"Exclude the Shadow Maidens and Shadow Hounds in the cemetery."

"Shadowbound Miko, Shadowbound Star Warrior, trapped in the curse of Shadow Prison, awaken the Miko standing beside the Star God! Fusion Summon--"

"God Shadow Midrash!"

Chapter 83 49 I think furry should be the master of this universe

Somewhere deep in the Amazon rainforest.

"Huh... Huh..." The black-clothed man Isono wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the stone ruins that were out of tune with the jungle in front of him, "Here... is the end!"

According to the instructions of President Kaiba, he traveled around the world at almost any cost, constantly discovering wonderful ruins in places that human wisdom has never reached. According to the research of geological experts, these ruins distributed all over the world, but worshiping a certain snake-shaped god together, the latest one was around the 18th century AD, and the farthest one was even older than the birth of the Mesopotamian civilization.

These ruins exist on the seabed about 10,000 meters deep in the Mariana Trench, deep in the underground caves of the Tibetan Plateau, on uninhabited desert islands in the Pacific Ocean that are not even recorded on the sea charts, and deep in the Amazon rainforest.

It can be called "Opazz". Were these ruins built by a lost civilization? Or were they built by underground people, lizard people, or something like that? Or were they the work of aliens from outer space?

But it doesn't matter... Isono's purpose is not to "investigate" or "explain". He just needs to "find" it -

Set up bombs on the periphery of the ruins, and Isono's mission is over. That's right, "entering" is an absolute prohibition. They just need to destroy these nameless ruins - at a certain moment, at the same time, all.

"Although I don't know why I do this, this way the mission is completed." After setting up the bombs himself, Isono breathed a sigh of relief, gestured to the natives who led the way, and returned the same way.

These natives have bomb collars tied around their necks. As long as Isono presses the button lightly, he can send all of them to heaven. This is a necessary insurance measure. When Isono receives Kaiba's message, he will unlock it for them and give them a large amount of hush money.

In the ruins, all the sinister mechanisms and murder traps that rely on the power of Orichalcum have lost their activity. And in the center of the ruins, in a cabin-shaped container made entirely of Orichalcum fragments, a young man with long blue hair and an inexplicable atmosphere is sleeping. It is one of the dozens of souls of Dazi.

However, even if the God of Orichalcum has not fallen asleep, the power of Orichalcum is fully activated, and the bomb is absolutely safe and reliable, and can actually blow Dazi's Horcrux in the ruins, along with all the mechanisms and everything around it, into slag.

If you want to ask why, its name is M388 "David Crockett". That is, the legendary shell of [single-soldier nuclear weapon] with a larger explosion radius than the range.

It was developed during the Cold War by a world policeman who did not want to be named, the Sarazu Lighthouse, and was completely abandoned and disposed of because of the end of the Cold War and various reasons. And one of the stocks fell into the hands of Kaiba Gosaburo for various reasons. Do you think Kaiba Gosaburo deserved to die?

However, Kaiba Gosaburo's goal was to conquer the world, not to destroy it. In short, he was pursuing power - this kind of person would not be willing to play Civilization 6 from scratch in the wasteland world of the Stone Age.

In short... until Kaiba forced Gosaburo to death, this batch of David cannonballs was not put to use. After that, Kaiba thought about it and did not destroy it like those airplanes and cannons, but temporarily threw it in an absolutely safe warehouse to collect dust - this thing is quite rare, not like those unfeatured airplanes and cannons, what if it can be used?

And this idea is really right, don't you see it being used now?

Dazi, an orphan, is still having fun in the Atlantic Temple, and he doesn't realize that he is like an old dog with teeth pulled out, and he is just short of being scalded and skinned and put into the pot.

—————————————————Dividing line———————————————————

Let’s focus our attention back on the three people who are shuffling cards in Florida, the United States.

“Shadowbound priestess, shadowbound star warriors, trapped in the curse of the shadow prison, awaken the priestess standing beside the star god! Fusion summon——”

“God Shadow I Midrash!”

Hoshimi Hitomi raised her right hand. The green-haired shadow priestess responded to the call, emerged from the shadow prison, and stood in front of Hoshimi Hitomi with the wind dragon star (blackened).

She turned her head slightly and looked at him, with a gentle look in her eyes: “No matter when and where, Xiaomi will always fight for you, my master.”

[God Shadow I Midrash]

[Race: Magician][Lv5][Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 2200][DEF: 800]

“Another powerful monster…” Feeling the strong pressure coming at him, Wang Yang frowned. Although Xiaomi's level and attack power are not high, the high status of the priestess from the God of Creation also brings her a strong momentum.

"Hmph, a disciple who fell into the shadow..." The knight of the teaching on the side snorted coldly and raised his chest high - although it was wrapped in thick armor, both Xing Jiantong and Xiaomi knew that it was not hollow underneath, but was real and solid!

"But the pseudo-codex must be destroyed!" Rafiru said. As he said, the pseudo-codex stopped moving after pulling Xiaomi out, and was torn into pieces by the violent storm and entered the cemetery.

"Then, I will activate the magic card, Soul Liberation! Exclude the Dark Hero Corpse Demon Man, the Fusion Curse Creature-Earth, the Final Warrior of the Alien, the Messenger of the Underworld Guts, and the Shadow Lizard in the Hoshimi Hitomi Cemetery!" Rafiru began to dig graves, paving the way for the appearance of Athos.

The souls of the five monsters flew out of the graves of their respective owners and became Buddhas. At this time, only the Demon Trap remained in the public graveyard of Wang Yang and Rafiru, and there were no monsters.

"When there are no monsters in your own graveyard, Guardian Athos can be special summoned! Come, White Winged Guardian!" Placing the card in his hand in the center of the monster area, Rafiru called the monster that was equivalent to his family.

The pure white angel responded to his call and descended on the field. But at this time, Athos's movements and expressions were stiff and lifeless. He was just an ordinary virtual image and had lost the host of the elves. Before, Athos replaced Rafiru as the sacrifice of the Orichalcum Barrier. Dazi and the God of Orichalcum must be defeated to retrieve the card spirits that reside on it!

Soon... soon! Rafiru's eyes were firm, and he clenched his right fist and made a vow.

[Guardian Athos]

[Race: Angel] [Lv8] [Attribute: Wind]

[ATK: 2500] [DEF: 2000]

"While Midrash is in the Monster Zone, both sides can only Special Summon a monster once per turn." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly.

"Block effect? ​​But it doesn't matter... It's over!" Rafiru's eyes condensed, and he inserted the hand card into the Magic Trap Zone fiercely, "Magic Card, Weapon Hole! At the cost of not being able to Normal Summon this turn, send the top card of the deck to the Graveyard to activate. From the deck, retrieve the equipment magic, the Goddess's Holy Sword-Eagle Spirit!"

A hole opened in front of Rafiru, leading to nowhere. Rafiru stretched out his hand without hesitation, grabbed something from the hole, and threw it into the air: "Take it, Athos! Open up the future!!!"

Athos's virtual image stared blankly at the holy sword getting closer and closer, and a hint of agility seemed to flash in his eyes.

Then-hold it tightly, as if holding the future!

"Yoshi! It's the combination of Athos and the holy sword!" Wang Yang smiled. This is a powerful combination that once defeated him, with extremely high explosive power!

"Unfortunately, your hope is cut off here." The cold voice will destroy all hope. How can the tiny future resist the darkness in front of us? There is no sunshine, rain, dew and fertile soil here. There is no mercy or salvation in the dead silence of darkness. Flowers, wither!

After being sent to the grave, Nephilim has the effect of recovering the [Shadow] magic trap in the graveyard. Therefore, monsters are excluded here...

Just when Xing Jiantong was thinking this, Xiaomi's clear and gentle voice came into his ears: "Keep as many monsters as possible, my lord."

...If you keep monsters...Is that card coming? Xing Jiantong raised his eyebrows slightly. The speed of Shaddoll's graveyard accumulation is quite fast, but once it enters the graveyard, the family can't quickly mobilize those resources. Therefore, the card masters will plug in some powerful single cards, such as Snow White, Pot of Greed, and - that card.

"Exclude the 7 cards in the graveyard, including Double Tornado, Contact with God's False Body, Infinite Bubble, Shaddo Fusion, Apostle of the Underworld, Shaddo's Pseudo-Book, and Shaddo Dragon, and special summon-"

"Fairy Legend Princess-Snow White!"

7 dwarves, 7 souls. 7 cards, giving birth to 7 dead poisonous apples. For the fairy princess to wake up from her long sleep, the innocent lamb needs to swallow the poisonous fruit.

The bouncing furry princess stared with big watery eyes and handed the poisoned apple in her hand to the angel of salvation. Under the gaze of those innocent eyes, the angel swallowed the apple without hesitation - what bad intentions could furry have?

Then the angel fell asleep on the spot and turned into a covered card.

Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes slightly and looked up and down at the fairy legend princess - Snow White, the furry tail, furry ears, petite and cute body, the pads on the hands and feet, and the face between small animals and humans...

He couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

Ah, bliss?

"Ai... Tos..." Rafiru widened his eyes, unable to believe the facts in front of him. His ultimate chain was completely bankrupt because Aitos was covered and the holy sword was sent to the cemetery... No, it can be said to be a collapse.

"Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White, you can Special Summon 7 cards other than yourself from my hand, field, and graveyard - this effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. In addition, when Snow White is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, you can activate it by targeting 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field, and change it to face-down Defense Position." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly.

On the field, the furry Snow White crouched and trembled, and Xiaomi next to her was staring at her with murderous eyes. There is a wolf in front (furry control) and a tiger behind (jealous woman), how can the little animals protect themselves?

"Rafiru..." Wang Yang looked at the soul-destroying Rafiru, wanting to say something comforting, but he didn't know how to start.

"Is the world... going to fall into endless darkness?" Rafiru was extremely pessimistic. Although Hoshimi Hitomi didn't even use the barrier of Orichalcum, he and Pharaoh suffered another loss of life to zero, and there was no way they could fight the Hoshimi Hitomi elf fast. It can even be said that it is like fish on the chopping board, and Ren Xingjiantong cuts it.

"I...cover 2 cards, and the turn ends."

At this time, there is only one covered Athos in the front field of Rafiru, and two face-up cards in the back field. However, one of them is an equipment magic that can only be used to bluff people, Nitrogen Device. The other one can only destroy the explosive armor of one monster.

Such a fragile back field cannot stop the attack of Hoshimi Hitomi... Can we only hope that he can't draw a card to clear the back field...?

"Then it's my turn, draw a card." He drew a card lightly and put it in front of his eyes. Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the card he drew. It's this card, a card that can be practical and romantic. Draw this card at this time... It seems that the king's opening of Tianshi + Greed, and the luck of Alien God Xuan Yueshu Saint Defense Guts has also caused retribution!

The materials... are just enough! Hoshimi Hitomi directly inserted the drawn card into the magic trap: "Main stage 1, activate magic card, Harmony Magic!"

"Let me show you, the supreme, the strongest, the most benevolent, the most kind, the ultimate magician!"

The ultimate...magician?

For this title, the first thing that flashed in Wang Yang's mind was the "Black Magician of Chaos" he possessed. Because the effect of recycling graveyard magic cards was too strong, it was also cut by Kaiba, and the limit of once per turn for the same name card was added. But even so, it is still a very powerful monster, and the strength of a single card is far superior to his ace Black Magician.

However, it seems that what Hoshimi Hitomi wants to summon at this moment is not the Black Magician of Chaos, because that is an effect monster. And Hoshimi Hitomi activated [Magic Fusion] (the kana pronunciation of Harmony Magic, it is a "fusion" card, which can be stacked by Anaconda), which is obviously to summon a fusion monster.

"Exclude the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Sorcerer-Type Fusion Monster Card from my field and graveyard, and Fusion Summon that monster."

"The Fusion Material is 5 Sorcerer-Type Monsters!" Hoshimi Hitomi raised her right hand high.

A mirror emitting an unpredictable light appeared on his field. The mirror was dark, reflecting nothing... No. It was reflecting. It was reflecting——nothingness.

"The magician who pursued the ultimate magic power realized that magic power was not omnipotent, so he turned to pursue darkness."

"The magician who walked alone in the darkness understood the one-sidedness of darkness, so he turned to pursue chaos."

"Finally...the magician who exhausted the chaos realized all the truth in chaos and understood the falsehood of matter. So he sneered at the material world and threw himself into the embrace of nothingness, pursuing endless truth in endless nothingness."

"Five souls, five powers, five keys, unlock the door of nothingness. When the door is opened, great power will emerge from it!"

"Fusion Summoning - Five Formation Magician!"


I heard that according to the process, the auction will be re-auctioned, and the difference between the final transaction price and 80 million will be made up by the idiot who raised the price. I think these idiots are ready to start over, they deserve it

Chapter 84 50 I am kindhearted, and I hate to see others suffer.jpg

"Fusion Summoning - Five Formation Magician!"

In the inexplicable prayer of Yu Xing Jiantong, the saint of his teaching, the knight of his teaching, the fairy legend-Bai Xue, Xiao Mi, and the seven sages in the cemetery were transformed into pure energy and thrown into the mirror reflecting the void.

The terrifying magic power is gathering. This is an "equivalent exchange". The void will give an equivalent return if it charges a price-but remember, dangerous magic, little magicians, please try it under the supervision of your parents!

In the void reflected by the mirror, a figure slowly appeared.

"Well, the magic of harmony, using the monsters in the cemetery as fusion materials..." Rafiru crossed his arms in front of him to resist the dissipated torrent of magic, his face ugly. Originally, he could not resist the army of Xing Jiantong, and now a guy who looked like a tough guy is coming again. We can only hope that the monster has no resistance to destruction, and let them survive for another round after eating the explosive armor!

"5 magician monsters... Could this fusion material be 5 dragon monsters that match F·G·D?" Wang Yang's pupils shrank slightly. He not only knew about F·G·D, but also faced it twice. Although it has no resistance... oh, it still has some, but the incomplete battle-breaking resistance of 5000 hits is the same as having no resistance.

In short... F·G·D's attack power is still very high, provided that it does not fall into the trap. If it is just a big fool, Wang Yang is not too worried. But according to Hoshimi Hitomi's personality, I am afraid she will not invest in such a completely useless monster...

In the void, the ultimate magician finally showed up. He was dressed in black and blue magician clothes, with dazzling magic circles and spells drawn on his robes, and the top of the magic wand in his hand was inlaid with emerald green crystals. Five three-dimensional magic circles guarded him, like the floating cannons commonly seen in carrot slices.

He passed through the mirror, returned from the void, and landed in the material world. He floated in the air, looking down at Wang Yang and Rafiru opposite him, as if he was looking down at an insect.

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