In fact, Hoshimi Hitomi already has a Phantom, a Grave Finger, and a Sword Finger. She activated Fossil Investigation to trick a Gray or Lockbird, but it didn't seem to work.

Phantom is a powerful lower-level Dinosaur. It can not only provide resistance to Dinosaurs on the field, but also banish the Graveyard and mobilize the Jewel Beasts in the deck. However, the resistance it provides is limited to the Dinosaurs "on the field". In other words, it and the Little Horned Dragon that are activated in the Graveyard are not protected.

"... Then, I discard the Hybrid Dinosaur of Phantom. During this main phase, the Dinosaur monsters on my field are not affected by the effects activated by the opponent." The monster, which is a mixture of various dinosaur body tissues and looks like a stitched monster, sprinkled the will-o'-the-wisp wrapped around itself all over Hoshimi Hitomi's monster zone, and randomly turned into dry bones and disappeared.

"Then, banish the Phantom in the Graveyard and Special Summon the Jewel Beast - Operational Dragon from the deck in Defense Position. Does Gray have it?" Hoshimi Hitomi asked, and when Xia Di didn't respond, she prepared to spread out the deck to search. At this time, a card popped out of the storage room by itself, and it was Jewelmon. The body made of beads looked very funny and interesting. As soon as it appeared, it yawned and turned over to reveal its white belly.

"The effect of Jewelmon is activated. If this card is successfully Special Summoned, destroy the Little Horned Dragon in your hand and search for an Ultimate Evolution Potion in your deck. Is there a chain?" Xing Jiantong stared at Xia Di nervously, fearing that he would take out a Dimension Attractor.

"No chain." Xia Di answered respectfully.

Jewelmon opened its mouth and spit out a stream of water, which soaked the Little Horned Dragon that popped out of nowhere.

"When the Little Horned Dragon is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, Special Summon a Dinosaur monster below 4 stars in your deck. It's about time to give me the ashes, right?" Xing Jiantong said anxiously.

But Xia Di did not take any further action and still looked confused.

So Xing Jiantong had to continue the operation: "Use the effect of the small horned dragon to special summon Soul Eater Oviraptor in defense position." The Oviraptor, with blue flames all over its body and strange patterns all over its body, jumped out of the deck and landed on Xing Jiantong's field. Coupled with the ghost fire left by the previous fantasy, it looked sinister. Looking more closely, it was not holding an egg in its hand, but a soul.

"If Soul Eater Oviraptor is successfully special summoned, add a Dinosaur monster to your hand." Because Xia Di did not make any move, Xing Jiantong simply did not ask, and closed his eyes and unfolded it. How can a field deck win without fielding? Giant King Spinosaurus beat?

And the opponent has not thrown a hand pit yet. He estimated that Xia Di did not have a gray g in his hand, it should be a meteorite or a fantasy dragon, and he would wait until he used the scrap iron axis to unfold it to give him a hard blow.

"So that's it, it's easy to gather the sacrifices for the superior summon." Xia Di muttered to himself. At this time, before Hoshimiya Hitomi used the summon, there were two dinosaurs, Soul-eating Oviraptor and Gemmon, on the field. Next, he will face the powerful wild beast.

At this time, the sight of the great beings gathered on him was reduced a lot, and those beings seemed to cast all their eyes on Hoshimiya Hitomi.

"The effect of Soul-eating Oviraptor adds Microceratops II to the hand card."

"Huh?" Xia Di blinked in confusion. Where are the superior dinosaurs?

Hoshimiya Hitomi slapped the Microceratops II that had just been retrieved on the monster zone: "Normal Summon Microceratops. Then the effect of Soul-eating Oviraptor destroys 4-star or lower Dinosaur monsters on the field once per turn, and resurrects Dinosaur monsters in my graveyard."

"Destroy Microceratops II and revive Microceratops I."

Soul-eating Oviraptor obeyed the command, grabbed the Microceratops next to it, and mercilessly squeezed it into countless light points and dissipated. Then the blue soul in the hand of the Oviraptor absorbed the scattered light points and gradually changed its shape. It was the Microceratops that had just been squeezed to death. It's just Unit 1.

"The effect of the Ceratops, Special Summon the Scrap Raptor from the deck." Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at the card image of the Scrap Raptor. Unlike the Gray Flowing Beauty, there was no gray mist on this card of the Adjustment Monster.

The small Velociraptor made of various scrap metals suddenly emerged, making a hoarse roar, and stepped on the Ceratops into a small pancake as soon as it appeared on the field. Even Shadi couldn't help but change color when he heard the desperate scream of the Ceratops.

"The effect of the Ceratops, once per turn, destroy a monster on the field. In addition to the Normal Summon, you can add a Normal Summon of the 'Scrap' monster once. Then the effect of the Ceratops, Special Summon the Giant King Spinosaurus from the deck."

"Ang Ho Ho!!!" It was clearly the Spinosaurus card name, but it was actually Tyrannosaurus (Rex). The high-attack lower-level dinosaur that could blast the Thunder King and kill the skateboard appeared on the field and broke a huge tree, and roared at Shadi.

"Has the little horned dragon... left the field?" Facing the dinosaur coalition consisting of Jewelmon, Soul-eating Oviraptor, Scrap-stealing Dragon, and Giant King Spinosaurus, Xia Di looked solemn but slightly relieved. He could see that the little horned dragon was the core of Hoshimiya's dinosaur army. As long as it was destroyed, the powerful dinosaurs in the deck could be mobilized continuously. But now that the troublesome little horned dragon has left the field, which is the so-called "disconnection of monsters". Next, we just need to find a way to get rid of this dinosaur coalition...

At this time, Hoshimiya was studying where the extra deck was. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find it, so she had to wave her hand tentatively: "The summoning condition is 1 1-star monster other than a derivative. Use Jewelmon as the material, link summon--"

Jewelmon made a cute "wooo", and the whole beast turned into a white light. After the white light dissipated, Jewelmon was gone, replaced by an ugly monster in the extra monster area.

"Anima (Soul)!"

"This is..." He couldn't understand the unknown summoning method. In Shadi's long memory, the sacred ritual had never changed from beginning to end. The summoning methods were only normal summon, special summon, reverse summon and fusion summon. Moreover, the Anima was a monster that Pekas bred from the darkness in his heart with the power of the Millennium Eye. Its enhanced form was the Thousand-Eyed Anima. How could a card that Shadi didn't know about be born, and how could it be in the hands of Hoshimi Hitomi?

Ignoring Shadi, Hoshimi Hitomi slapped the card that popped out of the deck on the duel disk: "Send Anima and Giant King Spinosaurus on the field to the graveyard, and Possession Awakening-Devil Soul Beast can be special summoned from the deck." The rat demon with bat wings appeared from the sky, pierced through the bodies of Anima and Giant King Spinosaurus at a very fast speed, stayed on the field, and made a sharp hiss. This hiss seemed to awaken something, the ground bulged, and it seemed that something was about to break out of the ground.

"When using this effect to Special Summon, revive a monster of level 4 or less from my Graveyard, and its effect is negated. I revive a Ceratops."

"Oh no..." Xia Di's face changed slightly. The troublesome Ceratops was resurrected again. Although the effect was negated, the Ceratops activated its effect in the Graveyard. After the monster was sent from the field to the Graveyard, its status would be reset. This negation would not hinder the deployment of the dinosaur coalition at all.

"Then... the summoning conditions are two monsters including the 'Scrap' monster. Use Scrap Raptor and Demon Soul-Snatcher as materials to Link Summon, Scrap Pterosaur!" Hoshimi Tong exhaled slowly, talking too much. Before crossing over, when we were shuffling cards in the card shop, we were all card masters. We knew the effects by heart and didn't need to say so much. Basically, you g, I ash, you grave point, I sword point, and one side surrenders and starts the next game. Except when the two little golden men touch each other, they can stick stickers on each other for more than ten rounds, and the duel has entered an unknown area.

Scrap Dinosaur and Bat Wing Demon became the materials for Scrap Pterosaur. Before leaving, the Demon Soul Hunter slapped the Duel Disk with his tail, like repairing an old TV. The Duel Disk seemed to have crashed, and a card popped out of the deck.

"When the Demon Soul Hunter is sent from the field to the Graveyard, add the Possession Awakened in the deck to your hand." Hoshimiya didn't really want to put this card in, but it can add 1200 attack to the Divine Bow and can resist one more strange effect, so even though she is a frequent shooter, Hoshimiya still put it in the deck.

"The effect of Scrap Wing Dragon is activated. Once per turn, revive the Scrap Monster in my Graveyard. I revive Scrap Raptor." Scrap Wing Dragon, as the name suggests, is a pterosaur made of scrap iron. Its scrap dragon wings flapped and scattered a large number of scrap iron parts. These parts seemed to have their own consciousness, and they assembled and pieced together into the familiar Scrap Raptor.

"After that, choose a card on your field and destroy it. I destroy Scrap Raptor." Shadi, who was dizzy from the show, was confused again. Why did he destroy the revived monster?

I saw Scrap Wyvern bite the Scrap Raptor's neck and directly rip its head off. Fortunately, the broken part was scrap metal, otherwise the situation would become R18G.

"Self-row chain, C1 Scrap Wyvern, C2 Scrap Raptor. Chain reverse processing, when Scrap Raptor is destroyed by the effect of a Scrap Monster, add Scrap Chimera from the deck to your hand. The effect of Scrap Wyvern, when the face-up Scrap Monster on the field is destroyed, special summon a Scrap Monster from the deck. Special summon Scrap Raptor Unit 2."

I saw Scrap Wyvern put the dinosaur head that was torn off back to the broken part, and then the parts were really connected with a crackling combination. Then screws popped out of the joints of the Scrap Iron Dragon's body, and one of the screws happened to hit the Duel Disk. The Duel Disk also made a crackling noise, and a card popped out, which was the Scrap Iron Chimera. Fortunately, this was the Heart's Room projected by Hoshimi Hitomi's spirit, and the Duel Disk was in the real world, otherwise I would have to report it for repair. I don't know if this thing has a three-year warranty period.

"The effect of the Scrap Iron Pterosaur has a follow-up: After that, choose 1 card on the field to destroy. I destroy the Little Horned Dragon." As the voice fell, the screws in the Scrap Iron Dragon's body seemed to have been sprayed out. After another tooth-grinding sound, a large amount of scorching steam spewed out of its mouth, and then it happened to be right at the Little Horned Dragon - Namo San, the world of the dark card guys in the Dharma Ending Age, actually cold-blooded.

"The effect of the Little Horned Dragon, special summons the Hybrid Dinosaur of Illusion Creation." At this time, the game has entered the final stage, and all the terminals that will appear next are those with counters. And Shadi still didn't take any action, which means...

There are cards that can clear the field. Is it a foodie? Is it a drop? Could it be a night dragon lich? No matter what, Xing Jiantong can only continue to deploy. This deck... has no means to deal with the above cards.

"Level 4 Soul Eater Oviraptor Dragon, stacked with Level 4 Fantasy Hybrid Dinosaur. The summoning materials are 2 4-star monsters of the Dinosaur Clan, Xyz Summon! Evolution Emperor·Shoulong!" Xing Jiantong tried it and found that the Sky Punishment Dragon can be placed outside the area pointed by the arrow of the Scrap Iron Pterosaur, knowing that it is the latest Master 2020.

The earth cracked. The scorching magma rushed straight into the sky. The pure white dinosaur with blue patterns swam in the magma, showing its strong and beautiful body. The existence that evolved to the end, the Sky Punishment Dragon-Evolution Emperor·Shoulong, roared violently at his enemy Shadi. The smell of sulfur in the air became stronger and stronger.

[Evolution Emperor·Shoulong]

[Race: Dinosaur][Rank: 4][Attribute: Fire]

[ATK: 2300][DEF: 1700]

"Xyz... Summon..." This is another summoning method that Xia Di had never heard of. However, although the opponent summoned a large number of monsters in the first round, he was not without a way to deal with it. Xia Di looked at the cards in his hand and thought calmly.

"Then activate the magic card, Ultimate Evolution Potion. Exclude the Giant King Spinosaurus and Soul Devilmon in the graveyard, and special summon a 7-star or higher Dinosaur monster from the deck regardless of the summoning conditions. Come on, Super Tech Blood God Pterosaur!" The huge body fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground. The dark figure spread its wings and opened its sharp beak covered with barbs. It was a huge pterodactyl.

[Super Tech Blood God Pterosaur]

[Race: Dinosaur] [Lv: 7] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 2700] [DEF: 2100]

"When the Giant King Spinosaurus is excluded, it can be Special Summoned. Then, use the Lv4 Tuning Monster Scrap Raptor to tune the Lv4 Giant King Spinosaurus! Synchro Summon, Lv8, Barrel Loading Ferocious Dragon!" The giant dragon wrapped in steel slowly landed. The pure white body and emerald green wings brought a different color to this violent land covered with sulfur. Cold and deadly.

This is another summoning method that Xia Di didn't know, but now he is no longer surprised.

"When the Ferocious Dragon is Synchro Summoned successfully, equip the Anima, the Demon of Sacrifice in the Graveyard as an Equipment Card and place 1 Barrel Counter. Then, according to the effect of Scrap Raptor, summon Scrap Chimaera from the hand card once in addition to the Normal Summon. The effect of Chimaera Special Summons Scrap Raptor from the Graveyard. The summoning conditions include 2 Tuner monsters, and use Scrap Raptor and Scrap Chimaera as materials to Link Summon. Crystal Technique - Inherit Fiberglass! Ahem!" The sulfur smell in the air was too strong, and Hoshimi Hitomi had been talking for too long, so her throat was a little sore. Fortunately, it was over. Whether she lived or died would depend on the next round.

"When Fiberglass Link Summon succeeds, I Special Summon the Tuner monster in my deck, PSY Frame Equipment·γ."

[Crystal Technique—Inherited Fiberglass]

[Race: Mechanical][LINK-2][Attribute: Water]

[ATK: 1500][Arrow: ♦ ♦]

[PSY Frame Equipment·γ]

[Race: Telekinesis][Lv: 2][Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 1000][DEF: 0]

At this time, on Hoshimi Hitomi's field, the Extra Monster Zone has Scrap Iron Wing Dragon, and the Main Monster Zones are Ferocious, Water Machine, PSY, Sky Punishment Dragon, and Blood God, all six zones are filled. Among them, Sky Punishment Dragon can counter the strange effect twice, Blood God can counter the magic trap once, and Ferocious has three counters, a total of 4 counters. Water Machine can pull an extra Formula Synchro in the opponent's main stage, and make a super awesome monster at the second speed. This is the end of this set of Dinosaur Jun.

It looks pretty awesome, but this involves a time priority issue: in the main phase of Shadi's turn, Shadi enjoys the priority of the time point. That is to say, at the end of the preparation phase, before Shadi activates the effect of the card, or before the normal summon, special summon, or cover card, Hoshimi Hitomi has no time to start the water machine to pull the car. This also leads to this seemingly fierce field - it will be easily solved by Hades Barrier Wave, Taboo Drop, Night Dragon Lich, Foodie, etc. This is also one of the reasons why the dinosaur exits the pie chart, although it is not the main reason.

"Finally, I activate the continuous magic, Possession Awakening. For each attribute on my field, the monster's attack power will increase by 300 points. I have four attributes of light, dark, water, and fire on my field, so the monster's attack power increases by 1200. Cover two cards, end." Hoshimi Hitomi ended her turn with a heavy heart, waiting for the final judgment.

[Scrap Pterosaur ATK: 1700→2900]

[Reloaded Barrel Ferocious Dragon ATK: 3000→4200]

[Super Top Tech Blood God Pterosaur ATK: 2700→3900]

[Evolution Emperor·Flying Dragon ATK: 2300→3500]

[Crystal Technique—Inherited Fiberglass ATK: 1500→2700]

[PSY Skeleton Equipment·γ ATK: 1000→2200]

“Ugh…this lineup…” A row of high-attack monsters put great pressure on Xia Di. Although they were spirits, his back was soaked with cold sweat. “But, if it’s just this level…there is still a way to deal with it.”

“My turn, draw a card!” Hoshimi’s eyes widened as she watched Xia Di put a card into the Magic Trap Area.

Is it a drop? Is it a barrier wave? Is it a card like the Absolute Magic Holy Barrier?

"Activate the magic card, Black Hole! Destroy all monsters on both sides' fields! Prana from another world, the sacred ritual cannot rely on powerful monsters alone!"

... You can't do it for me. Hoshimi Hitomi thought so. But her reaction was not slow at all. Before the black hole on the field was formed, she immediately said: "Link the effect of the Fierce Dragon. Remove one barrel indicator once per turn, and the activated effect is invalidated."

The giant dragon wrapped in steel flicked its tail lightly, and the black hole dissipated into nothingness.

"What? There is such an effect!?" Xia Di was extremely surprised. This is the strongest magic card that even the three mythical gods have to avoid.

I don't know what Xia Di is thinking, anyway, Hoshimi Hitomi started to operate immediately. If it can pass, most card groups will be crushed.

"Open another chain, and activate the effect of Water Machine. During the opponent's main phase, banish yourself and tune 1 Synchro Monster in the Extra Deck as a Synchro Summon. Banish Water Machine and Synchro Summon Formula Synchro!"

The crystal warrior turned into white light and dissipated, passing hope to the new warrior. This hope will turn into light and awaken the Ultimate God of Destruction in the divine realm.

"Special Summon during my turn?" Before Shadi could be surprised, he suddenly raised his head. An extremely terrifying existence is coming! It feels like the end of the world, and that elf is the natural enemy of all living things!

"When Formula Synchro Summon is successfully Synchro Summoned, draw a card. Open another chain, Formula Synchro Summon once with the material containing this card during the opponent's main phase." Hoshimi Hitomi raised her right hand suddenly, God of Destruction, come!

"Use the Lv2 Formula Synchro and the Lv2 PSY Frame Gear γ to double-tune the Lv8 Loading Barrel Ferocious Dragon!" The Formula Synchro transformed into a racing car, taking the PSY and the white barrel straight into the sky. Breaking the sound barrier, breaking the first cosmic speed, breaking the speed of light, and finally passing through the dimension, arriving at the majestic and ruined God's Domain. On the bronze throne, the Dragon King who killed gods and demons and became the supreme of heaven and earth opened his four scarlet eyes.

"The synchro materials are 2 tuner monsters + 1 non-tuner dragon-type dark synchro monster! Accelerate synchro!"

"Lv12, come on, the God of Destruction at the end of synchro——"

"Yanmo Dragon King, Red Lotus Demon, Er!"

It's Dinosaur Punch, great (

Actually, I'm not very satisfied with this paragraph. If you look closely, you can find a lot of logical collapse. This is indeed my fault. Originally, in the outline, the protagonist and Xia Di met this time. Xia Di was just an NPC who turned into a riddle man and gave a thousand-year key and ran away. But I suddenly wanted to play Dinosaur Punch halfway through writing, and I couldn't help it. By the time I noticed the problem, I had already finished writing (sad)

Forgive me, I still can't do anything

Also, how many times was the small horned dragon destroyed in this chapter?

Can you still count it now (full of annoyance)

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