[ATK: 100][DEF: 2200]

"Isn't it Super Librarian..." Paradox showed a solemn expression. What on earth is Antinomi planning...

"The effect of Star Guardian is activated. Once per turn, when this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can add 1 [Technology] monster in the Graveyard to your hand. I will add Rhino to your hand."

After completing this series of operations, Antinomi turned his head and smiled at Yusei who looked hopeless: "Yusei, I know the strength of Water Machine Hundred Dragon better than anyone else. But even so, I will shine with my own brilliance."

"Watch it, Yusei, this is... the path I chose!"

"Antinomi..." Yusei murmured and called out the name of his teammate. He didn't know if it was an illusion or something, but he felt that Antinomi now seemed a little tall.

"Connect arrow confirmed! The summoning condition is to have at least 2 effect monsters tuned with [Technology]! Use the tuner monster Technology Star Guardian and LINK-2's Crystal Artifact - Inherited Fiberglass to set the connection mark!"

"Connect the circuit, build! This is the speed that can even surpass time! LINK-3, Technology Trident Thrower!"

A meteor flies across the long river of time. The javelin thrower who has surpassed the limit arrives at a speed that no one can match. That brilliance is exactly the realm of the top-level mirror and water!

[Technology Trident Thrower][Effect][Connect]

[Race: Mechanical][LINK-3][Attribute: Earth]

[ATK: 2200][Arrow: ♦↓♦]

"It's actually... a link monster in the [Technology] field!" Paradox was shocked. Is this Antinomian's new power?

"Only when Trident Thrower is successfully Link Summoned, select 1 [Tech] monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position on your field that this card is linked to."

"Nani!? Special Summon 3 at once!?"

"As a price, after this effect is activated, I cannot Special Summon unless I am a [Tech] monster until the end of the turn. Special Summon from your hand, Tech Rush Rhino! Special Summon from your deck, Tuner Monster, Tech Tank Larva! Special Summon from your graveyard, Synchro Tuner Monster, Tech Star Guardian!"

Following Antinom's command, the warrior threw the trident in his hand. The trident split into three in the air, turning into three meteors, falling on Antinom's field and becoming three monsters.

"Guh, Explosion Mode is also in my hand... Is the Trident Gunner coming!" Paradox couldn't help but grit his teeth. Trident Gunner/Explosion is a strong enemy, and he is not sure if he can handle it.

"And I haven't used a Normal Summon this turn! I summon, Psychic Reflector No. 2!"

The suspicious cultist who hid his face by running again appeared. The Trident Thrower's Own Self-Purging effect is limited to "Special Summon", while Normal Summon is not restricted. Now, Antinomi has a full 5 monsters on the field.

"Tsk... is it coming!"

"All at once! Use Lv1 Tuner monster Tank Larva to tune Lv4 Rhino! Synchro Summon, Lv5, Tech Element Super Librarian!"

"When Tank Larva is sent to the Graveyard as a Synchro Material of a [Tech Element] Synchro Monster, you can Special Summon 1 Lv1 Tech Element Token on my field."

"Use Lv1 Tuner monster Psychic Reflector to tune Lv1 Tech Element Token! Synchro Summon, Tech Element Swap Dragonfly! Draw 1 card due to the effect of Super Librarian!"

"Yousei, look, this is the path I've chosen - top-level Mirror Shisui, Triangle Accel Synchro!"



In the second year of Genhe, a gambler (full text recited)

Section 100 11 If you dare to be a single-card terminal, you must be prepared to be solved.

"Youxing, look, this is the path I choose - top-level Mingjing Shisui, triangular acceleration synchronization!"

"I understand the truth..." Youxing opened his mouth wide, "but why do you want to ride on the D wheel?"

Antinomiya, who climbed onto the car, had a matter-of-fact expression on his face: "Acceleration synchronization must be accelerated! Otherwise?"

"No, no, it can't be done! After all, the standard D wheel of the space-time patrol does not have that function at all-" Paradox was halfway through his words, and suddenly thought of something, his expression gradually turned into astonishment, "Hey, no way? Antinomiya, you bastard-"

"Well, I modified it. Illegal modification on the space-time black market. Hehehe☆~" Antinomiya raised his thumb and smiled widely. The white teeth reflected the light in the sun.

"...You are really a waste of talent to be a civil servant. You are more suitable for a biker than me." Uncle Pa was speechless.

"Alright, alright, clear the way! Get out of the way if you don't want to die!" Waving his hand to drive away the bodyguards and citizens who were watching, Antinomi stepped hard on the accelerator.

The D-wheel made a huge roar, and the illegally modified small Moment carried in it was instantly overloaded, and the planetary particles in the air became active to an incredible degree. Antinomi and his D-wheel rushed out like an arrow from a bow, like a meteor, and turned into a flash that disappeared into the sky!

"Top-level Mingjing Shisui! Use Lv5 Synchro Monster to adjust, Star Guardian, exchange dragonflies for Lv5 Synchro Monster Super Librarian and Lv2 Synchro Monster, and adjust the stars!"

Antinomi had left, but his words were transmitted to everyone at the scene through the agitated planetary particles.


Hoshimi Hitomi widened her eyes. All instruments were running at the highest power, and all cameras were shooting at the highest resolution! This was the highest-level Synchro Summoning demonstrated by the Future Man himself, which could greatly promote the research of his scientists!

"Remove the limiter, top star! Open the regulator, all through! Infinite power, break through time and space, open up the unknown world! GO! Triangle acceleration synchronization!!!"

Antinomiya's passionate shout broke through the distance and echoed in everyone's heart. At that moment, everyone seemed to see Antinomiya, driving the D wheel, charging towards the exploding supernova without hesitation!

At this moment, his figure was not like the current snake-headed lunatic, but as tall as the Antinomiya swallowed by the black hole in the original book.

Wrapped in the huge energy of the supernova, Antinomiya's speed broke through the limit, and the active wave value of the wandering particles increased like an explosion. A white light descended like a meteor, and it fell with a bang!

That was Antinomiya and his D wheel, and——

"COME ON! Lv12, technology attribute halberd gunner!!!"

With one foot on the ground, Antinomiya pointed his right hand to the sky and roared from his chest.

[Technology Halberd Cannoneer] [Effect] [Synchronize]

[Race: Mechanical] [Lv12] [Attribute: Earth]

[ATK: 4000] [DEF: 4000]

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!" The bodyguards and the onlookers applauded fiercely. Although they didn't know what was going on, they just applauded! Level 12, 4000 attack and defense, how awesome! Feel it with your heart! Feel it!

"Face up 2 cards, turn over!" After talking for a long time, Antinomi, who was refreshed, gave his turn to Hoshimi Hitomi.

At this time, Antinomi had 1 card in his hand. In the front field, there were Trident Thrower in the Extra Monster Zone and Halberd Cannoneer in the 3rd position of the Main Monster Zone. In the back field, there were 2 face-up cards, one of which was basically confirmed to be in Burst Mode, and the other was still unknown. There were a lot of cards in the graveyard, but there were no cards that could activate effects.

"Swish~ It's finally my turn." Hoshimi Hitomi passed the finished Coke to the bodyguard Cobra beside him. Antinomi still has 1 card in his hand, could it be a hand trap? However, due to the effect of Grave Finger activated in the previous round, the effect of Gray Flowing Beauty is invalid this round.

Trident Thrower provides the Halberd Cannon in the connection zone with resistance to taking objects. And the face-up burst mode can be activated at any time. In case the Halberd Cannon is in danger of leaving the field, he can also chain that effect to activate the burst mode, send the Halberd Cannon to the grave, and special summon the Halberd Cannon/Burst Body in the deck. Unless it is an effect that does not enter the chain, a foodie or something.

Then... the effect of the Halberd Cannon that can invalidate summons, special summons, and reverse summons is indeed very powerful, but there is no counter. And there is only one face-up card on Antinomi's field that could be a trap. Moreover, there may be stockings among the 5 cards in Crab Brother's hand.

Generally speaking, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with such a situation when the second hand encounters it. But sorry, even if your terminal is as strong as a ghost, you have to eat this one of mine...

"My turn, draw a card." Hoshimi Hitomi drew a card steadily with her right hand, glanced at it and added it to her hand. Then she shuffled the cards in her hand, picked a new one, and covered the monster area.

"Cover 1 monster inside. Is there a chain?" Hoshimi Hitomi asked calmly on the surface.

"Well, the halberd gunner is a powerful terminal that can invalidate the summon, reverse summon, and special summon of monsters, but it cannot invalidate the cover of monsters. If you use this trick, you can indeed keep the monster..." Paradox analyzed.

"But just defending can't break the dilemma. Let me see the strength of the duel king! I don't have a chain!" Antinomie smiled.

"Okay." Hoshimi Hitomi happily accepted the order.

"Super fusion."


Facing the fox-like expressions of the three people, Hoshimi Hitomi showed her hand card with an innocent face. It was a pseudo 4-speed clearing card, a great power that can fuse all dimensions, super fusion.

"Discard 1 card from hand as cost. Send the Fusion Material determined by the Fusion Monster from your or your opponent's field to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. Cannot activate the effects of Spells, Traps, or Monsters corresponding to the activation of this card." Paradox recited the effect of Super Fusion without any fluctuations in his tone.

"Discard the Contact with God's Avatar from my hand, and fuse the Shaddoll Lizard covered on my field with the Tech-type Halberd Cannoneer on Antinomi's field." Hoshimi Hitomi said lightly, "Let me explain for the time being, the monster covered on your field can be used as Fusion Material, after all, I know what it is."

In the speechless eyes of the crowd, the great power that can merge the twelve dimensions into one and create a new one revealed its grand corner. The hole opened like a black hole, and the terrifying attraction even made people feel that the space was torn apart.

Under this terrifying power, even the 12-star synchro monster Halberd Gunner had no power to resist and was pulled into it and decomposed into pure attribute energy.

"The Halberd Gunner is a ground attribute, which is really a big help. If it was water, wind or fire, I really couldn't eat it." Hoshimi Hitomi raised her right hand high, "Shadow-bound starlight warrior, warrior who exceeds the speed of light, merge into one under the action of great power and become two souls entangled with each other!"

"Fusion Summon, God Shadow I·Shekinaga!"

The shadow-fallen giant wanted to subvert the world, and the shell of order, which had not yet crashed, imprisoned the giant with itself as a cage. The two souls, a pair of giants, wrestled with each other and suppressed each other, so the world gained a brief stability. But this peace is just a precursor to a huge darkness - that being said, let's just leave it alone for now.

The hidden shell killer materialism used itself as a cage to imprison the God Shadow I Nephilim. And Nephilim used his own silk thread to try to manipulate materialism. The two behemoths restrained each other, and neither could do anything to the other, resulting in a decrease in attack power.

[Divine Shadow Shekinaga] [Effect] [Fusion]

[Race: Mechanical] [Lv10] [Attribute: Earth]

[ATK: 2600] [DEF: 3000]

"My Trident Cannon..." Antinomi's tone was a bit gnashing, but more helpless, "The [Technology] Synchro Monster in the area where Trident Cannon is connected cannot be the target of the opponent's card effect, but Super Fusion is a fusion without a target, so Trident Cannon cannot stop it..."

"When Trident Cannon is sent from the field to the Graveyard, target 1 [Technology] monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon that monster. I Special Summon Trident Cannon itself... That's impossible." Antinomi sighed and regained his spirits.

"Jifang Gunner cannot be Special Summoned without Synchro Summoning. I target Star Guardian in the Graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position!"

"But this will make that Explosion Mode card useless. Chain Star Guardian's effect to activate the effect of Shaddoll Lizard sent to the Graveyard as Fusion Material. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, send Shadow Wings Venti from your deck to the Graveyard."

The shadow under Hoshimi Hitomi's feet twisted and squirmed, stretching out countless dark purple threads, and pulled a card out of the deck on the storage board. It was Venti.

Then the chain was reversed, and a monster that looked like Antinomi appeared on his field again, half-crouching to protect Antinomi behind him.

"Star Guardian's effect, if this card is Special Summoned successfully, add 1 [Tech] monster from the Graveyard to your hand. I add Cyber ​​Magician to your hand."

You can use the effect of Shekinaga to counter it, but Hoshimi Hitomi no longer has a Shaddoll card in her hand, so she can't activate the effect of Shekinaga.

"Chain that effect, activate Venti's effect. When this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect, Special Summon Shadow Dragon from your deck in face-down Defense Position."

The Holy Chosen Girl of the Divine Tree sank into the shadows, and Shadow Dragon emerged from the shadows and covered them. Everything is just a coming and going, light and shadow, surface and inside.

Then Antinomi also added the Cybernetic Magician from the graveyard to his hand.

Hoshimi Hitomi picked out another card from his hand, and his development was not over yet: "Quick Attack Magic, Air Flame of the Brand. Show the Tragedy of the Death Prison Actor in your hand!"

This card was one of the cards refreshed in the last thirty minutes before the Abyss World View Pick Up Pool closed. Also refreshed were the Brand of He, the disciple who turned black into the teaching of the Death Prison, and the dragon that made Hoshimi Hitomi the best. Hoshimi Hitomi threw a ten-draw ticket and drew it.

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