"Haha, I knew it was that petty old man. He was angry that I hung up on him several times, so he deliberately disgusted me, right? Tell that old man that I will hang up on him again if he calls me next time."

Zhou Zhenggang? ? ?

The age difference between you two is almost 60 years, why are you more childish than the other.

Zhou Zhenggang didn't want to get entangled with Lu Bai on this matter. He couldn't afford to offend either of these two people, and it would be very difficult to be caught in the middle.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhenggang informed Lu Bai of another piece of news.

"Lu Bai called you today, actually there is another thing I want to tell you, it has something to do with you."

"It has something to do with me, who is it, could it be Shabin, he colluded with the enemy and sold out the country?"

"No, no, it has something to do with your life experience."

Lu Bai has been an orphan since he was a child. According to the village chief grandfather, he was abandoned on the edge of the village.


Actually, Lu Bai has no feelings for his biological parents. First, he has never seen his parents, so he has no feelings for them. Although they gave birth to him, they abandoned him in the end.

To put it bluntly, he was their mistake. They finally chose to abandon him. No matter what their difficulties were, he was abandoned. If it weren't for the kindness of the village chief who brought him back to Lujia Village, he would have become a corpse by now.

In addition, Lu Bai is a time traveler. It is really difficult for him to call a stranger his parents.

"Uncle Zhou, what is my life experience?"

"Yes, the National Security Bureau just received intelligence that your biological parents were found by the people of the United States. Now they have been taken to the United States. According to the information sent by the intelligence personnel, they have now become guests of honor in the United States. Everything is given to them. The United States requires them to have another child, and even proposed a reward of 1 billion beautiful coins for having a child."

Lu Bai? ? ?

After listening to Zhou Zhenggang's words, Lu Bai already understood what the Beautiful Country meant. He was so weird, maybe it was related to his genes, so they took great pains to help him find his biological parents, and then brought them to the Beautiful Country, hoping that these two middle-aged men and women could give birth to a child for them.

If this child can also be weird, then they don't have to be so afraid of Lu Bai in the future.

It's a beautiful idea.

But how is it possible?

He can be weird because he is a time traveler. Maybe he loaded the weird system when he traveled, but there may be a little error in the system, so there is only weirdness but no system.

Now the Beautiful Country wants to copy a weirdness, and it's a good thing they thought of it.

It can be seen that their Beautiful Country is also a bit exhausted.

Although Lu Bai has no feelings for his biological parents, he is still very curious about this man and woman who once got together.

"Uncle Zhou, do you know what kind of people those two are?"

"The National Security Bureau has investigated. They were still in high school when they were together. In fact, they were just two children. Then they accidentally got pregnant with you. The child was not sensible. She didn't dare to tell her family, so she gave birth to you secretly and abandoned you."

"Uh... they are quite precocious."

"It seems... a little."

"Is there any other news?"

"When they were both found, they were married and had children. However, when the United States offered extremely tempting conditions, they chose to divorce and followed the people from the United States."

"They didn't think of looking for me. After all, I have a little money now."

"The National Security Bureau investigated and said that the two people said at home that they wanted to find you, but later... they didn't dare."


"It is said on the Internet that you are a petty person and they are afraid of being retaliated by you."

"So they went to the United States?"


"What is the difference between their behavior and traitors? Why don't you arrest them?"

"Lu Bai, those are your biological parents."

" Then aren't you afraid that they will go to the United States and give birth to another weird person? "

"We are not really worried about this. We think it is abnormal for the Blue Star World to have someone as weird as you. It is absolutely impossible for a second one to appear. Even if there is one, it is your child. No one else can have this ability."

"Is that so? Director Zhou is so confident. From what I know about you, it is normal for you to kill people who can threaten the security of China. You can let them go."

"Haha, Lu Bai, look at what you said. How could we do such a thing? Okay, I won't hide it anymore. I will tell you the truth. Since you became weird, at least hundreds of thousands of people in China claim to be your biological parents, so we didn't take it seriously at all. Damn, I don't know how the spies from the United States are so lucky that they were found by them in an instant."

"Uncle Zhou, if you say so, I can believe it a little bit. Then what does your call to me mean today?"

"China has no other intentions. The higher-ups just want me to tell you about this matter. As for what to do, you decide for yourself. We will not interfere in this matter."

"Okay, I know. I will handle this myself, but there is one thing I need to talk to you about, Uncle Zhou. Uncle Zhou, you know me. I have told you so many times that I, Lu Baiyi, am not evil at all. Why do you always wish for it?"

Zhou Zhenggang? ? ?

No wonder the old man doesn't want to talk to you now. You are really annoying.


After hanging up Lu Bai's phone, Zhou Zhenggang called the old man.

"Leader, I just told Lu Bai about Lu Bai's parents."

"What does Lu Bai mean?"

"Lu Bai didn't say."

"Is there anything wrong with Lu Bai?"

"No, it's quite normal, and it's a bit surprising."

"Okay, I know about this. Don't worry about Lu Bai's parents. Let Lu Bai handle it himself, no matter what decision this kid makes."

"I understand, leader."

They may all think that Lu Bai will feel complicated when he suddenly knows that he has biological parents.

But in fact, he doesn't.

They had never seen each other since birth, and they had never raised Lu Bai for a day. How could he have any complicated feelings for them?

Not to mention that he was a time traveler.

If these two people did anything to harm China, Lu Bai would definitely not let them go, but since he knew they were not a threat, Lu Bai was too lazy to care.

They could abandon their wives and children for a better life, and there was nothing to say about such people.

Even for the sake of "Lu Bai"'s body, he would not do anything to them.

Of course, Lu Bai would not bother with the couple, but he still had to have a good chat with the United States.

"Hello, Mr. James, I am your good brother Lu Bai, do you still remember me?"

When James received Lu Bai's text message, he was having dinner with a couple with several senior executives and the patriarch of the Rothschild family.

Needless to say, the couple was "Lu Bai's" biological parents.

In fact, they hardly touched their chopsticks at the dinner table. They just kept watching the middle-aged couple in their forties eating vigorously at the table, secretly praising in their hearts: "They look alike, really alike, damn, too alike."

And they also passed the DNA comparison with Lu Bai, and these two people were confirmed to be Lu Bai's biological parents.

Now what they want in their hearts is to let this couple get pregnant with another child as soon as possible. When they raise this child, they don't have to be afraid of Lu Bai anymore.

No, not one child, but one child a year. By then, they will have dozens of Lu Bais. Even if these children are not as weird as Lu Bai, if dozens of children can be weird, then they don't have to be afraid of Lu Bai's weird thing anymore.

They thought a lot, but no one thought about what if the couple's children can't be weird?

In fact, they may have thought about it, but they didn't dare to think too much.

After all, it has only been a few months since Lu Bai's evil deeds began, and the entire Blue Star has been messed up by Lu Bai. If they really can't find a way to control Lu Bai, then Blue Star may really be named Lu in the future, which is terrible.

What is terrible is not the person, nor Lu Bai, but the evil thing that technology is powerless to resist.

In fact, the matter of bringing Lu Bai's parents to the United States was done very secretly, but no one expected that such a secret news could be spread.

At this time, James, who was at the dining table, received a text message from Lu Bai.

Lu Bai took the initiative to send me a text message?

The moment he saw this message, James' heartbeat stopped instantly.

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