These three steps only took a short moment, but to Xing Jiantong, it seemed to be longer than several months.

Finally, his fingertips touched the dark green six-pointed star on the wall. After a moment of dizziness, the scene changed - surrounded by ancient and magnificent stone buildings, with countless human reliefs carved on the walls - no, those were not reliefs, but stone slabs sealing human souls.

Xing Jiantong thought about it day and night, thinking about it all the time. The figure with blue hair and strange eyes was standing in front of him, staring at the God Card in his hand with excitement and eagerness.

Hoshimi Hitomi could no longer hold back the excitement in her heart.


‘Wait a minute my lord, don’t do this! ’

‘Grass (plant family)! ’

"----grown ups----!!!"

Chapter 66 32 Yameruda: I thought it was raining, but it turns out you made me speechless.

"Da————zi————大——人——" Controlling the magic slime on his face, he used a fake expression that was so distorted with excitement to cover up the murderous intention in his heart. Xing Jiantong half-knelt on the ground and asked in her heart: 'What's wrong Alai, why did you stop me? I have been waiting for so long and acting for so long just for this moment! ’

"Oh...oh, thank you for your hard work, Hoshimi Tong." Da Zi was startled by Hoshimi Tong's loud voice, and almost mistakenly thought that he was going to assassinate her. It turned out to be a lapse of emotion due to excessive excitement, which was shocking.

'My lord, I also know that it is very hard for you to hold back the murderous intention and nausea and act... But even if you kill Dazi in front of you, twist off his head, crush his bones and spread ashes, and tear his soul into pieces. useless. If you want to ask why——’

'I knew it when I saw this guy's soul. This guy cut a strong soul that had spent tens of thousands of years into dozens of parts and scattered them all over the world, just like a Horcrux with no nose and a bald head. And there must be a body prepared for each soul fragment, which should be an empty shell made using cloning technology. ’

‘Once the Dazi individual in front of you dies, a new Dazi will take its place and inherit all the previous memories. In this way, my lord, you won't be able to continue acting, and you will still follow the same path as the original plot. Your efforts so far are all in vain! ’

Xing Jiantong frowned secretly, how could this old immortal Dazi be so stubborn! In the original work, even the barrier of Oriha Steel failed to extract his soul, and he voluntarily merged with the sea snake.

And... at the end of the original work, Dazi acted like he had corrected his evil ways and went to where he should go. But who knows that he really left obediently? Maybe there were a few clones left secretly.

‘Can you locate the specific location of this temple? Can sending this place to the sky with a big explosion prevent the resurgence of the sea snake? ’

‘I’m afraid not. As long as Dazi is not dead, the temple can always be rebuilt and souls can be collected again. And next time without the support of the original plot, it may be even more difficult for us to stop him. ’


It takes time to find all the clones of Dazi and destroy them all at the same time. And this takes some time.

There is no other way, just implement Plan C!

The telepathic communication took only seconds. In reality, Hoshimi Hitomi raised the three God Cards above her head, making a show of worshiping them.

"It's not hard! I'm willing to die for Lord Datsu!" Hoshimi Hitomi lowered his head to cover up the magic slime that started to twitch slightly - just now his real face was full of killing intent, but he forced the magic slime to do this It had a completely opposite expression, which made it a little cramped. Why does slime get cramps? Who knows.

"Please forgive me for being rude, because this is the first time I have seen Master Dazi in person, and I couldn't help myself... Please punish me, Master Dazi!"

After all, Dazi is a big BOSS that caused a global crisis. Although Hoshimi Hitomi is a little confident that he has not exposed this matter so far, he has already made plans for today's trip to the temple and prepared according to different situations. Three plans, Plan A, B, and C, were formulated, which were called Operation Shenlong Annihilator.

Plan A-assault nuclear operation is a simple and crude beheading operation. Get rid of Dazi and it will be over.

But if the situation changes, such as the plan is exposed, or Dazi takes out a Tianshendang. Then use Alai's power to run away, and then use the power of the big sister in the electronics world to hack the nuclear arsenal of a certain furry bear that has not yet disintegrated but is already running wildly on the road of revisionism, and tell Dazi what the distance between the sun is. This is Plan B - Destroydramon Combat.

In other special circumstances, Plan C-Pterodactyl Crushing is used. To sum up this operation simply, it is - "the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard" operation. Keep lurking.

"That's right, it's indeed the real God Card! Hoshimi Tong, you have done a great job!" Dazi took the three God Cards handed over by Hoshimi Tong, and after repeatedly confirming that there were no problems, she looked happy. He looked at Xing Jiantong with a few words of encouragement.

Of course it's true, you idiot, do you think I'm a fool who covets three pieces of waste paper...two pieces of paper, just to provoke others, you lamp jellyfish! Xing Jiantong cursed in his heart, but his face looked grateful: "This is all the responsibility of my subordinates!"

"Well, the contribution you made is remembered by the gods and me!" Dazi was pleased. He liked Hoshimi Hitomi so much: he was strong, smart, flexible, and didn't take credit. He didn't have some bad habits like Baron and Ameruda. The key was that he was loyal - where could he find another subordinate like him?

Rafiru was not good enough. His card playing skills were good enough, but his brain was not smart enough, and he had some childish problems. How could he not send monsters to the graveyard when playing cards!

His last doubts about Hoshimi Hitomi were completely eliminated after he got the three God Cards. Although he avoided direct hostility with the Pharaoh, snatching the God Cards was tantamount to a complete break with the Pharaoh and others. And not replacing the God Cards and fooling him with fake cards also represented Hoshimi Hitomi's loyalty.

At this time, Rafiru and Baron also walked into the temple at Dazi's instruction, half-knelt behind Hoshimi Hitomi, waiting for Dazi's order.

"Well, swordsmen, I have two pieces of news to announce, one good and one bad." Dazi sat on a stone chair, looking down at the three people. He did not ask whether they wanted to hear good news or bad news first, and started talking directly.

"Good news, thanks to Hoshimi Hitomi's excellent battle plan, the stupid Pharaoh and his accomplices did not know the existence of our Doma at all, let alone being our enemy. The nameless Pharaoh is a very difficult enemy. The later he knows about the existence of Doma, the faster our plan can be advanced."

"Bad news, three or four swordsmen have been reduced. Hoshimi Hitomi, Rafiru, Baron, look up." Dazi raised his right arm and pointed his index finger at a stone slab. Hoshimi Hitomi and others looked up, and the image on the stone slab was Ameruda.

"How could it be!... Damn Kaiba Seto!" Hoshimi Hitomi punched the ground fiercely, his face was hideous, "Damn Kaiba Seto, not only did he treat me like that, but he also dared to... Uh oh oh oh oh!"

He punched the ground fiercely several times, looking like he was mad.

——Are you so close? Rafiru was slightly stunned. When he was secretly monitoring Hoshimi Hitomi, he felt that his relationship with Amerda was just average, just a little better than strangers. Could this be... the sympathy of the oppressed?

Baron didn't think so much. He was a very emotional person and felt sorry for Amerda. Now Hoshimi Hitomi's performance was quite to his liking. This was the friendship of men!

"Master Dazi, please let me kill Kaiba Seto! My revenge and Amerda's revenge must all be settled with him!" Hoshimi Hitomi stood up, with bloodshot eyes, and pleaded with Dazi.

He worked hard to show off his acting skills just to snipe Kaiba reasonably. On the one hand, it was to avoid meeting Wang Yang and others, and on the other hand, it was to rely on Kaiba's power to find all the fragments of Dazi's soul, and then wait for the opportunity to crush them all.

"I can understand your current mood..." Dazi nodded slightly, and was about to agree to Hoshimi Hitomi. But then his expression changed slightly, as if he had received some news.

"… The second bad news. The nameless Pharaoh received a package, and the sender was… Becas J. Crodoffer. It was the package he sent before he was killed! And after that, the Pharaoh immediately ordered a direct flight to the United States!"

Becas had long been aware of the existence of the organization Doma. In fact, when he excavated the monster slab in Egypt, Paradis Company had tried every means to obstruct the appearance of the Duel Monster. But a series of hidden hands arranged by Shadi were quietly launched, and a bloodless and tragic fight with Dazi was fought. In the end, the Duel Monster came out, and Shadi won.

Seeing that the rise of the Duel Monster could no longer be stopped, Dazi withdrew his hands in time to stop the loss. And this fight also leaked the information of Paradis Company, Doma and Dazi to Becas. Although it was only a fragment of information, Becas had been investigating secretly. This is also one of the reasons why Dazi must get rid of Becas.

"The contents of that package must have exposed our existence... Damn you, Bekas, you actually played this trick on me!" Dazi punched the armrest of the seat fiercely, his face twisted, "I blocked his calls, messages and online emails, but I didn't expect him to use a package..."

"Three Musketeers, I order you to rush back to the United States immediately and snipe Pharaoh and his group! Be sure to sacrifice their souls to the great God of Orichalcum!"

It's a pity that he had mobilized too much power to seal the three phantom gods before, otherwise he would have used the power of God to blow up the passenger plane that Pharaoh was on and sent them to the Pacific Ocean to feed sharks! Dazi thought bitterly.

"But Lord Dazi, is Kaiba Seto okay? He has been staying in the United States recently, and it's hard to guarantee that he doesn't have any conspiracy with Bekas!" Hoshimi Hitomi said hurriedly, looking anxious as if she was eager to avenge her friend.

"No... Although Kaiba has obtained the power of the legendary dragon Critia, he is completely out of the situation and has no idea of ​​the existence and purpose of our Doma organization. Before that, as long as Pharaoh and others are dealt with, Kaiba can only wander around like a headless fly, waiting for the end of the world in hesitation." Dazi said proudly.

"...Yes, Lord Dazi." Xing Jiantong looked unwilling and responded.

After pacifying the capable general Xing Jiantong, Dazi looked at Rafiru and Baron: "You two listen to Xing Jiantong's command, do you have any objections?"

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "I have no objection!"

Since it is the order of Master Dazi, there is nothing we can do. And Hoshimi Hitomi is extremely strong and smart, and is indeed suitable for leading a team.

‘Mai has said that Jonouchi and Muto Yugi must be defeated by her. And our main target is the nameless Pharaoh Muto Yugi, and Jonouchi can do anything. Give her a call, and under my care... No, ask her to do me a favor and entangle Jonouchi. ’ Baron lowered his head and thought silently.

At the same time, Kaiba, who was almost exhausted after playing cards with Doma's scumbags for a day and a night, received a text message on his mobile phone. He glanced at the content and the sender, his pupils shrank slightly, and it was like a flash of lightning flashed through his mind. Everything makes sense!

“I see…” He snorted, began to edit text messages, gave orders to his subordinates, and rushed to all parts of the world.

But… it is still unknown how many people in Kaiba Company recognize him as the boss. In terms of time, can he make it in time?

After a day and night of sailing, the big bird with steel wings landed at the airport carrying Wang Yang and others.

Carrying a lot of things, Jonouchi was excited and rushed out of the customs in two steps: "Oh! Sister, look, wait for my favor!"

"Jounouchi, don't rush too fast! The enemy we are facing is a behemoth that almost controls the lifeline of the entire world!" Xiaobiao, carrying a big backpack, reminded.

They watched the videotape sent by Bekas and knew that the enemy who took away the three mythical gods in a despicable way was the behemoth Paradis Company, or more precisely, its founder and leader Dazhi, and his subordinates: members of the Doma Organization.

"Don't worry about the game, the mere Doma Organization's trash will be beaten away by this Jonouchi!" Jonouchi made a bodybuilding pose, as if showing off his muscles. But it was blocked by the clothes and could not be seen at all.

"Besides, this is an airport! There are so many people here. No matter what, Doma wouldn't dare to do anything here, right?"

"Soureiwaduogana." A female voice sounded, "If it was a public airport, it wouldn't happen, but this is... a private airport."

"What??" Everyone was startled and looked towards the place where the voice came from. A blonde woman leaned against the wall with a special duel disk on her arm that didn't belong to the color matching of Kaiba Company. She seemed to have been waiting for a while.

"Wu! Long time no see! Are you coming to greet us?" Jonouchi ran forward excitedly, "What do you mean by this is a private airport? Did we get on the wrong plane?"

"Wait a minute, Jonouchi!" Wang Yang immediately exchanged with Xiaobiao and shouted loudly. He had called Peacock Dance and Hoshimi Hitomi before, but there was no news. Peacock Dance couldn't possibly know that they came to the United States, not to mention her condensed murderous aura... she was not here for good!

However, it was too late.

Peacock Dance stretched out her left hand from behind - the left hand holding 5 cards. Before Jonouchi could react, she picked one out and placed it in the venue area.

The green hexagram barrier spread from her feet and instantly enveloped Jonouchi.

"Jonouchi!" Wang Yang was shocked, and the thousand-year-old building blocks on his chest flashed a dazzling golden light, and then-dissipated into nothingness!

"It's useless, the barrier of Oliha Steel will suppress the power of the thousand-year-old props. No one can disturb us before this duel is over!" Peacock Dance slowly raised his head, with a shrunken hexagram barrier on his forehead, and bloodthirsty red light flashing in his eyes.

Chapter 67 33 There is no protagonist more despicable than him (sure)

"This barrier... is exactly the same as the evil barrier that Malik said!" Wang Yang stared at the barrier that surrounded Peacock Dance and Jonouchi, his face grim.

Malik provided Wang Yang with the first-hand information he knew about the barrier of Oliha Steel, including the nature of its power and the pictures and videos taken by the guards. The dark green barrier used by the greasy man whose name he forgot in the pictures and videos is exactly the same as the barrier that Peacock Dance has activated at this time! The nature of its power is also the same as what Malik said, so cold and ominous!

"Wu... is the enemy!?" The city in the barrier was completely in chaos.

At the same time, on the second floor. Hoshimi Hitomi and the other two swordsmen were looking down at the people in the hall. On the plane that Wang Yang and others took, the captain and the co-pilot were both from the Doma organization. They drove the plane off course and did not arrive at the airport they were supposed to go to, but came to the private airport under the Doma organization.

Except for Wang Yang and his group, the rest of the passengers were controlled, threatened, and took another flight to New York with hush money. In this huge airport, from cleaners to the control tower, everyone is Doma's people.

"But, it's really beyond my expectation. I thought you would order the plane to be blown up directly, or shoot them into sieves with guns. It's amazing that you can come up with such an upright and chivalrous battle plan." Baron leaned on the railing and looked down, asking with a little surprise.

"Humph, I have to take care of the opinions of my teammates with strong hormones, otherwise it would be too unromantic." Hoshimi Hitomi stared at the man and woman confronting each other in the Orichalcum barrier in the hall, and narrowed her eyes slightly, "There is a Japanese proverb that those who hinder others' love will be kicked by horses. In my case... yes, I will be kicked by Flacdur."

"Who is that... No, I didn't... No..." Baron's thoughts were exposed, and he blushed and danced incoherently.

"By the way, Jonouchi is now isolated by the power of the barrier. With such a good opportunity, shouldn't we deal with Yugi Muto?" Rafiru said solemnly. Love is a little far from this blond man, so he can't understand Baron's impulse. He just wants to complete the task of Master Dazi.

"Don't worry. Yugi Muto, although that guy is a mean guy, his friendship with Jonouchi is genuine. He will never abandon Jonouchi and run away alone." Hoshimi Hitomi explained without turning her head, "Although Peacock Dance failed to awaken the monster, she was originally a very powerful duelist. It is impossible for her to fail against a restrained Jonouchi."

Of course it's fake. He just doesn't want the plot to progress too fast. It takes time to find all the souls of Dazi. Before that, he has to find ways to prolong the plot.

It's true that Peacock Dance has a big advantage against Jonouchi, but Jonouchi will awaken the Claw of Hemo in this duel and turn the offensive. Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi was not worried, but Peacock Dance had to think about how to lose in a more beautiful way.

"After she takes care of Jonouchi, the four of us will go together to get rid of Muto Yugi. It will be less risky, right?"

Rafiru thought for a while and nodded slowly. Indeed, four against one is more stable than three against one. Moreover, he did not think that Peacock Dance with the barrier of Oliha Steel would lose to Jonouchi.

Peacock Dance will definitely kill Jonouchi in one second, definitely in one second! This is the idea of ​​everyone present except Hoshimi Hitomi and Jonouchi.

Then Jonouchi naturally summoned the will of the mortal bones and staged a shocking reversal with the power of Hemo, proving to everyone: In one second!

The legendary dragon - Hemo, combined with the power of the time magician, the fusion equipment card: Time Magic Hammer (animated version) has the effect of banishing all monsters on both sides of the field except the magic electronic giant equipped with the time magic hammer, and returning to their respective fields after 1-6 random rounds.

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