I heard that Bekas' legs were shaking when he walked out of the hospital gate. I wonder how much medical expenses the medical insurance and insurance company can help him with, Amen (putting his hands together).

After that, Bekas went to find Kaiba, and then became a social animal to rush to finish the manuscript. I don't know if there will be a chance to hold a press conference like in the movie.

Bekas still has some skills. His inspiration can be said to be the highest among designers in the world, and he is superior to others. If there is a chance in the future, I can still think of a way to recruit him to work. The Duel Kingdom Island and the Bekas Castle on it are now owned by Hoshimi Hitomi. It was originally planned to be developed into a tourist attraction. If Bekas is willing to come...

He can sleep in the dungeon~ Trojans can live there, but not Bekas?

Hoshimi Hitomi talked to the fire dragon again and ended the inspection of the R\u0026D department.

After that, Hoshimi Hitomi and the secretary came to the big screen in the conference room and started communicating.

"Beep-beep-click!" The communication was connected. The other side seemed to be in a tent, and the canvas served as a wall to isolate it from the outside. A middle-aged male scholar in a white coat and glasses appeared on the screen.

"Boss, this is Tubaiin Shutan. As you said, the exploration machine shows that there are stable but huge energy fluctuations tens of thousands of meters underground!"

The scene began to shake, and it seemed that the excited researcher rushed out of the tent with a tablet.

"The team has explored 17 Nazca giant paintings, cats, flying carpets, etc., but nothing was found. But finally - the 18th giant painting, that is, the underground of the giant giant painting, there is indeed something hidden! Boss, is this all within your expectations? Perpetual motion machine, and my grand unified theory!?"

Shutan's excitement was beyond words. Originally, he was going to devote the rest of his life to science and complete his grand unified theory. But Hoshimi Hitomi's bid was too high, and she also told him that she had what he needed.

So with the mentality of doing a good job and leaving, he accepted Hoshimi Hitomi's invitation and joined Paradis's R\u0026D department... damn, card design department.

He wanted to quit on the spot, but his colleagues told him that the budget of this department alone was 87 million, which didn't seem like a place to make toys. So he stayed patiently.

Then Xing Jiantong said at the meeting that he wanted to build a perpetual motion machine, and Xiutan was no longer surprised - in his mind, Xing Jiantong had become a rich and willful fool.

Then Xing Jiantong asked him to take the team to study the Nazca giant paintings, and Xiutan packed up happily as if it was a public travel. Anyway, his grand unified theory was temporarily in a mess, so he just went out to relax and change his mindset.

No, he investigated 17 giant paintings, and of course he found nothing. Just when Xiutan thought it was still a formality at the 18th giant painting, the exploration equipment actually detected a huge, extremely huge energy reaction!

So Xiutan's mind instantly became active: Could it be that Xing Jiantong's seemingly stupid proposal actually has a deeper meaning? Is he actually a wise man?

If Hoshimi Hitomi knew what Shutan was thinking, she would definitely spit: This is called Clairvoyance EX!

At this time, the screen's perspective changed, as if the tablet was taken away by another person. A solemn young man's face appeared on the screen: "Boss, I'm Keith. Keith Hunter. There's a big guy below... There's an incredible guy."

"My partner, the electric boy... was so scared that he didn't dare to show his head."

"Is it as I expected... The rest of the giant paintings are probably fakes. Spiders, giants, killer whales, hummingbirds, lizards, monkeys, vultures... um, and red lotus demons. I'm afraid only these are the real ones..." Hoshimi Hitomi held her chin and pondered.

Now the perpetual motion machine Moment has not been born, and the wandering particles widely distributed around the world have not yet been activated to the extent that they can awaken the earthbound gods. Let Alai drug it? No, not so good. That's a god, and its value must be fully utilized.

But we can't just leave it alone. Theoretically, the Earthbound God will not wake up until nearly a hundred years in the future, but who knows if his arrival will cause any butterfly effect. He just killed a Dazi and laid out the whole earth, so he must not have the arrogant idea that everything is under control.

"Then, you try to explore and utilize it without stimulating that energy." Xing Jiantong decided on the work content of the Nazca team for a long time. With such a generous salary, he must use 996 to pay him back?

Cutting off the video communication, Xing Jiantong narrowed his eyes slightly. He couldn't just put all his eggs in one basket, so he had naturally taken the necessary insurance measures. The Shadow Animals had already lurked in the shadows of the two, and there was also a tough guy following them, just in case.

The Pick Up card pool in the system bar had been updated, and Xing Jiantong directly threw a free 100-link ticket to draw through it. Its name is-

"Alliance Cage"


The secretary accompanied Xing Jiantong on a tour and left by himself. Xing Jiantong walked into the elevator, took out a piece of dark green Orichalcum steel from his pocket, and put it in front of the display screen.

Without pressing any buttons, the elevator started running automatically, carrying Xing Jiantong back to the hidden windowless secret room. The same method was used to enter the same place, but the difference was that Xing Jiantong's identity was completely different from the last time he came.

The originally empty secret room was filled with various pipes and wires. The Oriha steel barrier on the wall was removed along with the wall, and densely packed designs that were completely incomprehensible were hung up. The pink-haired beast-eared girl was busy making final adjustments to the lantern-sized, temperature-controlled machine placed on the table in the center of the secret room.

Looking at the unrecognizable spherical object that was soaked in liquid and made of flesh and steel, Hoshimi Hitomi raised an eyebrow.

"Open your eyes, I am Sand...Hoshimi Hitomi."


If you want to do it, you can still do it. It will be updated at 2pm every day from now on. Seeing as how diligent I am, I shouldn’t be able to use recommended tickets, monthly tickets, blade rewards, etc.?

Speaking of which, why is "baldying" a sensitive word?

In addition, it has been maintained again, and it is still manually reviewed. I don’t know when you will be able to read this chapter, I am so stupid.

Yoyoyo, isn’t this a hedgehog cat? We haven’t seen each other for a few days, why are you like this?

Chapter 94 5 Here? Look at the residual value?

Darkness... darkness... is like the darkness before the birth of the world. It's like the nothingness after the destruction of the world.

Cold and silent, without any light, but without any evil either. Extreme and pure, this is...the world I long for...

who I am……


It started as a mild pain like an ant bite.

Then two, three... one hundred, two hundred... one thousand, ten thousand...

In the end, there was absolutely unbearable pain that seemed to tear apart the soul.

The pain drove me crazy, but in this darkness, I couldn't even commit suicide.

I can't think anymore. Get out of the darkness and silence.

I want to shout——


The shrill screams tore through the darkness.


The shrill screams resounded through the small and closed secret room, bringing with it waves of echoes.

"Grass (Gu Spark)!" Hoshimi Hitomi's legs shook in fright, and she almost tripped over the wires and pipes on the floor, "Is this a normal phenomenon?"

The high decibel level almost burst his eardrums.

"I don't know, I've never done anything like this before. Ask that evil summoner!" Kit pressed the beast's ears firmly, with a look of collapse on her face. Her hearing is much more sensitive than Hoshimi Hitomi, and the sonic attack just now almost sent her to the cemetery.

"Try it. Then the big shot who was soaked in a jar, do you still remember who I am?" Hoshimi Hitomi stretched out his hand and waved in front of the temperature-controlled machine, attracting the blank eyes of the things inside.

"It's over. Don't create a fool by devoting so much of my budget..."

"Hoshi...mi...Hitomi..." He murmured Hoshimi Hitomi's name as if it was a conditioned reflex. A little light flashed in the eyes of the thing, as if his IQ was starting to rise. "You are... Hoshimi Hitomi. I ...trusted...subordinates..."

Although it was soaked in nutrient solution, it seemed to be an unknown black technology. The nutrient solution did not affect the vocalization... It would be better to say that it didn't even have a throat. The ability to produce sound itself was already quite a black technology!

That half-flesh, half-mechanical thing was a human head! Because the Tianling Cap was completely blown away, it had to be filled with steel. Then, the damaged part of the brain was repaired using Alai Xiemen's spells and Kit Xiemen's techniques, plus black technology to Xiemen's supercomputer, and it could barely be used. Finally, nutrient solution is used to provide it with nutrients, and electricity provides it with energy.

The cult leader Dazi, transformed into a bald biological CPU, is online again!

"I...can't feel my body." Dazi's well-preserved eyes rolled, and he immediately realized that something was wrong with him. "I don't understand what happened...but it's strange. I don't have any doubts, curiosity or The feeling of fear.”

In the end, those heterochromatic eyes without any emotion stared firmly at Hoshimi Tong's face, as if he wanted to see something from them: "My last consciousness was that you suddenly appeared in the temple... You, did something to me."

It should have been a question, but his tone was calm and did not seem to be asking at all.

"Well... you said that I am your loyal subordinate, but in fact things are slightly different from what you imagined." Hoshimi Hitomi looked at Tatsu in the narrow machine and looked away with a slight guilt. Oh, the few consciences are also consciences!

"The real Dazi is dead. All the split souls and the main soul have been destroyed and reduced to ashes. Now you are just a biological CPU that has inherited Dazi's memory and way of thinking, has no emotions, and answers all my questions. ." Hoshimi Hitomi explained.

"...What...what." The biological CPU didn't seem to be able to understand the situation. He has obviously inherited Dazi's ten thousand years of wisdom, and is still directly connected to supercomputer... No, it's not so much that he doesn't understand, it's more of disbelief and disbelief.

"So, where to start... Yes, everything starts from that day when Barong went to find Peacock Dance..." So Xing Jiantong sat on the chair and told everything, his plan, his His actions, what he did, and his final gains are all narrated.

As a villain and a savior, it is normal for him to explain his evil and salvation plan to the villain, right?

As for the vague smile on his face, it is obvious that he is mocking the other person's low IQ or something... As long as the person being mocked is not angry, others can't say anything, right?

In short...Dazi was like a quiet listener, listening quietly to Hoshimi Hitomi's narration. I just occasionally interject a few words to ask for some details, and then say something like "that's how it is".

"...Finally, now I have the whole world in my hands. The world will dance according to my wishes and my plan, and go on the right path." Hoshimi Hitomi expressed his gratitude for what he has done during this time. He concluded that at the same time, he held his right hand emptyly, seeming to hold the entire earth.

Unfortunately, all he received was Kit's fox-like expression and two perfunctory symbolic claps of his hands.

"...Should I be angry? I should be furious and furious. I should distort my face and yell your name." Dazi said with a deadpan expression and a voice that had no fluctuation at all.

"Unfortunately, I can't do it. Even if I am like a puppet and have been played by you from the beginning, even if everything I have done so far is like a clown performing on the stage, even if the business of Pa Latis made all of it for your wedding dress, and I can’t feel a trace of anger.”

Hearing this, Hoshimi Hitomi sighed with regret: "I know. I wanted to tell you the whole story before blowing your head off with a gun. But I was too timid, and in the end I chose the safest option. This is the way to kill you while the pain of all your souls being destroyed is taken out and fed to the card spirit."

"You did the right thing. Even if it were me, I couldn't do it better than you." Dazi nodded in admiration, as if someone who died had nothing to do with him, "If I had to react, , I will activate the self-destruction mechanism in the temple as soon as possible to bury you and the nameless Pharaoh and others. "

"Ah, that. 'The more tightly integrated a spell is, the easier it is to be countered, because only a small section of it needs to be cut off to paralyze the entire flow of energy'... My elf asked me to bring this sentence to you. ." Xing Jiantong said calmly.

"...Really? You are...much better than me." Dazi nodded slightly, expressing his approval for killing his enemy. Without the interference of personal feelings, he can objectively examine himself and Hitomi Hoshimi from a higher perspective.

"Like you, I was committed to changing the world into what I wanted. But I failed again and again. Human greed and stupidity turned all my efforts into a sea of ​​fire."

"Initially, I tried to build a tower that would bring together children and scholars from all over the world. Unify the world's language, impart knowledge to them, and eliminate war from its roots. But I failed. Human beings who spoke different languages ​​dismissed me as a devil and believed in The non-existent god set the tower on fire."

"So, I tried to start from the perspective of faith, unify faith, and make people wholeheartedly do good. It was successful at first, the church was prosperous, people followed my teachings, and lived and worked in peace and contentment. But when I faked my death and escaped, the church I built deteriorated. Holy wars, tithes, indulgences...everything sprung up like mushrooms after rain. I failed again."

"Finally, I found that it is very difficult to persuade people to do good from a moral perspective. If people don't even have enough to eat, they will naturally not have the intention to improve their own moral level. So I called on the sea breeze and sent a ship from Europe to Ships from East Asia sailed to the New World, where the land is fertile, the natural resources are rich, and the native people are kind and hospitable. Then...well, I don’t need to say more, right?”

"Now that I think about it...I must have been in despair the moment the 'Scalp Order' was promulgated. Haha, humans can be so cruel to their own kind." Dazi twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to make a statement A smiling expression, "I'll wait and see whether your plan to change the world will succeed and how long your enthusiasm will last."

"I hope you won't become the next Dazi... No, if you fall, you will definitely not just make trouble like me. You will definitely turn the world upside down. I look forward to that day. Please let me watch the last scene of this world from the special seats.”

"Then you will be disappointed, that day will never come." Hoshimi Hitomi retorted, but she was a little unsure. Dazi's experience was really scary and scared him.

"Anyway, that topic has passed. I didn't create you just to chat with you. I have questions to ask you." Hoshimi Hitomi forcefully changed the subject.

"Ah, ask, tell me everything you know. That's how you set it up anyway." Da Zi nodded slightly, not knowing how he did it with only his head left.

"From the time when the Atlantis civilization survived 10,000 years ago to the present, you must have known about and even witnessed the war with your own eyes. That war was about 4,900 years ago." Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke. He became deeper, "Tell me, Quetzalcoatl, the red dragon, and the war between the Earthbound God."

"Tell me the cause, process and result of that war. And...the wandering star particles, the red dragon and the earth-bound god...what exactly are they?"

"And... have you heard of... Overlord, Light of Destruction, DARKNESS, Tragodia, Duel Dragon, Astral Realm, Balian, Thousand Lords, Tyrannosaurus Rex, G·O·D... …these names?”

Hearing this, Dazi did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked Hoshimi Hitomi up and down with a strange look in his eyes: "Is it...is that so? That's it. You are indeed very strange."

Before Xing Jiantong asked, Dazi's expression returned to a calmness like dead water. He said calmly: "A long time ago, I met a person who was completely different from you, but also very strange. He also had knowledge and information from nowhere, but at the same time was a strange person who was incompatible with the entire era and human civilization."

"His name, I remember it was..."

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