[Wind-traveling bird x Bald Eagle]

[Race: Bird Beast][Lv1][Attribute: Wind]

[ATK: 800→1300][DEF: 1000]

“It’s a human, chirp! Are you the master chirp?” (CV: Tomokazu Sugita)

“Hello, human, let’s get along well chirp!” (CV: Takehito Koyasu)

“Do you like traveling chirp? Let’s go traveling together chirp chirp!” (CV: Tomoyuki Morikawa)

The three little birds made cheerful sounds.

“…Hmm…” Hoshimi Hitomi tilted her head and thought for a while, then clapped her hands, “I know, it’s a joke about the demon apartment!”

“Okay, to make it easier to distinguish, you’ll be called Old Thing, you’ll be called Muda, and you’ll be called Boki.”

“Don’t chirp!” ×3

“Cry~~~!” A sharp cry interrupted the fight between one person and three birds. A huge bald eagle (bald eagle) grabbed the billboard with its feet, looking down at Hoshimi Hitomi and other birds from above.

"Ah, it's Eagle-chan. Don't be afraid, the master who likes to give strange nicknames, although he looks fierce, Eagle-chan is very gentle." Muda said to Hoshimi Hitomi.

"'Don't be afraid, let's be friends.' Is this kind of gentleness? The appearance of the bald eagle in the United States is really appropriate. (Note: The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States)"

"Probably, not, chirp..." The three wind-flying birds were full of question marks, and it felt difficult to follow Hoshimi Hitomi's jumpy thinking circuit.

"I say you, are you done? Be a little more serious!" Kaiba, who had been waiting for a long time, said angrily. Jonouchi on the side also hesitated to speak, stopped and wanted to speak, and forgot what to say.

"Okay, okay, then continue." Shrugging casually, Hoshimi Hitomi's eyes became sharp again, "Then self-arranged chain, C1 Bald Eagle, C2 Robin in the exclusion zone."

"What!? Activate the effect in the exclusion zone? Is that why you deliberately exclude it?" Kaiba was shocked. It's unheard of to activate the effect of the card in the exclusion zone!

"Reverse chain processing. The Windward Bird x Robin in the exclusion zone can be added to my hand when there is a Bird-type monster summoned on my field. Come back, Robin!" Hoshimi Hitomi stretched out her right hand towards the three Windward Birds. These three blue traveler birds are the "Windward Birds", and the Bald Eagle, Robin, etc. are the birds they met on their journey.

"Okay! 1, 2! Go!" ×3

The three birds happily circled at low altitude, rolled up a small whirlwind, and rolled the cards in the exclusion zone back to Hoshimi Hitomi's hand.

"Then there is the effect of the Bald Eagle. When this card is successfully summoned, retrieve 1 Bird-type monster of 7 or above from the deck and add it to your hand." Hoshimi Hitomi waved to the Eagle Sauce who was holding the billboard, "I will add Windward Bird x Imperial Enterprises to your hand!"

"Cry~~~!" The Eagle Sauce let out a clear cry, spread its wings and took off. After circling a circle, it landed on the fingers extended by Hoshimi Hitomi, and its claws gently closed. Then, Eagle used his mouth to pick up a card from Hoshimi Hitomi's deck, and Hoshimi Hitomi showed it to Kaiba and Jonouchi. It was the Emperor.

"Level... 10!? It's actually a top-level monster of the God Card level!" Kaiba's pupils shrank slightly after seeing the number of stars of the Emperor. Although it was impacted by the monster effect, the level is still one of the important criteria for measuring monster cards at this time.

"The effect of the Bald Eagle has a follow-up. After the search effect is activated, a bird-beast monster can be summoned." Hoshimi Hitomi tapped the back of the card lightly and placed it in the monster area of ​​the duel disk, "Normal Summon, Wind Bird × Robin!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!" ×3

The three Wind Birds hummed an unknown tune happily, rolled up a whirlwind wrapped in moisture, and called the friends they met on the journey. The gray, white, and red Robin (also known as the song thrush, the nightingale, the prototype of a certain series) that made a pleasant chirping fell on Hoshimi Hitomi's shoulder.


【Race: Bird Beast】【Lv1】【Attribute: Water】

【ATK: 600→1100】【DEF: 1200】

“…Hmph, playing with birds? But no matter how many small monsters come, it’s useless.” Kaiba crossed his arms, but there was no contempt in his eyes. His intuition told him that these small birds that seemed to have no lethality were very difficult to deal with!

“Don’t be careless, Kaiba, this guy Hoshimi Hitomi might summon a big guy soon! Use a ritual or fusion or something!” Jonouchi said in a deep voice. He had dueled with Hoshimi Hitomi on the airship before. He was still looking down on the maid the previous second, and was hung up and beaten by Yaoguang the next second, and he was raised in 3 rounds. That’s too much experience.

Although he said this, his eyes couldn’t help but look at the messy convenience store. Glass fragments and goods fell all over the floor, Peacock Dance... Is it okay?

"Don't worry, I'm going to show some mercy... probably." Hoshimi muttered a few words. He had taken out the Demon Axe to buff himself before, and it seemed that he didn't control the power well... But Peacock Dance had sealed many people's souls under Doma, so let's just treat it as the law of nature (no mercy)!

"It's true that a big guy is coming, but it's not a ritual or fusion. During the turn when the effect of Windbird is activated, I can't Special Summon monsters. Activate the effect of Robin, and if this card is successfully summoned, you can add 1 Beast-Type monster of level 4 or less to your hand. After that, you can summon 1 Beast-Type monster."

"What!? Can I perform another summon? Wait, if Robin searches for Bald Eagle, and Bald Eagle searches for a higher-level Beast-Type monster, then it's equivalent to..."

"Don't you know this very well? A robin card can exchange 1 for 2. And that's not all. Experience the true horror of the flying bird." Hoshimi Hitomi smiled coldly.

"For the robin effect, retrieve D.D. Crow from the deck. Then offer the robin and bald eagle as sacrifices——"

"Summoned by superiors, the uncrowned king of birds and beasts inhabiting the forgotten continent of ice - Wind Traveler × Emperor!"


What bad thoughts can a little bird have?

(The little bird has so many bad thoughts)

Chapter 79 45 When I was typing words, I reminded myself again and again that this is the protagonist, not an original villain.

"Summoned by superiors, the uncrowned king of birds and beasts inhabiting the forgotten continent of ice - Wind Traveler × Emperor!"

Hitomi Hoshimi slapped the card in her hand on position 3 of the monster area. A certain Anima has really completely changed the habits of card players, even if Jonouchi and Kaiba on the opposite side cannot hold that card.

The extremely cold air fell from the sky, turning the cool autumn night into a bitter winter. Bald eagles and robins did not adapt to the sudden change in climate, so they flapped their wings and flew away. While the snowflakes were flying, the king of Antarctic birds and beasts swaggered into view and let out an imperial cry.

"Quack quack~~~"

...It's so subtle and unimpressive.

【The Traveling Bird in the Wind×Emperor Qi】

[Race: Birds and Beasts] [Lv10] [Attribute: Wind]

[ATK: 2700→3200] [DEF: 1000]

"With an attack power of 3200, he is such a powerful monster right from the start! As expected of you!" Jonouchi stared at the naive penguin with a solemn expression. But he is no longer the Wu Xia Amon of the past. Although he doesn't know what the situation is, he will show all his strength in this duel to see if the distance between Hoshimi Tong and himself is still so far!

"It's the king chirping! Long time no see chirping!" The three traveling birds happily greeted the Emperor Qi, who responded with a reserved wave of his wings.

"The effect of the Imperial Enterprise is activated. This card can be activated only when the upper level summon of this card is successful. Add 1 [Wind Traveling Bird] Magic Trap from the deck to the hand. Then chain this effect to activate the bald eagle effect in the exclusion zone, and the bird When a beast-type monster is summoned, you can add this card to your hand to reverse the chain and recover the Bald Eagle Trap Card, Traveling Bird and Dream Town."

"Wait a minute, why is the bald eagle in the exclusion zone!? As a sacrifice summoned by superiors, it should be sent to the cemetery!" Kaiba asked quickly. This was important, so important that he even had to re-evaluate how difficult those birds were!

"The robin and bald eagle shown on the outside are except when leaving the field." Hitomi Hoshimi said calmly.

"Gu...what is this..." As a sacrifice, leave the field → enter the exclusion zone → collect when the bird-type monster is summoned, which equals a steady stream of retrieval chains and superior monsters!

"Really or not, this is too much!" Jonouchi's face turned blue. True Red Eye Fusion is nothing compared to these little birds.

Following Hoshimi Hitomi's command, the three windbirds once again created a whirlwind and blew the cards in the exclusion zone back to their hand. The elegant emperor penguin flapped its broad wings slightly, creating a cold current. The duel disk seemed to be frozen. After a loud clicking sound, the deck storage board spit out a card, which was the trap that Hitomi Hoshimi wanted to retrieve.

"Gu, the number of cards in the hand is 7... No, the robin in the exclusion area must also be counted as the card in the hand, that is, 8 cards in the hand. What an efficient operating system!" Kaiba stared at the three cards on Hoshimi Hitomi's field. A little bird with a solemn expression. It's a powerful enemy!

"Cover 4 cards, the round is over." Hoshimi Hitomi almost covered the backfield, but even so, he still held 3 cards in his hand. Among them, the Bald Eagle and D.D. Crow, as well as the 4 cards in the backfield and 1 Dream Town, are considered bright cards.

"Four cards folded, this is really difficult to deal with..." Jonouchi looked at Hoshimi Hitomi's full backcourt, his scalp numb, "My turn, draw a card!"

Pulling out a card from the top of the deck, Jonouchi looked at the card and was slightly startled. This card is not... Oh, by the way, in the previous duel, he used the trap card Graverobber to steal a magic card from Mai's graveyard. Before he could use it, the duel was interrupted by Hitomi Hoshimi, so this card could not be returned to its original owner and was shuffled into his deck.

Is it fate to draw this card at this time? Or, Wu, you also...

"Hey mediocrity, how long are you going to be in a daze? If you're scared, just blame it and let me handle it!" Kaiba couldn't help but urge when Jonouchi lowered his head and didn't speak.

"Tch, it's that simple! I won't be intimidated by a scene of this magnitude!" Jonouchi shook his head and shook the complicated thoughts out of his mind, "Then let me start. Mai, lend me your power. One use!”

"Magic card, Harpy's Feather Sweep! Destroy all the magic trap cards on Hoshimi's field!" Jonouchi rubbed his nose in excitement, "Hey, Oriha Steel... the orichalcum barrier will not be destroyed. , but you can’t keep your Gaika!”

Hoshimi Hitomi raised an eyebrow. As mentioned before, due to turn priority, there is no time before he launches Feather Sweep in the city. Otherwise, if you activate Dream Town, you will have to get through the giant divine bird 1 hard health before you can operate it. But...it's just a broom, it's nothing.

"Counterattack trap, God's declaration. Pay half of the LP, and the activation of the broom is invalid and destroyed!" Facing the oncoming strong wind, Hoshimi Hitomi unhurriedly opened a cover card. Generally speaking, the old man with a white beard cannot do anything at all, and the bad influence on young people is immeasurable. He slaps away the strong wind.

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 8000 → 4000]

"Tch...replace only one cover card..." Jonouchi gritted his teeth and looked at the cards in his hand. He has a counterattack in his hand that specifically targets counterattack traps, but he can't activate it at all now.

"Just stick to it, mediocrity. That's all it can do now." Kaiba made a sound and crossed his arms. He knew a little bit about Hoshimi Hitomi's plan, and it would actually be better if he lost in this duel... But he didn't! In every duel, he must go all out to win! especially! the third time! Lose! Hoshimi Hitomi! still! And mediocrity! Team up! He won't! allow!

There was fire burning in Kaiba's eyes.

"Oh, Kaiba, I am a duelist chosen by the Legendary Dragon just like you. I am not a mediocre person!" Jonouchi choked, then picked out a card from his hand, "Overwrite the monster's defense status, and then cover it. Up 2 cards! End of round..."

"Okay stop, I will take over your turn. Open the cover card, Sui Feng Bird and Dream Town." Hitomi Hoshimi waved his hand and opened the second cover card. He's going to start tidying up again!

"The effect of Dream Town, this card can only be activated during one's own or the opponent's main phase. Summon 1 Bird-Beast monster with a level 4 or lower. Then chain the Dream Town and activate the Continuous Trap, Big Cosmos."

Hitomi Hoshimi pressed on the duel disk, and the third cover card was immediately displayed, "As a processing step when activating, I can special summon [Primordial Sun Helios] from the card in my hand and deck. Although in this deck There is no such thing as a monster.”

"As long as the big universe exists in the magic trap area, the cards sent to the graveyard will not go to the graveyard, but all will be removed."

As the card effect took effect, a dark wormhole opened on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, opposite was the outer universe shining with unknown light.

"Seal the cemetery..." Kaiba said, except for the occasion when the Sui Feng Bird itself left the field, and the universe felt as at ease as home. But for them, all the cards in Susheng Cemetery have become useless paper!

"Then deal with the effect of the dream town. Summon the bald eagle!" Hitomi Hoshimi slapped the card on position 1 of the monster area. The bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, shivered and landed on Hoshimi Hitomi's shoulder, freezing.

"Aangangangang~~~!" Well, this time it's not the red-tailed crocodile that's playing in front of the red tail.

"Summon during my turn!?" Jonouchi was shocked. Such an operation was unheard of!

"Gu, is it coming again!? That chain!" Kaiba couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Yes, it's coming again. Little birds, let's perform that again!" Hoshimi Hitomi spread his hands.

"Hey, hey, there's a scary Gaika chirp across the way!" "We just want to travel, chirp!" The three little birds hugged each other and shivered.

"C1 bald eagle, C2 robin. Chain reverse processing, robin recycling, bald eagle retrieves Gale Emperor Leza. Then the follow-up of bald eagle effect, summons robin. Robin effect, retrieves Robin 2 Machine. And then the robin effect follows—"

Hoshimi Hitomi tapped the back of the card a few times and patted it in the No. 5 monster area: "Use the robin and the bald eagle as sacrifices and summon them from a higher level. The emperor who set off a fierce whirlwind that tears the sky apart, here. Wake up! The Gale Emperor Raiza is coming!”

The originally clear night sky was filled with dark clouds and thunder and lightning. Several tornadoes that were four to five meters thick and shot straight into the sky rolled up on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, seeming to tear the sky apart. From the roaring whirlpool, the emperor of the violent wind came here, issuing the majestic cry of the overlord.


【Gale Emperor Raiza】

[Race: Birds and Beasts] [Lv8] [Attribute: Wind]

[ATK: 2800→3300] [DEF: 1000]

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