I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 337: Dark void, and its relation towards infinity!

When the team headed to meet this proclaimed large fish, they had quite a few expectations regarding how their meeting would play out.

Their best guess was that such a fish would either prove cooperative, or hostile; either of those scenarios sounded reasonable.

But what they did not expect whatsoever, was to be covered in a whole load of tar, right after they passed through a snug tunnel!

Considering a few situations in the past, the couple of team members expected to turn into some powerful monsters now.

It clearly was a bad fate to be touched with tar, throughout most occasions at least.

That was why the team of two panicked, and tried to figure out where all these substances came from!

A second ago they were solely surrounded by various crystals, so the sudden appearance of tar was especially shocking.

They peeked around for a second or two, but couldn't quite find the reason behind this entrapment.

Timothy wiggled his fins a few times, and noticed that it was quite easy to move around.

It was because the tar here was far more liquid-like in comparison to what the team had seen before.

The texture of this tar was no different from slime, come to think of it. The only difference between it and water was the green colour and the slightly thicker density.

Dana picked up on these details as well, so she too sunk into quite a bit of confusion.

But since the slime itself was not forcing them towards any changes, they only saw it reasonable to swim around this area until they found cleaner waters.

The crystal fish seemed to have made a dash out of here, perhaps this sudden eruption of slime had spooked them in some way?

This fine stingray lady, dwelled towards a bit of anger right after she noticed the disappearance of their escorts.

Those odd fish didn't mention any tar whatsoever, so it almost seemed like they wanted to send these couple of stingrays to their death!

She was angered for a moment, but that rage swiftly faded thanks to a firm distraction!

They have swam away from the slime and entered clean waters. These friends were seemingly unscathed too, so the slime was one problem less to worry about.

As for what had distracted the couple of friends, it took little effort to put it into brief words.

Yet a whole series would be necessary just to describe the depths of this scene!

Their eyes captured a large fish, but the situation was far more advanced than that.

They did see a fish, but at the same time they didn't see any solid animal.

It was apparent that the creature in front of them was real and in one piece, but that term failed to live up to its name.

The fish in front of them, somehow separated and connected over and over ~ this procedure was in a constant loop!

This large thing circled and twisted around itself, and created quite an illusion.

Timothy thought that this was just a weird fish that was shaped like the number eight, but that number seemed horizontal. So necessarily this fish looked like the infinity sign!

As for Dana, she saw a solid representation of a fish. Perhaps she could see more clearly since all of her senses were heightened?

Regardless of the prime reason, the scene that their eyes were blessed with, was truly like nothing they have ever seen before.

The fish itself was around twenty meters wide, but no one could tell the exact measures.

As for this creature's actual colour, it seemed quite dark in shade.

And when that fact was paired with this species' continuous body-movements, the scene in front of them had little difference from a void.

Chances were that this thing actually was a void. It had no solid shade, illusion was one of the many things that it embraced, and its visual representation featured the infinity sign.

There was no true way to describe this creature, and the couple of stingrays were almost frightened to ask for details.

Timothy gave a small peek at the massive cavern they were surrounded with. It had to be at least one hundred meters wide!

And there undoubtedly were crystals in every portion of these walls, whom provided illumination.

Once either of them glanced down, they could see a massive pool of slime residing across the entire lower portions of this cavern.

This overall scene was quite beautiful, and these friends would need quite a while to comprehend its whole contents.

But the creature in front of them begged for attention. Although it spoke extremely slowly, it still managed to push its meaning through.

"You seek the source my dear friends, that I have picked up before you even knew what to look for." The creature recited.

It's tone was deeper than anything these stingrays have heard of before. But yet this same voice had an extremely smooth texture within, so no word could be labelled as gibberish.

Contrary to the topic of which this thing embraced, Timothy decided to question about an alarming matter.

"If you knew that we were coming for you, the hell did you poop on us for? I don't want to grow a pair of legs because of your tar, I'm a fish you know." The hero ranted.

"But my pool has only purified you, young one." The weird creature assured.

And then slowly described, "Both of you carried over ten diseases. They could have ended your lives in seven years or less; I cured you."

The hero was sceptical at first, but then he remembered the countless times he had been close to radiation.

So ultimately he figured that the diseases of which this creature talked about, could have been several variations of cancer.

So he found it fair to state, "Thank you... apologies for my doubts, lord big fish."

In this case he didn't want to be sarcastic whatsoever, and aimed to actually thank the creature in front of them, but that was the best label he could come up with.

"It's quite alright," The being excused, as anger was practically non-existent in its tone.

Afterwards this same weird animal aided to bring the main topic back, "So you seek the source of this tunnel? What can you do to show a sense of gratitude towards my help?"

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