face.

"Third-rate duelist?" Mu Ma laughed angrily, looking at Xing Jiantong, and he didn't know whether the smile was mocking or sarcastic. "If a duelist who collected 6 puzzle cards in just two hours calls himself third-rate, then I'm afraid no one in the world dares to call himself first-rate."

"Even my brother would probably only dare to call himself a second-rate duelist."

Sure enough, he came for this matter. Xing Jiantong sighed.

In the original work, Kaiba Company monitors the duel signals of each duel disk to prevent contestants from obtaining puzzle cards through methods other than dueling (such as stealing, robbing, buying with money, etc.). His speed of collecting 6 cards in two hours is indeed a bit shocking, and it's no wonder that the organizers came in person. Even if he were a Trojan, he would come to see whether this person is a real strong man or an outlaw who exploits loopholes in the rules.

"Originally, as long as you can collect the puzzle cards, we will not refuse anyone. And there is no problem with your duel record. You defeated other duelists and took puzzle cards from them. Each duel took a very short time."

"However, because of the unexpected...terrorist organization, we have to be careful. Letting the terrorist organization enter the competition is already a special favor. If some people use dishonorable means to get into the quarterfinals, then KC will become a joke." Trojan kept staring at Hoshimi Hitomi while speaking, as if he was the so-called "some people".

Hoshimi Hitomi understood immediately. In short, his fish-frying behavior aroused the suspicion of the official staff. Trojan suspected that he was a member of Gurus and brushed puzzle cards by letting his teammates give away heads.

"Ah, actually I think the members of Gurus are easy to identify." Xing Jiantong scratched his head and smiled, "Look, their members all wear black robes, and there is an eye of truth embroidered on their foreheads, as if they are afraid that others will not recognize them."

"yysy, qs." Mu Ma also nodded in agreement, "And I have asked someone to investigate your background, it is very innocent, and has nothing to do with foreign terrorist organizations."

This touched on Xing Jiantong's knowledge blind spot. He didn't know what the identity assigned to him by the system was. He only knew the name Xing Jiantong and the background of having no relatives.

"Actually, whether you are Gurus or an unknown strong man, brother... I don't care." Mu Ma passed Xing Jiantong and turned around and stopped.

The not-at-all-cute kid snapped his fingers, and the black-clothed black-glasses bodyguard who came out of nowhere immediately brought something over.

One was a very ordinary duel disk, and the other looked very expensive and high-tech...D-viewing glasses?

As if seeing Hoshimi Hitomi's doubts, Mu Ma explained lightly while putting on the equipment: "This is the latest research result of Kaiba Company. This KC mirror is directly connected to the central system. It can calculate in real time during the duel and choose the most appropriate tactics."

"Although it is still under development, it is just right for actual combat testing and collecting data."

This is... playing cards for a disagreement? But why? Shouldn't he find a way to prove his innocence? Hoshimi Hitomi was confused.

Mu Ma was also a little surprised to see this. Don't you duelists immediately agree to the challenge?

After thinking about it, he still explained: "Actually, brother... our Kaiba Company doesn't mind whether you are a member of Gurus, but the premise is that you have to show the corresponding strength."

"You don't need to bet on puzzle cards or Leia cards for this duel, but we will use intelligent AI to test you in all aspects. We have set strict standards for the system. You must meet this standard before I allow you to enter the quarterfinals, otherwise please leave this city on your own initiative."

After putting on the goggles, a stream of data consisting of 0s and 1s flashed on the translucent screen. Mu Ma raised the duel disk with some effort. Although the duel disk has been made as light as possible in order to promote duel monsters, it is still a big burden on his small arms and legs.

"So, do you want to take the test? Or give up and choose to leave this city?"

"...I accept." Hoshimi Hitomi did not refuse, and could not refuse. Kaiba Company almost replaced the government a year later and became the real ruler of this country. If she was blacklisted by them, I am afraid that Hoshimi Hitomi's life will not be too lucky from now on.

But this duel is a bit difficult. Because Mu Ma has never played cards in the original work, and only played capsule monster chess with Wang Yang. His deck is unknown to Hoshimi Hitomi, and the unknown means danger.

Moreover, he has the assistance of Kaiba Corporation's super intelligence. This intelligence is also shown in the original work. In a unit before the end of the Duel City Tournament and the beginning of the Dazi chapter, the Duel AI used DNA modification surgery, and the scapegoat and fusion combo used four cards to draw the strongest evil god Five Emperors Dragon (which can't even be a wall). After that, it once forced the King (who used a small fish card pile) into a desperate situation.

Although it is a very stupid combo, this AI is on the road of the card master!

Mu Ma and Hoshimi Hitomi both retreated at the same time, leaving enough space between them.

The location is by the lake, and the time is noon. The gentle sunlight passed through the mottled shadows of the trees and sprinkled on the two people.

"Then, in the name of the referee of the Duel City Tournament, I declare that the test begins!" Mu Ma raised his hand excitedly and waved it down.

"DUEL!" ×2

[Mu Ma LP: 4000]

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 4000]

[Activate the side quest: Mu Ma's challenge. 】

[Task description: As an old man, Kaiba Seto is undoubtedly your idol. Now, the younger brother of your idol... is standing in front of you and inviting you - what reason is there to refuse? Complete the duel with Muma! ]

[Task progress: 0/1]

[Task reward: 100dp]

"I will attack first, draw a card!" Seeing that Hoshimi Hitomi didn't make any moves, Muma took the initiative and drew a card from the top of the deck. He seemed quite excited?

"First of all, this! Nissan and Yugi often use it! I activate the magic card, Pot of Greed. Draw..." "Don't draw."

The moment the green pot imprinted in the card man's DNA appeared, Hoshimi Hitomi immediately handed over the hand pit: "Discard the gray flow in the hand card, and invalidate the effect of adding the card from the deck to the hand card!"

The wide-foreheaded aunt in a kimono suddenly jumped out of the bushes and overturned the pot of greed like a naughty child. The green pot fell to the ground and broke into pieces. I don't know if it can be repaired and used as a drug pot or a strong gold pot.

Before sending Hui Liuli to the graveyard, Xing Jiantong looked at the card. On the right side of the race and effect monster on the card, the part that originally said "adjustment" was covered by something like gray mist. It seems that in this era, she can only be used as a counter, and her function as a tuning monster cannot be used.

Hui Liuli on the card picture raised her middle finger to him, as if to object to his title of "aunt".

"Hey, hey hey!? This is obviously my turn!?" The wooden horse was a little dumbfounded, and then he was shaken back to his senses by the large amount of data flowing through the viewfinder.

"The duel disk was correctly identified, it's a real card. Woohoo... that bastard Becas secretly printed a card that the system didn't register again!" Trojan was a little angry, but then he became happy again. Speaking of which, most kids of his age are moody. "It can be activated on the opponent's turn without a card covered... As expected, duels are very interesting!"

Hiroshi Mitsuko's mouth twitched. He didn't know what was interesting about the hand pit. If it were him, he would have exploded before he had the tomb finger and sword pointing at Psy.

"Then, I summon the giant virus in defense position." The mirror at the right eye seemed to give some instructions, and a dark purple giant cell appeared on Trojan's field as his wall. Speaking of which, the animation allows table defense position normal summons. Before, several extras were like committing suicide by attacking the table to summon a bunch of small fish, and Hoshi Mitsuko had forgotten about it.

[Giant Virus]

[Race: Demon][Lv: 2][Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 1000][DEF: 100]

Hitomi Hoshimi remembered that Kaiba used this card in the original work. He remembered that it could burn HP and then draw a card with the same name in the deck. He was disgusted by this card when he played Yu-Gi-Oh on NDS.

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