"It actually provides such a strong resistance..." Wang Yang's pupils shrank slightly. The super strong resistance plus the desperate attack power of the God-Combining Idol is really an amazing combination!

"Don't sigh in a hurry. I... The battle phase of the corpse is not over yet." Hoshimi pointed at the Super Magic Swordsman on Wang Yang's field, "First use the God-Combining Idol of Orichalcum to attack the Super Magic Swordsman!"

A huge wheel of light appeared above the head of the God-Combining Idol, spinning at high speed and slashing towards the Super Magic Swordsman. The attack power of the God-Combining Idol is as high as 16200 points. Even the Super Magic Swordsman with an attack power of 7300 is far from its opponent! And the difference between the two is as high as 8900 points, which will empty his LP at once!

"Gu, Super Magic Swordsman..." Wang Yang looked at the huge cutting wheel coming towards him and clenched his teeth.

"Bang!!!" With a loud noise, the black dragon sword and naginata in the hands of the dragon-slaying magician were all cut off, and he himself was also cut in half. After that, the light wheel continued to move forward without losing momentum, and hit... a dense wave of coolies!

"Discard the chestnut ball in your hand card, and the damage of this battle will be reduced to 0!" Wang Yang sent the hand card to the graveyard and breathed a sigh of relief: I was saved by you again.

On the corpse's field, the remaining monsters are 2 arms. The attack power of the left arm is 0, and the attack power of the right arm is unknown "?". Can you——clear his life value?

"It's really wonderful!" Hoshimi Hitomi applauded. Although Wang Yang had expected that the chestnut ball would be used in his first move, he still couldn't help cheering.

"The God of Harmony destroyed the Super Magic Swordsman through battle, so its attack power will be reduced by the Super Magic Swordsman's attack power value, which is 7300 points."

[Orichalcum's God of Harmony ATK: 16200→8900]

"It's reduced by about half... At least it's not that exaggerated! But..." Jonouchi frowned. The super magic swordsmen equipped with powerful equipment such as Tyrant Blast Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword were destroyed, and their hand cards were almost exhausted. How can they defeat the full-resistance God of the Gods and cut off the 20,000 LP of the corpse behind?

Hoshimi Hitomi did not give them much time to think.

"Then it's the right arm's attack. Attack Blue-Eyes Light Dragon!"

Following Hoshimi Hitomi's order, the right arm suspended in the air turned around and aimed at the Blue-Eyes Light Dragon on Kaiba's field.

"Orichalcum's right arm's attack power only changes to the higher value of the opponent's monster's attack power and defense power + 300 when the damage is calculated. After the damage calculation is completed, the attack power of Orichalcum's God of the Gods will be reduced by that amount. Blue-Eyes Light Dragon has a higher attack power, so Orichalcum's right arm's attack power is——"

[Orichalcum's right arm ATK:? →3600】

"Hmph! The final effect of Blue-Eyes Light Dragon is to sacrifice itself, negate the effect of a card on the field, and destroy it! This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn, it is a two-speed effect!" Kaiba gritted his teeth and said.

"However, Orichalcum's God of Combination and the left and right arms will not be affected by the opponent's card effects under the protection of the triple barrier. The triple barrier itself will not be affected by the effects of other cards. Even if Blue-Eyes Light Dragon activates this effect, it will just leave the field in vain." Hoshimi Hitomi explained lightly.

"...Gu." Kaiba frowned and watched Blue-Eyes Light Dragon being pierced by the laser shot from its right arm.

[Kaiba LP: 3000→2700]

"Orichalcum's Heshen Idol, attack power drops by 3600 points again."

[Orichalcum's Heshen Idol ATK: 8900→5300]

"Attack power keeps dropping... Rather than saying it's insufficient, it's better to say..." Kaiba narrowed his eyes slightly, his intuition told him that the ridiculous Heshen Idol still had some incredible power hidden, "Is it tempting others to break it..."

"The battle phase ends. Main phase 2, activate the effect of Triple Barrier, once per turn, restore the corpse's LP by the number of monsters on the field x 500 points. There are 3 monsters on the field of the corpse, so restore 1500 points of LP. End of turn."

[Corpse LP: 20000→21500]

"Is LP further increased... Hey Yugi, think of a way!" Jonouchi said hurriedly.

Wang Yangze closed his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't feel any sense of crisis in this duel. Was it because Hoshimi Hitomi was on the opposite side? But it has nothing to do with that. His deck is stirring with something strong.

The Millennium Blocks flashed with dazzling golden light, bringing the Pharaoh's consciousness to the other side of time.

That is a vow beyond time. The knight's vow to drive out the darkness of Orichalcum and bring light and future to the world. When the three swords intersect, great power will be born!

"My... turn!" Wang Yang pulled out the card with his eyes closed, and he inserted it directly into the magic trap area without any intention of opening his eyes. "Magic card, angel's charity. Draw 3 cards, and then discard 2 cards from hand."

There is no need to confirm with the eyes. He believes in the deck, and the deck also guides him. Guide him to call for the true power of the legendary dragon!

"Draw a card!" He pulled out the card fiercely, and its fierce momentum made Kaiba and Jonouchi look sideways. I don't know if it's an illusion, the card Wang Yang drew flashed with a hazy golden light.

"The cards discarded into the graveyard are... Evil Shield - Dark Power -, and Eye of Timaeus!" Wang Yang said directly without waiting for Xing Jiantong to ask.

"Really? I didn't even look at the cards!" Jonouchi said in surprise.

"Hmph, supernatural phenomena..." Kaiba thought. He has encountered quite a few recently, such as the legendary dragon, Orichalcum, and the thousand-year artifact, which are simply destroying his worldview.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he spends money, there will definitely be people willing to help him study these things.

"Kaiba, Jonouchi, lend me your monsters!" Wang Yang closed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph..." Kaiba snorted coldly and did not refuse.

"Oh, just use it! But is it allowed by the rules?" Jonouchi punched hard.

Hoshimi Hitomi shrugged: "As long as everyone has no objection."

As he said that, he stretched out his intact hand and knocked on the gold on the neck of the corpse several times: "Moshi Moshi~~~ Corpse-san, do you have any objection?"

Although the corpse can play cards, it naturally cannot speak.

"Look, Corpse-san has no objection either."

"..." ×3

The three were speechless.

Wang Yang's mouth twitched slightly, and he slapped the card in his hand on the monster area of ​​the duel disk: "Offer the Devil Frankenstein and the True Red King as sacrifices, and summon the advanced summon-Dark Knight Gaia!"

Two monsters were sacrificed to summon Gaia, a hard-working model who was fully present in all summoning methods except the Pendulum. The mere 2300 ordinary bones are really not good enough, but his role is not to fight, but to become a high-level sacrifice.

"Across the years of thousands of years, the legendary knight is coming!" Inserting the card with an unknown light into the magic trap area, Wang Yang suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "This is the unfinished card entrusted to me by Bekas. It is nurtured by the power of the legendary dragon and shows its true power!"

"Activate the magic card, Legend Heart! I pay 2000 LP points and sacrifice 1 Warrior monster on the field, Dark Knight Gaia, to activate it. The 3 legendary dragons in the graveyard will show their true appearance!"

"Well, it's coming!" Hoshimi Hitomi was shocked and reached Climax!

"Hero~" "Hero~" "Hero~"

The area of ​​the duel disk graveyard of Wang Yang, Kaiba and Jonouchi was filled with brilliant golden light.

"What, what is this!?" "The deck is beating... full of unknown vitality!"

"Haiba, Jonouchi! Come on, legendary knight Timaeus!"

"Huh, I see. Now I can understand... legendary knight Critias!"

"Oh, it's on fire! Come on, legendary knight Hemo!"

"Clang!" The three swords intersected, and the three legendary knights crossed thousands of years and showed their true appearance under the command of the Pharaoh. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something else, but the three legendary knights are inexplicably similar to their holders.

"The power of bond guides us!" by Critias.

"We will turn into sharp blades and cut off the huge darkness - but it seems to be just icing on the cake." by Hemos.

"That bastard Dazhi has lost his head. How can I avenge the scar he left on me?" by Timaeus.

[Legendary Knight Timaeus] [Special Summon] (Anime Version)

[Race: Warrior] [Lv8] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2800] [DEF: 1800]

[Legendary Knight Critias] [Special Summon] (Anime Version)

[Race: Warrior] [Lv8] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2800] [DEF: 1800]

[Legendary Knight Hemo] [Special Summon] (Anime Version)

[Race: Warrior] [Lv8] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 2800] [DEF: 1800]

"This is... the true appearance of the legendary dragon! It's actually a knight..." Jonouchi said in surprise.

"Ah, that's it. The reason why you can easily escape from the evil power of Orichalcum is also because of our help... although most of it is the work of the elf over there." Hemo pointed his mouth in the direction of Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Hey kid, the game time is over! If the Orichalcum God Doll is destroyed, you should know what will come out, right?" Timaeus raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Hoshimi Hitomi and shouted.

"Ah, of course. This is my purpose." Hoshimi Hitomi was not surprised at all, and said with ease while covering her wrist.

"... Hum, it seems that you are also very aware. Then we will help you, in order to completely expel the God of Orichalcum from this world!" Critias inserted the long sword in his hand into the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Then first... the destruction of the barrier is necessary." Hoshimi Hitomi said, with a sense of turning the tables.

"... Hoshimi, is this also in your plan?" Wang Yang looked at Hoshimi Hitomi who was talking happily with the three legendary knights, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Now he even suspected that what he would eat tonight was part of Hoshimi Hitomi's plan.

He shook his head to get rid of the weird thoughts and said loudly: "Legendary Knight Timaeus, effect activated!"

"When this card is successfully Special Summoned, place a bond counter on itself. Legendary Knight Critias and Legendary Knight Hemo also have the same effect!"

"When the bond counters on the field become 3, remove all those bond counters. The opponent player must choose 1 card in his field area and send it to the graveyard!"

"Beautiful! Use the effect on the player to remove the triple barrier of full resistance. Don't you understand this?" Hoshimi Hitomi nodded happily.

On the field, three legendary knights swung strong sword energy in three directions. The sword energy was full of the clear edge that could destroy evil spirits, and it tore apart all the three layers of barrier of Oliha Steel!

The dark green light dissipated, and the evil energy of the earth was purified. The evil atmosphere in the temple was cleared.

On the ground, the rubies inlaid in the eyes of the stone statue with a snake head flickered slightly, almost undetectable. The power of the triple enchantment is almost directly mobilized by the big sea snake, so when it is dispelled, the big sea snake will definitely feel it.

However, it is just like the reaction of a sleeping person turning over, it is just an unconscious movement. Therefore, if you want to catch Him, you need to add another fire——

"Come on Yugi, let's destroy Oriha Steel's God Puppet!" Hoshimi Hitomi opened his arms and said with a smile.

"Needless to say! Activate Hemo's effect once per turn, select 1 magic card in the graveyard, and obtain the effect of that card until the end phase! I select the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword in the castle's graveyard!" King shouted so loudly. (The animation effect of the red-eyed black dragon sword is equipment magic.)

"Drink!" Following the order, Hemo raised the sword in his hand high. In the piercing light, the legendary knight turned into a black dragon's sword wrapped in flames, burning blazingly.

"Equip the legendary knight Hermo to the legendary knight Timaeus!"

"Hermo, lend me your power!" Timaeus, who was wearing green armor, reached out and grabbed the sword and pulled it out. Wrapped in fire, it gives the knight tremendous power!

"Then, the effect of the legendary knight Timaeus, once per turn, selects 1 monster card in the graveyard, and it has the same effect until the end phase! I select the super magic swordsman in the graveyard - Black Magic Swordsman! Timaeus’ attack power has increased again!”

"Uh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!" Behind Timaeus, the super magic swordsman smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. The power of the dragon sleeping in the cemetery continues to pour into the knight's body through the earth's veins!

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Blue-eyed dragon! Tyrant Explosive Dragon! What a red king! With the help of the super magic swordsman and the red-eyed black dragon sword, these dragons gave all their power to Timaeus!

[Legendary Knight Timaeus ATK: 2800 → 7800]

"Hey! The attack power is 7800, which is far beyond that ridiculous Aishin Doll!" Jonouchi waved his hand and said excitedly.

"No, it's not over yet. If Oliha Steel's left arm is present, I can only attack that left arm." Timaeus said solemnly.

"Hmph, leave that left arm to me to cut off!" Critias held the sword in his hand, confident and arrogant.

"Then it's up to you! The effect of the legendary Knight Critia is activated once per turn. Select a trap card in the graveyard. The effect of that card when activated applies! I choose the evil shield in the graveyard - Darkness -, remove all defense position monsters from the corpse field!"

As Wang Xiang gave the order, Critia jumped up high, the long sword in his hand flashed with dark light, and slashed out with one sword. Without the protection of the triple barrier, Oliha Gang's left arm was unable to resist. It was caught in the dark sword light and disappeared into the other side of the dimension.

"The road is open, come on Timaeus!" Critias shouted.

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